192.B零售业食品配送的现状与发展趋势 翻译封面.doc

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1、文献翻译 (2010届本科) 学 院: 食品学院专 业: 食品科学与工程班 级: XXX(1)班姓 名: XXX学 号: XXX指导教师: XXX2010年5月Sustainable agri-food supply chains and system BY Maurizio MarianiIn order to govern globalization, countries need to reconcile natural resource management and concern for the environment with the need to have more growt

2、h and employment. This is particularly important in the case of food supply chain management, as environment pollution and climate change do threaten agriculture productivity.The food industry is the leading manufacturing sector in Europe, in terms of turnover, value added, employment and number of

3、companies. Its turnover was 836 billion euros in 2005 and it employed nearly four million people. Although food industry has a major impact on our lives and economy, it is largely made up of small companies. Of the 283000 food companies in Europe, over 99% are SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises). Th

4、ese SMEs generate almost half of the industrys food and drink turnover and employ over 61% of the workforce.Besides strong environment challenges, the food sector must face very important changes related to demographics (ageing, migration) and also lifestyles. The increasing concentration of industr

5、ies, including food production, transformation, distribution also is modifying economical activities at a local level and is responsible of people migrations towards the cities and rural areas alienation. The change of diet habits (more calories, saturated fatty acids, less fibres etcc) is responsib

6、le of increased diet-related diseases such as diabetes, cardio-vascular diseases etc Obesity is considered by OMS as a true epidemy all over the world, with high costs and large scale health problems. Moreover the extension of food supply chain, including fish and sea food supply chain, with more lo

7、gistics, energy consumption for transport and risks for food safety.Food production chains can be organised in a variety of ways. Conventional industrial agricultural practices are based on advanced breeding techniques and major inputs of chemical fertilisers and pesticides. Food produced in this wa

8、y is transport-intensive, requires high-energy processing, relies on modern retailing systems and demands high-tech kitchens.Many argue that the industrialised systems should be dismantled and replaced with alternative methods of agriculture, food processing and distribution that emphasise social an

9、d environmental sustainability. This paper looks at the environmental and social sustainability of different strategies for food systems by analysing the whole chain of production, processing, distribution and consumption activities.To face, in a pro-active way, these challenges, a re-design of the

10、whole food supply chain is needed, to improve sustainability. It has to be understood if:1、Could logistics represent a tool to modify, in a more sustainable way, the interactions between food production and food consumption? 2、Could a shorter food supply chain contribute to the creation of new, heal

11、thy and sustainable consumption patterns? 3、Could an improved knowledge about the relation between food and environment modify food consumption habits, towards the consumption of less processed food and changing the present food production trends (i.e. increasing production of functional food)? 4、Wh

12、ich role could (or must) have Public Authorities, who buy each day hundreds thousands of meals for school catering, in influencing the above mentioned choices? The food industry is composed by transformation companies, using agricultural products to produce food and beverages, breeding and fishing a

13、ctivities. The term “food supply chain” refers to the strict correlation and the functional link existing between the primary sector (agriculture) and the industrial one (transformation industry).This link develops in a double direction, as agriculture has effects on food transformation and, vice ve

14、rsa, the food industry has a strong influence on food production. In the past, the agricultural component prevailed over food industry.Today, instead, several factors have pushed agriculture towards the adaptation of transformation industry requirements, as well as to the tastes and needs of the fin

15、al consumers, target of aggressive marketing campaigns, aimed only at increasing the final product sales.Different causes have contributed to this change: the transport costs reduction, experienced until a few years ago, allowed a massive company delocalization and an increasing market international

16、ization; the consumption of organic products increased, on one hand, as well as fast foods diffusion, on the other; also new distribution systems, especially for major companies, were diffused. This evolution has happened regardless of environmental issues, following Fordism ideas, with no interests

17、 in sustainable development.In this situation, a new and more sustainable approach to food production has been developing - organic food production.Organic producers, due to their approach and organization, have both a social and environmental role of crucial importance, because:1、They obtain health

18、y and taste appealing products, in an environmental friendly way;2、They preserve vegetation and animal biodiversity, thanks to their ecologicalinfrastructures;3、They promote the landscape values of rural areas;4、They have a direct effect in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and in improving cropcap

19、ability of carbon sequestration;5、They could support energy production from renewable sources; water, wind, sun and natural gas; 6、They promote social agricultural systems, supporting the employment of disadvantaged categories 7、They apply and promote contractual relations shared by social parties,

20、and based on ethical and social principles; 8、 They promote local food, and dont generate subsidized over-production, increasing dumping behaviour in Developing Countries; 9、They promote a fair and sustainable economic system worldwide, a systems granting the food sovereignty of each people and comm

