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1、Unit 5 The Forbidden City.单项选择:1. Well have a meeting to discuss it _ the morning of May 15th.A. inB. onC. atD. during*2. Peter hardly had time for concerts at that time, _?A. wasn t heB. was heC. didn t heD.did he*3. You will go swimming this Saturday, wont you? _. I have to work this Saturday.A. Y

2、es, I willB. Yes, I wontC. No, I wontD. No, I will4. Your brother has washed all the clothes by himself, _?A. is heB. does heC. doesn t heD. hasn t he*5. You haven t changed your mind, _?A. do youB. are youC. have youD. did you*6. All the mobile phones must be _ during the meeting.A. kept fitB. kept

3、 quietC. kept offD. kept away7. His father makes a living driving a taxi.A. byB. withC. forD. through*8. Girls are usuallyof spiders and insects.A. sureB. terrifiedC. madeD. kinds*9. Children often make mistakesspelling.A. forB. inC. onD. at*10. Sixteen-year-oldsto watch this kind of movie because i

4、ts tooscary.A. should allowB. shouldn t be allowedC. should be allowedD. don t allow*11. Do you always spend lots of timeplaying computer games? No, but I spend much timemy homework.A. on; inB. on; onC. in; onD. in; in*12. Great changes _ in my hometown since 1980.A. have been taken placeB. took pla

5、ceC. have taken placeD. were taken place13. We shouldthe new words that we dont know how to spell.A. look forB. look afterC. look upD. look down*14. Did Tom and Jimplay the computer games?A. used toB. use toC. usedn t toD. use*15. Boys and girls, do you have any troublethe foreigners?A. to understan

6、dB. understandC. understandingD. understood*16. Joy won t go and Peter wont go ,_.A. tooB. alsoC. eitherD. neither17. What have you done _the bananas? I have given them away.A. atB. inC. withD. on18. The_ should be taken good care of. They are too young.A. two-year-oldB. two -year-oldsC. two -years-

7、oldD. two -year-old用心爱心专心child*19. Where is Miss Li? She is wanted on the phone.She isn t in the office. She _ to the hospital.A. has goneB. has beenC. wentD. goes*I 20. think _ vocabulary lists _ us a lot.A. make, helpB. making, helpsC. makes, helpingD. making, help* . 完形填空Five years ago, Rachel Lo

8、pez graduated from college with a degree (学位 ) inhistory. Today, she _21 for a large company. Now twenty-seven, Rachel takesclassestwicea week 22work.She islearningto use the computer program.“Ienjoyedcollege, 23my jobdoesntuse informationIlearnedwhen Iwas doingmy degree, ” Rachel says.“This course

9、is helping me to do my job better. In thefuture, I might go 24 to school and get an MBA.In the past, when students graduated from college and got a job, they usually25 studying.Today, lifelonglearningisbecomingmore26.IntheUnitedStates,peoplecan27toschoolintheirlatetwenties, thirtiesoreven older.They

10、 get a2 8degree.LikeRachel,many more aretakingtrainingcoursesto29 theirskills.With many classes now available (现成的 ) through the Internet, it is easier forpeople to get degrees or training by distance learning (远程学习 ). Mayumi Hosoya,who is forty, teaches Japanese at a college in New York.“Next semes

11、ter, Ill beteachingsome of my30usingthe Internet.Thisis31for me,” saysMayumi.“Atthemoment, I am takinga course tolearn how to teach thisway.” At the sametime, Mayumi s seventy-year-old mother and father are taking a distance learning32in Art History.“We love the subject,” says Mayumi s father,“and n

12、ow wecan study with people from all over the world. I never thought learning could bethis much fun!”()21. A. teachesB. worksC. livesD. studies()22. A. beforeB. afterC. atD. during()23. A. andB. orC. butD. so()24. A. downB. awayC. straightD. back()25. A. enjoyedB. stoppedC. finishedD.continued()26. A

13、. commonB. helpfulC. interestingD.attractive()27. A. comeB. getC. goD. return()28. A. higherB. betterC. mo re usefulD. moreimportant()29. A. receiveB. reviewC. improveD. change()30. A. classesB. gradesC. peopleD.classmates()31. A. unusualB. newC. hardD. strange()32. A.subjectB. schoolC. courseD. deg

14、ree用心爱心专心.阅读理解阅读下面 A、 B、 C 三篇短文,然后从其后各题所给的四个选项中选择最佳选项。*ASomeanimalscan be trainedto helphumans. For example,speciallytraineddogshelp blind people walk around the town safely. Some kinds of monkeys can be taughtthings too. They can learn how to help people who cant use their arms or legs.The monkeys

15、pick up the phone when it rings, carry shopping bags and do housework.In the wild, animals and humans are not usually friends, but there are a fewinteresting examples where they can work together. In Africa, the honeyguide birdworks with humans to find food. The bird likes to eat the grubs (幼虫 ) a t

