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1、Uint7 Sports阅读课的教案设计一、教学内容分析:教 学 内 容Sports教学对象课时45分钟教 学 项 目篇章阅读教 学 方 法任务教学法,情景教学法,学生中心法,互动式语言教学法教学目标阅读技能目标1、学习“通过图片、标题、首段首句预测”的阅读测略。2、学习“利用常识猜测词义”的词汇策略。3、其它的阅读技巧的综合运用。语言运用目标1、流利讨论单元设计话题。2、部分词汇,语言表达方式的运用。3、完成其它阅读任务和写作。(课后)4、扩大词汇量学以致用。情感态度目标1、培养学生的健身意识。2、培养学生良好的意志品质。3、让学生意识到成功来之不易。教 学 重 点阅读策略和词汇策略的训练教

2、 学 难 点学生能否很好使用不同的阅读策略和词汇策略,去有效地完成阅读任务,达到预期的阅读效果。二、课堂教学过程:Step One: Lead inActivity 1:Brain storming设计说明教师利用多媒体播放有关图片,让学生谈论自己感兴趣的运动项目,提出以下问题:T:Do you like sports ? Whats your favorite sports?(Show the pictures for the students to talk about).T:Do you like boxing or like watching boxing?(According to

3、the picture, we know he is a boxer.Next we will learn the boxer in this passage.)Muhammad AliOf all the heroes in the sporting world, none is greater than Muhammad Ali.“I am the greatest!”he told us regularly.PictureBoxerTittlethe boxers nameThe frist sentence of the passage How people think of him

4、(greatest)Ali is the greatest boxer. 设计说明以上内容展示给学生三种在阅读中预测文章内容的方法,为使学生更好理解课文打下基础。Step Two:Whilereading1、FastreadingT:If you want to know more information about Ali,Lets read the text. Pay attention to the first sentence of each paragraph.(Give the students several minutes, let them read the passage

5、quickly to find main idea of every paragraph.)T: Have you finished your reading? Lets have a test.(Write down true or False to finish the exercise.)1)Not only is Muhammad Ali the greatest boxer, but also he is the greatest talker.2)At the age of 22 , he won the Olympic gold medal.3)He cared little a

6、bout racial problems.4)Laila Ali behaves like his father in many ways.5)After she finished her university,she turned to boxig.设计说明通过快速阅读让学生进一步的了解文章大意,检测学生阅读策略的运用情况。2. Careful-reading Ask and answer the questions.设计说明这部分练习围绕课文细节理解展开,通过选择信息和回答问题体现任务型阅读的目的和高中英语课程标准对阅读教学的要求。1)Why did the boxing authorit

7、ies take away Alis title?A. Because Ali is against the Vietnam war.B. Because he killed his opponents on the ring.C. Because he made his fans crazy.D. Because he criticizes racial problems in America.2)When Ali describes his boxing style as. “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.”he means. all t

8、he following EXCEPT that .A. He can move very fast.B. He is very skilful in boxing.C. He hits very hard in the competition.D. He loves imitating animals.3)In which ways is LaiLa Ali similar to his father?(Answer the question)4)Which of the following word or phrases can be used to replace the under l

9、ined phrase in the sentence.“LaiLa admires and looks up to her father.”A. looks down upon B. looks forward to C. looks after D. respects5)What is this passage mainly about?A. How to become a great boxer.B. How to become rich and powerful.C. Ali, the greatest boxer the world has seen.D. Ali and his d

10、aughter.(After reading the passage again , let the students describe Ali in their own words after class.) Step Three: Summary of the reading strategiesHow to predict the main idea of the passage. According to the 1. picture 2. tittle 3. the first sentence of the passageStep Four: Word strategiesT: W

11、hen you are reading, you cant avoid meeting some new words , right? Then how do you often deal with them?(Let the students answer freely,then show them some words.)1)He spoke out about racial problems in America and.(paragraph 3)2)George Foreman shouted “Ali, bomaye!”which means,“Ali, kill him!”(par

12、agraph 3)设计说明以上问题旨在让学生掌握处理生词的策略,一是根据词根猜测,二是通过解释说明猜测。Then do the exercises about using some strategies to deal with unknown words.Step Five: Summary of vacabulary strategies1. Definition (定义法)The mother of four suffers from narcolepsy(嗜睡症),a condition which causes2. Word formation (构词法)racial problem

13、s, malfunction, disorder3. Signal word (信号词)In other words, namely, that is4. Context (上下文)Step Six:Summary and homeworkIn this period, we learned about how to predict the main idea of the passage . According to the picture ,tittle and the first sentence of the passage and so on.Then we learned abou

14、t a few ways to deal with the new words.Homework1、Finish the rest of the exercises after class.2、Write a passage about a person you are familiar with.三、教学设计说明:1、学习者分析教学对象是随班听课,对于学生的整体英语程度一点也不清楚,所以教师在设计本课时应先考虑一些因素。营造轻松愉快的课堂气氛,使学生带着兴趣在阅读中获取信息,在阅读中获取快乐。(Reading for information,reading for fun.)2、教学方法设计



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