21、unity. The experiences and results obtained by organic food producers constitute a useful reference and good practice for the whole food industry.However, organic food production is not on its own enough to grant the whole food chain sustainability, which should be supported by integrated and effici

22、ent production systems, allowing the transformation of agricultural products and delivery to final consumers with a lower use of natural resources, and with lower pollution levels.In this perspective, the concepts of local food and sustainable logistics become two key issues in assuring the sustaina

23、bility of the whole food supply chain.Logistics as a leverfor the sustainable management of the food supply chainThe concept of SUPPLY CHAIN is fundamental for the understanding of the food sector. The supply chain is a kind of route “from farm to fork”: from the agriculture, throughout the agricult

24、ural products trading and transformation, up to the distribution (wholesaling or retailing). The supply chain indicates how economic activities are developed and integrated; usually it refers to sequential activities, one pre-ordered to the following, even if self-regulated.Within a logistic process

25、, it is possible to highlight some methods and organizational functions that could deliver a product to the final consumer, in the way, time and costs required. With regards to food products, the logistics activities are carried out by different operators (manufacturers, distributors, service suppli

26、ers, consumers), and could be grouped in seven categories:1、Order Management (order receipt, elaboration, transmission, implementation and invoicing);2、Management and stock control (definition of supply timing and quantity, inventory upload and download, products and packaging codification);3、 Wareh

27、ousing (conservation of goods, qualitative and quantitative controls before shipment);4、Shipment (activities related to product movement and shipment receipt); 5、Packaging (pallets); 6、Delivery (products delivery from the starting point, to the destination); 7、Sales returns management and waste disp

28、osal. The lack of coordination in carrying out these activities could generate inefficiencies: the storing up of too much stock, the rise of lead times, out of time supplying, increasing costs and decrease of the service quality.In the food sector, three different steps in the evolution of logistics

29、 services could be found. In the first step, logistics was intended as a part of the production system.In the second step, companies, in order to reduce costs, developed outsourcing strategies, also for logistic activities.Recently, as a third step, companies are attempting to achieve a better compe

30、titive positioning, and give logistics a new strategic role, within cooperative strategies.It is in this perspective that there could be an evaluation of the coordination and information spread efforts that try to create a stricter connection between production and sales activities,to satisfy the ne

31、eds of customers interested in the food qualities and health, as well as in the environment.A consolidation of contractual relationships, durable and able to satisfy commercial and logistic needs, is necessary in order to establish a new partnership, especially in the promotion of local food diffusi

32、on (even if this doesnt necessarily correspond to a shorter supply chain).The possibility of giving a product value depends, quite often, on the efficiency of the supply chain and on the methods used to measure its performance.The final stage in granting the pursuit of the service goal (the “perfect

33、 order”) could only be an efficient Supply Chain Management, allowing the integration and the management of the supplies, the control of materials and information in a global perspective, aiming at granting value for the customer; this could be summarized as to obtain the right product, in the right

34、 quantity, at the right time.In view of the next challenges posed by globalization and EU enlargement, the competitiveness of Italian companies should be maintained thanks to logistics improvement processes, allowing the achievement of growth rate comparably good as in the past.However, at present,

35、the Italian logistic supply chain has to face a series of problems, which decreases its efficiency:1、The extreme fragmentation of farms and transformation industries makes it difficult to reach a critical mass in logistics activities, as to set up a district logistics.2、The Modern Distribution is mo

36、re and more engaged in directly controlling and managing the whole food supply chain3、The market doesnt offer logistic solutions able to satisfy the requirements of the food sector, especially for the management of the chill supply chain, and for Door to Door delivery.4、The administrative fulfilment

37、s are several and rigid, while the delivery of fresh food requires a high efficiency.5、Customer price for fresh products have been stagnant for many years, while distribution and logistic costs are increasing.Nevertheless, there are several experiences and good practices that are to be spread in ord

38、er to increase the efficiency of logistic activities and of the whole supply chain, with a potential costs reduction and the creation of new business opportunities on markets attracted to the “Italian Taste”.It is possible, thus, to start from the diffusion and good reception of Italian products on

39、foreign markets, in particular for typical or DOP products. This property allows Italian export to grow regularly.The chill supply chain is essential to grant food conservation. Technology could help food producers: railway or maritime transport operators are starting to suggest shipments on refrige

40、rated mobile bulks, allowing for perfect product conservation without breaking the chill supply chain, and also simplifying, where rendered possible by health and duty authorities, administrative procedures.For instance, Sicilian oranges are delivered from Sicily to the CeDi of COOP in Northern Ital

