From the perspective of foreign language education psychology teaching skills to grasp the English language.doc

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1、 From the perspective of foreign language education psychology teaching skills to grasp the English language An English teacher in addition to the study of English language and pragmatic knowledge of English language development, history, culture and customs of English-speaking countries, the teachi

2、ng students and English Language Teaching specific methods, but also should be studied education, psychology, psycholinguistics, cognitive heart Neo-Confucianism, social linguistics, philosophy, and so on. Because of linguistic knowledge is financial psychology, pedagogy, sociology of knowledge into

3、 an integrated knowledge. In this paper, behavior theory, people-theory point of view of English teaching in secondary schools on how to grasp the English language teaching skills. 1, behavioral theory 1. Theories of the behavioral principles of 1913-1930 year is the period of early behaviorism, psy

4、chologists from the United States in the Pavlovian conditioned reflex theory of Watson, based on the start-up, 1913, Watson published “From a behaviorist who can see the eyes of the psychological Science, “which marks the birth of behaviorism. Watson claimed that psychology as a science, only resear

5、ch can observe behavior. This is because the scientific research results must be able to duplicate, and psychology with a subjective nature, can not be directly observed, we can not repeat, so better to put the psychological as a black box, we do not have to manage what they contained and how to act

6、ivity, only need to know the link between inputs and outputs on it. In stimulating an organisms case, only the external behavior as a response activities can be observed. Therefore, should act as a psychological study. Thus, Watsons line of research can be “stimulus - response” formula (SR) to repre

7、sent, he insisted on psychology is the scientific study of behavior. He advocated psychology should abandon the sense of imagery and other things too subjective, is only observed in the Institute and can be measured objectively stimulus and response. Without regard to one of the intermediate links.

8、Watson denied that psychology, consciousness, and stress behavior. He believes that human behavior is acquired under the acquisition of environmental impact, environmental determine a persons behavior, whether the behavior is normal or pathological behaviors are acquired through learning, you can al

9、so learn from the changes, additions or eliminated, that the identification of behavioral responses to environmental stimuli and the relationship between the regularity, we can predict the response under the stimulation, or under response to stimulate the inference, to predict and control of animal

10、and human act. He believes that the act is to stimulate the organism to adapt to the environment a combination of a variety of body responses, some manifested in appearance, some hidden in-house, in his eyes no difference between humans and animals, all follow the same pattern. Behaviorism is a repr

11、esentative of the latter part of the other well-known American psychologist Skinner. Since Skinners theory of behavioral health in China has been the development of his theory, usually referred to as the new behaviorism. And the Watsons behaviorism is called classical behaviorism. Skinner and Watson

12、 thought the difference is that he does not deny people the existence of internal mental activity, but he is convinced that all human behavior is determined by the external environment. Skinner in the Pavlovian classical conditioning is proposed based on operant conditioning, he made a “Skinner Box”

13、, a special device installed in the box, press a lever there will be food, he will be a hungry rat into the box, it will run around inside Luanpeng, freedom to explore, and occasionally a pressure lever to get food, then the frequency of rats lever pressed more and more that is learned through the p

14、ressure lever to get food, methods, Skinner named it operant conditioning or instrumental conditioning, food that is to strengthen objects, the use of reinforced materials to increase a reaction (ie behavior) frequency, a process called enhanced. Skinner believes that strengthening the training is t

15、o explain the bodys main mechanism for the learning process. 2. Skinner and his representative Skinnerian reinforcement theory BF Skinner (1904-1990) American behaviorist psychologist, the representative of the new behaviorism, operant conditioning theory, the founder. In 1931 received a doctorate i

16、n psychology at Harvard University, and in 1943 returned to Harvard to teach in 1950 was elected Fellow of National Academy of Sciences, 1958 issued by the American Psychological Association Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award in 1968, issued by the President of the United States highest sci

17、entific honor - the National Science Award. Is the second psychologist to receive this medal. Skinners Reinforcement Theory Strengthen the theory, also known as behavior modification theory is proposed by the U.S. psychologist Skinner to learn based on the principle of strengthening the understandin

18、g and amendments on a theory of human behavior. Skinner said: people or animals in order to achieve a certain purpose, will take the role of a certain behavior in the environment, when the consequences of such acts in his favor, this behavior will be repeated in the future; disadvantage, this behavi

19、or to weaken or disappear. People can use this positive reinforcement or negative impact of an enhanced approach to the consequences of the act, thus amending their behavior. The so-called strengthened in terms of its most basic form, refers to the act of a positive or negative consequences (reward

20、or punishment), it at least to some extent, will determine whether such acts in the future recurrence. According to the nature and purpose of strengthening can be enhanced to strengthen into positive and negative enhanced. In management, positive reinforcement to reward those organizations in need o

21、f behavior, thereby strengthening such acts; negative strengthening is to punish those who act incompatible with the organization, thus weakening such acts. Positive reinforcement methods include bonuses, recognition of achievement, recognition, improved working conditions and interpersonal relation

22、s, promotions, arranged as a challenging task, given the opportunities to learn and grow. Enhanced methods include the negative criticism, punishment, demotion, etc., and sometimes little or no reward to the reward is also a negative enhanced. When I first started Skinner will only strengthen the th

23、eory used for training animals, such as training dogs and circus animals. Later, Skinner in turn enhance the further development of the theory, and for peoples learning, the invention of programmed instruction and teaching machines. He stressed that the study of small steps to be followed and the pr

24、inciples of timely feedback will be big problems into many small problems, step by step, he will also compile a good teaching program on the machine where the teaching of the people received very good results. Strengthen the theory of the behavior of some specific application of the principles are a

