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1、1My parents have always made me _ about myself, even when I was twelve.Afeeling well Bfeeling goodCfeel well Dfeel good解析句意:我的父母总是让我对我自己有良好的感觉,即使当我12岁的时候。固定结构make sb do sth表示“让干某事”,符合语境。答案D2Jenny hopes that Mr Smith will suggest a good way to have her written English _ in a short period.Aimproved Bi

2、mprovingCto improve improve解析考查使役动词have的用法。因为宾语written English与improve之间是被动关系,故选improved。B、D两项表示主动关系,故排除。句意:珍妮希望史密斯先生会提出一个好方法,使她的英语水平可以在短时间内得以提高。答案A3The farmers had the machine _ all day and night.Awork Bworking Cworked Dto work解析句意:农民们让这台机器整日整夜工作着。固定结构have sth/sb doing sth表示“让(使)一直做某事”。答案B4Happy bi

3、rthday, Alice!So you have _ twentyone already!Abecome Bturned Cgrown Dpassed解析turn表示“从某状态向对应状态的转化”,其后接不带冠词的名词。句意:艾丽丝,祝你生日快乐。你已经21岁了。become强调“变化后的持续性”;grow强调“(逐渐)变得”,均不符合语境。答案B5On hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine, she _ pale.Agot Bchanged Cwent Dappeared解析系动词go意为“变得”,往往表示“由好向坏的转变”。句意

4、:当听说矿难的消息后,她的脸变得苍白。系动词get意为“逐渐起来”,强调逐渐变化,不符合语境,故排除。答案C6Emergency line operators must always _ calm and make sure that they get all the information they need to send help.Agrow Bappear Cbecome Dstay解析句意:急诊热线的接线员们必须一直保持冷静,并确保得到他们所需的所有信息以便派出救助。A项grow和C项become都表示“变化”,与always意义不符合;appear作系动词,表示“好像,似乎”之意,

5、不符合题意。系动词stay意为“保持”,符合题意。答案D7Some adverts, like the environmental protection advertisements, _ to our conscience or desire to be worthy citizens.Aadapt Bappeal Cadopt Dadjust解析句意:一些广告,像环境保护的广告,能唤起我们成为值得尊敬的公民的良知或愿望。appeal to意为“唤起”,符合语意。adapt to和adjust to都意为“适应”;adopt意为“收养,领养;采用”,均不符合语境。答案B8The story

6、of the homeless orphan has _ sympathy from the public.Aaroused Brisen Craised Darisen解析句意:这个无家可归的孤儿的故事引起了公众的同情。arouse意为“引起,激起,唤醒”,符合语意。rise意为“上升,上涨”;raise意为“抬高,举起;饲养;提出;筹集”;arise意为“发生,产生”,均不符合语意,故排除。答案A9What should I do first?The instructions _ that you should mix flour with water carefully first.Ag

7、o Btell Cwrite Dsay解析考查动词的用法。句意:我应该先做什么?说明书上说你应该首先把水和面粉仔细地搅拌好。英语中表示“说明书上说或写着”时,通常要用say或read。例如:The board says/reads:Keep off the grass.牌子上写着:勿踏草地。答案D10She _ out of the window and _ the postman coming up the path.Asaw;looked Bwatched;noticedClooked;saw Dlooked;watched解析句意:她向窗外望去,看见邮递员正从小道上走来。第一个空表示看的

8、动作,故填looked;第二个空表示看的结果,意为“看见”,故填saw。答案C11Mrs Black told her children to _ for bones when they were eating fish.Alook on Blook intoClook up Dlook out解析句意:布莱克太太告诉她的孩子们在吃鱼时要小心鱼刺。look out for意为“小心,当心”,故选D项。look into意为“往里面看;调查”;look up意为“抬头看;查找”;look on意为“旁观”。答案D12We have to _ the wheat as soon as possib

9、le because a storm is on the way.Aget away Bget acrossCget through Dget in解析句意:暴风雨就要来了,我们得尽快地把麦子收起来。get in意为“收割;收获”,符合语意。get away“离开;去度假”;get across“使(某事)传播或为人理解”;get through“与某人(通过电话)联系”,均不符合语境。答案D13The students were told to _ their English before going abroad.Agive up Buse up Cpolish up Dend up解析考

10、查动词短语辨析。give up“放弃”;use up“用光”;polish up“提高,改善”;end up“结束”。句意:学生们被告知出国前要提高英语水平。根据句意可知,选C项。答案C14After a long journey across the whole country from north to south, they found themselves as well as their clothes _.Apicked out Bcalled outCmade out Dworn out解析考查动词短语。wear out既可指“衣服、鞋等的磨损”,又可指“人精疲力竭”。句意:经过

11、漫长的从北向南的全国旅行之后,他们发现自己精疲力竭,连衣服都磨破了。pick out“挑选出”;call out“叫出来”;make out“识别出,辨认出”。答案D15He worked hard before the college entrance examination, and it _.His dream to go to college came true.Ashowed off Bpaid offCput off Dtook off解析句意:在高考前他努力学习,他的勤奋奏效了,他实现了上大学的梦想。pay off意为“(计划等)取得成功”,符合句意。show off“炫耀”;put off“推迟”;take off“脱掉;起飞”。答案B


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