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1、positi on-relatedconsumption of civil se rvants has been sw ept by finance, consumer, regardlessof cost, extravagance and waste in the civil service position-related consumption, a buse, corruption and embezzlement,corruption is important. Then,under theconditi onsof market economy,how toreform the

2、existing civilduty consumption management, explores a sour ce to prevent and curb thepost consumption corruption way, is currently a major issue facedby honest work.Recently, Iconducted research on this issue, t his problemon some humbleopi nions. First, the existingpublic servants duty consumption

3、the main problems see n from the investigation and reasons, in recent years,public servants duty consumption cause d by the a buses and not a person of integrity, is one of the majorproblems in t he party inGover nment, itsoperation order have anegative effect on the party and Government organs, ser

4、iously damaging the image of the party and the Government, underminingthe relationship betw eenparty and the masses, effect,ope ning up and economicconstruction. From I County in recent yearsof governa ncesituati on see, positions consumption in the producedof two not phenome non r endering four a f

5、eatures: a is positions consumption sy stem lost has due of binding, right is greater than r ules, and right is greater than method of phenomenon more highlight; II i s in positions consumption i n the Camera Obscura operation, using terms, willpositions consumption into ha s personal consumption, w

6、ill corporate poi nts to into personal points to, makespositions consumption insome aspects has into positions enjoy and self-dealing of means; three is to positions consumption for name, fraud, false impersonator, Trendof negative corruptionphe nome na such as corruption and misappropriation; four

7、palaces, follow the fashion, rivalries, wasteful, and post consumptionbecamea symbolof showingoff their individual capacitie s. Ca use d by public serva nts dutyconsumptionof many two phenomenon in whichpeople reflect the biggestproblems are: (a) the officialcar problems.Mainly i n three aspects: on

8、e is t he larger busescost expenditure. According to statistics, until November 2003, XX County township Department bus 159cars, which de partment owns the bus 145 vehicles, and showed an increasi ngtrend. Financial ex penses cost per bus per year to35,000 yuan, and in fact every cost up to 50,000 y

9、uan. Some unit s alsohiring temporary drivers and expenditureon wages a ndsubsidi es. Necessary to keep acar, but also depe ndants, le ading to larger expenses. Second, gongchesiyong breed unhealthy tendencies. Some pe ople believe that nowsome bus drivers use one-third, one-thir d leadi ng private

10、one-third use d for official purposes. Some public servant s, especially leading officials motoring, cars for private purposes, violati ng the self-disci pline regulations, and even lead to traffic acci dents. According to statistics from related departments,since 2004, the correct investigation in

11、our County serves nearly 30 cars for privatepurposes, only the first half of this year, cars for private purposes or学校:临清二中学科:生物编写人:张秀君审稿人:赵宏伟第二章第 2 节通过激素的调节一、教材分析通过激素的调节是人教版高中生物必修三稳态与环境第二章动物和人体生命活动的调节 第 2 节课的教学内容,主要学习动物另外一种调节方式,激素调节。本节内容与第一节为并列的关系,是对第一章内容的加深与补充。又是第三节内容的基础二、教学目标1 知识目标( 1)知道动物各激素的生理作

12、用。( 2)描述动物和人体的激素调节。( 3)探讨动物激素在生产中的应用。2.能力目标:运用建构模型的方法,建立血糖调节模型。3情感、态度和价值观目标:通过讨论在促胰液素的发现过程中,体会科学家的科学研究态度和科学精神所起的重要作用。三、教学重点难点教学重点:1、 促胰液过程素的发现过程。2、 血糖平衡的调节。教学难点:激素调节的实例分析。四、学情分析我们的学生属于平行分班,学生已有的知识和实验水平有差距。且本节内容比较抽象,对于学生来说较难理解。对于各激素的作用,及激素调节的特点可以通过学生预习,记忆即可;对于激素调节的实例则需要学生通过具体例子,分析调节过程来理解。五、教学方法1分组演示:

13、建立血糖调节的模型。2学案导学:见后面的学案。eadersdriving a vehicle accident causedby roadaccide nts, 1, 1 people killed a nddirect economic losses amounting to more than 100,000 yuan. T hird, high efficiency a nd l ow cost of thebus. Surveys show that, the operatingcosts of taxis for the 8200/. Is a fundamentalpriority

