On the Use of Mother Tongue in English Classes母语在英语课堂教学运用的研究.doc

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1、母语在英语课堂教学运用的研究On the Use of Mother Tongue in English Classes摘 要改革开放以来,我国的英语教育有了长足的发展,学生的英语水平也有了明显提高。同时,社会对大学毕业生的英语能力也有了更高的要求。这些要求迫使英语教学随之改革。其中,在英语教学中该不该运用母语成为了教师与学习者共同关注的重要问题。很多学校开始实行全英语教学,避免使用母语。这一方法在一定程度上提高了学生对英语的应用能力,被许多英语教师和学习者认可并采用。但其同时对学生英语水平的提高也起着负面的影响,不利于教师与学生之间的交流。在英语教学中,对某些词汇或概念的教学,采用英语讲解时

2、学生不能够充分地理解,在这种情况下,如果能利用母语进行恰当的解释,那么学生就能对所学的知识更好的理解与接受。但是,在英语教学中母语的使用应该适可而止,不能滥用。因为英语教学的目的是培养学生应用外语的能力,如果在英语教学中过分的使用母语,学生在有限的课时内接触英语的机会就相应的减少了,这样就会不利于达到英语教学的目的。因此,只有在英语课堂尽量发挥母语的正迁移作用,同时克服母语对于英语学习产生的负面影响,才能提高英语课堂的教学质量和效果。关键词:英语教学;母语 ;语言迁移;语言翻译法;自觉对比法;教学对策AbstractWith the rapid development of the Engli

3、sh education since the reform and open, the learners English level has obviously improved. At the same time, the society also increased the requirement to the English ability of the University graduates. Therefore, English teaching methods have to be faced with reform because of the high requirement

4、. Among the controversial teaching methods, whether to use mother tongue in the class become to an important question to both of the teachers and the learners.A lot of schools begin to carry out “All-English Teaching” which abandons mother tongue completely in the class. Though this method helps to

5、improve the learners English ability and has been adopted and accepted by many teachers and learners, it also has the negative effects that against the communication between teachers and students. During English teaching, there may be some vocabulary or concepts that can not be fully understood when

6、 explained in English only. In this case, proper use of mother tongue can help the students understand and accept the knowledge better. However, enough is enough, excessive use of mother tongue is not reasonable, for the goal of English teaching is to cultivate students English ability, but excessiv

7、e use of mother tongue will decrease the students chance to get touch with English and make against achieve the goal of English teaching. Therefore, only to make good use of the positive transfer of mother tongue, and to overcome the negative transfer to the English learning at the same time will im

8、prove the quality and the result of English class.Key words : English teaching; mother tongue;Language Transfer;Grammar-Translation Method; Conscious-comparative Method; teaching countermeasures Contents 摘要 Abstract I. Introduction II. Literature ReviewIII. Using the mother tongue in the classroom(G

9、rammar-Translation Method and Conscious-comparative Method)3.1. The features of Grammar-Translation Method and Conscious-comparative Method3.2. The advantages of Grammar-Translation Method and Conscious-comparative Method 3.2.1. Providing a quick and accurate translation for the learners.3.2.2. Help

10、ing the teachers to check the teaching concepts and establish the general rules for the class.3.2.3. The security of learning vocabularyIV. The Exploration of Mother Tongue Used in English Teaching4.1. The creation of mother tongue teaching environment 4.1.1. The creation of campus environment 4.1.2

11、. The infiltration of the English activities after class4.2. Innovate traditional English classroom teaching 4.2.1. The filtration and combination of teaching contents 4.2.2. The changes of traditional teaching organization 4.2.3. The usage of the new teaching methodsV. The aspects we should pay att

12、ention to in mother tongue used in English teaching procedure5.1. Using more flexible methods to help the students say more5.2. Providing the students with comprehensible input and more chances to communicate with each other5.3. Providing more language materials to enrich the students knowledgeVI. C

