动漫设计(Animation design).doc

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1、动漫设计(Animation design)1 OverviewThe animation design is through the concept of modern art and modern art practices of professional learning, cultivate students aesthetic appreciation ability, rational thinking and creation; can use 3D animation software tools for 3D animation art creation can comple

2、te the animation design, animation editing, animation and other creative tasks independently. Cultivating high quality and professional talents in the field of film and television animation.2 animation featuresAnimation industry has the following three characteristics: first, high input, high profit

3、s and high-risk. As a capital intensive industry, the cartoon image and shape the creative investment needs, the development of the source of the industrial chain industry affects the market share, good creative animation image and artistic appeal and sustained impact, consumers can lock the eye bal

4、l to get high profits; otherwise it will lose the market the initial investment, a huge business risk work not completed. Two is closely associated with science and technology, the demand for talent is large, high quality. Animation is the product of the development of network and digital technology

5、, animation works need more technical support, comprehensive talent demand at the same time for both art and technology capacity, in addition to the creative and technical personnel, the latter also require derivative products production and sales of the marketing personnel and other related profess

6、ionals. Three is the derivative product is many, the marketing cycle is long. There are many derivative products in the animation industry, which make the marketing cycle of the whole industry chain elongated and obtain great profits.Cartoon and animation as a form of expression, as a branch of plas

7、tic art, animation has been loved by people all over the world. From the early Disney Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck to the adaptation of Shakespeares the lion king, from the rich Japanese culture the Saint Seiya to the global audience of all the spirited away from 60s, hand drawn animation of the cla

8、ssic naotiangong to the integration of a large number of computer special effects Lotus Lantern these, lively and vivid and distinctive cartoon image with the unique artistic charm in different periods and regions have won great success.In recent years, with the continuous innovation of public art a

9、nd entertainment is becoming more and more diversified and digital effects technology, animation culture began to prosper with the new leap, the emergence of FLASH animation, 3D animation, holographic animation new animation form, has become the mainstream form of culture in different countries and

10、regions. The animation industry represented by cartoon, cartoon, animation, games and multimedia content products has rapidly improved in the global economy, and gradually become the pillar industry after the software industry. Until 2013, it has become an important pillar industry in many developed

11、 countries. In twenty-first Century, the animation industry will become one of the leading industries to guide the whole development of the knowledge-based economy in the world.3 design skillsAnimation design skills include:Preliminary planning - Animation Design of the preparatory work, planning th

12、e design works of the background, plot, etc.The original design based learning the most basic animation design, which involves drawing art, grasp the main object of the dark side and body form etc.Props and scene design props and scenes are integral to a complete design.Animation character design -

13、to master the proportion of characters, human structure and other content, and then give their ideas and ideas to design.Two dimensional animation design - two-dimensional animation design generally refers to Flash animation design.3D basic knowledge - understanding of the form of 3D and mastering t

14、he application of 3D software.3D props and scene design using 3D software to the original creation of 3D props and scenes.The role of three-dimensional animation production using 3D software and then the idea of making 3D character painting creation.Three dimensional animation special effects design

15、 - the use of 3D software animation, 3D animation software, 3Dsmax and Maya are common.4 design softwarebrief introductionAnimation design is divided into: 2D animation software, 3D animation software and web animation software.2d动漫软件包括: animo、retaspro、usanimation.3d动漫软件包括: 3dmax, maya、lightwave.网页动

16、漫软件包括: flash.3dmax3dmax美国autodesk公司的电脑三维模型制作和渲染软件, 该软件早期名为3ds, 因为类似dos年代, 需要记忆大量的命令, 由于使用不便, 后改为max, 图形化的操作界面, 使用更为方便.max历经v1.0,1.2,2.5,3.0,4.0,5.0 (未细分). 直至发展到9.0以上版本, 逐步完善了灯光、材质渲染, 模型和动画制作.广泛应用于建筑设计、三维动画、音视制作等各种静态、动态场景的模拟制作.mayamaya是美国autodesk公司出品的世界顶级的三维动画软件, 应用对象是专业的影视广告, 角色动画, 电影特技等.maya功能完善, 工

