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1、Fun with English(8)Lesson 7葫芦岛小学刘 冬 梅Lesson 7 Book 8 教者姓名 刘冬梅 科目英语 教学对象 四年级 案例名称 快乐英语(一年级起点)第八册 Unit 2 Lesson 7 课 时 第1课时一、教材内容分析: 本课是辽师大版快乐英语(一年级起点)第八册第二单元第七课的第一课时。本单元以“Which is bigger?”为话题,谈论了多种事物之间的比较。本课是为讲解形容词比较级做的一节铺垫课,出现了许多反义词。对于四年级学生来说,反义词并不陌生,关键是能将其运用到实际生活中去,在轻松愉快的氛围中进行积极的语言交流,并能根据所学知识进行简单的对话

2、,从而达到培养学生综合语言运用能力的目的。二、学情分析: 小学四年级的学生和低年级学生相比具有比较强的自行探究的能力,学生在观察能力、思维能力、语言表达能力方面都有了较好的提高,有着强烈的好奇心。他们喜欢在自己的探究中获取知识,喜欢在玩中学,喜欢在想中学,喜欢在用中学。对周边的事物产生着浓厚的兴趣,有着强烈的学习愿望。喜欢受到表扬或赞美,喜欢发表自己的见解。三、教学目标: 1、知识与技能: 能听、说、读、写单词old, thick, thin, light, heavy,并理解词义。 分清并能运用几组反义词:tall-short, old-young, thick-thin, light-he

3、avy, big-small, long-short, old-new. 掌握句型 This book is thick. That book is thin. 并能结合生活实际进行拓展练习。2、过程与方法: 通过自主学习,小组合作学习的方式完成学习内容。 通过大量示范,能运用所学句型自主说句子。3、情感态度和价值观: 通过观察描述身边的事物,使学生更加热爱生活。 通过简单问题的创设,让学困生也感受到学习的乐趣,增强自信。 通过竞争机制,让学生感受到胜利的喜悦。四、教学重、难点分析: 1. 教学重点:Learn to say的课文及Try to use部分的短语和句子。要求学生在创设的情境中逐

4、步听、说、读、写四会单词,并能在句型中灵活地替换运用。 2. 教学难点:能正确使用反义词进行会话。五、教学策略: 充分做好课前准备,设计教学过程,在实施教学过中灵活运用,根据学情适当调整。 运用情景教学法,在英语课堂上创设真实自然的情景,使学生自然习得语言。 通过教师创设的课堂活动激发学生的学习积极性。六、教学准备: PPT 课件及录音机、磁带、文具盒、卡片等。 教材:Fun With English, StudentsBook8 七、教学过程: 教学过程 活 动 内 容 设计意图 Step 1 Warm-up. Step 2Presentation.Step 3Text TouchStep

5、4Practice.Step 5 ExtensionStep 6Quiz. Step 7Homework Greetings: T: Class begins! Stand up! Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Miss Liu. T:Nice to see you. Ss: Nice to see you, too. T: How are you today? Ss: Fine, thank you. And you? T: Im fine, too. Sit down, please. T: Today we are going to learn so

6、me interesting words, OK?Ss: OK.T: Look! Im tall. He is short. Im old. He is young. Im thin. He is fat. Chen Shuangs hair is long. Zhu Weis hair is short. Gao Congs pencil-box is big. Liu Lians pencil-box is small. Are the words interesting? Ss: Yes. T: Miss Lin and her students are going to learn s

7、ome interesting words, too. Listen to the tape and answer the question.Listen carefully and find the answer.1. Listen again twice and try to fill in the table according to the example:Miss LinstudentsthisbookthatbookJims bagLi Mings bagtallshort2. Students discuss the table in groups and then ask so

8、me representatives to answer. Read the answers together. Students read the text by themselves and find out words, phrases or sentences they dont understand. Students say one by one, the teacher writes them on the blackboard. Discuss the knowledge on the blackboard in groups and then have a show one

9、by one.1. The teacher concludes the knowledge and emphasizes the key sentences on the blackboard. Ask students to pay attention to this pair of opposite words “thick-thin”.2.3. 1. Look at pictures on the screen and guide students to make sentences after the example.4. T: Look at the apples. This app

10、le is big. This apple is small. Can you make sentences like me?5. 2. Discuss in groups, try to describe things around us with opposite words.6. 3. Return to the text. Read after the tape again and then students read in groups.7. 4. Do role plays.8. 5. Looking at the screen, students read the text to

11、gether. 6. Fill in the blanks.7. Do some exercise on the screen in the form of competition. (必答题+抢答题)“英”用自如:根据提示编对话Ask students to make up dialogues according to the text.达标检测:一、 根据汉语提示,补全单词。th n(瘦的) l gh t(轻的) ick (厚的) h vy(重的)二、翻译。一些有趣的单词 Let me try_三、写出下列形容词的反义词。thick_ light_ old_small_ fat_ long

12、_tall_ new_四、翻译句子。1. 这本书厚。那本书薄。 2我的包轻。李明的包重。 1. Describe things around you to your parents with opposite words. 2. Read the text after the tape, try to imitate the intonation. 课前互相问候,可以拉近师生之间的距离。通过实物的对比,激起学生对本课的学习兴趣,轻松自然的导入新课。听力练习,锻炼学生听的能力,同时对课文内容有初步的理解。二级问题以表格的形式呈现出来,直观、容易找出答案。讨论后不以小组的形式,而是以个人的形式进行汇报,给胆怯的孩子开口说英语的机会。看图说句子有助于锻炼学生的综合语言运用能力。通过图片辅助的大量对话练习,把本课的重、难句型简单化,学生容易掌握。不同难度的练习题可夯实学生的基础。让学生自由发挥,锻炼了学生的综合语言运用能力。达标检测能使教师很好地了解学生对知识的掌握情况,为以后教学打下了良好的基础。不同题型的设计能让学生对知识灵活掌握。让学生给家长描述身边的事物,既可让学生锻炼自己的口语表达能力,又能让家长看到学生的进步。


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