13、onclusionBibliographyAcknowledgementsI. IntroductionWith the rapid development of the global economy in recent years, more and more fields of a country such as, economy, education and politics have been in contact with other countries. As a result, English has been the most frequently used language

14、in the word because of the procession of the history and it has been the international language in the world. English is used on a quarter of the earth as a main language. Nowadays there are a large number of people who have had to learn a second language (for example, English), not just as a pleasi

15、ng pastime, but often as a means of obtaining an education or securing employment. If you learn English well, you can find more learning chances for yourself and enter a large, full of knowledge world what you cant imagine before. But only a small part of English learners can master English effectiv

16、ely. Most of them are still unable to use English correctly in speech and writing. What shall those who take the profession of language teaching do for the learners? At such a time, there is an obvious need to discover something about how second languages are learned.English teaching has a long hist

17、ory of more than 100 years in China. After the founding of the Peoples Republic of China, especially since the practice of the policy of reformation and opening, many western schools of teaching methodology have been introduced to China together with the introduction of advanced western science and

18、technology. Among the teaching methods, whether to use the mother tongue in the class become to a controversial issue to both of the teachers and the learners. However, the mother tongue influences can be easily traced in all aspects of second language learners inter-language. Foreign language teach

19、ing proceeds when the learner already masters his mother tongue. Therefore, both in the foreign language teaching theory and in the foreign language teaching practice, the influence of the learners mother tongue is an unavoidable factor.As a tool to know the world, every language stands for an appro

20、ach to perceive the world. Learning a language means learning another approach to perceive the world. The system of the lexical structure and semantic structure of a language reflects the approach in which the language community knows the world and the orbits in which history and culture develop. So

21、, foreign language acquisition is a very complex psychological process. For the learners who have already mastered the basic lexical items and basic grammatical structures of a language, foreign language learning is proceeding on the basis of the existing linguistic knowledge (of the mother tongue,

22、of general learning strategies, or of the universal properties of language). Consequently, the grammatical and semantic knowledge of the mother tongue will have definite effects on the learning of the grammatical and semantic structures of the second language. In addition, different nations have dif

23、ferent communicative ways and discourse structures, which by every means, are sure to influence the new communicative ways and discourse structures on different occasions and to different degrees.To avoid the influence of the mother tongue, a lot of schools begin to carry out “All-English Teaching”

24、which abandons mother tongue completely in the class. This method helps to train the learners to communicate with people fluently and authentically. However, it destroyed the natural collection between human beings and the mother tongue.Everybody is a physical human being when he was born. After he

25、contacts the surrounding and adapts himself in the procedure of learning and practicing, he will be a social human being. Nowadays, English classroom teaching activity cant be limited by passing the knowledge and study themselves, but focus on the students growth as a perfect man, especially focus o

26、n the students social growth. Our classroom cant be looked as the teachers closed place where he can use his puissance but a civilization place where the teacher and the students can live equally together and release their potential capabilities. Our class cant be an activity union after class but b

27、e an active, positive and energetic main body. So its very important to create a good English learning environment for the students. Learning is the process of constructing knowledge - not merely obtaining it - in social environments. The theory of situated learning consistent with this view asserts

28、 that what we come to know and understand is fundamentally a product of the learning situation and the nature of the learning activity. Learning tasks should thus, as far as possible, be embedded in the target context and require the kind of thinking that would be done in real life. Our understandin

29、g continues to evolve on how students acquire languages. Two points are worth highlighting.The first is about providing a context that students find familiar or interesting. Research suggests that students learn more effectively and achieve facility in a language when their attention is focused on r

30、eal-life situations.The second point is about the importance of learning through interaction. Communication a primary objective of language learning is intrinsically about people interacting with one another.In the language classroom, real interaction must involve the sharing of real information. Th

31、e most successful language teachers are therefore those who are able to provide an environment, which engages students in lively interaction and exchange of information.According to the principles of language teaching, we have explored the teaching mode of English mother tongue teaching and tried to

