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1、out city created, and care masses life, focus work, in-depth investigation, more out boutique masterpiece, makes weof research results more to into led of de cision vi sion, more to innational some has effect of newspaper Shang publishe d, for advance work, and publicity changdeplay due of role.Thir

2、d, information submitted tobe pragmatic. Quick and timely. The ancients sai d: for the time system; statement back for the time being, nothing. Therefore, thesubmission of information to do four, that is, find theust go deprobl em faster, editorialwriting, send and read faster approval and feedbackt

3、o implement quickly. To be true and accurate. True mainly reflect the fullpict ure of events,one i s one, two, this is the life of the information. Accuracy is primarilyqualitative and quantitative questiproblons, quantitative objectiveof publicQualitative logic. Tnted.obe relia ble and useful. We s

4、ubmit information to have access todeci sion-making, to guide and pr omote the work and solve practical problems. Mixed cum.On thenegative information and emergency information, rapid escalation in strict a ccorda nce with the proce dures, firm, newspaper, newspapers, never late, fail to report, fal

5、se claim andskimming. Investee 2. supervision and insist on, around andprotecting their interests to touch the truth, seek practical results. Adhere to people-oriented, the most important thing is to realize, safeguard and develop the fundamental interests of theoverwhelming majority of thepeople.We

6、 carry out inspection, so mep among the masses, godee p into the realities, always pay attention to thepeoples livelihood, to grasp the public se ntiment, and earnestlysafeguard the benefit, addressing the masses are mostconcer ned about and reflecting the strongest issues, efforts to solve theem of

7、 decisions impl emented andnot implemeOne is to stick toprinciples. Right of inspection is one of the most important powers of thedared touse, is t o hold a numberof important issues, bold supervision over supervision, track inspection, pr oblems are not solveddonot pass, theblame doesnot holddid no

8、t miss,dissatisfaction of the masses di d not miss, the real right of supervision authority, with the benefits. Cal l with caution, is supervising departmentsshould strengthen the consciousness of authori zed strictly according to procedure, preventi ng the supervision and excessive to prevent addin

9、g burden to grass-root s. To this end, the supervisionDepartme nt of the Party Committee of supervision must be under city and County party Committee Secretary-General (Office). Second, we should focus on. Is the Governor, those related to the globalEvent,Governor theprotracted difficult,strong Gove

10、rnor during emergency urgent. Not having special departments in charge of the General Gov ernor, under the normal procedure cando good things not Governor,notaut horized by County leaders, not the Governor. Thirthe problem. The purpose of supervision, to resolve the problem.o a dher e to and further

11、 improve the2014 2015 学年度苏教版小学四年级数学下册教学计划一、教材简析本册教材做了较大的变动和修改,共安排九个单元。其中“数与代数”部分包括认识多位数,三位数乘两位数,用计算器计算,运算律,解决问题的策略等五个单元; “图形与几何”部分包括平移、旋转和轴对称,三角形、平行四边形和梯形,确定位置等三个单元; 此外安排有整理与复习单元。本册教材安排的两次实践活动分别是一亿有多大和数字与值息 ;修订后的教材不再安排找规律单元,同时增设探索规律的活动,本册教材安排探索和发现“多边形的内角和” 。本册教材没有安排 “统计与概率 “部分的内容。(一)教材编排内容“数与代数”领域 :

12、认识多位数,三位数乘两位数,用计算器计算,解决问题的策略等五个单元。1. 认识多位数:是在学生认识了万以内的数,并能正确读、写和比较万以内数的大小,会进行相应的加、减、乘、除运算的基础上,教学认识含有万级和亿级的数。全单元包括:认识整万数;认识含有万级和个级的数; 认识整亿数;认识含有亿级和万级的多位数,用“万”或“亿”作单位表示较大的数,会比较两个多位数的大小;会用四舍五入法求近似数。2. 三位数乘两位数:这是在学生掌握了两位数乘两位数、三位数乘一位数基础上教学的。 内容分四段安排: 先安排教学三位数乘两位数的笔算; 再安排教学常见的数量关系,会用复合单位表示单价和速度等; 接着教学积的变化

13、规律;最后教学乘数末尾有的乘法笔算(包括口算几百乘几十、几百几十乘几十) 。3. 用计算器计算:主要引导学生认识计算器,会利用计算器进行大数目的计算;在本单元更重要的是利用计算器探索规律, 帮助学生积累探索规律的经验。4. 运算律:探索并了解运算律(加法的交换律和结合律,减法的运算性质,乘法的交换律和结合律, 乘法的分配率),会应用运算律进行一些简便运算;feelings survey, by looki ng uppublic sentiments to findprobl ems. Problems will increase itsspecial supervision, set up

