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1、附录The Origin and Development of the Management Information System The history of the Management Information System are not long, has studied the time with more than 40 years about its system till now, as a new developing discipline, its development course has roughly gone through following several s

2、tages: The word of Management Information System (MIS) appeared in the 1960s first, university Professor, G.B.Davis of management college, Minnesota of U.S.A., lead colleague of him begin further investigation, the MIS of field. The appearance of the MIS, has brought the revolutionary change to mana

3、gement in the future, people can not imagine todays status and function in the business activities of all organizations of the MIS at all at that time, especially the development at full speed of the technology of the computer with science and technology, the MIS, this discipline, is being perfected

4、 constantly, occupy quite important position during nowadays fierce market competition. The use of information is not a patent of the modern society. The period of Three Kindoms Zhu Ge-liang grass ship borrow arrow that women and children know all, astronomy, geographical information model of magica

5、l effect. Such an example can be found everywhere at all times and in all lands, only the understanding of information was not far as the understanding of information of today at that time, it is incomparable too in information treatment technology, method and means. The development of any disciplin

6、e is all closely linked to environment and condition of the society at that time, economic, technology. The MIS is the same too, after the mankind enters the industrial society, out of the requirements for survival and development, people begin to try to use more advanced equipment and technical tre

7、atment and use information. At the beginning of the 19th century at the end of the 18th century, the appearance of the card punch, people felt the revolutionary era of information processing has already comes, this is leap of information processing before a computer appears.Entering the fifties, the

8、 mankind invented the computer, though the computer at that time and our computer of today were unable to compare, but people have still seen its development potentiality in information processing, then try to make use of it to assist people to manage ones own business in conditional beginning, repl

9、ace and deal with a large number of data artificially with the computer. It seems today that the MIS is from the life beginning to really come into people at this moment. It is earliest and using the best system of the result to be should be EDP to deserve to be called the MIS, namely we call that t

10、he electronic data handling system (Electronic Data Processing) now. EDP kept using until the 1990s, did not withdraw from the stage gradually until INTERNET is popularized. In middle period of the fifties, people began to realize it with the development of industrialized society, production scale a

11、nd field are expanding constantly, the constant improvement of the production automation level, production and circulation grow with each passing day, make the information related to producing expand at double, therefore the management is more and more complicated. It is organizations common expecta

12、tion that the treatment to information is required in time, accurate. Then General Electric Co. Limited of U.S.A. used the computer to calculate and calculate with the cost accounting the earliest computer salary in 1954, this is an early shape of the MIS, and a masterpiece of EDP. U.S.A. use comput

13、er carry on pioneer of data processing, among computer of nearly 3,000 of U.S.A. will it be the end the fifties, nearly 80% is used in the work of treatment of the data, its range of application is very extensive, include various large-scale enterprises, service trades, institutions, etc. SABRE of A

14、merican Airlines is it book tickets system the typical representative, EDP of period, to make an appointment, than ahead salary and cost accounting system advanced system, the system can assign U.S.A. any airline any course plane seat of flight any. It consist of 1008 reservation order, assign 76000

15、 seat, can deposit and withdraw 600000 passenger fly the record, but it cant tell people further detailed information, still belongs to primary stage of the MIS. Even so, the application in data processing of the computer, has promoted the development of computer hardware and software greatly, and t

16、hen has promoted the development of industry of the whole computer. The first data processing language COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) in the world is the birth this period.From the sixties to the seventies, this was that the MIS developed the most important period. During the time in the

17、past 20 years, the MIS is no matter from the theory, have all made the basic achievement from the respect of practising. Begin forming and application for the MIS of representatives with the real-time process system, the essential feature of this kind of system carries on comparatively comprehensive

18、 data processing to the information content of a certain limit, can offer information in good time, to such information as the picture, characters, sound, chart, etc., adopt the file or the text way to carry on inputting, processing, and transmitting of information. In the seventies, the western dev

19、eloped country represented by U.S.A. began extensive study and application to the MIS, as what has been studied is deepened constantly, people not merely expect to it that there is break-through of quantity in data processing, and expect even more in the respect of the quality, namely there is a new

