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1、Module 7 My past life Unit2 I was born in Quincy.(阅读课,2课时)班别 第 组 姓名 【学习目标】1. 熟读并且记住本课新单词,固定短语和重要句型。2. 能读懂有关介绍家乡的文章。3. 能完成一篇以自己过去生活为话题的小短文。【教学重难点】一般过去时的用法;There be 句型的一般过去时【课前导学】一、单词拼写:浴室 卧室 花园 海岸 商店 厌烦的 舒服的 东部的 最近的 以前 昨天 二、自习课文,写出以下短语和句子。在的东海岸 美国的两位总统 参观他们的故居 起居室;客厅 做很棒 最后一次 在昆西有很多事情可做,那里有许多商店,有两家电影

2、院,还有足球俱乐部和篮球队。There were lots of things in Quincy,with many stores,two ,football clubs and too.将来有一天我会回去,我期待着再次见到我的朋友们。 Ill go back,and Im my friends again.【课堂导学】 一 、检查课前预习情况。(组长检查,教师检查)二、 引入:I was born in Quincy.从标题中理解本课的中心话题。1.Activity1,看图说话(用there be句子描述)。 2.用方框中的单词给图片做标记。 三、Activity3课文对话: 1.听录音仿

3、读(注意语音语速)2.(第一遍)Activity2, 快速阅读课文,选出正确的答案。3.(第二遍)仔细阅读课文,把段落和各段大意匹配起来。A.What Bettys house in Quincy was like.B. Two presidents were born in Quincy.C. Betty was happy in Quincy.D.Betty is looking forward to going back to Quincy.E.What there was behind Bettys house.Para.1 Para.2 Para.3 Para.4 Para.5 4.

4、第三次阅读课文,讨论并完成 Activity3后的练习,回答问题。 5.全班齐读/ 分角色朗读。【语言点导学】1.方位词:east(东方;东部的) west(西方;西部的) south(南方;南部的) north(北方;北部的) 与方位词常用的介词是in, on, to. 区别如下: 表示管辖范围内用in; 表示接壤用on; 表示相隔用to.(练一练) 用介词in, on, to填空Guangzhou is the south of China.Quincy is a town the east coast of America.Guangxi Province(省) is the west

5、of Hainan Province.2.There be句型的一般过去时态肯定句:There was/were+主语+其他否定句:There wasnt/werent+主语+其他一般疑问句:Was/Were there+主语+其他? 肯定回答:Yes, there was/were. 否定回答:No, there wasnt/werent.3.“There be+主语+to do ”句型意为“有某事要做”;(人) have sth. to do 某人有某事要做4.辨析boring, boredboring 表示“无聊的”,用来修饰事或物;bored表示“感到无聊的”,用来修饰人。例如:The

6、 movie is too .I dont like it. 那部电影很无聊。我不喜欢。5.“It +be+adj.+to do sth.”意为”做某事是的”其中It 是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式(练一练) We are students, so its important for us English well.A. learn B. learned C. to learn D. learning6.动词+back的词组go back 回去 come back回来 get back 回来;返回pay back 偿还 give back 归还 take back 取回;带回(练一练) 根

7、据汉语意思完成句子。 Lilys father will in three days. 莉莉的父亲会在三天后回去。7.look forward to 意为“期待;盼望”,后接名词或动名词做宾语。例如:Tom is in the sea again. 汤姆盼望着再次到海里游泳。【课堂训练】一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.There (be) lots of trees in the park last year.2.There are lots of things (do) in my hometown.3.There is a beautiful garden. Its great (play

8、)there.4.We are looking forward to (visit) the Disneyland.5.There were many (child) in the zoo yesterday. 6.The (live) room is very big.二、单项选择1.- Tonys first school in London? -No, it . A. Was; was B. Were; were C. Was; wasnt D. Were; werent2. There a living room,one bathroom and three bedrooms in m

9、y house before. A. is B.are C.was D.were3. Im sorry I cant go with you, because I have so much homework today. A. doing B.do C.to do D.to doing4. Beijing is the east of China. A. to B.in C.on D.at5. was difficult for me to fly the plane. A.Its B.It C.This D.That6. The foreign students like to stay in our school because everyone is to them. A. happily B.politely C.friendly D.rudely7. - was your first friend? -Bob. A. When B.How C.Who D.What 同步学习 P53: 二、用be动词的正确形式填空 三、单项选择 教学后记 2


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