14、accounts, hold on to it. We shouldconscientiously implement the leading contracting matters, secured, had an answ er to everything, then set tles rate of 100%. Have an impact on some of the outstandi ng issues, supervision departments and informationcomponents together, play the supervisory role of

15、thenews media to promote problem solving. Investee 3. insiston a daily run, around the practiceof truth catching efficiency, focus specification. To give full play to the party Office around connecting, coordinati ng internalnd external features, contact, rally at all levels, to motivate every aspec

16、t, adhere to the truth, strengthening standardize d management to achieve coherent, efficient and effective functioning of thedaily work of the Party Committee. Is proce ssing messages shouldstrive to streamline,standardize andqualit y.Streamlining is to control thenumber ofmessages, compress messag

17、es, reducingprocedures, improve messagehandling efficiency. Specifications, is to strictly enforce the ban issuedby the Communist party authorities i n document handling regulations and provincial and muni cipal regulations, conscientiously strengthen a nd improve communications management to ensure

18、 that party documentsorderly. Highquality, is to improve thequalityof message processing, it is necessary t o accurately implementing the intention of theParty Committee, clearance, good communications,poli cy program close d, ensuring that there is no error. Second meeting schedul ed to ensure thor

19、oug h, safe and efficient. Any arrangements for the meetings and events, carefully arranged, item-by-item interface implemented, sure. To vigorously streamline meetings, activities, number of pressure reduction, scale to ensure that leadership emerged from the General Conference a nd entertainmentse

20、rvices, focus on big thishould lay stress on humane, personal, cultural andhuman. Reception and w ork directly with people, reception services directly affecting the Office of party Committee The image of the region. At the same time strengthening the constructi on of library, improve the reception

21、conditions, more human-oriented, personal,cult ural work into the re cepti on, a little morehuman needs, a little morehuma n care morehumane atmosphere, and constantly improve the service, improve thequality of service.Meanwhile, to furtherpay special attention to the daily work of the other Office

22、System. Confidential work responsibility system for leading cadres to implement se curity as a leader, to improve the confidentiality of classified personnel, especially leadingcadres, strengthening party and Government focuson vital sectorsof security management, to advance privacy management stand

23、ar dization, modernizationof security techniques as a means of admi nistrationaccordi ng to law and securityenforcement, ensure thesafety of the party and State secrets. Confidential work to meet the demands of new technologydevelopmentout city created, and care masses life, focus work, in-depth inv

24、estigation, more out boutique masterpiece, makes weof research results more to into led of de cision vi sion, more to innational some has effect of newspaper Shang publishe d, for advance work, and publicity changdeplay due of role.Third, information submitted tobe pragmatic. Quick and timely. The a

25、ncients sai d: for the time system; statement back for the time being, nothing. Therefore, thesubmission of information to do four, that is, find theust go deprobl em faster, editorialwriting, send and read faster approval and feedbackto implementquickl y. To be true and accurate. True mainly reflec

26、t the fullpict ure of events,one i s one, two, this is the life of the information. Accuracy is primarilyqualitative and quantitative questiproblons, quantitative objectiveof publicQualitative logic. Tnted.obe relia ble and useful. We submit information to have access todeci sion-making, to guide an

27、d pr omote the work and solve practical problems. Mixed cum.On thenegative information and emergency information, rapid escalation in strict a ccorda nce with the proce dures, firm, newspaper, newspapers, never late, fail to report, false claim andskimming. Investee 2. supervision and insist on, aro

28、und andprotecti ng their interests to touch the truth, seek practical results. Adhere to people-oriented, the most important thing is to realize, safeguard and develop the fundamental interests of theoverwhelming majority of thepeople.We carry out inspection, so mep among the masses, godee p into th

29、e realities, always pay attention to thepeoples livelihood, to grasp the public se ntiment, and earnestly safeguard the benefit, addressing the masses are mostconcer ned about and reflecting the strongest issues, efforts to solve theem of decisions impl emented andnot implemeOne is to stick toprinci

30、ples. Rightof inspe ction is one of the most important powers of theOffice, shouldared touse, is t o hold a numberof important issues, bold supervision over supervision, track inspection, pr oblems are not solveddonot pass, theblame doesnot holddid not miss,dissatisfaction of the masses di d not mis

31、s, the real right of supervision a uthorit y, with the benefits. Cal l with caution, is supervising departmentsshould strengthen the consciousness of authori zed strictly according to procedure, preventi ng the supervision and excessive to prevent adding burden to grass-root s. To this end, the supe