14、 of the reform, it is a difficultproblem that mustbe solved in the reform process. Cl early, the post consumption averages three yearsbefore as a baseand fine-t une d on thebasis of thissinglepractices mustbe improved. Im provements to adhere to three principles: first, under the existingpoli cy pro

15、visions a pproved for publicservants dutyconsumptionstandards,cali bration, is not contrary to policy. Se cond, a ccording to thelocal financial situation and peopl es sustainability, public servants dutyconsumption standardsapproved,bot h financial reach, a ndpeoplehigh and low positions, but also

16、t he nature of thework a nd t he workload.In reform of method Shang, appr oved civil servants positions consumption standard to big unified, and small dispersed suitable, t hat most positions consumption projectshoul d according to poli cy provi des proposed unified standard, consider to ranks, andu

17、nit s and the work task ofdifferences sex, unified of standard should has elastic of and dynamicof, makes regions, and units inimplementation unifiedstandard Shihas must of flexibledisposal right;but si nce set of standard must after financial, and audit, sector audit a pproved Hou to implementation

18、. (C) reform package.Publicservants duty consumption elasticity of consumption to limit consumption, turning mess into kitchen after dinner, follow thecivil servant with a how touse personal titlesubsidiemonetization reform support of theseries of governance systems such as the civilservice examinat

19、ion of responsibility, system, low fault investigation system, the report said. Whileother measures to keepup.Discipline inspecti on and supervisionorgans, financial, auditing de partments shoul d strengthe n supervision and inspe ctionof publicservants dutyconsum ption monetization reform progress,

20、 to strengthen the reformof publicservants duty consumption m onetization sy stem, measures to develop and monitor the implementation of inspection,not consumption as required, even shiftingconsumerbehavior to stop, seriouscases t o deal with.Three ideas, publicservants dutyconsumption monetization

21、reform of politics, the economy and thedeepening of the reform,publicservants dutyconsumption as somewherebetween a reform also demonstrated its importance aconsumption t here are bigdrawbacks.NPC deputies and CPPCC members and the broad masses are concerned about. Secondly, thepositi on-relatedcons

22、umption of civil se rvants has been sw ept by finance, consumer, regardless of cost, extravagance and waste in the civil service position -related consumption, a buse, corruption and embezzlement,corruption is important. Then,under theconditi onsof market economy,how toreform the existing civilduty

23、consumption management, explores a source to prevent and curb thepost consumption corruption way, is currently a major issue facedby honest work.Recently, Iconducted research on this issue, t his problemon some humbleopi nions. First, the existingpublic servants duty consumption the main pr oblem s

24、see n from the investigation and reasons, in recent years,public servants duty consumption cause d by the a buses and not a person of integrity, is one of the majorproblems in t he party inGover nment, itsoperation order have anegative effect on the party and Government organs, seriouslydamaging the

25、 image of the party and the Government, underminingthe relationship betw eenparty and the masses, effect,ope ning up and economicconstruction. From I County in recent yearsof governancesituati on see, positions consumption in the producedof two not phenome non r endering four a features: a is positi

26、ons consumption sy stem lost has due of binding, right is greater than r ules, and right is greater than method of phenomenon more highlight; II i s in positions consumption i n the Camera Obscura operation, using terms, willpositions consumption i nto ha s personal consumption, will corporate poi n

27、ts to into personal points to, makespositions consumption insome aspects has intopositions enjoy and self-dealing of means; three is to positions consumption for name, fraud, false impersonator, Trendof negative corruptionphe nome na such as corruption and misappropriation; fourpalaces, follow the f

28、ashion, rivalries, wasteful, and post consumptionbecamea symbolof showingoff their individual capacitie s. Ca use d by public serva nts dutyconsumptionof many two phenomenon in whichpeople reflect the biggestproblems are: (a) the officialcar problems.Mainly i n three aspects: one is t he larger buse

29、scost expenditure. According to statistics, until November 2003, XX County township Department bus 159cars, which de partment owns the bus 145 vehicles, and showed an increasi ng trend. Financial expenses cost per bus per year to35,000 yuan, and in fact every cost up to 50,000 yuan. Some unit s also

30、hiring temporary drivers and ex penditureon wages a ndsubsidi es. Necessary to keep acar, but also depe ndants, le ading to larger expenses. Second, gongchesiyong breed unhealthy tendencies. Som e pe ople believe that nowsome bus drivers use one-third, one-thir d leadi ng private one-third use d for

