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1、陕飞二中九年级(上)英语导学案 班级 姓名 科目English课题Lesson 27 Planet Danny课型New lesson主备人Ms. Yu审核人Ms. Li授课人授课时间2014-11-学 习 目 标知识与能力:1.掌握词汇:certainly, unless, double2.接触词汇:telescope, solar, mystery3.掌握turn around/round,unless,double,sth. be (well) worth doing/n. ,even if,belong to的相关用法。过程与方法:通过自主学习完成相应任务,提出质疑并在课堂上大胆探究、

2、积极交流,巩固当堂知识,反馈学情。情感态度和价值观:热爱科学,勇于探索重点掌握turn around/round,unless,double,sth. be (well) worth doing/n. ,even if,belong to的相关用法。难点 掌握unless,sth. be (well) worth doing/n. ,even if的相关用法。学 习 流 程预习指导:1.根据单词表上所给音标,拼读本课新单词。2.完成THINK ABOUT IT!部分两个思考题。3.阅读课文,把握课文信息,回答问题。(Student Book, Ex. 1and 3 on Page 71)4.再

3、读课文,在文中勾画出重点单词、短语和句子,并结合语境猜测其含义。(1)短语从课文中找到下列短语: the solar system look through come out worth a try look for laugh at 用望远镜 在院子里 一个微小的光圈 在晚上 想要做某事 即使 belong to the Milky Way five hundred billion stars billions of (2)句子结合上下文翻译下列句子:1. What do you have there? 2. I told my father that we the solar system

4、. 我告诉爸爸我们 。 3. Try the other end.试试从另一边看。4. But I still see stars planets.但是我还是看不到恒星或行星。5. Maybe Brian and I can after supper. 我和Brian晚饭后会 。自主/合作探究:1. Danny turns the telescope around and looks through it again. turn around/round意为“调转方向;转身”。 e.g.) I turned around and saw him laughing. 考试前请把桌子调转方向。Pl

5、ease your desks before the exam. 2. I dont think you can find one unless you have a bigger telescope. unless为 词,意为 ,引导条件状语从句,相当于if not。 e.g.) Youll fail the exam unless you work hard. = Youll fail the exam you work hard. (湖北鄂州)-Well visit the Summer Palace there is a heavy rain tomorrow. -OK! Boatin

6、g on the lake must be great fun. A. unless B. since C. as soon as D. if 从以上例句中,我们可以看出unless和if用法类似,同样适用 原则。3. Actually, double the size of your house. double可作名词或形容词,意思是“两倍(的);双重(的)”。也可作动词,意思是“使加倍;是的两倍”。 e.g.) They bought a double bed. e.g.) The boss doubled the workers wages on Sunday. 星期天老板给了工人们双倍

7、的工资。 e.g.) Ten is the double of five.4. Well, its worth a try, even if I dont find a planet. worth adj. “价值为;值得”,主语为物。常用结构为: sth. + be worth + money和sth. + be worth + n./doing。 e.g.) Our English book is worth 10.53 yuan. 这个想法值得考虑。The idea is . 若表示“某事很/非常值得做”,修饰词用well,构成sth. be well worth doing结构。 ev

8、en if 为从属连词,引导让步状语从句,意为“即使”,其内容往往是假设性的;同义词组为even though,其内容往往是真实的,主要用来引出不利于主句情况的信息。 e.g.) Well stand by you even if you dont succeed. 即使你不成功,我们也会支持你。e.g.) He climbed a big tree even though his mother tried to stop him.5. belong to “属于”,后接名词或代词,无被动语态和进行时态。 e.g.) This book belongs to me. 他属于哪一组?Which group does he ? 当堂达标: Finish Ex.4 Page 71. 课后反思: 家长签字: 备注(教师复备栏及学生笔记) 备注(教师复备栏及学生笔记)备注(教师复备栏及学生笔记)备注(教师复备栏及学生笔记)


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