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1、高二下学期期末复习练习(满分150,120分钟完成) 第I卷 (共三部分,满分115分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有秒钟时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. When can the man expect to see Professor Wilkins? A. On Tuesday. B. On Thursday. C. On Wednesday.2. How will the man go to

2、the hotel? A. By plane. B. By taxi. C. In a mans car.3. Whats the flight number? A. CA356. B. CA530. C. CA536.4. What are the two speakers talking about? A. A fine boat. B. The weather. C. Their friend Tom.5. What do we know about the concert?A. Many famous groups will perform at the concert.B. Itll

3、 be held in the music hall tomorrow evening. C. Tickets are not necessary for the concert.第二节(共小题;每小题.分,满分.分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从小题中所给的、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. What does the woman invite the man to do? A. To go hiking

4、. B. To go shopping. C. To go on a walk.7. Why wont they go out on Saturday? A. Because the man had a date. B. Because the man had to move to a new flat that day. C. Because the mans sister need him to help her moving.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. Where are the speakers going to meet? A. At the party. B. At th

5、e Peters. C. At the bus stop.9. What wont they take to the party?A. Some games. B. More records. C. Balloons.10. What time will the party begin? A. At 8:00 sharp. B. About 8:20. C. About 8:30.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. Whats the relationship between the two speakers? A. Classmates. B. Colleagues. C. Coach

6、 (教练) and player.12. What are the girls strengths? A. Physical education, English and science.B. Physical education, business and science.C. Science, business and computer.13. Which of the fields does the girl intend to go into? A. Science. B. Medicine. C. Sports.听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14. How long should

7、 the man spend if he takes the underground? A. 35 minutes. B. 45 minutes. C. 55 minutes.15. How often do the buses run? A. Every 5 minutes. B. Every 15 minutes. C. Every 20 minutes.16. Which one is the cheapest? A. The bus. B. The underground. C. The taxi.17. Where does the man probably live? A. In

8、the suburb (郊区) of London.B. In the centre of London. C. Near a railway station.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. What does the speaker do exactly? A. Travelling abroad. B. Selling goods. C. Marketing research.19. Why does the speaker ask people questions? A. Make friends. B. Sell more goods. C. Find out what t

9、hey think.20. What makes a good company? A. Active people. B. Good products. C. Many customers.第二部分:英语知识运用(共35小题,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. The application of such machines makes _ possible to free man from the labor of complex measurements and computations. A. that B. this C. it D. what22

10、. I think my money is enough for this trip - $400 in travelers check and $100 in _. A. cash B. notes C. money D. credit23. _was it that brought us the encouraging news? A. Who B. Where C. How D. When24. _he began to beat his wife when he was drunk and then, the next morning told her how sorry he was

11、. A. From now on B. From then on C. Since then D. Ever since25. The West Lake is well-known _ its beauty. A. to B. as C. for D. in26. I dont like winter because theres _ snow and ice. A. too much B. much too C. too very D. very too27. _tiger in China is in great danger of dying out, so people are no

12、t allowed to kill _ tigers. A. The 不填 B. The, the C. A, 不填 D. A, the28. _we do, we cant make a day last longer than twenty-four hours a day. A. However B. Whether C. Whatever D. What29. Do you think him already on the way to success when he _ on Canada? A. put foot B. sent foot C. stepped D. set foo

13、t30. I got a summer job in an expensive department store to _money for my first trip abroad. A. offer B. provide C. supply D. give31. In the 1960s American blacks held great march on Washington, _ the government _a new law to give them equal right. A. demanding, can pass B. demanding, pass C. to dem

14、and, to pass D. to demand, must pass32.What can I do for you? Id like to buy a present for my fathers birthday, _at a proper price but of great use. A. one B. anyone C. that D. which33. He quite appreciated _ to the ball at the palace. A. inviting B. to be invited C. having invited D. being invited

15、34.Do you know Wang Jie is now studying in America for a PHD? He _ to America so soon, for I saw him this morning. A. couldnt go B. couldnt have gone C. shouldnt have gone D. might not go35.The parents felt _with the boy, for what he did was _ indeed. A. disappointed, disappointing B. disappointed,