25、s follows: (1) an enhanced behavior tends to recur. The so-called enhanced factor is some kind of behavior in the future will increase the likelihood of repetition of any kind of “consequences.” For example, when the consequences of an act, when the subject of praise, it increases the likelihood of

26、repetition of such acts. (2) To strengthen the object in accordance with the different uses of different control measures. Peoples age, sex, occupation, education, experience different needs of different strengthening methods should also be different. If people pay more attention to material incenti

27、ves, and some people pay more attention to spiritual rewards, it should discriminate between different conditions, using different control measures. (3) Small steps forward, set goals in stages, and objectives to be clearly defined and presentation. Incentive for the people, we must first establish

28、a clear, inspiring yet realistic objectives, clear and specific when only the target can be measured and to take appropriate control measures. At the same time, but also the target to break it down, divided into many small goals, the completion of each small target in a timely manner to give enhance

29、d, so that not only conducive to achievement of the objectives, but also through continuous motivation can enhance confidence. If the target time set too high, make people feel easy to achieve or that little hope can be achieved, which is difficult to fully mobilize the people to make efforts to ach

30、ieve the goals of the initiative. (4) timely feedback. The so-called immediate feedback through a form and means of results of the work promptly tell the actors. The incentive to get the best results, it should act as soon as possible after the occurrence of appropriate enhanced method. A person aft

31、er the implementation of an act, even if the leader said “has taken note of such acts,” such a simple feedback can also play a positive role in strengthening, if the leaders of such acts are not aware that such a behavior will reduce the likelihood of repeat or even disappear. (5) is enhanced to str

32、engthen more effective than the negative. In enhancing the utilization of means should be to intensify the main; the same time, if necessary, should be punished for bad behavior, so that combination of rewards and punishments. Reinforcement Theory only discuss the external factors or environmental s

33、timulation on the behavior, ignore the persons internal factors and the environment initiative of the reaction, with mechanical theory of color. However, the theory will help to strengthen the understanding of peoples behavior and guidance. This is not on staff or students to manipulate, but rather

34、to enable staff and students the best chance to have a clearly defined in a variety of alternative program choices. Thus, strengthening the theory has been widely applied in the transformation of incentives on human behavior. 3. Teaching in English English teaching in our schools, our English teache

35、r to be ingenious use of Skinners reinforcement theory, will focus on and difficult to be strengthened. Positive reinforcement: The difficulties in handling, the use of small steps forward, set goals in stages. And objectives to be clearly defined and presentation. Many had just risen from a junior

36、high school students in high school English learning more confusing, some junior high school students a good foundation in English for senior high school English listening, vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, etc. feel powerless. This requires us to high school English teachers in time to ease ch

37、ildrens psychological confusion, while taking effective measures. The problem of weak hearing for students, schools can be broadcast each day or the day of the broadcast interval of a day of English listening material more easily. (Eg, “New Concept English books 1-4” or “Crazy English” or the simult

38、aneous listening exercises or “traveled the United States,” Hearing the tape or “Step by Step”, etc.) For students in grammar, vocabulary questions, the teacher in lesson preparation, it is necessary Note that in junior high school students in basic English grammar, the sentence composition, grammar

39、, grammatical function, part of speech, and word-building, etc., planned, and in a timely manner to clearly explain to the students, and in peacetime to be reminded of the teaching process and strengthen . Reading for high school students, I think, the basis of grades should be a lot of English read

40、ing, since only sufficient input is possible a large number of output. This is a necessity; and the foundation year students than higher-grade students to learn to lighten the task, usually time for extracurricular reading, it is possible. High school students to read “remedial English newspaper,” “

41、Times English newspaper,” “English Weekly”, etc., you can read simple English books, such as “Harry porter”, “Crazy English”, or read English magazines, such as “ Friends of Middle School Students, “ Middle School English Corner “,” English-pass, “ Middle School English Pictorial “, etc. Only in thi

42、s way, step by step drills, junior and senior high English language teaching in order to make an organic link up. To achieve better teaching results. In particular, the teachers only to teach third year high 1:00 must take note of this, do not be heavy-handed, causing just the opposite. On the secon

43、d year, third year student teachers in English teaching that we both can be used Skinners reinforcement theory, for example, the focus for grammar school students at Noun clause, the most troublesome distinction between that and what a teacher can focus on to explain, analyze , comparison, and a rel

44、ated exercise. This was what I explain this: High School students often confuse the syntax of the knowledge - What, and that in the noun clause in the usage of different Noun clauses, including subject clauses, object clauses, predicative clauses, appositive clause of four. Noun clauses are High Sch

45、ool students will learn the importance of English grammar. Noun clauses in school, students often What, and that the usage of the confusion in a sentence. Here are my teaching practice and a summary of this knowledge, only students reference: What, and that can guide the noun clause. But they functi

46、on very different from the syntax of the sentence. 1. In guiding the noun clause, the subordinate conjunctions that are not normally pay attention to three (three nos): 1. Is not omitted (no ellipsis) When the subordinate conjunctions that guide the subject clauses, predicative clauses, and appositi

47、ve clause, when, that is not omitted. Eg. 1) That he was able to come made us happy. (That guide the subject clause can not be omitted) 2) The truth is that I didnt go there. (That guide the predicative clause can not be omitted) 3) The news that our team has won is true. (That guide the appositive

48、clause can not be omitted) However, in an informal style that guide the object in the clause can be omitted, except the following two circumstances: that can not be omitted in the object clause in the situation. (1). In the main that it (the form object) bin fill that, clause (real object) and does

49、not omit the sentence. Eg: 4) He made it quite clear that he preferred to study English. (That can not be omitted) He was very clear that he would prefer to learn English. (2). By the conjunctions and connections that led from the two clauses in the object, then the second clause before the object that is not omitted. Eg


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