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1、山 东 体 育 学 院本 科 毕 业 论 文论文题目:英汉数词翻译方法 学 号:200840902117 姓 名:曾甜甜 本科专业:英语语言文学 指导教师:屈媛媛 山东体育学院教务处制2012年 3月 3 日On Translating Methods of Numeralsin Chinese and English英汉数词翻译方法ByZeng TiantianA Thesis Submitted to the Department of Fundamental Theoriesin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

2、 of Bachelor of ArtsShandong Sport UniversityJinan, ChinaMarch 3, 2012 AbstractThe translation of numeral has long been neglected due to its rigid and boring appearance. With the development of world economy and intercultural communication, it is of great importance to study numeral translation. How

3、ever, the difference of culture results in different comprehension. The purpose of this thesis is to find scientific methods to guide practical translation of numeral from the perspective of translation numeral. The core of translation numeral is to represent characteristic of the numeral in the tar

4、get text and practical worthiness. This thesis is composed of seven parts, of which the first and the last part are the introduction and the conclusion, and the rest are divided into five chapters. From these, we can see the five methods of translation: literal translation, free translation, substit

5、ution translation, combination of literal and free translation, filling-up translation. Numerals can express quantities equally showing precision. However, in their actual use in discourse, we must consider the original carefully, know its stress, and translate it naturally, expressing the meaning o

6、f the original to present its faintness. On the basis of characteristics of numeral, the paper presents some translation methods.Key words: numeral; translation; original linguistic; cultural characteristic摘 要 数词因其表面的形式单调,内容枯燥长期以来处于翻译领域里的末端地位。随着全球化的加强,各国文化交流日渐加深,数词翻译日渐重要。由于文化背景的不同,对于数字的理解也有很大差别。本文从翻

7、译方法的角度研究数词翻译的特点,旨在更好的指导数词翻译的实践工作。数词翻译的核心是在理解源语言文化的基础上展现数词特点,具有很高的实践价值。本文共有七个部分,第一部分和最后一部分分别是简介和结论,其余分为五章,每一章都简单介绍了一种翻译方法,分别为:直译法、意译法、替代法、解释性翻译、注释法。英语中有些数词可以等值翻译,反映了其精确性特征。但另一方面,为了使句子更加符合源语言文化习惯,也有许多数词不能等值翻译,或者完全不译出来,有展现了其具有模糊性。针对数词这一特点,本文从熟语、句子方面展现数词的翻译方法。关键词:数词;翻译;源语言;文化特点Contents1.0 Introduction-1

8、2.0 Literal translation -12.1 Performing numeric function -12.2 Distinguishing the difference of pragmatic significance -23.0 Free Translation -23.1 Abridging numerals-3 3.2 Changing original numbers-34.0 Substitution Translation -44.1 Returning original cultural characteristic-44.2 Returning origin

9、al linguistic habit-55.0 Combination of Literal and Free translation-55.1 Relative concepts-55.2 Transformation-66.0 Filling-up Translation-66.1 Making Notations-76.2 Explaining in Translation-77.0 Conclusion-8References-9Acknowledgments-10On Translating Methods of Numerals in Chinese and English1.0

10、 IntroductionIntended to express precise quantities, numerals are, predictably, precise in nature. However, in their actual use in discourse, they are often associated with the feature of fuzziness when used rhetorically. For example, “a drop in the ocean”, “eights and quarters” , “kill two bird wit

11、h one stone”. About several few numerals in these examples, there is not to express accurate number but put faintness. The numerals of faintness in the particular context, besides expressing number, can also express certain thought feelings, operating rhetorical effect, such as exaggeration, compari

12、son, metonymy and etc. The features of numbers make the translation complex. It is practical indication that the feasibility of the translation cant quote directly numbers original language.Here, summing up five methods that translating numerals is as follows.2.0 Literal translationLiteral translati

13、on, also known as direct translation in everyday usage has the meaning of the rendering of text from one language to another “word for-word” rather than conveying the sense of the original. 1 (28) However in translation studies literal translation has the meaning of technical translation of scientif