16、disappointedC. disappointing, disappointing D. disappointing, disappointed第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分) The night passed peacefully. I was beginning to think that all was well. Then, just before daybreak I heard the man of the house talking to his wife. With my ear to the chimney that connected our r

17、ooms, I heard what they were saying, “Okay, okay, darling, but must I kill them both?” To which the wife answered, “Yes” Then I heard nothing more.What can I tell you? I couldnt breathe. My body 36 cold. God! There were the two of us, without anything to defend ourselves. How could we fight against

18、half a dozen men with guns and other weapons? 37 , my friend was asleep. Should I wake him up? I didnt want to 38 a sound. Should I try to run away? I couldnt. I looked 39 of the window. Maybe I could 40 out. I said to myself. But there were two big dogs just under me. I was still wondering what to

19、do 41 I heard a sound on the stairs. The door was a little open. Through the opening, I saw the husband. He was carrying a lamp in one hand. In the other hand he carried one of his big 42 . His wife was right behind him. I ran behind the door just as 43 opened. He gave the lamp to her and came into

20、the room. “Go 44 !” said the woman, as she put her hand in front of the lamp. He walked to the ladder and started 45 it. He was holding the knife between his 46 .When he reached the top, he stood over my young friend sleeping peacefully. Then the man took the knife in his right hand, and with his 47

21、 hand he took ah! a ham from the shelf. He cut off a big piece, and left the way he came. The door closed, the 48 was gone, and I was left alone with my 49. When morning came, the whole family came 50 to wake us. They placed a large 51 in front of us and an excellent meal it was, too! When we were a

22、lmost 52 , the wife came in. She was carrying one more plate of food. It had two cooked 53 on it. “We just cooked these for you”, she said. “Eat one now, and take one on your 54 .” That was when I understood the 55 of those terrible words, “Must I kill them both?”36. A. felt B. went C. changed D. wa

23、s37. A. Besides B. However C. Unfortunately D. Luckily38. A. cause B. have C. let D. make39. A. out B. down C. up D. round40. A. walk B. jump C. break D. rush41. A. that B. then C. while D. when42. A. guns B. knives C. sticks D. hammers43. A. he B. it C. I D. she44. A. quickly B. carefully C. quietl

24、y D. slowly45A. climbing B. moving C. cutting D. carrying46A. fingers B. hands C. feet D. teeth47A. one B. left C. right D. other48A. man B. woman C. light D. lamp49A. feelings B. senses C. thoughts D. doubts50A. forward B. on C. along D. up51A. dinner B. breakfast C. meal D. plate52A. gone B. done

25、C. completed D. eaten53A. chickens B. hams C. eggs D. dogs54A. holiday B. road C. journey D. visit55A. purpose B. truth C. reality D. meaning第三部分 阅读理解 A A few years ago, a pilot had to have perfect eyesight and a college degree if he or she wanted to get a job with an American airline. But today, ai

26、rlines have quitted those requirements because they cant find enough qualified (合格的) pilots. Airlines must hire up to 62,000 new pilots in the next decades. But qualified pilots are few in the United States. Every year there are more planes being flown. At the same time, 12 to 15 foreign countries a

27、re calling up American pilots. As a result, pilots are earning spectacular salaries. The going rate for skilled pilots is well over $180,000 a year. Some pilots can earn about $320,000 plus free housing working for foreign airlines. Because of the shortage, some people say unqualified pilots are bei

28、ng allowed to fly planes. They fear the number of crashes will increase. Each year, more and more pilots with less than 2,000 hours of experience are being hired. Airlines are also bringing on board many more pilots who are older than 50, although law requires pilots to retire at the age of 60. Bein

29、g an airline pilot is a difficult job that requires people to make life and death decisions under pressure. Some pilots crack under the pressure. The military (军队) is also having a hard time keeping pilots. Air Force pilots have to spend at least six years in the Air Force. The Air Force invests mil

30、lions of dollars to train pilots. Experts say this problem is going to get a lot worse. Congress may organize a research group to study the countrys pilot needs. In the meantime, salaries of pilot will continue to rise and the number of crashes may keep pace.56. What can we learn from the passage? A

