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1、八年级英语暑假专题如何做好单项选择题北师大版【本讲教育信息 】一 . 教学内容:暑假专题:如何做好单项选择题二 . 具体内容:“单项填空”的特点是知识面覆盖广,题型灵活,综合性强,语境微小等。常见的考点有名词,代词,冠词,形容词,副词,介词,连词,情态动词,非谓语动词,时态,语态和从句等。 做好单项填空题,其前提是要在复习中夯实自己的英语知识功底,解题的关键是把握语境和扣住重要信息词语的理解。答题时, 要认真理解题干及选项,运用自己所掌握的语言和语法知识去分析比较,从而正确作答。 解题的方法可以是凭语感直接判断法,比较辨别法,排除法,结构分析法,验证还原法等。1. 词汇考查类做这类题目, 一要

2、认真理解题意,二要运用同义词和近义词的知识进行比较,分析与判断。找出同义词:e.g. Would you please give me three more pencils?A. more than threeB. other threeC. three othersD. another three2. 直接考查基础语法知识这类题目在单项填空中占多数,凭所掌握的语法基础知识和语感就能选出正确答案。e.g. I have twoin my pencil-box.A. knifeB. knifesC. knivesD. a knifeThe teacher told us notin the su

3、n.A. readB. to readC. readsD. reading3. 语法项目兼考类有的语法题目不止考查一个项目,需要灵活运用自己所学的语法知识来进行综合理解,分析和判断,思维活动要从多个角度展开。e.g. My grandfather wantsaround the world because he enjoysnew places.A. traveling, seeingB. to travel, to seeC. to travel, seeingD. traveling, to see4. 整体理解类这类题目着重考查考生对句子整体理解的能力和逻辑思维的能力。解题时,要注意抓住

4、关键信息词语的理解,结合语境进行分析和判断。e.g. When you re learning English, use it,you ll lose it.A. butB. orC. thenD. and Would you like to go to the park with me, Susan? I d like to,you don t want to go alone.A. untilB. beforeC. ifD. after5. 固定搭配和习惯用语类很多动词与介词和副词, 名词与动词和介词的搭配用法, 还有习惯用语, 都是约定俗成的,解题时,要注意辨认不同的搭配和习惯用语在意义

5、和用法上的细微差异。Pleasethe stove after cooking, or it may be dangerous.A. turn onB. turn upC. turn downD. turn off6. 定势思维干扰类、1命题人利用定势思维的干扰来设置“陷阱” ,让粗心大意的同学上当失分。解题时,要注意克服定势思维的干扰,认真分析句子结构,正确题意,不要凭“想当然”来答题。I told you not to be late again, John,I?A. doB. didC. don t D. didn t三 .实践练习:1.Is thereold hotel ornew h

6、otel?A. a, anB. an, aC. a, aD. an, an2.Listen! Whoin the room?A. singsB. singC. singingD. is singing3.She often watches her sonwith his friends.A. playB. to playC. to playingD. plays4. do you like Chinese food? Very much.A. WhatB. WhyC. HowD. When5.He learns English byaloud.A. to readB. readingC. re

7、adsD. read6.We must be strictourselvesour work.A. in, withB. with, inC. in. inD. with, with7.Iwatch TVI finish my homework.A. won t, then B. shall, untilC. won t, untilD. will, since8.He doesn t think teenagersdrive.A. shouldn t be allowedB. should be allowed toC. should allowed toD. should be allow

8、ed9.I don t like this pair of trousers. Will you please show me?A. other pairB. another pairsC. the other onesD another pair10. We will start for Hangzhouthe morning of July 11.A. toB. inC. atD. on11. People must stopthe land, the sea and the air.A. polluteB. to polluteC. pollutingD. pollute12. Itoa

9、t the meeting.A. was told, sayB. told, talkC. was asked, speakD. asked, all13. Will you please keep the windows?A. openingB. openedC. openD. opens14. have you been to Australia? Only once.A. How oftenB. How many timesC. How longD. How soon15. The first lessonfor five minutes. Let s hurry.A. has star

10、tedB. has been onC. has heldD. has taken place16. Wu Dong won the boy srace in the sports meet.A. 100 metersB. 100-metersC. 100 meterD. 100-meter17. It s raining now. You d betterout.A. not to goB. don t go C. goD. not go18. She doesn t havemuch experience, so she doesn t knownext.、2A. when to do B.

