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1、 运运 行行 及及 维维 护护 手手 册册 Operation 同时装于尾轮的测速传感器对皮 带进行速度检测;被检测的重量信号及速度信号一同送入 6105P 积算器进 行微积分处理并显示以吨每小时为单位的瞬时流量及以吨为单位的累计量. 其内部调节器将实测瞬时流量信号值与经过通讯板来自于工控机的设定流 量值进行比较,并根据偏离大小输出相应的信号值,通过变频器改变电机转 速的快慢以改变给料量使之与设定值一致,从而完成恒定给料流量的控制. 累积量信号被送入工控机,实现设定给料总量达标停机功能。运输及计量均 在坚固的耐压腔体内进行.在输送及计量下部设有刮板式清扫装置,撒落料 及飞灰都能被清理到出煤口.

2、整个系统设有皮带跑偏报警,堵煤报警,断煤报 警,断链报警和腔内超温报警。机体外壳开有多个观察窗、照明灯,便于随 时观察机器运转情况。 Weighing pressure- tight belt coal feeder is used on the batching feeding of the power plant or coal feeding applications in other industries. The feeding process is a continuous belt feeding process. The feeder will feed the materia

3、ls from the customers feed hopper or other feed equipments and weigh the weight of the materials through the weighbridge. Meanwhile, the speed sensor in the tail roller measures the speed of the belt. The measured weight signals and speed signals are sent into the 6105P integrator together for the c

4、alculous calculation and the instantaneous flow rate in ton/hour unit and the totals in ton unit will be displayed. The inner adapter compares the measured instantaneous flow rate signal values with the preset flow rate values from the computer through the communication board, outputs the FF F5 5 55

5、 5 5 型 型 型耐 耐 耐压 压 压式 式 式称 称 称重 重 重给 给 给煤 煤 煤机 机机使用说明书 S S SAA Ai i iMM MO O O F55 O O Opp pe e err ra a at tti iio o onn n 皮带 秤一组作为称重托辊;托辊为钢面圆柱形,其表面为加工面,相对于托 辊轴的径向跳动减小,有利于计量;托辊两端装有向心球轴承,外侧为 迷宫式密封圈,适用于粉尘较大的场合. There are 4 groups of flat idlers on the receiving place of the machine to reduce the impa

6、ct of the material from the hopper to the belt. The idlers of the belt scale are taken as the weighing idlers. The idlers are steel cylindrical model, the surface is machined surface and reduce the circular run- out to the idler shaft, which is good for the measurement. There are annular ball bearin

7、g on both ends of the idler, the outer is labyrinth seal ring that are good for the application with dust. 3.胶带环形阻燃裙边胶带。既能够承受一定的温度,又防止了物料的 撒落。皮带张紧器采用螺旋张紧器,能很方便的调整皮带张力和纠 偏皮带。The belt is endless anti- flaming ripple belt with skirt webbing. It can bear a certain temperature and avoid the splashing of

8、the materials as well. The take- up device uses the screw take- up, which is easy to adjust the tension of the belt and corrects the run- off of the belt. 4.电子称重桥架采用全悬浮式,称重传感器精度高、稳定性能好,具有 FF F5 5 55 5 5 型 型 型耐 耐 耐压 压 压式 式 式称 称 称重 重 重给 给 给煤 煤 煤机 机机使用说明书 S S SAA Ai i iMM MO O O F55 O O Opp pe e err ra

9、 a at tti iio o onn n 给料机稳固于基础是首先考虑的. After connecting with feeding silo, some measures should be taken to reduce impact and vibration caused by silo discharging. Feeder fixing should be considered firstly. FF F5 5 55 5 5 型 型 型耐 耐 耐压 压 压式 式 式称 称 称重 重 重给 给 给煤 煤 煤机 机机使用说明书 S S SAA Ai i iMM MO O O F55

10、O O Opp pe e err ra a at tti iio o onn n 头尾轮及各托 辊上母线是否在同一平面内包括关键的称重托辊. Checking all the connecting parts to make sure that all parts are fastened, whether head tail roller and all idlers generatrix and the key weigh roller are in a same plane. 本机出厂时各润滑点(减速机除外)均已填充油脂,首次使用时不 须润滑. All the greas

11、e points(except for gear motor) should be greased before leaving factory, no grease needed for the first usage. 本机运行之前须给皮带施加予张力,注意在调整张力时尽量使皮 带两侧张力均衡;在皮带跑合期间其张力不要太大. Before operation, tension should be brought to belt, make sure that tension on both sides of belt is balanced. During period of

12、 belt running, its tension should not be too great. 在安装、调试及运行时防止异物对称重区的冲击和过载以免造成 称重传感器的损坏。Avoid impact on weighing area to protect loadcell from damaging and overload when installing, commissioning and operation. 1.7.2 电气部分Electrical section 接线前请详细参阅控制原理图、接线图及 6105B 仪表说明书,运 行之前仔细检查有无