31、 official purposes. Some public servant s, especially leading officials motoring, cars for private purposes, violati ng the self-disci pline regulations, and even lead to traffic acci dents. According to statistics from related departments,since 2004, the correct investigation in our County serves n

32、early 30 cars for privatepurposes, only the first half of this year, cars for private purposes or3新授课教学基本环节:预习检查、总结疑惑情境导入、展示目标合作探究、精讲点拨反思总结、当堂检测发导学案、布置预习六、课前准备1学生的学习准备:预习学案内容,记忆各激素的作用及激素调节的特点,并对激素调节的发现、及激素调节的实例的原理进行初步理解。2教师的教学准备:三种不同颜色的纸,制成卡片,即血糖调节模拟卡,课前预习学案,课内探究学案,课后延伸拓展学案。3教学环境的设计和布置:三人一组,教室内教学。4课

33、前抽阅部分学生的导学案,搜集学生预习过程中存在的问题,准备精讲内容、及补救练习。七、课时安排:1 课时八、教学过程(一 )预习检查、总结疑惑检查落实了学生的预习情况并了解了学生的疑惑,使教学具有了针对性。(二)情景导入、展示目标。引入以“问题探讨”引入,生思考回答师提示。提示 计算:如果仅靠血液中的葡萄糖,马拉松运动员只能跑1 min 左右( 0.8 1.2 min )。讨论:可能会导致血糖含量短暂的轻度下降,但仍能基本保持稳定,不会影响运动。因为在运动过程中,血糖会因补充肌肉消耗的糖类物质而含量下降,同时,血糖会随时从储能物质的分解、转化等得到补充。eadersdriving a vehic

34、le accident causedby roadaccide nts, 1, 1 people killed a nddirect economic losses amounting to more than 100,000 yuan. T hird, high efficiency and l ow cost of thebus. Surveys show that, the operatingcosts of taxis for the 8200/. Is a fundamentalpriority of the reform, it is a difficultproblem that

35、 mustbe solved in the reform process. Clearly, t he post consumption averages three yearsbefore as abase and fi ne-tune d on thebasis of thissinglepractices mustbe improved. Im provements to adhere to three principles: first, under the existing poli cy provisions a pproved for publicservants dutycon

36、sumptionstandards,cali bration, is not contrary to policy. Se cond, a ccording to thelocal financial situation and peopl es sustainability, public servants dutyconsumption standardsapproved,bot h financial reach, a ndpeoplepassi ng through. Third, according to thigh and low positions, but also t he

37、nature of thework a nd t he workload.In reform of method Shang, appr oved civil servants positions consumption standard to big unified, and small dispersed suitable, t hat most positions consumption projectshoul d according to poli cy provides proposed unified standar d, consider to ranks, andunits

38、and thew ork task ofdifferences sex, unified of standard should has elastic of and dynamicof, makes regions, and units inimplementation unifiedstandard Shihas must of flexibledisposal right;but si nce set of standard must after financial, and audit, sector audit a ppr oved Hou to implementation. (C)

39、 reform package.Publicservants duty consumption elasticity of consumption to limit consumpti on, turning mess into kitchen after dinner, follow thecivil servant with a how touse personal titlesubsidies, or how to managemonetization reform support of theseries of governance systems such as the civils

40、ervice examination of responsibility, system, low fault investigation system, the report said. Whileother measures to keepup.Discipline inspecti on and supervisionorgans, financial, auditing departments should strengthe n supervision and inspectionofpublic servant s dutyconsum ption monetization ref

41、orm progress, to strengthe n the reformof publicservants duty consumption m onetization sy stem, measures to develop and monitor the implementation of inspection,not consumption as required, even shiftingconsumerbehavior to stop,seriouscases t o deal with.Three ideas, publicservants dutyconsumption

42、monetization reform of politics, the economy and thedeepening of the reform,publicservants dutyconsumption as somewherebetween a reform also demonstrated its importance and urgenc y. Firstconsumption t here are bigdrawbacks.NPC deputies and CPPCC members and the broad masses are concerned about. Secondly, thepositi on-relatedconsumptionof civil servants has bee n swe pt by fina nce,consumer, regardless of cost, extravagance and waste in the c


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