14、ic, technical, technological or legal texts. 2.1 Performing numeric functionExerting basic function renders simply word for word and do not allow transfer. 2 (136) The method is usually seen as special literary style apart from familiar literary translation such as scientific and technological trans

15、lation, law clerk translation and political commentary translation. While translating these words, we have to be absolutely faithful original text.2.2 Distinguishing the difference of pragmatic significance People widely think that the concept is expressed by numerals in the fixed phrase, generally

16、speaking, is imaginary numbers instead of actually points. And numerals mostly have trope, exaggeration in the actual language usage and tactful rhetoric meaning. Homology numerals of the pragmatic significance are not corresponding in different languages. For example, “three” in the Chinese has man

17、y meanings: “三” in “三三两两” means “little” , but “三” in “三令五申” means “much”; “三”in “三寸金莲” means “short”, while “三” in“三长两短” means “by any chance” As a result, “three” can express many meanings. 3 (78) English also has many extension meanings about three: “three- ring circus” points an untidy condition

18、”; “the three sheets in the wind” indicates inebriate state after drinking; while“the three handkerchief”means sentimental dramas , the “三” in English has the meaning of “disorder” and “truth” . 4 (98) A number with race characteristics should be translated according to original context without ambi

19、guity and keep faithfulness as far as possible. This aspect is to reserve phonetic characteristics, on the other hand to promote cultural interaction and understand the culture of the original language.3.0 Free Translation Free translation refers to, according to the meaning of the original, without

20、 paying attention to the details and translation would also be fluent and natural. Free translation need not pay attention to the form of the original, including construction of the original sentences, meaning of the original works and so on. But free translation does not mean to delete or add conte

21、nt to the original, so translators must consider the original carefully, translate it naturally and express the meaning of the original. Free translation is a skill, which asks translators must know the culture of both source language and target language, and must have extensive knowledge.3.1 Abridg

22、ing numeralsThere are two methods: A free translation is a translation that reproduces the general meaning of the original text. It may or may not closely follow the form or organization of the original; the other signifies vague semantic even losing signification function. This kind of numerals jus

23、t makes use of free translation. The kind of circumstance usually appears in the translation of idioms. For instance, “六神无主” (restless) ; “五大三粗” (big and tall); “不管三七二十一” (do something at will regardless of the consequences); “丑八怪” (a very ugly person); “at the eleventh hour” (在最后时候) ; “on cloud nin

24、e” (狂喜状态) ; “strike twelve” (达到最高目标) and so on. 5 (67)Sometimes, we cant translate by precise numbers to avoid mislead readers. Shakespeares play Henry IV has the dialogue:Prince: Thats to make him eat twenty of his words.“Twenty” means “little”. Wu Xingxua translated it into “这不过是让像他这样惯于食言的人吃下二十来个字

25、罢了”. “Twenty” cant express little vague semantic in Chinese. Wu transgresses original righteousness. Compared to Zhu Shenghaos version, he translated apropos “他是食言而肥的好手, 吃几个字儿是算不了什么的”. 6 (45)Next sentence must be handled differently:He had warned me against pickpockets twenty times. Here, “twenty” m

26、eans not referential times “much” and translate “他多次提醒我提防扒手” .Therefore, when we make use of this method, we need understand the general meaning of the original text so that some numerals are abridged from the original work.3.2 Changing original numbersBecause different languages have different nume

27、ral expression habits, we should translate numbers according to the original language expression habit, and then change original number in order to better translate the meaning of original text. For example, in Shakespeares Hamlet, there are words: “A slave that is not twentieth part of tithe of you

28、r precedent lord”Here are three translators versions with the numbers of dissimilarity: a. 这一个奴才, 还赶不上你前夫的十分之一的二十分之一. (Cao Weifeng)b. 一个不及你前夫二百分之一的庸奴 (Zhu Shenghao)c. 一个不及你先夫千百分之一的奴才 (Bian Zhiling)The three versions can all reflect the translation method about the number, Caos translation belonged t

29、o completely literal translation; Zhu didnt change original number as well, just numerals conversion; Bian translated Leaving an original number behind according to Chinese language habit, and not only had not falsity original text, but also made text more idiomatic, and readers also more easily com

