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1、调查报告,In order to provide better service for the students, our school canteen conducted a survey among 3,000 students last month. According to the survey, 54% of them are satisfied with the taste of the food while 32% of them think it needs improving. As for the environment, 75% of the students are c

2、ontent and 14% think there is still room for improvement. When it comes to service attitudes, 51% of the students are satisfied while 21% are not. The students suggest the canteen provide dinnerware for those who forget to bring their own.,conducted a survey,among,54% of,while,As for,When it comes t

3、o,51% of the students,According to the,survey,while,二、句式模板 1. 交代调查的时间、对象和主题的套语。 首先要向读者交待某人在什么时候在哪些人中就什么问题进行了调查。常用套语有: do/make/carry out/conduct a survey among.(人) about .(主题),2. 描述调查结果的套语。 From the table/According to the table , we can conclude (that) 根据上表, 我们可以得出如下结论. As is shown in the above table

4、, 如上表所示 The survey shows that.调查表明,3. 描述数据所反映的问题的套语。 在描述调查结果所反映出来的问题时, 我们可以用非限制性定语从句或分词短语来表达。如: (1) 30% of the students questioned say they think it better not to have physical exercise, which shows/ mirrors that在被调查的学生中, 有30%的人说, 他们认为最好不要进行体育锻炼。这表明, 这些学生缺乏保持健康的意识。,(2) Only seven percent of the stud

5、ents are interested in looking up new words in the dictionary, showing/ mirroring/ that . 只有7%的学生喜欢利用词典查生词, 这表明这些学生由于太懒, 宁愿老师包办一切。,1.注意审题, 转换图表。撰写调查报告时, 通常需要结合图表, 观察、对比调查数据, 并把调查结果和数据转换为文字表达, 并按写作内容给出的要点按顺序进行写作 。,技巧点拨,2.确定时态,规范全文。引出报告结果或数据时,或发表议论和个人观点时,通常用一般现在时。若出现具体的时间状语,如last year,next year, recen

6、tly等时,应恰当使用相应的时态。 3.变换表达,丰富语汇。调查报告中多出现相同内容的描述或分析,为避免重复,建议使用不同语言和句式表达同类信息。,(1) Last week, our school made a survey about what our life would be like in the future among 2,500 students. (2) Last week, a survey with the theme “What will our life be like in the future? ” was conducted among 2,500 studen

7、ts.,1. 上周,我们学校对2500个学生进行了一次关于“未来生活会怎样“的调查。,According to the survey, 75% of the students think that we will live a better life/ our life will be better in the future.,2. 根据调查,75%的学生认为未来生活会更好,They hold the view that with the improvement of medicine and technology, people can live a longer and more con

8、venient life. They share the opinion that the progress in medicine and technology will enable people to have a longer and more convenient life. They think that great progress will be made in medicine and technology, which will make people live a longer and more convenient life.,3.他们认为随着医学和科技的进步,人类可以

9、更长寿,生活更便利。,However, 18% of the students think that our future life will be worse because of the increasing population, seriously polluted environment and the lack of resources. On the contrary, 18% of the student hold the opposite (相反的) opinion that the future life will be worse, which is caused by

10、the increasing population, seriously polluted environment and the lack of resources.,4. 然而,18%的学生认为由于人口的增长,严重的环境污染和资源短缺会使未来生活会很糟糕,The rest of the students think that it is hard to predict the future life/ what the future life will be.,5. 剩余的7%认为未来难于预测。,1. according to the survey根据这次调查 2. carry out/c

11、onduct/ do/make a survey进行调查 3. as for how to至于怎样 4. account for/take up 50% 占50% 5. 70% of the girls 百分之七十的女生,相关短语,晨读背诵,6. rank the first place/rank first/be in the first place排在第一位 7. put in the second place把放在第二 8. 80% of the people surveyed 80% 被调查的人 9.when it comes to service attitude当谈到服务态度时 1

12、0. be in favor of支持/赞成 11. be against the opinion 发对 10. hold a belief that 持有观点,1. 上周我们就“谁是你的偶像”在2, 600人中进行了调查。 Last week, we did a survey among 2, 600 students on “Who Is Your Idol”. 2. 最近我们团委进行了一次调查, 其结果如下。 Recently our League Committee has carried out a survey, whose results are as follows.,相关句式

13、,3. 根据调查结果, 大约一半的学生有困难的时候会去找他们的同学或朋友。 According to the survey, about half of the students will go to their classmates or friends when in trouble. 4. 关于怎样用零花钱, 不同的人有不同的选择。 Different persons may have different choices on how to spend pocket money.,5. 最近的一项调查显示, 学生在学习方式上是各有差异的。 A recent survey suggests that students are different from each other in learning styles. 6. 正如调查所显示的那样, 酒后驾驶会导致严重事故。 As is shown in the survey, drunk driving may result in serious accidents.,


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