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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语三级模拟45公共英语三级模拟45Section Listening ComprehensionDirections: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are TW

2、O parts in this section, Part A and Part B. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto ANSWER SHEET 1. If you have

3、 any questions, you may raise your hand NOW us you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started. Now look at Part A in your test booklet. Part A You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answerA, B, C or D, and

4、mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE. Now look at Question 1. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What is the man going to do very soon?A.Take a taxi.B.Board a train.C.Take a bus.D.Take a plane.答案:D解析W: I hope youll have a good f

5、light.M: The weathers supposed to be clear all down the coast, so it should be pretty smooth.2. Where does this conversation most probably take place?A.In a restaurant.B.In an army unit.C.At a reservation office.D.At home.答案:A解析M: Are you ready to order, maam?W: Yes, I think Ill have a cheese burger

6、, French fries and a cup of iced tea.3. Where does this conversation most probably take place?A.At a railway station.B.In a classroom.C.In an airport.D.In Chicago.答案:C解析M: Could you please tell me if the Chicago flight will be ox riving on time?W: Yes, Sir. It should be arriving in about ten minutes

7、.4. what is wrong with the apartment?A.It isnt big enough.B.There are only two bedrooms.C.It is too near the freeway.D.It has a fine view and plenty of space.答案:C解析W: Youll love this apartment. It has two bedrooms, a big kitchen, air-conditioning and a wonderful view.M: Yes, it certainly has a fine

8、view and plenty of space, but I have a sleeping problem and its too near the free way.5. How does the man feel about the problem?A.Unconcerned.B.Upset.C.Confused.D.Responsible.答案:A解析W: Dont you feel responsible for the mix-up?M: Why should I? I have no authority. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6. Where does t

9、he conversation take place?A.At a drug store.B.In a supermarket.C.At the dentists.D.At the police station.答案:C解析M: Open your mouth widely. I think we need to take it out.W: Will it be painful?M: it will be all right soon.7. What is the present price of the bookcase?A.You can buy two bookcases for $9

10、.90 each.B.One bookcase will cost her $9.90 if she only buys one. If she buys two, they will cost $15.00.C.A bookcase costs $15.00.D.Bookcases cost $14.95 for two.答案:B解析W: Is this the bookcase you advertised?M: Yes, its our regular $14.95 bookcase on sale today for $9.90. These are the last two. If

11、you can use them both you can have the pair for $15.00.W: That sounds good. I think Ill take both of them. 8. Why didnt the woman eat?A.She was not hungry.B.She didnt like the food.C.She was in too much pain.D.She was on a diet.答案:C解析M: Mary, you didnt have your supper tonight.W: I went to the denti

12、st this afternoon and had a tooth pulled out.M: And it hurts?W: Of course. 9. What is the mans profession?A.A waiter.B.A cook.C.A salesman.D.A shop assistant.答案:A解析M: May I help you, madam?W: Yes, Id like to have a cake and a cup of coffee, please.M: Black or white?W: White, please. 10. What does th

13、e woman suggest the man to do?A.Go to bed earlier at night.B.Try to get up as early as possible.C.Go for the class the night before.D.Get up quickly in the morning.答案:A解析M: I just cant appear to get up in time for my first class.W: What about going to bed earlier the night before? Part B You will he

14、ar four dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear each

15、 piece ONLY ONCE. Questions 1113 are based on the following dialogue. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. According to the conversation, what kind of weather is usual for March?A.Cold.B.Very hot.C.Cooler than the day of this conversation.D.Drier than the day of this conversation.答案:C解析 11-13M: Excuse me. Have y

16、ou been waiting long?W: About ten minutes.M: Did you notice whether the No. 7 bus has gone by?W: Not while Ive been standing here. Im waiting for the Number Seven myself.M: Good. Hot today, isnt it?W: Yes, it is. I wish that it would rain and cool off.M: Me too. This is unusual for March. I dont rem

17、ember it ever being so hot and dry in March before.W: Youre from Florida then?M: Not really. I was born in New York, but Ive lived here for ten years now.W: My mother and I have just moved here from Indiana.M: Pretty cold in Indiana, isnt it?W: Yes. Thats why we moved. But we didnt know that it woul

18、d be so hot here. We should have gone to California. Do you think weve missed the bus?M: No, its always a little late.W: I have twenty to one, but my watch is a little fast.M: Dont worry. It never comes exactly on the half-hour like it should.2. Where docs this conversation take place?A.Florida.B.Ne