17、作灵活, 易学易用, 制作效率极高, 渲染真实感极强, 是电影级别的高端制作软件.其售价高昂, 声名显赫, 是制作者梦寐以求的制作工具, 掌握了maya, 会极大的提高制作效率和品质, 调节出仿真的角色动画, 渲染出电影一般的真实效果, 向世界顶级动画师迈进.animoanimo是英国cambridgeanimation公司开发的运行于sgio2工作站和windowsnt平台上的二维卡通动画制作系统, 它是世界上最受欢迎、使用最广泛的系统, 众所周知的动画片 、 、 等都是应用animo的成功典例.它具有面向动画师设计的工作界面, 扫描后的画稿保持了艺术家原始的线条, 它的快速上色工具提供了自

18、动上色和自动线条封闭功能, 并和颜色模型编辑器集成在一起提供了不受数目限制的颜色和调色板, 一个颜色模型可设置多个 色指定.它具有多种特技效果处理包括灯光、阴影、照相机镜头的推拉、背景虚化、水波等并可与二维、三维和实拍镜头进行合成.retas proretaspro是日本celsys株式会社开发的一套应用于普通pc和苹果机的专业二维动画制作系统, 它的出现, 迅速填补了pc机和苹果机上没有专业二维动画制作系统的空白.从1993年10月retas1.0版在日本问世以来, 直至retas4.1window95,98 & nt、mac版的制作成功, retaspro已占领了日本动画界80% 以上的市

19、场份额, 雄踞近四年日本动画软件销售额之冠.lightwave由美国newtek公司开发的lightwave3d是一款高性价比的三维动画制作软件, 它的功能非常强大, 是业界为数不多的几款重量级三维动画软件之一.lightwave3d从有趣的amiga开始, 发展到天的8.5版本, 已经成为一款功能非常强大的三维动画软件, 支持windows98 / nt / 2000 / me, macos9 / xp.被广泛应用在电影、电视、游戏、网页、广告、印刷、动画等各领域.它的操作简便, 易学易用, 在生物建模和角色动画方面功能异常强大; 基于光线跟踪、光能传递等技术的渲染模块, 令它的渲染品质几尽

20、完美.它以其优异性能倍受影视特效制作公司和游戏开发商的青睐.火爆一时的好莱坞大片titanic 中细致逼真的船体模型、redplanet中的电影特效以及恐龙危机2、生化危机 - 代号维洛尼卡等许多经典游戏均由lightwave3d开发制作完成.flashflash是一种创作工具, 设计人员和开发人员可使用它来创建演示文稿、应用程序和其它允许用户交互的内容.Flash can contain simple animations, video content, complex presentations and applications, and any content between them.

21、 Typically, the individual content units created using Flash are called applications, even though they may be just simple animations. You can also build Flash applications that include rich media by adding pictures, sounds, videos, and special effects.USAnimation worlds first 2D cartoon production s

22、ystem. With USanimation, youll get the industrys most powerful arsenal of weapons for your creations, giving you the freedom to create traditional cartoon techniques that cant be imagined. Easily combine 2D and 3D images. With many bit shots, the camera rotates, focuses, pushes, pulls, rolls, shakes

23、, and moves the camera to an unlimited range of color palettes and infinitely many layers. USanimation, the only fully innovative, interconnected composite system that can be modified at any level, immediately displays all layers of simulation results!Shading, special effects, and high light are all

24、 automatically colored, saving the entire process of 30%-40% time without losing any image quality. The USanimation system produces the most perfect hand drawn line that keeps all the artists brush strokes and lines. When the schedule stagnates for some reason, the non parallel synthesis speed and t

25、he production speed will give you the maximum degree of freedom.The best video compositing software that supports AdobeAfterEffects plugin and the worlds most famous 5D and plug-in ULTIMATTE plug-in is one of the compositing software based on process lines and animation curves. Very suitable for ani

26、mators working with Maya and Softimage3D software. In the film, high definition television, radio and television production has been widely used, it is the first 64 bit synthesis software on PC operating platform, supports 64 bit color depth correction of color, which is used SGI platform software s

27、ynthesis of unique technology, network engineering with RenderNode rendering it can be multi-threaded, multi task real-time rendering, network rendering mode and its width is too similar. It supports the image file format on the operating platform such as PC, SGI and so on. At least I havent found t

28、he file format that it cant import. Support Z channel *.rla image format file to support multi processor. Its one of the fastest and most efficient software Ive ever seen in compositing software.5 technical requirementsUnderstand the principles of animation, a variety of common role types, basic ani