11、 what to do C. how to do D. where to do 19. Would you like some milk in your tea? Yes, just.A. muchB. a littleC. a fewD. little20. John has hurt his leg. Really?A. Who said thatB. How did that happenC. What s wrong with himD. Why was he so wonderful21. There arecups.are over there. That s very kind

12、of you to tell me that.A. our, YoursB. yours, MineC. we, OurD. theirs, Your22.Thank you very muchlending the eraserme.A. for, atB. to, toC. for, toD. to, for23.The students in Grade Three are busythe exam now.A. got ready toB. to get ready forC. getting ready for D. getting ready for24. I ve finishe

13、d my homework. Whenyouit?A. have, finishedB. do, finishC. did, finishD. will, finish25.books mustfor the students.A. Many thousands of, be producedB. Thousands of, produceC. Any thousands, produceD. Thousands of , be produced26.In order to make the trees grow well, you should water them wellpossible

14、.A. as quickly asB. as quicklyC. as often asD. as often27.H e doesn t like it and I don t. like it,A. tooB. alsoC. eitherD. yet28.There isin this story. I don t like it.A. something interestingB. nothing interestingC. interesting somethingD. interesting nothing29.The kind of cake smells.A. wellB. go

15、odC. badlyD. greatly30.I m not sure if heto my party tomorrow.A. comesB. will comeC. comeD. to come31.I haveEnglish for three years and I beganJapanese last month.A. to learn, to learnB. learned, learnedC. learned, to learnD. to learn, learned32.This shirt is so nice, but ittoo much.A. paysB. takesC

16、. coatsD. spends33.Study hard,you re sure to have good results in the exam.A. butB. orC. andD. for34.He was bornthe night of January 1, 1998.A. atB. inC. onD. out35. Look at my car. It sthan yours. I don t think so.A. fastestB. more betterC. niceD. much more beautiful、336.terrible weather we ve been

17、 having these days!A. How aB. What aC. WhatD. How37.I findvery important to study English well.A. myselfB. thatC. thisD. it38. Who s Mr. Wang? He is one ofin our school.A. best teacherB. the best teachersC. good teacherD. the good teacher39.His fatherhim reading English an hour every morning.A. keep

18、sB. makesC. helpsD. lets40., could you tell me the way to the bank? Yes. Go straight and you ll find it.A. Hello.B. Excuse me.C. Hi.D. Sorry41.Some birdsto the south before winter.A. runB. swimC. walkD. flyth42.Thousands ofspectatorscametoShanghaitothe48 World Table TennisChampionships.A. seeB. noti

19、ceC. watchD. look43.I have many interesting books to.A. seeB. lookC. watchD. read44.I amduty this week.A. inB. atC. onD. for45.Miss Wang teachesmaths. She isfavorite teacher.A. us, ourB. we, oursC. our, usD. us, ours46.they are brothers, they don t look like each other at all.A. BecauseB. ThoughC. W

20、henD. As47.He doesn t feel likeanything today.A. to eatB. eatingC. eatD. eats48. day it is!A. What a fineB. What fineC. How fineD. How a fine49. Before 2008 we will finishthe Olympic Park.A. buildB. builtC. buildingD. to build50. The teacher asked usthe work on time.A. finishB. to finishC. finishedD

21、. finishes以上答案请见名师面授!【模拟试题】(答题时间: 20 分钟)1.Last week they held a party and they organized the party by _A. themB. theyC. themselvesD. their2.Do you enjoy _ the internet?A. usingB. useC. to useD. used3.“ I am a quiet boy. I can t stand _ in the room.”A. make noiseB. making noiseC. to make noiseD. made

22、 noise4.As a volunteer you _ work without payment.A. are expected toB. is expected toC. was supposed toD. are supposed、45. I won t go shopping with my friend if it _ tomorrow.A. rainsB. do esn t rainC. rainD. will rain6. It is difficult _ to study English.A. meB. for meC. of meD. to me7. So far I _

23、five countries and last week I _ Egypt.A. have visited, went toB. visited, went toC. visited, wentD. have visited, went8. I have _ finished my homework but I haven t cooked dinner _.A. yet, alreadyB. yet, yetC. already, yetD. already, already9. Have you _ the lock _ the door?A. put, onB. put, offC.

24、put, upD. put, away10. Which sign can you see on a box?A. Keep off the grassB. No smokingC. keep silentD. This side up11. Which program do you enjoy _ in your free time?A. watchB watchingC. seeD. seeing12. John can t stand _ in the countryside because he likes living in a modern life.A. liveB. to li

25、veC. livingD. lived13. Tom will travel around the world if he _ enough money.A. hasB. will haveC. doesn t have D. won t have14. It is interesting _ the story.A. for us listen toB. for us to listen toC. of us to listen toD. of us listen to15. I have _ three languages so far. Yesterday I _ a French co

26、urse.A. studied, takeB. studied, tookC. study, takeD. study, took16. She has _ gone to France. She hasn t come back _.A. already, yetB. already, alreadyC. yet, yetD yet, already17.“ _. Theold lock is broken.”A. Put the new lock on the doorB. Paint the wallC. Clean up the yardD. Replace the broken window18. To _ surprise, I have met him in Paris.A. meB. IC. myD. mine、5【试题答案】1 5 CABAA6 10 BACAD11 13 ABA14 18 BBAAC、6


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