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1、Unit 7一、单项选择( 20 分)( )1. My friend is very .A. smarter B. smart C. more smarter D. more smart( )2. He is more interested in English than h is brother.A. little B. a lot C. more D. very( )3. Li Lei is as at running as me.A. better B. gooder C. well D. good( )4. My parents _ quite athletic.A. both are

2、 B. are both C. are all D. all are( )5. I like making friends, _ I am a little quiet.A. but B. altho ugh C. so D. however( )6. He is very outgoing,_ , he doesn t wa nt to speak in public ( 在公共场所 )A. but B. though C. so D. however( )7. Liven is _than I am.A. funny and outgoing B. more funnier and out

3、goingC. funnier and more outgoing D. more funny and outgoing( )8. Li Ping and Li Ming _ black eyes.A. has B. have both C. both have D. both has( )9. Kate isn t very _.She likes to stay at home and read.A. outgoing B. kind C. funny D. quiet( )10. The boy is than the other boys in our class.A. taller

4、B. the tallest C. tall D. tallest( )11. My father is 40, and my mother is 38.My mother is _than my fatherA. young B. younger C. old D. older( )12. Would you like cup of tea?A. another B. other C. the other D. the one( )13. Thanks for me .A. come to see B. to come to seeC. coming to see D. coming see

5、( )14. Holly likes to do the same things .A. likes me B. as me C. as I do D. B and C( )15. Mary s watch is_ than lily sA. much nice B. much nicerC. more nice D. more nice( )16. I _ _ a primary school student two years ago.A. am B. was C. be D. were( )17. My father makes me every morning.A.exercise B

6、. exercises C. to exercise D. on exercise( )1 8. It s important me to have a new bike.A. of B. for C. to D. on( )19. I like to have a friend who me.A. like B. liking C. is like D. are like( )20. He likes to do the same things _ me.A. in B. on C. like D. as二、完形填空( 10 分)Dear Isabel,Thank you 1 your la

7、st letter. Here are 2 of me and my 3 sister Liu Ying.4 you can see, in some ways we look the same, and in some ways we look 5 . Weboth have black eyes and black hair, 6 my hair is shorter than 7 . Weboth likesports, although Liu Ying is 8 than me. She s 9 outgoing, and I m quieter.I think I m smarte

8、r than her. My favorite subjects are physics and chemistry, andher favorite subject is P.E. However, we both enjoy 10to parties.Please write soon!Love,Liu Li( ) 1. A. of B. at C. about D. for( ) 2. A. photoes B. photos C. photo D. photoses( ) 3 . A. twins B. twnis C. twin s D. twin( ) 4. A. For B. A

9、s C. Of D. By( ) 5. A. difference B. differences C. different D. differents( ) 6. A. although B. for C. so D. as( ) 7. A. hers B. her C. her hair D. A and C( ) 8. A. very athletic B. much athleticerC. more althletic D. more athleticer( )9. A. more B. much C. a lot D. a little( )10. A. to go B. go C.

10、 going D. went三、阅读理解( 20 分)AEarly to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy( 富有) and wise (聪明).This is an old English saying. Have you heard of it before? It means that we mustgo to bed early and get up early in the morning. Then we shall be healthy. We shallalso be rich (wealthy) and clev

11、er (wise).This is true. The body must have enough sleep to be healthy. Children of youngage should have ten hours sleep every night. Children who do not have enough sleepcannot do their work very well. They will not be wise and they may not become wealthy!The body also needs exercise. Walking, runni

12、ng, jumpi ng, swimming and playinggamesare all exercise. Exercise keeps the body strong. Exercise also helps the blood(血液) to move around inside the body. This is very important. Our blood takes foodto all pa rts of our body. The head also needs blood. Exercise helps us to thinkbetter!( ) 1 . If we

13、get up early and go to bed early, we ll .A. h ave enough exercise B. be healthyC. think better D. have strong blood( ) 2 . If a child doesn t have 10 hours sleep, maybe he .A. becomes wise B. wont do well in his workC. goes to school in time D. has enough sleep( ) 3. A person needs exercise because

14、.A. it makes him healthy B. he has a lot of homework to doC. he is strong enough D. he does exercise( ) 4. Exercise makes the move quickly and smoothly.A. body B. blood C. children D. head( ) 5. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?A. Exercise do es well to a person s head.B. A student should have 10

15、hours sleep.C. It s good for you to get up early and go to bed early.D. If you have enough blood, you ll be wise .BThe moon looks bigger than the stars at night. But in fact, it is smaller thanany oth er stars. The moonlooks big to us, because it is closer to us than any stars.The moon goes around t

16、he earth. It makes one trip about four weeks. The moon is around ba ll and looks beautiful.Now people know quite a lot about the moon. There is no air (空气) or water onthe moon, so there are not any trees or animals, or people on it. The moon getsits light (光) from the sun, but some places on the moo

17、n are quite dark (黑暗) .It s very hot on the moon during the day , but it s very cold at night.( ) 6. The sun is to the earth than the moon.A. closer B. far C. near D. farther( ) 7. People know quite about the moon now.A. a lot B. a few C. many D. some( ) 8. There is on the moon.A. no anything B. not

18、hingC. no hills or rivers D. no air or water( ) 9. The sun to the moon.A. gets light B. gives light C. gives air D. gets air( )10. The moon gets its light from the sun, but some places on the moon are quitedark. (翻译此句)_四、完成下列单词( 10 分)1. Everyone in our class enjoys (run) in the morning.2. Who is (fu

19、nny), your father or your mother?3. She talks (much) than her sister.4. Liu Ying is (outgoing), and I m quieter.5. Why is your English book is (thin) than the others?6. Speaking in front of so many pe ople, he can t keep c ( 平静).7. The teacher is s ( 严肃). We are a little afraid of (怕) him.8. The o (

20、 相反) of the word quiet is wild.9. It is n ( 必要的 ) for us to have a good study habit.10. Liu Ying is more a ( 活跃) than Liu Li.五、句型转换( 10 分)1. Her father and mother are both doctors. ( 改为同义句 )Her _ are both _.2. Sam speaks Chinese well. Tom speaks Chinese better. (合并为一个句子)Tom speaks Chinese than Sam .

21、3. Pedro is heavier than Paul. (根据句义改为选择疑问句)is , Pedro or Paul?4. He is always the winner between us i n tennis. (改为同义句)He always me in tennis.5. My box is heavy. Jim s box is heavier.( 改为同义句 )Jim s box is _ _ _.六、完成句子( 10 分)1. 刘英比刘丽更严肃一些吗?Is Liu Ying _ _ than Liu Li?2. 我姐姐和我一样。My sister is the _ _

22、me.3. 小明擅长游泳Xiao Ming is good _ _.4. 我妈妈不如爸爸 高。My mother is not _ _ as my father.5. 我和刘英都有黑色的眼睛。_ Liu Ying and I _ black eyes.七、书面表达( 20 分)Tara 是一个漂亮的女孩。 她有一个双胞胎姐姐, 名叫 Tina ,她们两个都长着长长的黑头发,虽然 Tara 的头发比 Tina 的短一点。她们两个都喜欢运动,虽然 Tara 比她的姐姐更强健,Tina 更安静更害羞。然而,她们两个都喜欢购物。 (也可以有自己的句子 , 题目自拟)要求: 1. 语句通顺,内容完整。2. 书面工整,字迹清楚。3. 不少于 80 词。_


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