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1、Chapter 3Reading【模 】一、 填空。() 1.Mother _me a new coat yesterday.I _ iton already. It fitsmewell.A.hadmadehavetriedB.madehave triedC.hasmadetriedD. mad etried* ()2 “He _to draw horsesalready ”.“When _ he ?” “ Lastyear ”A.learned hasB. learneddidC.haslearned hasD. has learneddid* ()3.Tom _up into the t

2、ree. Look, he _ high up there !A.hasgot isB. has climbedwasC.gotwasD. climbed is() 4._ you _ the text yet ? Yes, we _ it two hours ago.A.DidcopydidB. Have copied haveC.Havecopied didD. Didcopyhad* ()5. “Why _ she _ angry ?” “Because he _ at her justnow . ”A.did get shoutedB. has got shoutedC.did get

3、 hasshoutedD.hasgot has shouted() 6. _you _ the film before ? Where _ you _ it ?A.Have seendid seeB. Didseedid watch用心爱心专心1C.HaveseenhaveseenD.Did seehaveseen* ( )7.Where _ John _ ? To the library. He _ there for an hour.A.hasbeenhasgoneB.hasgonehas beenC.did gowentD. did be() 8. I _ the way. I _ he

4、re for quite many years.A.knewhavelivedB. knew liveC.knowhavelivedD. know live* ()9. _ you ever _ America ? Yes, I have. I went there last year.A.HavegonetoB. Have gone inC.HavebeentoD. Have been in*()10.“youParis? ” “Yes. I willcome backin two weeks.”A.HavebeentoB. Have .gone toC.AregoingtoD. Did.g

5、o to二、根据 提示完成下列句子。1. 吉姆 没有完成他的作 ,所以他不能和朋友一起出去。Jim _ _ hishomework _, so he _ _ out withhis friends.2. 自从 1982 年以来我就一直在 所学校教英 。I _ _ English at this school _ 1982.*3.“史密斯一家人来中国有三年了 ?”“是的。”“_ the Smiths _ _China _threeyears ?” “Yes,they _. ”*4.“你到哪儿去了?”“我去 了。”用心爱心专心2“Where _ you _?” “I _ _ _ the libra

6、ry. ”5. “她父亲入党多久了?”“已有二十年了。”“How long _ her father _ a Party member?”“_twentyyears. ”6. 这个公司已经关闭两年了。The companyfor two years.7. 我的叔叔离开故乡好长时间了。My uncle_ hishometown for a long time.*8.当我到达电影院的时候,电影已经开始十分钟了When I reached the cinema, thefilm had_ forten minutes.9. 扬州这些年来发生了巨大的变化。There_ greatchangesinYa

7、ngzhoutheseyears.Greatchanges_inYangzhou these years.*10.这本书我借了三个星期了。我必须马上还给图书馆。I_thebookforthreeweeks,Imust_ it_ the library.11. 自从他来到这已经三年过去了。It_ three years since he_here.Threeyearssincehehere.*12.他们已经结婚三十年了。They have_ for thirty years.【试题答案】一、 选择填空BDACAABCCC二、根据汉语提示完成下列句子1. hasn t finished yetcant go2. have taughtsince3. Havebeen inforhave4. have beenhave been to5. has beenFor6. has been closed7. has been away from8. been on9. have beenhave taken place10. have keptreturn to11. has beencamehas passedcame用心爱心专心312. been married用心爱心专心4


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