30、prehend, regarded as the best translation among the three types. 7 (88)4.0 substitution translationThe numerals translations ideal boundary is the relationship of form and spirit all resembles, however, because English and Chinese have the huge differences in the syntax structure and the basic vocab

31、ulary, such translation boundary very inaccessibility. 8 (98) From English to Chinese numbers, some parts from English to Chinese number significance are not close, but indicates on is able to discriminate: Some semantic is the same, semantic has different, when the translation may substitute mutual

32、ly, this method is “the substitution law”. For instance, a Chinese idiom “七零八落” can be translated into “at sixes and sevens”. While, an English idiom “six of one and half a-dozen of the other” can make use of substitution translation translating into “半斤八两”. 9 (34)4.1 Returning original cultural cha

33、racteristicsThere is a great deal of idioms in both Chinese and English. However, as a result of Cultural differences and language features between Chinese and English, the idioms of different languages have their own characteristics. One makes use of numerals the other not. So numerals should be tr

34、anslated according to original language habits. For instance, “A stitch in time saves nine.” and “小洞不补,大洞吃苦” ; “ten to one” and “十有八九” ; “to be flung to the four winds” and “抛到九霄云外” and so on. 4.2 Returning original linguistic habitSince English and Chinese translation involve two languages, the gre

35、at differences between Chinese and English in ways of thinking and linguistic habits bring various problems to the translation in order to accord with the original language. For example, “人群马上向他的周围靠拢过来。上千只眼睛盯着他.” (曲波林海雪原 ) “The villagers hastily crowded around. Five hundred pairs of eyes were fasten

36、ed upon him eagerly”. 10 (78)5.0 Combination of Literal and Free translation Literal translation and free translation as two different translation methods are in most cases complementary to each other instead of mutual exclusion although each is suitable for certain conditions of its own. The aim of

37、 translation is essential to reproduce fluently, and for that matter, reshape the meaning of source language in the most appropriate style.5.1 Relative Concepts Literal translation and free translation, however, are relative concepts. In other words, there is not nither absolutely “literal”, nor ent

38、irely “free” version in the practice of translation, and overemphasizing either of them would result in ridiculous consequences. There is a dialogue following: Can you come down a little? Sorry, its one price for all.We can make use of combination of literal and free translation translating:你卖便宜一点买吗

39、?对不起,不二价。Another example:He had one over the eight after he drank only half bottle of the wine.他才喝了半瓶酒就醉的七歪八倒了. 11 (38)The two illustrations show the measure felicitously. Now we come to the conclusion that there is no obvious distinction between literal and free translation, nor is it necessary to

40、distinguish one from the other. The key point for a translator to grasp is to comprehend the original thoroughly and then put it into idiomatic Chinese. First try literally if it is possible, otherwise, resort to free translation. And yet in most cases we adopt both approaches at the same time, whic

41、h shows that literal translation and free translation are not contradictory but complementary.5.2 Transformation Sometimes, we want to indicate readers cultural habits, syllable and rhythm. We need transform numerals especially in poets. There is an instance following:“千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭”, some people may

42、translate “千山” into “a thousand mountains” and “万径” into “ten thousand paths”. Although it is right, the context seems too prolix. While, Bynner translates it into:A hundred mountains and no bird,A thousand paths without a footprint;At first sight, this is all terribly paradoxical. Furthermore, it i

43、s more visually pleasing and unmistakably conveyed in a poetic style. 12 (139)6.0 Filling-up TranslationAs translators differ individually in their cultural backgrounds, life experiences, reading experience, literary appreciation, aesthetic sensibility as well as their bi-lingual competency, these d

44、iversities are eventually reflected in their varied re-creation activities of producing different translated works. So Mark says “The explanation is a translation.” 13 (89)Understanding is the fundamental purpose of translation. If there is an antinomy between typeface meaning or image meaning and i

45、mplicit meaning, typeface meaning or image meaning should obey implicit meaning because of the differences of cultures. In other words, we should translate with notes. 6.1 Making NotationsNotation is the act of clarifying or explaining. Based on the theory of pragmatic translation, we research the necessity and vitality of “cultural addendum” of background knowledge in English-Chinese or Chinese-English translation and point out that “cultural addendum


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