Analysis on Cultural connotation of Comparative of English and Chinese Proverbs Related to Cat and Dog 猫、狗相关的英汉谚语文化内涵.doc

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Analysis on Cultural connotation of Comparative of English and Chinese Proverbs Related to Cat and Dog 猫、狗相关的英汉谚语文化内涵.doc_第1页
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Analysis on Cultural connotation of Comparative of English and Chinese Proverbs Related to Cat and Dog 猫、狗相关的英汉谚语文化内涵.doc_第2页
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Analysis on Cultural connotation of Comparative of English and Chinese Proverbs Related to Cat and Dog 猫、狗相关的英汉谚语文化内涵.doc_第3页
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Analysis on Cultural connotation of Comparative of English and Chinese Proverbs Related to Cat and Dog 猫、狗相关的英汉谚语文化内涵.doc_第4页
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1、Analysis on Cultural connotation of Comparative of English and Chinese Proverbs Related to Cat and Dog猫、狗相关的英汉谚语文化内涵摘要谚语简洁生动,是语言的一个重要组成部分,而在动物谚语之中与猫、狗相关的谚语又占了很大一部分。它体现了语言与文化的关系。由于这些谚语主要都是来自人们的日常生活,社会经验,也是人们智慧的结晶,因此,与猫、狗相关的英汉谚语也存在着相同之处。但由于各国具体的历史文化背景的不同,所以与猫、狗相关的英汉谚语又存在着差异。本文在前人研究所发现的英汉谚语的相同点与不同点的基础之

2、上,深入研究分析了与猫、狗相关的英汉谚语的相同点和不同点。并探究了它们在跨文化交际中的渗透与融合。此外,由于在对猫狗形象的看法相同,这些谚语存在着其它一些相同之处,对人生都有指导,警告及文学运用上的功能。而由于古代中国与西方在对爱情婚姻,家庭及长辈的看法反面存在着差异,及它们所实行的社会制度不同,仍导致了这些谚语的其它不同点。最后,指出随着世界文化的交流,与猫、狗相关的英汉谚语也逐渐打破了国家和民族的界限,相互融合与渗透,其中一些表现出相同的意思。关键词: 谚语 相同点 不同点 融合AbstractProverbs are very simple and vivid and the cream

3、 of a language. In animal proverbs, there are a great number of proverbs related to cat and dog, which reflect the relationship between language and culture. Because many of them came from peoples daily life, social experience and the crystal of peoples wisdom, the English and Chinese proverbs relat

4、ed to cat and dog have some similarities, but because of the cultural and historical differences, they also have differences in their detailed contents. Based on the similarities and differences found by the previous researchers, the author deeply studies some other similarities and differences betw

5、een English and Chinese proverbs related to cat and dog and explores their interfusion. Besides that, because of peoples similar views on the image of cat and dog, English and Chinese proverbs also have other similarities and have instructive, warning and literal functions. Because of different view

6、s on love and marriage, family and the aged and different social systems in Western countries and ancient China, these proverbs also have some other differences. Then the author point out the blending of English and Chinese proverbs related to cat and dog because of the cultural communication around

7、 the world and the breaking up of the limit among different countries and nations.Key Words: Proverbs, Similarities, Differences, BlendingContentsAcknowledgements .2Abstract in English .3Abstract in Chinese . 41.Introduction .71.1 Background and Objective of the Research.71.2 Organization of the The

8、sis.81.3 Brief Introduction to English and Chinese Proverbs Related to Cat and Dog.81.3.1 Definition of Proverbs.81.3.2 Brief Introduction to Proverbs Related to Cat and Dog.92. Similarities and Differences between English and Chinese Proverbs Related to Cat and Dog Found by Previous Researchers.92.

9、 Similarities.92. 1 Similar Origins.92. 2 Similar Features. .102.2.1 Conciseness.102. 2.2 Mention of Cat and Dog in One Proverb.102. 2.3 Similar Functions.103. Other similarities.113.1 Originating from Similar Views.113.2 Having Similar Functions.123.2.1 Having Similar Instructive Function.123.2.2 H

10、aving Similar Function for Warning.123.2.3 Having Similar Literal Function.134. Differences between English and Chinese Proverbs Related to Cat and Dog.144.1 Reflecting Different Customs.144.2 Indicating Different life style.144.3 Bearing Different Connotations.155. Other Differences.155.1 Originati

11、ng from Different Social Views.165.1.1 Originating from Different Social Views on Love and Marriage.165.1.2 Originating from Different Social Views on Family and the Aged.185.2 Different Social System.196. The Blending of English and Chinese Proverbs Related to Cat and Dog.207. Conclusion.228.Biblio