20、 content in overall management of information. An overall but huge production status information is reported to systematic COPICS and developed successfully by IBM, this system is including designing and producing the data management subsystem, users order subsystem, predict subsystem, main producti

21、on schedule on system, cost, accounting subsystem, stock control subsystem and make activity program subsystem mean a lot of subsystems, distributed in each department of enterprises, information is collected in real time, offer decision and management data. The great majority in the 1980s of our co

22、untry used the system to belong to this kind of basically, this kind of software realized the basic thought of the MIS basically. Combine the computer closely with management activity because of the preliminary application of the MIS in this period, make the whole enterprise form a height computeriz

23、ation, highly informationalized organization, have improve the operation efficiency of enterprises greatly, has improved work quality. But people still just realize the function that the computer is in managing tentatively, have just seen the speed of the computer, has not realized the real intensio

24、n of the MIS. Then, on one hand the scholars carry on further research to the problem in practice of the MIS, have begun the exploration of the theory again on the other hand. Basic theories and basic conception of the MIS whom middle and later periods form in the 1970s mostly, especially the develo

25、pment and application of DSS (DSS), have opened up new world. People think, the new application mode in management of the computer, should pay attention to the support to decision, therefore developing direction of the MIS, should can offer decision, system with friendly users interface that informa

26、tion support for policymaker that organize one. The thought of DSS has got the attention of the academia and must use the fast development quickly, this is exactly a marrow of the MIS, this kind of thought is still supporting the MIS of today.Entering the eighties, the software and hardware technolo

27、gy of the computer began its high-speed developing period. Because there is guarantee of technology, the thing that can only want to cant be done in a lot of befores can all be very easy to realize. The mankind has not only entered and managed times with no paper at all but also begin to enter the t

28、imes of management based on artificial intelligence, people begin to study and apply the artificial intelligence theory to business administration and combine with DSS etc., the expert system used in management begins to appear too. This kind of system has offered a tool to the reasoning structure o

29、f the expert system and knowledge base editor besides offering users enormous model storehouse, users can use knowledge base and reasoning organization in the system to carry on reasoning to the decision question, get relevant conclusions. The mid-or late-1980s, have presented the high level and in

30、charge of the information system in succession (Executive Information Systems, EIS) and the strategic information system (Strategy Information Systems, SIS). The former is that one kind faces the top management teams DSS while organizing in fact, the latter is mainly the decision support to strategy

31、 and policy of organizing.In the 1990s, human entry reached information age. This period, peoples understanding that information is new, and pay great attention. Information as basic resource of enterprise, become from one status of supporting role all enterprise produce and manage main role of cour

32、se nowadays already. Nobodys enormous function on information has any suspicion in modern enterprises, people know clearly, has ignored the control over information, working efficiency and work quality are difficult to improve, it is difficult to keep unbeaten in the fierce market competition. The t

33、rend of the economic globalization has already been invented apparently, the rival from both home and abroad will be stronger and stronger, today of treatment technology high development of information, mean grasping the most advanced tool of production too after grasping the information resources,

34、thus have the initiative in hands in keen competition. On the other hand, the development of information industrialization has advanced the process of industrys informationization too, the status in peoples production, living of information industry represented by Internet is rising constantly, the

35、information management has already become key technology of supporting enterprises. The 1990s were the times that the MIS was developed rapidly, such advanced persons as ERP, MRPII, JIT, OPT, etc. produced the office procedure to combine with the MIS closely, become ripe on behalf of modern enterpri

36、se gradually in management, modern the MIS whether concept of the MIS of information age take shape gradually. Since later stage of the 1990s, the concepts of knowledge economy and information management have already been accepted by people, and begin application in enterprises with better foundatio

37、n. The MIS is being perfected with development constantly in the new social environment, economic environment, face the problem that a lot of are new at the same time. Enter 21st century, information become primary key element, enterprise of resource already, control over information and is it have

38、new intension also to use. Get in touch closer in the MIS, other methods and technology of information age, the transformations of e- commerce, knowledge economy, modern enterprises course, are all focuses in the 21st century. Internet and Intranet permeate through enterprises, present the MIS is no