41、y on railways, using mobile bulk with passive refrigeration systems. At this moment the service involves three bulk delivery daily on Trenitalia trains, but if only 15% of all oranges delivered by road would use this service, 3 trains/day could be filled.Another example about how logistics could sup

42、port food production comes from maritime transport: MAERSK has, for the first time, has delivered a refrigerated mobile bulk of Sicilian oranges to Japan, a rich market where Tarocco oranges cost 1 a piece. In this winning case, logistics creates value for Italian agriculture.Also, the CPR System ex

43、perience, a Consortium managing reusable green boxes for fruits and vegetables transport, is important: this system has evident environmental advantages (more than 90 million disposable packages per year are avoided), and has also allowed a reduction of 2/3 in packaging costs. CPR System estimations

44、 state that 50% of fresh food price comes from logistic costs; thus, possible gains are huge, and advantages are connected to an improvement of the whole logistics chain, with benefits for all operators (producers, distributors and customers).Therefore, some possible solutions to improve food logist

45、ics are available, regardless of all Italian production system weaknesses, caused by its fragmentation.Logistic providers have to “invent” innovative and affordable solutions as to make demand and offer collide.可持续发展的农业食品供应链和供应体系为了统筹全球化,各国都需要使自然资源管理和谐化,并且关注环境,以此来获得更多 的增长和就业机会。这一点在管理食品供应链时尤为重要,因为环境污染

46、和气候变化的确威 胁着农业生产。就营业额、附加值,就业和公司数量方面来说,食品工业是欧洲占主导地位的生产部 门。2005 年其营业额是 8360 亿欧元,并且就业人数将近 4 百万。尽管食品工业对我们的生 活和经济有着很重要的影响,但是它主要是由一些小型的公司组成。欧洲的 283000 食品公 司中,超过 99%是中小型企业。正是这些中小型企业创造了该工业几乎一半的食品和饮料的 营业额,并且雇佣了超过 61%的劳动力。除了要应对环境问题的挑战,食品部门还必须应对与人口(年龄老化、迁徙)和人们生活 方式有关的变化。产业的日益集中(包括食品生产、加工、配送等),也在局部上改变着经 济活动。这还造成

47、了人们向城市迁移以及农村地区的孤立。饮食习惯的改变(高热量、高 饱 和脂肪酸,纤维等的减少)导致越来越多的相关疾病,如:糖尿病、心血管病等。肥胖被世 界卫生组织认为是世界范围内的流行病。肥胖会引起很多的健康问题,导致很高的代价。另 外,包括鱼、海产食品供应在内的食品供应链的扩展导致更多的物流,同时也增加了运输能 源消耗和食品安全的隐患。食品生产链可以用多种方法来进行组织。传统的工业化的农业生产形式是以先进的 饲养技术和大量使用化肥和杀虫剂为基础。以这种方式生产出来的食品需要集约式的运输和 高能耗的加工,并且要以现代化的零售体系为基础,要求高科技装备的厨房。许多人认为我们应该摒弃上述工业化的体系

48、,取而代之以强调社会和环境可持续发展的 农业生产方式和食品加工及配送方法。这篇文章通过分析整个食品生产、加工、配送体系和 消费活动,来研究食品系统不同策略的环境和社会的可持续发展性。要积极主动的迎接挑战,我们需要重新设计整个食品供应链,来加强其可持续发展性。 此外,我们还必须了解以下问题: 1、物流是否能成为一种以更加可持续发展的方式,以改善食品生产和食品消费之间关系的工具?2、更短的供应链是否能促进新的、健康的和可持续的消费方式的产生?3、对食品和环境关系的进一步认识是否能改变人们的食品消费习惯,以此来减少对加工食品 的消费并改变现在的食品生产趋势(如增加功能保健食品的生产)? 4、考虑到公共当局每天要为学校的伙食购买数十万顿的饭菜,他们能够或者必须在上述问题 中发挥什么样的作用呢? 食品生产: 食品工业由加工公司,饲养和捕捞活动组成。这些公司把农产品加工为食品和饮料。“食品供应链”是指初级部门(农业)和工业部门(加工工业)之间存在的密切相关和 互为影响的联系。这种关系是双向的。因为农业影响食品加工,反之亦然,食品工业对农产品的生产也有 很大的影响。在过去,农业部门比食品工业更为占主导地位。现在,相反的,一些因素推动农业不仅要适应食品加工业的要求、满足终端消费者的口 味和需要,并且还要适应以增加最终销售量为目的的积极的市场营销活动的需求。导致这种


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