19、w York.C.California.D.Indiana.答案:A3. How often is the bus scheduled to pass their stop?A.Every ten minutes.B.At twenty to one.C.Every half hour.D.Once a day.答案:CQuestions 1417 are based on the following dialogue. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. When does this conversation most probably take place?A.At the b

20、eginning of the semester.B.At the middle of the semester.C.During the vacation.D.At the end of the semester.答案:D解析 14-17M: I cant wait until this week is over, all those final exams are driving me crazy.W: Well, why dont you take a break and do something that will take your mind off your test?M: Lik

21、e what?W: I dont know. How about tennis?M: Thats not a bad idea, but my tennis racket is still in the shop.W: Well, then how about a game of table tennis? You did promise me to play again before vacation.M: I know, but its embarrassing to lose all the time, especially to a beginner.W: Oh, come on, I

22、ve beaten you once, and it was just be ginners luck.M: Fine, Ill accept. Where do you want to play now, at Haft or Cannis?W: I like Haft.M: OK, Lets go.2. What does the woman suggest the man to do?A.Study hard.B.Take his mind off his test.C.Go to get his tennis bats.D.Try to take every exam.答案:B3. W

23、hat are both speakers planning?A.To play tennis.B.To discuss the test.C.To play table tennis.D.To go swimming.答案:C4. What is the result of their last game?A.The man lost his bail.B.The woman won.C.The man won.D.The woman was a beginner.答案:BQuestions 1821 are based on the following dialogue. (如需获取本MP

24、3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Where is the woman planning to go on vacation?A.Europe.B.California.C.Florida.D.The UK.答案:B解析 18-21M: Where are you going to go for summer vacation?W: I was going to go to France and Germany, but with the depreciation of the dollar, Im having second thoughts.M: Its not as though ther

25、e was nowhere to go in the States, right?W: You know, Ive only ever been to seven states. I figured I might take a trip down the West Coast.M: You could do a lot worse than that. Theres some stunning scenery and the people in those parts are really friendly.W: Thats what I heard. Anyway, Im going to

26、 take a look at some second hand trailers this month. I can pick one up really cheap and then I wont need to pay for motels every night.M: I wouldnt recommend that. Trailers arent cheap and can be pretty unreliable. The weather on the West Coast in the summer is going to be really good. Youd be much

27、 better off just buying a tent.2. Where was she planning to go originally?A.Europe.B.California.C.The UK.D.Florida.答案:A3. Why has she changed her mind?A.Her accountant advised against taking such a trip.B.Her annual bonus was disappointingly low.C.The value of the dollar has gone down.D.She didnt ha

28、ve sufficient funds.答案:C4. What does the man recommend?A.He recommends that she go camping rather than buy a trailer.B.He recommends that she buy a trailer rather than go camping.C.He recommends that she buys a more reliable trailer than the one she has.D.He recommends that she buys a cooler tent th

29、an the one she has.答案:AQuestions 2225 are based on the following dialogue. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. How did the woman do on her driving test?A.She failed.B.She barely passed.C.She passed easily.D.She wouldnt say.答案:A解析 22-25M: Well, Mrs. King, how did you do on your driving test?W: Not so well, Im af

30、raid.M: Didnt you get your license?W: No. My score was only 57 percents. The woman who tested me was very strict about everything.M: Where did you lose the most points?W: One thing was not turning my head before changing lanes or making turns.M: Right. Using a turn signal isnt enough. To be safe, yo

31、u have to glance back over your shoulder in the direction you want to go.W: My teacher didnt emphasize that enough, or about maintaining the right distance behind the car in front.M: Thats right. You need a training distance of about one or two car lengths for every 10 miles per hour youre going.W:

32、My parallel parking was good. Ive been practicing that a lot.M: What was your worst moment?W: Waiting on an uphill stop for the light to change to green.M: What happened?W: Well, I let the car stall and forgot how to use the hand break. So the car rolled back and bumped the one be hind me.M: That al

33、one probably failed you.2. What does the woman believe she did well?A.Changing lanes.B.Starting on a hill.C.Parking at the curb.D.Keeping a proper distance.答案:C3. What was the womans problem when making a turn?A.Not using the signal.B.Being on the wrong lane.C.Driving too slowly.D.Not looking over h

34、er shoulder.答案:D4. Why did the woman bump a car in the traffic?A.It hit her from behind.B.She rolled backwards.C.She shifted into reverse.D.She went through a red light.答案:BSection Use of EnglishDirections: Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B