32、 improve the students comprehending and using English abilities from many administrative levels and ways. II. Literature Review The definition of language transfer occurred first in Lados Linguistics Across Culturein 1957.Lado thought that in the environment of the second language acquisition,learne

33、rs depend on their mother tongue and transfer the language form,meaning and the culture related with their mother tongue to the second language acquisition. There are two forms in language transfer:negative transfer and positive transfer. When there is difference between mother tongue and the target

34、 language,the negative transfer occurs. The negative transfer is mainly negative and will lead the language errors and the occurrence of difficulties in language acquisition. It will prevent learners from acquiring new knowledge. Ellis pointed out that in the first step of the second language acquis

35、ition,learners often depend on their mother tongue because of their lack of enough knowledge of the target language. In this step,there may be more negative transfer of mother tongue. When the rules of mother tongue and the target language are the same,the positive transfer may happen,and promote th

36、e study of new knowledge. The role that mother tongue plays in the second language acquisition has been a disputative field in academic circles and it has become a branch of second language acquisition. Many researches have been conducted on the role of mother tongue in second language acquisition.

37、In the following part,the views held by behaviorism and mentalism about the role of mother tongue in second language acquisition will be discussed. 1. Behaviorism The research on the second language acquisition was mainly developed on the effects that mother tongue plays on second language acquisiti

38、on in 1950s and 1960s when behaviorism was very popular. The word behaviorism was put forward by American psycholinguist Watson first. Behaviorism views language acquisition as a simple process of habit formation. According to the theories of behaviorism,the difficulties in second language acquisiti

39、on mainly comes from the interference of the languages acquired before. It is the old language habits that prevent the study of new knowledgeproactive inhibition. It means that when the rules between mother tongue and the second language are the same,it is easy to transfer the language rule of mothe

40、r tongue to the second language and leads to the positive transfer;when the rules between two languages are different,it is hard to study and many errors will occur and it will lead to negative transfer.In theory,behaviorists would say that the differences between mother tongue and the second langua

41、ge create learning difficulty and performance errors while similarities between the two facilitate rapid and easy learning. In practice,however,attention is almost exclusively directed to the differences. This is so because negative transfer is more easily noticeable than positive transfer and also

42、because errors are seen providing the evidence of nonlearning or the failure to overcome the old habits. There is simply not much to analyze if the student makes a correct utterance. 2.Mentalism Chomsky and his followers put forth what came to be known as mentalism. Mentalism sees language as a syst

43、em of innate rules. In Chomskys view,a native speaker possesses a kind of linguistic competence. The child is born with knowledge of some linguistic universals. While acquiring his mother tongue,he compares his innate language system with that of his native language and modifies his grammar. Therefo

44、re,language learning is not a matter of habit formation,but an activity of building and testing hypothesis.According to these theories,mother tongue will interfere second language acquisition and lead to negative transfer. But the negative transfer or negative role is only one side of the relationsh

45、ip between mother tongue and second language acquisition. It does not reflect the essence of language acquisition. So we should reconsider the role of mother tongue in second language acquisition.The idea seemed to get around that using the mother tongue in the language teaching classroom was a “bad

46、 thing”Everything should be done in the target language,giving the learners maximum exposure to that language(in this case English)This is fine in principle but,as ever,the reality turns out to be somewhat differentWhile it is perfectly possible to use only English in class, this approach fails to t

47、ake account of a number of factors First of all,general recommendations of this type tend to originate in the world of the multi-ethnic language class in an English-speaking environmentIn this situation it is not only desirable to use English at all times, it is,for the most part, essential,given th

48、e mixed linguistic background of the learnersThis situation does not,however, apply to the vast majority of EFL (English as a Foreign Language);classes around the world,most of which will typically be taught by a non-native teacher of English and will consist in most cases of learners from a single linguistic background and cultureMany teachers in this second teaching situation will endeavor to use English as much as possible in the classroom,giving instructions in English, requiring learners to use English when asking questions,insisting that they use English in group and pair work an


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