16、ypeof insect that lives inside a beehive (蜂巢 , 蜂窝 ). It knows how to find beehivesbut itcantopen them and get the grubs.People liketo eat honey,but theyaren tverygood at findingbeehives,so the birdand the peoplehelpeach other.The birdflies to a beehive and people follow it. When the people open the

17、beehive and take the honey, they give the grubs to the bird.In Laguna in the south of Brazil, fishermen and dolphins work as a team. Theocean isn t very clean, so the fishermen cant see the fish. However, dolphinscan findthem easilyby usingsounds.When thedolphinsfinda largegroup offish,they make a n

18、oise totellthefishermen.Then thedolphinspush the fishtothebeach.The fishermen waitinthewater near thebeach and catcha lotoffishintheirnets.The fishermen s netsmake iteasierforthe dolphinstocatchfish too.In Laguna,fishermenand dolphinshave been workingtogetherformany years.The fishermenteachtheir chi

19、ldren how to work with the dolphins. The dolphins must be happy to helpbecause they teach their babies how to work with the humans!33. How do some dogs help people?A. They help people who cant walk.B. They help people who cant see.C. They help people who cant hear.D. They help people who can t carry

20、 things.34. Honeyguide birds help people_.A. find grubsB. find honeyC. open beehivesD. make honey35. How do dolphins help fishermen?用心爱心专心A. They make sounds to send the fish away.B. They make sounds and then eat the fish.C. They make sounds and then push the fish to the beach.D. They make sounds to

21、 make the fish jump into the nets.36. What is the main idea of this article?A. Animals are our friends.B. Some animals can help people.C. Animals are born to help people.D. Any kind of animals can work with humans.*BIt s easy to make your own Internet page. The easiest way is to use a special progra

22、mme called a “web editor ( 编辑 ) ”. You can find these programmes on the Internet.First think about some things to put on your Internet page by looking at otherpeople s pages. You need to put your Internet page on a bigger computer called a“host ” which stores the pagesso that other people can seethe

23、m. These computersareowned by specialInternetcompanies.Our programme may be ableto help you finda host computer which you can use for free, but some companies will charge (收费 )money for this.To make your Internet page, start up the programme and write some text in thewindow, then use the signs you c

24、an see on the computer to put in pictures and makethe text larger or smaller, and change the way your page looks. You can also putphotos on your Internet page. First, you need to put the photo in your computer,then use your mouse to move the photo to the place you want it. Choose the correctsign for

25、 putting photos onto the page, then find the name of your photo in yourcomputer. When youve foundit,choosethat one withyourmouse and putyourphotoon your Internet page.You can also putsignson your Internetpage tojoinittootherpeople s pages.Visitors to your page can follow these signs to find out more

26、 about a subject. Forexample, if your page includes some information about Jackie Chen, you could puton a sign that takes you to the page for his fan club.Whenyou have completedyourInternetpage, you can putiton theInternet.Afteryou put your page on the Internet, anyone will be able to see it.()37. W

27、hat is the first thing to do to make an Internet page?A. To buy it from a big company.B.TogetaprogrammefromtheInternet.用心爱心专心C. To use another persons page.D. To make a programme for it.()38. Why do people put signs for other Internet pages on their page?A. To get money from the other people.B. To g

28、et money from Internet companies.C. To give more information about something.D. To give people ideas about Internet pages.()39. What things can you put on your Internet page?A. Text and music.B. Photos and films.C. Text, signs and music.D. Text, signs and photos.()40. What do you do when you put you

29、r page on the Internet?A. You start up a special programme.B.You joinittootherpeople spages.C. You send it to a web editor.D. You store it in a host computer.* . 选词填空:busy,collect,sell,until,education,for,enough,pretty, happyMy friend Elisa owns the largest collection of Barbie dolls I have ever see

30、n.She has altogether 1. _ more than 300 Barbie dolls. She treats them more asgood friends than dolls. She is 2. _ with them every day. For example, shecurls theirhairand keeps theirclothes 3. _ clean.In fact,Elisa s wholefamily takes good care of the collection. Her mother sews beautiful dresses 4._

31、 the dolls and last year her father built a beautiful display glasshouse.It is big enough for the entire collection. Elisa is now 5 years old. More Barbiedolls will not stop her collection 5. _ she is ten years old. Elisa saysthatsome daywhen she isold 6._, she willsell herBarbiedoll collectionfora largesum ofmoney which willbe enough for her7. _ and even her marriage.It sounds wonderful, doesnt it?【试题答案】. 15 BDCDC610 BABBB1115 CCCBC1620 CCBAB. 2125 BBCDB2630 ADA CA3132 BC. A: BBCBB: BCDD. 1. collected,2. busy,3. pretty,4. for,5. until,6. enough,7. education用心爱心专心用心爱心专心


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