39、t confined to the management respects of enterprises either, the reliance on information of enterprise of today was incomparable at any time in the past.The MIS is a developing concept, its development comes from the enterprise and the society to its demand. People proposed information management an

40、d information system in order to replace the MIS at the end of the 20th century, have contained five respects in the specialized catalogue in the past in our country: Namely the MIS, economic information management, scientific and technological information management, informatics and forestrys infor

41、mation management. The content that natural information management and information system study is far above these, but we can see clearly from it the MIS is no longer the simple concept in the past. Modern the formulation of the MIS can include two kinds of meaning: One kind is broadly-defined, nam

42、ely the one that include with various kinds of shapes, various kinds of modes is used in the computer system of economy, management field. Because modern the application of the MIS is wider and wider, people have already generally used the information system now (Information Systems, IS) one word co

43、mes to point the system in this meaning; Another kind is narrowly-defined, namely mainly refer to the system offering information to the administrative staff at all levels of enterprises. It is usually that one is used in data processing, such information processing, integrated computer information

44、system (L- P10-11) processed and conveyed inside enterprises as activity dealing with, information report, etc. ERP, BPR, INTERNET, E-COM give modern the MIS pour into vigor, it is no longer the question of surviving, but the problem of how to develop and improve.译文:管理信息系统的起源与发展管理信息系统的历史不长,到现在为止对其系统

45、研究只有四十几年的时间,作为一个新兴学科,它的发展历程大致经历了以下几个阶段:管理信息系统(Management Information Systems, MIS)一词最早出现在六十年代,美国明尼苏达大学管理学院G.B.Davis 教授率领他的同仁们开始了管理信息系统领域的深入研究。管理信息系统的出现,给日后的管理工作带来了革命性的变化,那时人们根本想象不到今天的管理信息系统在所有组织的经营活动中的地位和作用。随着科学技术、特别是计算机技术的飞速发展,管理信息系统这一学科不断完善,以至于在当今激烈的市场竞争中占有相当重要的地位。信息的使用不是现代社会的专利。妇幼皆知的三国时期诸葛亮“草船借箭”


47、助人们管理自己的业务,用计算机代替人工处理大量的数据。今天看来,管理信息系统就是从这时开始真正走进人们的生活。称得上管理信息系统最早、应用效果最好的系统应该是EDP,即我们现在称之为电子数据处理系统(Electronic Data Processing)。EDP一直使用到九十年代,直到INTERNET普及后才逐渐退出舞台。50年代中期,人们开始认识到随着工业化社会的发展,生产规模和领域不断扩大,生产自动化水平的不断提高,生产和流通量与日俱增,使得与生产有关的信息成倍膨胀,因而管理工作也就越来越复杂。对信息的处理要求及时、准确是所有组织共同的期望。于是在1954年美国的通用电气公司使用计算机进行


49、地推动了计算机硬件和软件的发展,进而推动了整个计算机产业的发展。世界上第一个数据处理语言COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language)就是在这一时期诞生的。从60年代到70年代,这是管理信息系统发展最重要的时期。在近二十年的时间里,管理信息系统无论从理论方面,还是从实践方面都取得了基础性的成果。以实时处理系统为代表的管理信息系统开始形成和应用,这类系统的基本特征是针对一定范围的信息内容进行较为综合的数据处理,能适时地提供信息,对于图像、文字、声音、图表等信息,均可采用文件或文本方式进行信息的录入、处理、与传输。70年代,以美国为代表的西方发达国家对管理信息系统开始了大规模研究与应用,随着研究的不断深入,人们对其不仅期望在数据处理方面有量的突破,而且更期望在质的方面,即在信息的全面管理方面有新的内容。一个全面而庞大的生产状态信息报告系统COPICS由IBM公司研制成功,这个系统包括设计和生产数据管理子系统、用户订货子系统、预测子系统、主生产计划于系统、成本及会计子系统、库存管理子系统以及制造活动计划子系统等于多个子系统,分布在企业的各个部门,实时收集信息,提供决策与管理数据。我国在80年代的大多数应用系统基本上属于此类,这类软


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