12、graphy.241. Introduction1.1 Background and Objective of the Research As proverbs are the essential part of a language, which reflect not only a countrys culture and tradition but also its social development, many scholars pay great attention to the study of proverbs. Since there are so many similari

13、ties in the proverbs of different countries as well as differences between them, many scholars and experts have a comparison between those proverbs. Since the animal proverbs have aroused peoples great interest and stimulated peoples intelligence because of their vivid images, they become welcomed a

14、mong a large population. So many scholars and experts have done contractive or comparative study on animal proverbs in English and Chinese, such as On Different Metaphorical Images of Animals in English and Chinese Proverbs from a Cultural Perspective ( Cao Xiying, 2006: 123-126 ); Contractive Analy

15、sis Animal Figure in Chinese-English Proverbs ( Shan Xingrong, 2006: 259-260 ); The Influence of Cultural Factors on the Images of Animal Proverbs in Chinese and English ( Song Jingsheng, 2004: 61-64); A Comparative Study of Animal Images in English and Chinese Proverbs ( Wei Lijuan, 2005 ). These r

16、elevant theses have been published in various publications. In these theses, the scholars and experts have studied the similarities of English and Chinese proverbs in the aspects of origins, features and functions and the differences between them from the view of customs, life style and meanings. Ho

17、wever, most of these theses just give a general cons traction or comparison to the animal proverbs in English and Chinese, but seldom refer to the proverbs related to cat and dog. There are a great number of proverbs related to cat and dog in English and Chinese, and these proverbs, playing an impor

18、tant role as the carrier of peoples thoughts and concepts, reflect countries specific culture and history. Studying on this subject can make me have a deep understanding of the similarities of and differences between Chinese and western culture, and the research is greatly helpful to the language te

19、aching and cross-cultural communication and literal study. I have done some research into it. The major purpose of my research is to find out some main similarities of and differences between English and Chinese proverbs related to cat and dog and the interfusion of them.1.2 Organization of the Thes

20、isThere are altogether six parts in this thesis.Part 1 presents the background and objective of the research, outlines the organization of the thesis, finally give a brief introduction to English and Chinese proverbs related to cat and dog. Part 2 analyzes some similarities and differences between E

21、nglish and Chinese proverbs related to cat and dog found by previous researchers. The similarities include similar origins, similar features and similar functions. The differences include that English and Chinese proverbs related to cat and dog reflect different customs, indicate different life styl

22、e and bear different connotations. Part 3 focuses on another two similarities of English and Chinese proverbs related to cat and dog. One is that they originating from similar views on the image of cat and dog.; the other is that they having similar instructive, warning and literal functions on peop

23、le. Part 4 discusses another two differences between English and Chinese proverbs related to cat and dog. They originate from different social views on love and marriage, family and the aged; they originating from different social system: the Western countries have capitalism while the ancient China

24、 carried out feudalism. Part 5 tells the blending of English and Chinese proverbs related to cat and dog. Part 6 draw a conclusion of the whole thesis, summing up the similarities and differences between English and Chinese proverbs related to cat and dog, and their blending.1.3 Brief Introduction t

25、o Proverbs Related to Cat and Dog1.3.1 Definition of Proverbs What is proverb? The definition of proverb by Oxford Concise Dictionary of Proverbs in A traditional saying which offers advice or presents a moral in a short and pithy manner(Simpson, 2001). In Wang Qins opinion, proverbs are the summing

26、 up of practical experiences (1980:8). They are the oral forms of language that give people experience, advice or warning. The great English philosopher Francis Bacon once said that the genius, wit and spirit of a nation were discovered in its proverbs. From these definitions, we can see that prover

27、bs are the cream of a language, which have been handed down from generation to generation and can give people advice and warnings.1.3.2 Brief Introduction to Proverbs Related to Cat and DogThere are various kinds of proverbs such as animal proverbs and plant proverbs. The animal proverbs involve a l

28、ot of animals, cat, dog, dragon, tiger, fish and lion. Among these animals, cat and dog are referred to in a large number in both English and Chinese proverbs. In English proverbs, there are A cat may look at a king , It rains cats and dogs , Barking dogs do not bite ; in Chinese proverbs, we have 猫

29、走鼠伸腰 , 猫儿狗儿识温存 , 狗眼看人低 。2. Similarities and Differences between English and Chinese Proverbs Related to Cat and Dog Found by Previous Researchers2 Similarities2.1 Similar Origins As an English proverb itself tells us Proverbs are the daughter of experience ; so that proverbs related to cat and dog a

30、lso generate from peoples daily life , social experience and folk wisdom. It is obvious that English and Chinese proverbs related to cat and dog share the same origin and they are the reflection of peoples wisdom and intellect. Specifically speaking, both of them come from mythology. Each nation has

31、 its own mythology, fable and allusion. Chinese traditional culture, ancient Greek and Roman civilization bequeath many mythologies and allusions. They are the precious legacy of mankind and also a source of the proverbs related to cat and dog. Different mythology and fable left different proverbs.

