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1、语法学习:分词(一)分词作定语一、现在分词作定语一)、观察下列短语中的现在分词/短语,总结其用法:a room facing the street, the lady whispering to your mother, a falling leave, a developing country, astonishing progress, a boring book 归纳总结:(一) 现在分词/短语在句中充当_语(二) 单个现在分词通常置于所修饰的名词的 _面。短语置于所修饰的名词的 _面。(三) 现在分词作定语的内涵:a. b.情绪情感的词表二、过去分词作定语(二)观察下列过去分词/短语,

2、总结其用法:polluted water, the affected person, the astonished people, the river polluted by the dirty water from London,people exposed to cholera, a fallen leaf, a developed country,a girl dressed in pink, those seated at the back,a stadium located in the city center二) 过去分词作定语的内涵:a. b.c.补充:1.系表结构不表动作而表状

3、态的短语有: be seated (坐); be located in, be lost in (埋头,专心); be absorbed in (全神贯注于); be caught in(遇上),be dressed in (穿着); be armed with, be equipped with, be provided with(装备), be furnished with(配备家具), be faced with(面对), be crowded with(挤满), be devoted to(致力于), be compared with(与比较)等, 如:1. the girl _(ab

4、sorb) in reading a novel 2. those _ (seat) at the back 3. a girl _(dress) in pink 4. a stadium _(locate) in the city center 5. a flat _(furnish) with furniture2. 不及物动词和连系动词没有被动式常考的有:rise, succeed, sink, appear, occur, arise(出现), happen(发生), remain(剩余) , belong to(属于), take place1. the _ (remain) mon

5、ey 2. the flowers _ (smell) sweet 3. the dumplings _ (taste) good 4. the house _(belong) to my uncle 5. the accident _(happen) last nightExercises:一、用现在分词或过去分词填空:1._(convince) evidence 2. a _(surprise) look3. a girl _(call) Mary 4. a girl _(call) herself Mary5. a country_(cover) a whole continent 6.

6、a temple_(cover) 1,000 square meters 7. a mountain_(cover) with snow8. the noise_(follow) the sudden burst of light 9. a teacher _ (follow) by some students10. a man _(face) the biggest challenge of his career11.a girl _(face) with difficulties and challenges12. an _(astonish) decision 13._(endanger

7、) species 14. the _(reserve) room15. students _(hold) the opposite view16. the_(underline) words 17.an _(entertain) story18. a play_(set in) Shanghai 19. the boy _ (lead) the way 20.the girl _(bite) by a dog 21. those _ (seat) at the back22. the expert_(refer to) in the e-mail23.the opening ceremony _(direct) by Zhang Yimou 24. the lady _(whisper) to your mother二、用分词写出下列词组:1. 莫言写的小说 2. 在书房写信的表妹 3. 通向花园的门 4.令人信服的例子 5.满意的笑容 6.惊恐的女孩 7.接触暴力场面的孩子 8.覆盖整个大陆的国家 9.划线的短语 10.预留的桌子 11.拥挤的大厅 12.令人震惊的场面 13.受邀到演唱会的客人 14.开水 15.被困的乘客


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