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1、ElementaryDifficultCustomer(B0001)A: Good evening. My name is Fabio, Ill be your waiter for tonight. May I take your order? B: No, Im still working on it. This menu is not even in English. Whats good here? A: For you sir, I would recommend spaghetti and meatballs. B: Does it come with coke and fries

2、? A:It comes with either soup or salad and a complimentary glass of wine, Sir. B: Ill go with the spaghetti and meatballs, salad and the wine. A: Excellent choice, your order will be ready soon. B: How soon is soon? A: Twenty minutes? B: You know what? Ill just go grab a burger across the street. El

3、ementaryCallingInSick(B0002)A: Hello, Daniel speaking, how may I help you? B: Hi, Daniel, Julie here. A: Hi, Julie, how are you? B: Actually, Im feeling quite ill today. A: Im sorry to hear that. Whats wrong? B: I think Im coming down with the flu. I have a headache, a sore throat a runny nose and I

4、m feeling slightly feverish. A: I see. so youre calling in sick? B: Yes, I was hoping to take the day off to recover. A: OK, then. Try and get some rest. ElementaryDailyLifeHotelUpgrade(C0003)A: Good afternoon. What can I do for you? B: Id like to check in please. I have a reservation under the name

5、 Anthony Roberts. A: All right R.O.B.E.R.T.S. Oh, Mr. Roberts weve been expecting you& and here is your keycard to the presidential suite. B: But there must be some mistake; my reservation was for a standard room. A: Are you sure? Let me double check. B: Yeah&Here, this is my confirmation number. A:

6、 Youre right Mr. Roberts, there seems to be a mixup, unfortunately were overbooked at the moment . B: So& A: Not to worry. Were pleased to offer you a complimentary upgrade. B: Presidential suite baby! ElementaryTheOfficeIneedanassistant!(C0004)A: .like I told you before, we just dont have the resou

7、rces to hire you an assistant. B: I understand that, but the fact is were understaffed. A: The timing is just not right. The economy is bad, and its too risky to take on new staff. B: Yeah, I guess youre right. heres an idea, what if we hire an intern? She would take some of the weight off my should

8、ers. A: She? B: Yeah, you know, a recent graduate. She could give me a hand with some of these projects and we could keep our costs down. A: That sounds reasonable. let me see what I can do. A: Tony, Id like to introduce you to your new assistant. B: OK, great! Lets meet her! C: Hi, Im Adam. B: Oh.

9、hi. Im Tony. ElementaryDailyLifeCutInLine(C0005)A: I cant believe it took us two hours to get here. The traffic in New York is unbelievable. B: Yeah, but just relax honey, were here and were going on vacation. In a few hours well be in Hawaii, and youll be on the golf course. A: Oh no!Look at that l

10、ine! It must be a mile long! Theres no way Im waiting for another two hours. B: Honey. dont. C: Hey man, the end of the line is over there. A: Yeah. C: No seriously, I was here first, and you cant cut in line like this. A: Says who? C: I do! A: So sue me! C: Alright.thats it. ElementaryTheWeekendRoa

11、dTrip(C0006)A: So, are we all ready to go? B: Yup, I think so. The cars packed; we have munchies and music, and the maps in the car. A: Did you get the camera? B: Got it! Did you fill up the tank? A: Yup, its all set. B: Youre sure were not forgetting anything? A: Im sure. weve got all our bases cov

12、ered. B: Well& lets get going then! I love road trips! B: Um. do you think we can make a pit stop? A: But weve only been on the road for ten minutes. B: I know, but I forgot to go to the bathroom before we left. ElementaryTheOfficeVirus!(C0007)A: Oh great! This stupid computer froze again! Thats the

13、 third time today! Hey Samuel, can you come take a look at my PC? Its acting up again. It must have a virus or something. B: Just give me a second; Ill be right up. B: I ran a virus scan on your computer, and it turns out that you have a lot of infected files! A: But Im quite careful when Im browsin

14、g the internet, I have no idea how I could have picked up a virus. B: Well, you have to make sure that your anti-virus software is updated regularly; yours wasnt up to date, thats probably what was causing your problems. A: Ok. Anything else? B: Yeah, try not to kick or hit the computer! A: Um yeah&

15、 Sorry about that. ElementaryDailyLifeWhatsyournameagain?(C0008)A: Nick! Hows it going? B: Oh, hey. A: What are you doing in this neighbourhood? Do you live around here? B: Actually, my office is right around the corner. A: It was great to meet you last week at the conference. I really enjoyed our c