31、. A shortage of pilots is caused by airlines and the military. B. There have been more crashes because pilots have worse eyesight and higher salaries. C. A shortage of pilots may lead to more crashes. D. Airlines should hire more pilots even if they are unqualified. 57.What does a pilot no longer ne

32、ed today? A. Perfect eyesight. B. Military training. C. Two college degrees. D. Flying experience. 58. Air Force pilots have to stay in the Air Force for a certain period of time because the Air Force _. A. is a good place to work in B. pays more than airlines. C. has a hard time keeping pilots D. s

33、pends a lot of money training them59. Some people wont be good pilots because _. A. they cant make right decisions quickly B. they dont earn spectacular salaries C. they arent recruited by foreign countries D. the number of crashes keeps pace with the pilots salaries BSituated in the South West of E

34、ngland, between Exeter and Plymouth, Torquay is one of the most popular holiday resorts(度假胜地)in Britain. It provides sophisticated entertainment, sports of every kind and cultural facilities, all set in a position of outstanding natural beauty. Visitors can choose between luxury hotels by the sea, w

35、ith private suites(套房),swimming pools and saunas, and comfortable but less expensive guest houses. There are camping sites, too, and hundreds of houses displaying “B & B” signs.As well as a number of small quiet bays, which are ideal for beach barbecues away from the crowds, Torquay has large sandy

36、beaches where you can buy refreshments and hire deck chairs, boats and even beach huts. There are large areas of grassland overlooking the sea, and miles of winding cliff paths for walkers who just want to enjoy the scenery and what is often said to be the healthiest air in the country. For the spor

37、tsmen and women there are opportunities not only for golf, tennis, squash and bowls, but also for water-skiing, hang-gliding and deep-sea fishing.After a day in the open air, therere lots to do in the evenings, too. There are plenty of discos, the occasional opera or ballet, and summer variety shows

38、 in the seafront theatres. For the children, there is a beautiful model village with a complicated railway layout which is remarkably realistic-especially when the lights are all on at night.Of course, theres no need to spend your whole holidays in Torquay. Only a short drive away is Dartmoor Nation

39、al Park, where you can walk for miles through dramatic, unspoiled countryside, or picnic by beautiful rivers and streams. Or, nearer to home, you can sail across Tor Bay to the lovely old fishing village of Brixham.Torquay seems to have something for everyone. But dont take my word for it come and s

40、ee for yourself.60Which of the following best explains what “B & B” means on the signs?A. Bed and breakfast B. Breakfast and bathC. Beach and barbecue D. Beautiful and British61According to the text Torquay might be described as _.A. comfortable and expensive B. crowed and livelyC. remote and beauti

41、ful D. fresh and healthy62What is special about the model village?A. It opens at night. B. It has something for the children C. Its in the open air. D. It has a real railway system.63What is the purpose of writing this text? A. To introduce the geography of Torquay to students. B. To make some place

42、s known to visitors.C. To show the beauty of resorts. D. To attract more tourists. C He wishes the holiday season would end already. His back aches, his read suit feels like a space suit, his cheeks have gone tight from smiling for 12 hours and still the kids keep coming and coming, like ants at a p

43、icnic. As Christmas becomes more commercialized across the US and Canada, so must Santas. As the holiday begins earlier each year, so must its spokesman. The questions from children these days are harder than ever. Now, with thousands of children expecting a father or mother serving in Iraq or Afgha

44、nistan, the questions are as heart-breaking as they are unawareable. For example, “Can you please bring Daddy home from the war in time for Christmas morning?” Santas also have a pretty good chance of getting charged. A professional Santa Claus in Canada told a story: A Santa had a girl on his knee,

45、 and he commented, “You have nice eyes and nice hair.” The girl later said it was sexual harassment (骚扰). When a Santa feels anxious, he often shows it in the same ways ordinary people do: The Santas were always seen to hang around at the dinner table when the show ended. Many of them just sleep in bed for several days and dont see other children again. 64. In the first paragraph, “spokesmen” refers to _. A. businessmen B. political leaders C. organizers D. Santa Clauses65. The passage implies that the job of Santa Claus is _. A. well-paid B. very hard C. worth doing D. d


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