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1、精品文档2016 年上期六年级英语月考测试题(前四单元)班级:姓名:得分:三、听录音判断句子,正确的答( ),错误的打 ( ) (5分 )听力部分(共 30 分)() 1.Listening to music is good for us.一、听音,选择你所听到的内容。(10 分)() 2.We should keep our body clean.()1、 A. PLDB.PLBC.BLD() 3.We can sing, dance and draw.()2、 A.273B.327C.732() 4.There are many magic stories.()3、 A.planting

2、B.plantC.planted() 5.I like reading more than playing games.()4、 A.happyB. happly C.happily四、听音,选择单词序号填在横线上。(5 分)()5、 A.bitterB.buttonC. betterA.DayB.usC.treesD.moreE.exercise()6、 A.We should wash our hands. B. We should wash our face.Today isTreePlanting.Ilikeplanting.Thereare many()7、 A. Where are

3、 we going?B. What are we going to do?advantagesofplantingtrees.AndI likedoing,too.Doing()8、 A.Mr Liu brings sandwiches. B. Mrs Liu brings sandwiches.exercise isinteresting.And It is good for .()9、 A. I like swimming more than running.B. I like running more than swimming.写作部分(共70 分)()10、 A.Some go to

4、 the shopping centers.一、工整地抄写,注意大小写、格式、标点。(10 分)B.Some go to the parks.1、 keepinteresting二、听音,标号(10 分)。2、 We should keep our body clean.3、 It s Tree Planting Day today.4、 Shall we go to the park?二、填出缺少的10 个字母。( 10 分)。1欢迎下载精品文档Aa Bb CcEeIiJjLlMmNnPpRr SsUu VvXxZz()3、Which one is bigger?() 4、 How can

5、we be healthy?() 5、 How old are you?food.C. The yellow one is bigger.D.It s on 12 th March.E. We should eat healthy三、选出不同类的一项(5 分)() 1、 A. rideB. lookC. together() 2、 A. motherB. grandparents C. family() 3、 A. watchedB. learnC. went() 4、 A. healthyB. washC. keep() 5、 A. outingB. singingC. dance四、给短语

6、选择相应的汉语意思(6 分)() 1、 keep our body cleanA.保持我们的身体清洁() 2、 take care ofB.一块肉() 3、 watch a movieC.使我们凉爽() 4、 a piece of meatD.赏花() 5、 keep us coolE.照顾() 6、 look at the flowersF.看电影四、单项选择,答案填在前面的括号里。(5 分)() 1、 Trees can keep the air _.A.clearB.cleanC.cleaner() 2、 We should eat _food.A.healthyB.healthC.ha

7、ppy() 3、 Well take _ walk at the park.A.theB.不填C.a() 4、 Many families go on an _on weekends.A.outB.outingC.our() 5、 That piece of meat is_than mine.A.goodB.niceC.better五、选择正确答语填在括号内。(5分)() 1、 When is Tree Planting Day?A. Yes.we ll go shopping.() 2、 Shall we go shopping?B. I m 12 years old.六、选择单词或短语填

8、空。(10 分)exerciseplaceshouldbetake care of1.We shouldhappy.2.Lin Tao doesevery morning.3.You should learn toyourself.4. Trees can make the _ beautiful.5. We_wash our face and body every day.七、连词成句并翻译(9 分 )1、 interesting stories are more Some ( . )翻:2、 We learn take should care of to ourselves ( .)翻:3

9、、 for trees Planting us is good( . )翻:新 课标第一 网八、短文,判断正误,相符写(T)不相符写( F)( 10 分)At seven in the morning I got up , then I brushed my teeth,washedmy face. I was too hungry, so I had some noodles for my breakfast.At about 8 oclock,I reached( 到达 )atpeter s home. Weplayed games。2欢迎下载精品文档and listenedtomusic

10、. Afterlunch, we went to thepark.We took a long walkaroundthelake.Weenjoyedthe beautiful flowersin thepark. Wehad a goodtime together. It was an interesting day.() 1、 I got up at seven in the morning.() 2、 I had milk and bread for my breakfast.() 3、 we played cards and listened to music at peter s home.() 4、 we went to the park after lunch.() 5、 we took along walk around the park.。3欢迎下载精品文档欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书, 学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。4欢迎下载


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