16、onversation about foreign investment. B: Yeah, yeah, it was really interesting. You know, Im in a bit of a hurry, but heres my card. We should definitely meet up again and continue our discussion. A: Sure, you still have my contact details, right? B: You know what, this is really embarrassing, but y

17、our name has just slipped my mind. Can you remind me? A: Sure, my name is Ana Ferris. Dont worry about it; it happens to me all the time. Im terrible with names too. ElementaryTheWeekendSilenceplease!(C0009)A: Those people in front of us are making so much noise. Its so inconsiderate! B: Dont worry

18、about it; its not such a big deal. A: Oh. I cant hear a thing! Excuse me, can you keep it down? C: Sure, sorry bout that! A: Someones phone is ringing! B: Honey, I think its your phone. Did you forget to switch it off? A: Oh, no! Youre right. Thats so embarrassing! C: Do you mind keeping it down? Im

19、 trying to watch a movie here! ElementaryTheOfficeDrivingSales(C0010)A: All right, people. Were holding this meeting today because weve got to do something about our sales, and we need to do it NOW! I want concrete solutions. How do you intend to drive sales. Roger? B: Well, in fact, were the most e

20、xpensive in the market, so maybe we need to lower our prices to match the competitors? A: Lower our prices? Not very creative. Itll never fly with Swan. What kind of thinking is that? Geez. Anybody else have a better plan? Natalie? C: Um, perhaps, um, a sales promotion. Maybe a two-for-one offer, or

21、 something like that! A: What? Thats the same thing. Bad idea. Really bad idea. Dammit people come on! Think! The CEO will be here any minute. D: Do we have any ideas yet? C: Yes Mr. Swan, we were kind of considering a two-for- one offer to get more competitive. D: A two-for-one promotion? Hmm. I ki

22、nd of like the sound of that. It sounds like something we should consider. A: Yeah, exactly. Just what I was thinking! In fact, thats a brilliant idea! Im glad we thought of that. Very creative. ElementaryDailyLifeNewGuyinTown(C0011)A: Oh, I dont know if you heard, but someone moved into that old ho

23、use down the road. B: Yeah, I know. I met the owner of the house yesterday as he was moving in. His name is Armand. A: Really? Whats he like? You have to fill me in. B: Actually, hes a bit strange. I dont know. Ive got a bad feeling about him. A: Really? Why? B: Well, yesterday I brought over a hous

24、ewarming gift,but Armand started acting really weird, and then he practically kicked me out! I tried to, sort of, peek into his house, but everything was so dark inside that I couldnt really get a good look. A: Well, youll never guess what I saw this morning. A delivery truck pulled into his drivewa

25、y, and it dropped off a long, rectangular box. It almost looked like a coffin! B: You see! Why would he. C: Hello ladies. B: Ah, Armand! You scared the heck out of me! This is my friend Doris. C: A pleasure to meet you.If you are not doing anything tonight, I would like to have you both for dinner.I

26、 mean.I would like to have you both over for dinner. ElementaryDailyLifeCleaningtheHouse(C0012)A: Honey, the house is such a mess! I need you to help me tidy up a bit. My boss and her husband are coming over for dinner and the house needs to be spotless! B: Im in the middle of something right now. I

27、ll be there in a second. A: This cant wait! I need your help now! B: Alright, alright. Im coming. A: Ok, heres a list of chores we need to get done. Ill do the dishes and get all the groceries for tonight. You can sweep and mop the floors. Oh, and the furniture needs to be dusted. B: You know what,

28、I have to pick something up at the mall, so why dont you clean the floors and Ill go to the supermarket and get all the groceries. A: Sure thats fine. Here is the list of all the things you need to get. Dont forget anything! And can you pick up a bottle of wine on your way home? B: Hey, honey Im bac

29、k. Wow, the house looks really good! A: Great! Can you set the table? B: Just a sec Im just gonna vacuum this rug real fast A: Wait! Dont turn it on. ElementaryTheOfficeOutOfControlSpending(C0013)A: OK, so now the last point on our agenda. Jill, lets go over the profit and loss statement. B: Great.

