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1、论文题目:网络化煤矿机械虚拟样机协同设计关键技术研究作者姓名:宋建东专业名称:机械设计及理论入学时间:2007 年 9 月研究方向:现代设计理论与方法指导教师:钟佩思职称:教授论文提交日期:2011 年 4 月论文答辩日期:2011 年 6 月 10 日授予学位日期:2011 年 6 月日KEY TECHNOLOGIES OF COLLABORATIVE DESIGN OF COALMACHINE VIRTUAL PROTOTYPE BASED ON NETWORKA Dissertation submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of th

2、e degree ofDOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYfromShandong University of Science and TechnologybySong JiandongSupervisor: Professor Zhong PeisiCollege of Mechanical and Electronic EngineeringApr 2011声明本人呈交给山东科技大学的这篇博士学位论文,除了所列参考文献和世所公认的文献外,全部是本人在导师指导下的研究成果。该论文资料尚没有呈交于其它任何学术机关作鉴定。博士生签名:日期:AFFIRMATIONI declare that

3、this dissertation, submitted in fulfillment of the requirementsfor the award of Doctor of Philosophy in Shandong University of Science andTechnology, is wholly my own work unless referenced of acknowledge. Thedocument has not been submitted for qualification at any other academicinstitute.Signature:

4、Date:山东科技大学博士学位论文摘要摘 要复杂产品具有结构复杂、知识含量大、研发周期长和组织管理复杂等特点,而复杂产品虚拟样机协同设计方法及其关键技术研究是提高产品开发创新能力的重要手段,是各种先进制造管理模式的重要支撑技术。本文以复杂产品煤矿机械虚拟样机协同设计为研究对象,对虚拟样机协同设计过程管理、冲突管理和协同仿真等关键技术进行了创新性研究,解决了煤矿机械虚拟样机协同设计中的一些关键问题。以虚拟样机协同设计过程管理、冲突管理和协同仿真等为主线,开展了下列主要研究工作:(1)通过研究煤矿机械的产品开发过程特点,结合并行工程、虚拟样机、协同设计与仿真等方法,建立基于并行工程的网络化煤矿机械


6、过程,建立基于知识的协同设计冲突解决集成框架,研究基于约束网络的协同设计方法,建立集成化的多学科协同设计管理系统框架。(4)研究基于并行工程思想的协同设计过程分析方法,并给出具体的实现方法和过程改进和重组的主要步骤,研究基于资源平衡的协同设计过程优化方法、基于 DSM的过程分析与优化方法和基于实例的过程重用方法,给出过程分析与优化、过程改进与重组之间的关系,建立复杂产品集成化多学科产品开发团队,研究多层次过程模型和多层次 DSM 视图的映射方法和基于 DSM 的过程分析与优化方法;采用遗传算法对产品开发过程的时间、成本和资源等进行多目标优化,提出基于 DSM 和遗传算法的多目标过程优化方法。山

7、东科技大学博士学位论文摘 要(5)通过论述复杂产品多学科协同仿真的常用方法,建立网络化复杂产品的多学科协同仿真体系结构,研究基于 HLA 的多学科协同仿真建模方法和多学科阶段式协同仿真建模过程方法和基于高层建模的模型库管理技术。(6)研究基于 PDM 的煤矿机械虚拟样机协同设计集成框架,分析系统结构各层的功能组成;分析网络化协同设计过程管理系统的使用过程,包括建立原有的液压支架开发过程、改进后的液压支架开发过程、可视化的过程建模与优化;以液压支架为例进行虚拟样机建模与仿真,包括三维虚拟样机建模、静力学分析、模态分析、运动学分析等,取得良好的应用效果。关键词:煤矿机械,虚拟样机,协同设计,过程管

8、理,冲突管理,过程分析,协同仿真山东科技大学博士学位论文摘 要ABSTRACTComplex products have the characteristics of complex structure, large number ofknowledge, long period of development cycle and complex organization structure. Themethod of complex product virtual prototype collaborative design and its key technologies arethe im

9、portant measures and the significant supporting technologies of all kinds of advancedmanufacturing management modes. This thesis takes complex product coal mine machineryvirtual prototype collaborative design as the research object, makes innovative research to thekey technologies of virtual prototy

10、pe collaborative design process management, conflictmanagement and collaborative simulation and resolves some pivotal questions during coalmine machinery virtual prototype collaborative design. Taking virtual prototype collaborativedesign process management and conflict management as the main line,

11、this thesis finishes thefollowing work:(1) Though the research of the characteristics of coal mine machinery productdevelopment process, according to concurrent engineering, virtual prototype, collaborativedesign and simulation, the framework of concurrent engineering based web coal minemachinery vi

12、rtual prototype collaborative design supporting system is built, the technologiesof process management, conflict management, process analysis, collaborative simulation areintegrated, which provides powerful support to the web coal mine machinery virtual prototypecollaborative design.(2) The definiti