13、短路和接错。Before wiring, please refer to control principle drawing, wiring drawing, and Model 6105B integrator manual. Before operation, check whether there is short circuit or wrong circuit. FF F5 5 55 5 5 型 型 型耐 耐 耐压 压 压式 式 式称 称 称重 重 重给 给 给煤 煤 煤机 机机使用说明书 S S SAA Ai i iMM MO O O F55 O O Opp pe e err ra

14、 a at tti iio o onn n 根据使用情况合理确定校准周期以确保计量精度,并做好校准后 的数据记录. Operate integrator correctly as per integrator manual. No changes can be made on integrator data. Define calibration period according to usage to assure measurement accuracy, meanwhile make data report after calibration. FF F5 5 55 5 5 型 型 型耐

15、 耐 耐压 压 压式 式 式称 称 称重 重 重给 给 给煤 煤 煤机 机机使用说明书 S S SAA Ai i iMM MO O O F55 O O Opp pe e err ra a at tti iio o onn n Turn the knob to “close” position, and then the outlet gate will be closed. 2.1.8 启动给煤机:在控制箱面板上按下“输送机启动”按钮,使继电器吸合,变频 器启动信号闭合,此时给煤机运行。 输送机运行指示灯点亮。在变频器操作面板上按 频率增大按钮使变频器输出频率增大,输出电压电流发生变化且现场电

16、机的转速也发 生相应变化; 在输送机运行过程中,要检查皮带是否跑偏,若跑偏要及时通过螺旋张 紧器对皮带进行跑偏校正。按下控制柜面板上停止按钮则输送机停止。 Start feeder: press conveyor start button on control box panel, relays is excited. The frequency inverter starts signal on, the feeder runs. The conveyor run indicator is on. Press frequency increase button on inverter con

17、trol box to increase the frequency output, the voltage and current output changes and the motor speed changes accordingly. During the operation of the feeder, its necessary to check whether the belt runs off. In case the belt runs off, the screw tension adjuster should be adjusted to correct the bel

18、t. Press conveyor stop buttonon control box panel to stop feeder. 2.1.9 启动清扫器:在控制箱上将清扫方式开关选择到手动位置,按下”清扫器启动” 按钮,接触器吸合,清扫电机得电,清扫器运行。 清扫器运行指示灯亮。 The Purging motor can be manually started and stopped from the control box. Set the purging mode selector switch on the control box to “Manual” position to st

19、art the purging motor. Press “purging Start” button from the operation panel to make the contactor pick up. At this time, the purging motor is energized to start operation. The Run light of the purging lights. FF F5 5 55 5 5 型 型 型耐 耐 耐压 压 压式 式 式称 称 称重 重 重给 给 给煤 煤 煤机 机机使用说明书 S S SAA Ai i iMM MO O O F

20、55 O O Opp pe e err ra a at tti iio o onn n 检查时须停止电源并减速器冷却 下来方能拆开油位塞检查油样和油位,然后酌情补充润滑油或更换. Oil level inspection should be done every six months. During oil sample and oil level inspection, the power must be shut down and after the reducer cools down. Fill or replace lubricating oil if necessary. 3.1.

21、2 油的更换:更换油时须停止电源并减速器冷却下来方能拆掉油位塞通 气阀/排气阀和排油塞将油全部排除;拧入排油塞通过通气孔注入新的油并 至油位塞要求位置,然后拧入油位塞,拧入通气塞和通气阀. Oil replacement: During oil replacement, the power must be shut down and after the reducer cools down, the oil level plug ventilation valve, exhaust valve and oil plug should be removed to empty the oil. S

22、crew the oil plug to fill new oil through the venthole to the required level and screw the oil level plug. Screw vent plug and vent valve. 3.1.3 润滑油:详见减速器使用说明书. Lubricant: To see the operation manual of reducer. 3.2 头尾轮用轴承头尾轮用轴承Bearing for Head 加脂时不宜使用过分的压力以免损坏密封装置;加注 油脂以新脂从轴承内部略有挤出为宜. Matters shoul

23、d be noted: use grease specified, avoid using various type of grease, which will cause deteriorate and then influence bearings operating. When adding grease, to protect seal unit from damaged, FF F5 5 55 5 5 型 型 型耐 耐 耐压 压 压式 式 式称 称 称重 重 重给 给 给煤 煤 煤机 机机使用说明书 S S SAA Ai i iMM MO O O F55 O O Opp pe e e

24、rr ra a at tti iio o onn n 必要时可更换During operating, operator should observe whether belt run off and belt tension, etc, to make sure belt runs normally, adjust the tail rollers tensioner to get a right tension, if necessary, replace the belt. 3.5 称重桥架称重桥架Weighing bridge 每一个月将秤架浮灰清理一次;并重点检查称重托辊运转是否灵活、

25、 称重托辊支架及整个秤体与机架固定螺拴是否松动酌情处理. Clean weight bridge once every month, check whether weighing idler runs flexible, whether weighing idler carriage and the whole scale as well as setscrews loose, any problem found, operator should take some measure promptly, to maintain weighing bridges normal operating.


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