29、mation rules. Learn the CharacterStudio system, the use of the Bone skeletal system, and the combination of CS with the skeleton and the Reactor. Master skinning techniques, weight allocation, and deformation methods. Add skeletal and full set of animation controls to the game characters. The produc

30、tion of regular and acyclic movements in games. Method for making facial animation. Common particle effects in the game, the production of special effects, learning dynamics system.Master the principle and techniques of animation, master and model of bone structure, skin technology, game production,

31、 expression animation, game production special effects, dynamic system, with independent character animation production.6 industry development1, buy your own animation copyright. Typical of the Japanese government. The Ministry of foreign affairs with official development assistance in 2 billion 400

32、 million yen cultural aid funds, to buy from the hands of cartoon animation producers play copyright, and the purchase of the animation film and television provided free of charge to developing countries play, which can not spend money to buy the rights to play the developing countries can also play

33、 the Japanese animation film the. But those of the developing countries, such a free lunch is only temporary, until the Japanese animation products rely on the formation, from free to low price to the normal price, this marketing strategy will be gradually implemented.2, protect intellectual propert

34、y rights. Copyright, image rights and other intellectual property rights are the core competitiveness of the animation industry. Only when the creative achievements are given strict legal protection can the mechanism of profit return be established, and the normal operation of the animation industry

35、 can be fundamentally maintained.3, promulgated and revised laws and regulations.The law provides a strong legal guarantee for the healthy development of the animation industry, and also makes some restrictions on some of the problems that appear easily in the operation of the animation industry.4,

36、the industry counseling. Some countries in the world carry out industrial guidance on animation enterprises through official or semi official organizations. In South Korea, cultural contents agency and Fuchuan Information Center, Seoul Cartoon Animation Center, the Korean game industry development i

37、nstitute are issued, from the creative, production and sales through-train business of animation industry guidance.5, the establishment of industrial information service system. Under the background of globalization, the massive, timely industry information is a necessary condition for a step of the

38、 animation business people, the establishment of industrial information service system, can consolidate the industrial advantages, continue to promote industrial development.6, strengthen infrastructure construction. The overseas government pays great attention to the construction of the animation i

39、ndustry infrastructure. The South Korean government has invested heavily in setting up comic museums and Korean Animation Studios. In order to provide a good hardware environment for the game industry, the Korean government has spared no effort in network construction.7, build incubation and exchang

40、e cooperation platform. In the background of market economy, it is the governments top priority for the animation enterprises to provide space for growth and development, and to help them improve their survival rate and market competitiveness. Therefore, it is very necessary for the government to se

41、t up the industrial Incubation Platform for the new animation enterprises. After the animation enterprise is hatched, it still needs wind and rain, see the world and grow in practice, which requires the government to set up a platform for exchange and cooperation.8. Setting up research and training

42、institutions. The cartoon industry is a new industry for most countries, the government and the industry generally lack of comprehensive understanding of the industry, especially for the specific mode of operation in the industrial operation, they are still in the exploratory stage and learning. In

43、order to avoid detours, some countries have set up corresponding research institutions to demonstrate the decision-making of the government and the industry, and to provide a scientific and systematic reference for them.9, the implementation of preferential tax policy for the animation industry. The

44、 animation enterprise for the development of animation products animation script compilation, animation training, image design, background design, animation design, storyboard, animation, film, line, color, image synthesis, music and audio, sound synthesis, editing, subtitling, compression transcodi

45、ng (network oriented animation, mobile phone animation format adaptation) services, the implementation of preferential policies on the yieldThe development of Chinas animation industry started relatively early and has a long history, but it is still in the initial stage, taking a broad view of the h

46、istory of Chinese animation. From 20s to twenty-first Century of last century had a glorious history of the page, but it is a pity not to form an industry in front of us, the development of Chinese animation can be traced back to last century in 20s, until now has been a long time.Since 2000 after b

47、reaking the planned economic system after several years of labor, Chinese market mechanism gradually active, Chinese animation gradually emerged gratifying ecological China animation, finally ushered in the spring of development, with the further rise of China first economy, the reform and opening u

48、p further deepen, some original ideas have been broken this makes the animation, China operation space for a more relaxed environment and market creation in the creation, so as to promote the rapid development of the domestic animation industry.With the further deepening of the reform and opening up

49、, a certain level of economic development, urgent need for industrial upgrading, change the mode of economic growth, and the state in the process of development policy also slowly inclined to some cultural and other emerging industries, to a great extent, also promoted the development of China domestic animation, th


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