13、on method of product development process and the decompositionmethod of design process are studied. The description model of concurrent productdevelopment process is created. The foundational composition and key technologies of virtualprototype product development process management system are analy

14、zed. Workflow basedmulti-view process modeling method is researched. The relation between the composition ofprocess management and model is analyzed. Rule based process executive method is studied.(3) The pivotal technologies of collaborative design conflict management system areanalyzed. The struct

15、ure of collaborative design conflict management system is founded. Caseand rule based collaborative design conflict management method is studied. Implementation山东科技大学博士学位论文摘 要structure of case and rule based collaborative design conflict solving supporting tool expertsystem is established. The chara

16、cteristics and foundational process of rule and case basedcollaborative design conflict management is studied. Integrated framework of knowledgebased collaborative design conflict solving is built. Constraint net based collaborative designmethod is studied. Framework of integrated multi-subject coll

17、aborative design management isbuilt.(4) Concurrent engineering thought based collaborative design process analysis methodis studied. The detailed implementation method and the main steps of process improving andreengineering are presented. Resource balance based collaborative design processoptimizat

18、ion method, DSM based process analysis and optimization method and case basedprocess reuse method are researched. The relation between process analysis and optimizationand process improving and reengineer is presented. Complex product integrated multi-subjectproduct development team is founded. The

19、method of multi-level process model and DSMview mapping method and DSM based process analysis and optimization is researched.Genetic algorithm is used to optimize the multi-object of the time, cost and resource duringthe product development. DSM and genetic algorithm based multi-object processoptimi

20、zation method is presented.(5) Though the discussion of complex product multi-subject collaborative simulationmethods, the framework of network complex product multi-subject collaborative simulation isconstructed. HLA based multi-subject collaborative simulation modeling method,multi-subject stage c

21、ollaborative simulation modeling method and high level modeling basedmodel library management technology are researched.(6) DSM based coal mine machinery virtual prototype collaborative design integratedframework is researched. The functional components of each of the level of system structureare an

22、alyzed, which include the formal development process of hydraulic support, theimproved development process of hydraulic support and virtual process modeling andoptimization. Virtual prototype modeling and simulation are carried, which takes hydraulicsupport as the example. The modeling and simulatio

23、n include 3D virtual prototype modeling,static analysis, modal analysis and kinematics analysis, which take good application effect.Keywords: Coal mine machinery, virtual prototype, collaborative design, processmanagement, conflict management, process analysis, collaborative simulation山东科技大学博士学位论文目录

24、目 录1绪 论 .研究背景 . 1研究目的与意义 . 2相关技术的国内外研究现状 . 2存在问题 . 17本文主要研究工作 . 172 网络化煤矿机械虚拟样机协同设计系统体系结构研究. 192.1引言 .系统体系结构 . 19主要关键技术 . 20本章小结 . 213 网络化煤矿机械虚拟样机协同设计过程管理方法研究. 223.1引言 .煤矿机械产品开发过程分析 . 22并行产品开发过程 . 26虚拟样机产品开发过程管理 . 27基于工作流的多视图过程建模 . 29基于规则的过程执行方法 . 32

25、本章小结 . 354 网络化煤矿机械虚拟样机协同设计冲突与约束管理方法研究. 374.1引言 . 374.协同设计冲突管理方法 . 37基于实例和基于规则的冲突解决 . 40协同设计约束管理方法 . 47集成化多学科协同设计管理方法 . 50本章小结 . 525 网络化煤矿机械虚拟样机协同设计过程分析与优化方法研究. 53山东科技大学博士学位论文目 录5.1引言 . 535.过程分析与重组方法 . 54过程分析与重组的实现 . 64基于 DSM 的多视图过程建模方法 . 70基于 DSM 的过程分析方法 . 73基于遗传算法的过程优化方

26、法 . 76本章小结 . 816 网络化煤矿机械虚拟样机协同仿真方法研究. 836.1引言 . 836.多学科协同仿真方法 . 83煤矿机械虚拟样机协同仿真体系结构 . 85基于 HLA 的多学科建模方法. 87基于 HLA 的多学科协同仿真建模过程. 92模型库管理方法 . 93本章小结 . 977 网络化煤矿机械虚拟样机协同设计支持系统实现. 987.1引言 . 987.基于 PDM 的煤矿机械虚拟样机协同设计集成框架 . 98协同设计过程管理系统 . 99冲突管理与约束管理系统 . 103液压支架虚拟样机建模与仿真 . 104本章小结 . 1078 结论与展望 . 1088.18.28.3全文总结 . 108主要创新点 . 109工作展望 . 110致 谢 . 111参考文献 . 112攻读博士学位期间从事科学研究及发表论文情况. 122山东科技大学博士学位论文Contents目 录1Introduction . 11.1 Research background . 11.2 Research purpose. 21.3 Reviews of related key technologie


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