Art on the concept of minimalist design in the use of contemporary China.doc

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《Art on the concept of minimalist design in the use of contemporary China.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Art on the concept of minimalist design in the use of contemporary China.doc(10页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、 Art on the concept of minimalist design in the use of contemporary China 19th century, many schools of modern Western art, minimalism is one of them. After decades of development and dissemination, the trend is almost the whole world, the field of modern art and design also had a profound impact. M

2、inimalist design, removal of all unnecessary decoration and techniques presented in the most simple design elements, the closest thing to the essence and core of this idea, deeply affecting contemporary Chinese design. First, an overview of minimalism Minimalism (Minimalism), or translated or micro

3、mode minimalist doctrine, the rise in the 1920s in Europe, is the most important history of human design, one of the most influential activities in which the emergence of architecture, painting , sculpture, installation, design and visual arts, music and literature than have had a great impact in th

4、e “more for the United States” and “aesthetic addition,” when the popular tide, minimalist opposite to In addition to all the unnecessary processing and techniques, only the material and the function itself. As a unique artistic style, minimalist concept of art and objects of complex shape into a po

5、pular representation, to be upgraded to a highly concentrated, high-level overview of the abstract form, the pursuit of simple, clear style, using the single element in the way the series, to abandon the traditional stereotypes and flashy, to extract the new concept of this unique use of new materia

6、ls, plastic arts, new technologies, new techniques, and peoples ideas, new concepts of unity, with a high profile and modern society and modern life fit, and modern design provides a new design thinking, so modernist design was chosen and is widely used in design practice, eventually becoming a clas

7、sic style. Over the years, not only minimalist style has been respected and refining the use of European countries, Asian countries also do so, such as Japan, will be designed to communicate the concept of Zen minimalism and, more crucial spiritual and clouded, showing a natural foreign objects dese

8、rted, it is the “elephant elephant outside, unexpected meaning” depicts a very quiet ethereal mood in their philosophy that simple is better than complex, quiet than noisy, bulky light than , rare is better than complex. Thus, in the elegant minimalist, simple, exquisite workmanship, clear expressio

9、n of the function, form and function to minimize the maximum principle, a traditional Japanese design aesthetic qualities of its representatives. “ Muji + -0 “design, emphasizing the” sleek simplicity “ userfriendliness “, ordinary, but not ordinary, simple but not simple, elegant rather than obviou

10、s, is that you most want to shape the initial dream. Second, the minimalist design of the impact of contemporary China <<I “in the” Great Music sound, invisible elephant, “the statement, the concept of minimalist art with the same purpose in China, the” plain simple “has long been considered t

11、he highest level of aesthetic so minimalist in China, it is natural to be accepted. After more than ten years of development, never known to the minimalist design industry in China today, the mainstream style, so many designers todays China is basically used in all types of design minimalist style,

12、this time, minimalist doctrine represents an elegant, tasteful, modern attitude has completely accepted by the domestic market, become the mainstream of Chinese style, to become a fashion in many consumers view, if the product is not designed to “simple” on tend to be stereotypes. Minimalist design

13、products that can be received throughout the Chinese market, has its inevitability, its promotion of functionalism, rationalism, human-centered design, for China, especially in a developing country just to establish a market mechanism, its design has a special value, as described below: 1 features t

14、he first design in line with the development requirements of Chinas economic and social function after the first has been the practicality of the design aesthetic thrust of China as a socialist country, ordinary people of the communitys absolute subject, in particular, China is still a developing co

15、untry, the peoples overall living standards are not high, so the design must serve the general public, .20 in the 1920s, Bauhaus has clearly put forward the “function first, form second, the design should be open to the public rather than elite thinking. “minimalism This” feature-centric “design thi

16、nking, especially in Chinas economic and social development requirements and the needs of the audience, so in recent years, large minimalism sought after. 2 aesthetic rationalism of contemporary Chinese design changes played a certain role in promoting the so-called aesthetic rationalism, University

17、 of Ulm in Germany is represented - the kinds of aesthetic concepts that will design based on scientific, objective basis of on the design to minimize the personal awareness and emotional factors, thereby enhancing the efficiency and economy, while the minimalist aesthetic in opposition conservative