30、Well, the main issue here, as you can see, is that our expenses are through the roof. A: Lets see. These numbers are off the charts! Whats going on here! B: Well, um, sir, the company expenditures on entertainment and travel are out of control. Look at these bills for example. Just this month weve p

31、aid over twenty thousand dollars for hotel charges! A: OK, thank you. Ill look into it. B: The list goes on and on. Here, this is a bill for five thousand dollars for spa treatments! A: Thank you; that will be all. Ill take care of it. B: Look at this one sir, eight thousand dollars were spent in on

32、e night at a place called ”Wild Things”?! A: OK, I get it! Thank you for your very thorough analysis! ElementaryIminDebt(B0014)A: Hello, Im here to see Mr. Corleone. B: Right this way, sir. C: Charlie! What can I do for you? B: Mr. Corlone, Im really sorry to trouble you, but I need your help. C: An

33、ything for you, Charlie! Your father was like a brother to me. B: Well, sir, you see, this recession has hit me pretty hard; I lost my job and Im in a lot of debt. C: I see. . . . . . B: Yeah, you know, Ive got credit card bills, car payments, Ive got to pay my mortgage; and on top of all that, I ha

34、ve to pay my sons college tuition. C: So youre asking for a loan. B: Well, I just thought maybe you could help me out. C: What? At a time like this? Im broke too, you know! Youre not the only one who has been hit by the recession! I lost half my money in the stock market crash! Go on! Get outa here!

35、 ElementaryDailyLifeImsorry,Iloveyou(C0015)A: Whoa, whoa, whats going on? Watch out! B: Hey, watch where youre going! A: Oh, no! Im so sorry! Are you all right? B: Oh.I dont know. A: I feel terrible, I really didnt mean to knock you over. My tire, just exploded, and I lost control of my bike. Really

36、, it was an accident. Please accept my apologies. B: Just let me try to stand up. SONG: Why do birds suddenly appear, every time you are near? A: Are you okay? B: Oh, wait a second, you seem really familiar, I think I know you from somewhere. A: Yeah, I think we have met somewhere before. Thats righ

37、t! We met at Aarons place last weekend! What a coincidence! But anyway, Im glad to see that youre not too badly hurt, and I should probably get going. I have a nine oclock meeting. B: Ouch! My ankle! I think its broken! You cant just leave me like this! Are you calling an ambulance? A: Nope, Im canc

38、eling my appointment so that I can stay here with you. SONG: Do you remember when we met? Thats the day I knew you were my pet. I wanna tell you how much I love you. ElementaryTurnlefthere!(B0016)A: Hurry up, get in. B: Im in, lets go! A: OK, make a left here. . . no wait, I meant make a right. Come

39、 on, speed up! B: Geez! Whats the rush? A: Dont worry about it, just drive. Oh, no, the light is about to change. . . step on it! B: Are you nuts! Im not going to run a red light! A: Whatever. Just turn right here. . . .The freeway will be packed at this hour. . . .lets take a side street. Go on! Ge

40、t out of our way! Move, move! B: Whats your problem! Geez. Having a fit is not going to help! A: Here, I know a short cut.just go down here, and well cut though Ashburn Heights. Lets go, lets go! Watch out for that lady! B: Im going as fast as I can! A: Yes! We made it. 5:58, just before the library

41、 closes. B: Youre such a geek! ElementaryHereComestheBride(B0017)A: I cant believe that Anthony is finally getting married! B: Yeah well its about time! Hes been living with his parents for 40 years! A: Dont be mean. Look here come the bridesmaids! Their dresses look beautiful! B: Who are those kids

42、 walking down the aisle? A: Thats the flower girl and the ring bearer. Im pretty sure theyre the grooms niece and nephew. Oh, they look so cute! B: I just hope the priest makes it quick. Im starving. I hope the foods good at the reception. A: Thats all you ever think about, food! Oh, I think the bri

43、des coming now! She looks gorgeous. Wait, whats she doing? Wheres she going? B: Oh great! Does this mean that the reception is canceled? ElementaryUpperIntermediateProtest!(D0018)A: This is Action 5 News reporter Sarah OConnell reporting live from Washington, D. C. where a protest has broken out. Th

44、ousands of angry citizens are protesting against the proposed bailout of the auto manufacturing industry! Sir, sir, Sarah OConnell, Action 5 news. Can you tell us whats happening? B: Yeah, yeah, were here because we feel this is an injustice! The financial irresponsibility of big business has to sto

45、p! Were there to show the government that we dont like the way that theyre spending our tax dollars! A: Sir but what exactly is making everyone so angry? B: Its an absolute outrage, Sarah, the US government wants to give 25 billion dollars of taxpayers money to the auto industry. These are companies

46、 that have been mismanaged and are now nearly bankrupt. A: I see. But, many supporters of the bailout argue that it could help save the jobs of millions of hardworking Americans. B: That maybe true, and I for one dont want to see anyone lose their job, but how can these CEOs ask for a bailout when t

47、heyre making millions of dollars? And then, they have the nerve to fly to Washington in private jets! This costs hundreds of thousands of dollars! And theyre asking for money! That is just not right! A: Good point. This is Sarah OConnell reporting live from Washington D. C., back to you, Tom. ElementaryTheWeekendChristmasChroniclesI(C0019)A: I hate wo


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