35、, C or D on AN SWER SHEET 1. In Britain, winter is the season not only for visits to the theatre, opera, concert and ballet, but also for shopping or for sightseeing. London, one of the 1 cities in the world, has plenty to offer during the winter months, 2 in the way of entertainmentand the 3 act li

36、ke a magnet with 4 array of presents for the Christmas 5 followed by large scale bargains in the January 6 . But its not only London that 7 value shopping, most of our suburban and 8 centres have just as much to offer to the 9 shopper. Even if youre based 10 London, you dont have to spend all your 1

37、1 thereand that goes for all the year 12 , too. Take a train or coach and 13 what else Britain has to offer; 14 are many excursions, even in winter, and among the great country houses 15 keep their stately front doors open 16 the year are Longleat and WoburnAbbey. 17 a car and drive 18 into the beau

38、ty of the winter landscape, the scenery will be 19 beautiful and the people will have more time to chat to you 20 this time of the year. 1.A.busiestB.noisiestC.coldestD.foggiest答案:A解析:根据上下文及常识可知,伦敦是世界上最繁忙的城市之一。2.A.generallyB.especiallyC.occasionallyD.normally答案:B解析:上面说“伦敦的冬季为人们提供了很多东西”,此处填入especiall

39、y上下文才显得连贯。3.A.pubsB.shopsC.clubsD.restaurants答案:B解析:此处在讲购物,用shops最合适。4.A.theirB.itsC.thatD.the答案:A解析:此处应该填人一个形容词性物主代词,指代“许多商店里的”。5.A.spenderB.callerC.shopperD.visitor答案:C解析:第28题选shops,此处相应地应选shopper。6.A.salesB.bargainsC.sellingD.trading答案:A解析:large scale bargains只能发生在sales(交易,买卖)中。7.A.opensB.grantsC

40、.presentsD.offers答案:D解析:该句的末尾有offer sth. to sb这一短语,与其相同,此处也要选offer。8.A.internationalB.divisionalC.nationalD.provincial答案:D解析:该句意为:但是不仅仅是在伦敦,我们的许多郊区和大城市以外的各地区的购物中心也为狂热的购物者提供购物机会。provincial指“主要城市以外各地区的,省的。9.A.eagerB.nervousC.lazyD.lonely答案:A解析:eager“急切的”,反映了购物者的心情; nervous“紧张的”;lazy“懒惰的”;lonely“孤独的”。1

41、0.A.inB.atC.outsideD.on答案:A解析:base. on“以为基础、依据”,此处说的不是此意,而是说“即使你住在伦敦”。base“把设在”,后跟at表小地点,后跟in表大地点。11.A.timeB.moneyC.energyD.holiday答案:A解析:此句意为:你不必把你所有的时间都花在伦敦。12.A.overB.thenC.thereD.round答案:D解析:all the year round“终年地”。13.A.viewB.seeC.watchD.look答案:B解析:view是检查,查看,仔细看;see是用眼睛去感受;look是有目的地、聚精会神地使用眼睛;w

42、atch是看运动中的东西。14.A.whichB.theyC.hereD.there答案:D解析:There be句型。15.A.whatB.whereC.whoD.which答案:D解析:本句是一个定语从句,先行词是the great country houses,根据句意应选which。16.A.forB.withinC.throughoutD.by答案:C解析:throughout the year“一年四季的,整年的”。17.A.LetB.TakeC.HireD.Lend答案:C解析:前文提到“take a train or coach”,此处只有选hire才能与上文对应。18.A.b

43、ackB.onC.acrossD.out答案:D解析:drive out表示“开车出去”。19.A.stillB.evenC.yetD.ever答案:A解析:该句意为:(那里的)风景依然美好。用 still最符合题意。20.A.withB.afterC.atD.beyond答案:C解析:at this time of.为固定用法。Section Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections: Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C o

44、r D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. Text 1 Meals around the family are less common today than in the past. As a result of small families and working wives, more than half of all Americans eat more than haft their meals away from homes. The main advantages of this new pattern of American eating

45、 are the fast food chains where edible things roll out like car parts on an assembly line. The fast food industry has been growing at a rate of 15 percent a year. Pizza has become a staple(主食), and the hamburger billions sold annually has replaced the hot dog as the American national dish. In addition to pizza and hamburger, American appetites are regularly whetted by such fast food as fried fish and chicken, French fries, onion tings, soft drinks and shakes. Many of these foods have been attacked by nutritionists and public health physicians because they are high in fat


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