18、, advocated simple beauty, and ultimately be transformed into a simple geometric style it eliminate all unnecessary decoration, save for the product material and working hours, better reflect the functionality. For China, a lack of resources, not very wealthy people of the country, to advocate the b

19、eauty of simplicity, there is a reasonable , so the “minimalist” style quickly became a fashion. Links to free download 3 Humanity for the Chinese meaning of contemporary design inspiration played a role in the increase in 1955, Bradley Graves published a monograph <<mans design>> humani

20、ty is manufacturers strive to design products from ergonomic, ecological science and aesthetic point of view to achieve the perfect, and thus truly people-oriented technology purposes. user-friendly design in the design of the psychological, physical needs and spiritual pursuit of respect and satisf

21、action, the design of humane care, is the respect of human nature. So, regardless of any design is “mans design.” are designed to, therefore, the pursuit of humanity is an important design criteria. Respected minimalist simple, but simple does not mean simple, rough, not fine. Seemingly extremely si

22、mple lines and shapes, in fact, the depth of thinking and precise calculation, contains behind the respect of human nature sometimes to achieve “simple simple” spiritual pursuit, even at the material time-consuming, repeated experiments, in order to achieve form and function and material, the exact

23、physical and spiritual balance this, just to speed and ignore the quality of Chinese contemporary design has played a the role of revelation or even warning, meaning the Chinese contemporary design of the development of an objective basis, or even a paved road. Based on these reasons, in China, rega

24、rdless of the designer or the audience, most recognized and selected the minimalist style, its function, rational, human characteristics to promote the modernization process of Chinas contemporary design and international design standards capabilities. Design of a late start due to China, compared t

25、o the West there is a gap, so full of the entire Chinese market, todays “minimalist” is not like Western modernist design through the development and mature, sought after and criticism, but only in the understanding of take account of modernist design produced by the external environment, rarely tak

26、e into account the nature of design activities and development of their own variation, so the inevitable loss of one-sided. Secondly, in terms of individual designers who are creating works of modernist design designers Many are coerced by the tide of modernism came in, so the design will be missing

27、 their own personality, which fits the design work again, this trend can be envisaged under the influence of Chinas 1.3 billion people use the product to be a certain kind of dominated by the aesthetic ideas, live in the same simple, even monotonous design environment, along the order of the essence

28、 of traditional culture, national culture, uniqueness, pride will gradually disappear? this series of “post-minimalism.” The problem is each designer based on their professional ethics and sense of history that must be considered, but also for the design community in China today to seek their own pe

29、rsonal survival and prosperity of a major issue. Third, the “post-minimalist” era, how to break the Chinese design? No permanent popular design ideas. There Tide minimalist when there ebb tide of the day. Minimalism popular now in China, but its not in recession, we should take precautions, we shoul

30、d ponder: the future will happen What kind of change? How do we break through the conventions and form their own design style? Contemporary society is a pluralistic society, one dollar minimalist design approach can not meet the real needs of all audiences, not only in todays society is only represe

31、ntative of the true minimalist aesthetic, the number of the audience how many pairs of critical eyes there, and This eye is the driving force to promote the design and development, so the design should be a real consumer desire by people to guide the market, so the public is willing to accept the de

32、sign from the heart. should allow consumers to choose their own aesthetic standards, not simply let the market guide consumers aesthetic pursuit in the eyes of the Italian designer, “from a city to a spoon” can be included in the scope of the design, designed as a study of social, political, way of

33、life, the worlds leading fashion and design trends Italy and China are major powers of traditional culture, China is also entirely possible the same as the Italian produced according to the national characteristics of Chinas own design. “Minimalist style” has its own rationale, but we need to let th

34、e designers do not “minimalist style” dominate the world and we should grasp the true design of the core theme of “functionalism bucket considering green design + human geographic features + + respecting consumers real needs “of the basic principles, starting from the humanitarian concept to self-ob

35、servation, care for the world, from the national heart excavation design inspiration, it is a good essence of traditional culture along the order, create health, wealth way of life so that, in the design adhere to the real needs of the consumer-oriented design principles are also important design criteria. Links to free download 10


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