32、rvisionDepartme nt of the Party Committee of supervision must be under city and County party Committee Secretary-General (Office). Second, we should focus on. Is the Governor, those related to the globalEvent,Governor theprotracted difficult,strong Governor during emergency urgent. Not having specia

33、l departments in charge of the General Gov ernor, under the normal procedur ecan do good things not Governor,not authorized by County leaders, not the Governor. Thirthe problem. The purpose of supervision, to resolve the problem.o a dher e to and further improve the会用加法和乘法的运算律解决如相遇问题之类的实际问题,进一步培养学生的

34、应用意识和解决问题的能力。5. 解决问题的策略:在解决问题的过程中学会用画线段图、直观示意图等方法整理信息, 能借助图分析实际问题中的数量关系, 逐步积累解决问题的经验,增强解决问题的策略意识。“图形与几何”领域:平移、旋转和轴对称 ,三角形、平行四边形和梯形,确定位置等三个单元。1. 平移、旋转和轴对称 :进一步加深对平移,旋转,轴对称的特征的认识;会在方格纸上将简单图形水平或者垂直平移或旋转( 90),能把一个轴对称图形补全。2. 三角形、平行四边形和梯形 :认识三角形;掌握三角形三边关系和三角形内角和, 加深对三角形特征的认识; 三角形分类, 认识等腰三角形和等边三角形;认识平行四边形的

35、特征,梯形的特征,认识等腰梯形。3. 确定位置:学会用数对表示位置或在方格纸上根据数对确定位置,感受数形结合的思想方法。“实践活动”:一亿有多大和数字与值息 。1. 一亿有多大:让学生通过说一说、数一数、量一量、称一称等活动,推算数一亿本练习本的时间、 一亿枚 1 元硬币的高度、 一亿粒大米的重量, 发展学生的数感,培养学生的推理能力。2. 数字与值息:引导学生在观察、比较、分析交流,了解数字信息在日常生活中的广泛应用, 体会它们的实际价值, 会自主设计编码的方案, 从而感受数字编码的思想和方法,发展抽象概括能力和符号化思想。“探索规律”:多边形的内角和 。多边形的内角和:引导并启发学生利用三

36、角形内角和是 180的知识,从简单的情况想起,合理转化,有序思考并抽象概括出多边形的内角和的算法,初步体会从特殊到一般的认识事物与解决问题的思想方法。(二)教材的编排特点:1、平移、旋转和轴对称feelings survey, by looki ng uppublic sentiments to findprobl ems. Problems will increase itsspe cial supervision, set up accounts, hold on to it. We shouldconscientiously implement the leading contracti

37、ng matters, secured, had an answ er to everything, then settles rate of 100%. Have an impact on some of the outstandi ng issues, supervision departments and informationcom ponents together, play the supervisory role of thenews media to promote problem solving. Investee 3. insiston a daily run, aroun

38、d the practiceof truth catching efficiency, focus specification. To give full play to the party Office around connecting, coordinati ng internal and external features, contact, rally at all levels, to motivate every aspect, adhere to the truth, strengthe ning standardize d management to achieve cohe

39、rent, efficient and effective functioning of thedaily work of the Party Committee. Is proce ssing messages shouldstrive to streamline,standardize and qualit y.Streamlining is to control thenumber ofmessages, compress messages, reducingprocedures, improve messagehandling efficiency. Specifications, i

40、s to strictly enforce the ba n issuedby the Communist party authorities i n document handling regulations and provincial and muni cipal regulations, conscientiously strengthen a nd improve communications management tonsure that party documentsorderly. Highquality, is to improve thequalityof message

41、processing, it is necessary t o accurately implementing the intention of theParty Committee, clearance, good communications,poli cy program close d, ensuring that there is no error. Second meeting schedul ed to ensure thoroug h, safe and efficient. Any arrangements for the meetings and events, caref

42、ully arranged, item-by-item interface implemented, sure. To vigorously streamline meetings, activities, number of pressure reduction, scale to ensure that leadership emerged from the General Conference a nd entertainment services, focus on big thishould lay stress on humane, personal, cultural andhu

43、man. Reception and w ork directly with people, reception services directly affecting the Office of party Committee The image of the region. At the same time strengthening the constructi on of library, improve the reception conditions, more human-oriented, personal,cult ural work into the re cepti on, a little morehuman nee ds, a little morehuma n care morehumane atmosphere, and constantly improve the service, improve thequality of service.Meanwhile, to furtherpay special attention to the daily work of the other Office


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