32、The Roman Mythology and some legend became the source of English proverbs related to cat and dog. E.g.: You cannot make a Mercury of every dog. ( From Roman Mythology. It means that not every mind will answer equally well to be trained into a scholar.) Who will bell the cat? (From Aesops Fable)Since

33、 China has a long history of 5 000 years, Chinese culture can trace back to the ancient time when there were many natural phenomena that our ancestor couldnt explain those unknown phenomena. As a result, some Chinese proverbs related to cat and dog come from mythology and fable. E.g.: 狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心 (

34、From 八仙过海 ). From above we can find out that some of English and Chinese proverbs related to cat and dog similarly originate from mythology or fables and are welcomed by people. 2.2 Similar Features Created by common people, proverbs are handed down from generation to generation orally. Both of Engl

35、ish and Chinese proverbs related to cat and dog are concise and vivid. They have similar linguistic characters and similar mention of cat and dog in one proverb.2.2.1 Conciseness Proverb diction related to cat and dog is very neat and simple. They use a few words to express the meaning and tend to b

36、e concise. Consequently, many of the English and Chinese proverbs related to cat and dog are simple and short sentences. For example, in English, Love me dog, love my dog; Every dog has his day; The cat is out of the bag; in Chinese, 猫儿眼,时时变;狗是百步王,只在门前狂;猫的气好受,鼠的气难受。 These proverbs are usually very s

37、imple and neat and easy to remember, so they can be very easy to speak out and handed down from generation to generation orally. 2.2.2 Mention of Cat and Dog in One ProverbIt is a common phenomenon that when people mention cat, dog is also always mentioned. In animal proverbs of English and Chinese,

38、 cat and dog re often mentions in one proverb, for example, It rains cats and dogs; The cat and dog may kiss, yet are none the better friends; To live long, eat like a cat, drink like a dog.; 猫儿狗儿识温存;猫一天,狗一天;好狗不跳槽,好猫不叫。Obviously, these proverbs share some common features as cat and dog are mentioned

39、 together in one proverb.2.2.3 Similar FunctionSome proverbs related to cat and dog are also ironic; they criticize some peoples bad behavior and reveal some peoples evil heart. For example, in English proverb Every dog is a lion at home. It criticize those who are so ignorant are also very arrogant

40、 The dog returns to his vomit. It reveals people who have been criminal commit crime again. A dog that will fetch a bone will carry a bone. It criticizes those who always bring gossips about others. In Chinese proverbs, 狗嘴里吐不出象牙 It criticizes people who always speak ill of others and talk about some

41、thing that makes others uncomfortable. 马走千里吃草,狗走千里吃屎 It criticizes those bad people who can not change their bad manners. 得志的猫儿欢似虎 It is used to reveal those ratfinks who get temporary profit. As there are so many dark and unfavorable phenomena in the society, many proverbs relate to cat and dog are

42、 created to criticize those gloomy things.3 Other similarities3.1 Originating from Similar Views on the Image of Cat and Dog Although both English people and Chinese people like keeping cats as pets, they think cat is a lazy and greedy animal. (Shen Zhi, 2007: 55)Cat is often used in proverbs to ref

43、er to those who are lazy or greedy. For example: in English; A cat in gloves catches no mice. This proverb is used to refer to people who are unwilling to do things and work in vain. The cat would eat fish but would not wet her feet. It always implies that one want to get something but does not want

44、 to have a try for fear of troublesome. (Ping Hong, 2000: 99) In a cats eye, all things belong to cats. It reflects that cat want to get everything. In Chinese, we have 猫巴富,狗守贫. In this proverb, 猫 refers to people who want to become rich by flattering the rich people. In 吊肉跌死猫, it refers to greedy m

45、an lost his fame for the present profit. All these proverbs prove that both English and Chinese people see cat as a lazy and greedy image. Whats more, either in western countries or in China, cat and dog are seen as enemies. In peoples opinion, when a cat and a dog met , they can not bear the others

46、 existence, as the cat stared at the dog, while the dog might be barking at the cat. Because of this, there are some English and Chinese proverbs in which cat and dog represent the opposite sides. For example, in English: Live like cat and dog. (It means that a life is full of quarrelling.) The cat and the


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