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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语一级(B)模拟58公共英语一级(B)模拟58第一部分 听力第一节 图片判断 在本节中,你将听到5个句子或对话,每个句子或对话配有A、B、C三幅图片,请选择与句子或对话内容相符合的一幅图片,并标在试卷的相应位置。每句话后有15秒钟的停顿,以便选择图片并看下一组图片。每个句子或对话读两遍。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案:C解析Today is my birthday.解析 原文:Today is my birthday. 今天是我的生日。关键词:birthday生日。生日一般与

2、生日蛋糕有关,图C符合题意。2.答案:B解析Come in and have a cup of tea.解析 原文:Come in and have a cup of tea. 进来喝杯茶。关键词:tea茶。3.答案:C解析Are you sure we will catch the train?Im sure.解析 原文:Are you sure we will catch the train? Im sure. 你确定我们会赶上火车吗? 是的。关键词:train火车。4.答案:B解析There are four apples on the table.解析 原文:There are fou

3、r apples on the table. 桌上有四个苹果。关键词:four四个。5.答案:C解析Can I write in pencil?解析 原文:Can I write in pencil? 我可以用铅笔写吗? 关键词:pencil铅笔。第二节 对话应答 在本节中,你将听到10个简短话语,请从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳应答,并标在试卷的相应位置。每个话语后有20秒钟的停顿,以便选择答案和阅读下一个问题。每个话语读两遍。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.How are you?B.How do you do?C.Fine, thank you.答案:C解析How

4、 are you?解析 原文:How are you? 你好吗? 要对此作出回答,且要表达自己的感谢。选项CFine, thank you. (很好,谢谢。)符合题意。2.A.Good evening, Miss Li.B.Hello! Miss Li.C.Fine, thank you, Miss Li.答案:A解析Good evening, Miss Wang!解析 原文:Good evening, Miss Wang! 对Good evening进行回答可以用Good evening。选项A符合题意。3.A.I dont think so.B.Its a pleasure.C.Let m

5、e see.答案:A解析The film is very boring.解析 原文:The film is very boring. 选项BIts a pleasure. 是对别人的感谢作出的回答。CLet me see. (让我看看。)不合逻辑。只有AI dont think so. 符合题意。4.A.Certainly.B.Im not sure.C.Its not sure.答案:B解析Which bike do you like better?解析 原文:Which bike do you like better? 哪一辆自行车你更喜欢呢? 只有选项BIm not sure. (我不确

6、定。)符合题意。5.A.I dont like here.B.Im not sure.C.2 hours.答案:C解析How long have you been here?解析 原文:How long have you been here? How long.? 对一段时间提问,回答时也应用表示一段时间的词进行回答。选项C2 hours. 符合题意。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6.A.Yes, I do.B.Im afraid not.C.Well, I dont like it very much.答案:C解析I like pop music very much. How

7、about you?解析 原文:I like pop music very much. How about you? 我非常喜欢流行音乐,你呢? 这里问的是你喜欢流行音乐吗? 选项CWell, I dont like it very much.(不喜欢。)符合题意。7.A.No, it isnt?B.Yes, it is.C.Yes, isnt it?答案:B解析Its a fine day, isnt it?解析 原文:Its a fine day, isnt it? 这是个反意疑问句,回答时要根据实际情况来回答,如果与事实相符,就用Yes句型,否则就用No句型。选项BYes, it is.

8、 符合题意。8.A.So do I.B.Neither do I.C.I dont like it, too.答案:B解析I dont like rainy weather.解析 原文:I dont like rainy weather. 因为此句是否定句,要表示“也不”,就要用neither或nor,且neither或nor位于句首时,要用倒装句;或者用I dont like it, either. 选项中只有B符合题意。9.A.Youre welcome.B.Can I help you?C.Sorry. Im new here, too.答案:C解析Excuse me, how can

9、I get to the Capital Cinema?解析 原文:Excuse me, how can I get to the Capital Cinema? 对不起,我怎样才能到首都剧院呢?选项中只有Csorry, Im new here, too. 符合题意。10. A. It sounds good. IB. Its made in Japan. C. 2, 000 yuan.答案:C解析How much is that radio, please?解析 原文:How much is that radio, please? 对价钱进行提问,要用“多少钱”来回答,选项中只有C2, 00

10、0 yuan. 符合题意。第三节 对话理解 在本节中,你将听到10个对话,每个对话有一个问题。请从A、B、C三个选项中选出答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。每个对话后有20秒钟的停顿,以便回答问题和阅读下一个问题。每个对话读两遍。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.Its in a quiet place.B.Its modem and big.C.Its near her working place.答案:B解析M: Do you like your new school?W: Very much. Its modern and big and its quite near a b

11、ig bookstore.Q: Why does she like the new school?解析 对话中男士问:你喜欢你的新学校吗? 女士回答:喜欢。它很大也很现代化,而且靠近一个大的书店。由此可知,女士喜欢新学校是因为它很大也很现代化,故选B。2.A.Yes, she can.B.No, she cant.C.The man can.答案:A解析W: Id like to buy this pair of shoes, but I dont have enough money with me.M: I can lend you some.Q: Can she buy the shoes

12、?解析 女士说:我想买双鞋,但我带的钱不够。男士回答:我可以借钱给你。由此可知,女士可以买鞋,故选A。3.A.Hed better go to the mountains.B.This time is not good for a holiday.C.Hed better not go to the mountains.答案:C解析M: Im going on a holiday, but I dont know where to go?W: You can go anywhere but the mountains. It is very cold at this time of the y

13、ear.Q: What does, the woman mean?解析 从对话中女士的回答:You can go anywhere but the mountains. It is very cold at this time of the year. 可知,女士建议男士不要去山上度假,故选C。4.A.Yes.B.No.C.He didnt say.答案:B解析W: What do you think of the weather here?M: To be frank, I wish I could leave as soon as possible.Q: Does the man like

14、 the weather here?解析 对话中女士问:你认为这里的天气怎么样? 男士回答:说实话,我希望我能尽快离开这儿。由此可知,男士不喜欢这里的天气,故选B。5.A.4 yuan.B.1 yuan.C.2 yuan.答案:C解析M: Two tickets to the Beijing Zoe, please.W: 4 yuan, please.Q: How much does one ticket cost?解析 从对话中可知,两张北京动物园的票价为4元,那么一张票的价格就为2元,故选C。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6.A.The airport.B.The shopp

15、ing center.C.The hospital.答案:A解析M: How can I get to the airport, please?W: You can go by underground.Q: Where is the man going?解析 对话中男士问:我怎样能到机场? 女士回答:你可以坐地铁去。由此可知,男士将要去机场,故选A。7.A.What food they like best.B.Where to have lunch.C.How to get to a Chinese restaurant.答案:B解析W: Lets go to the McDonalds fo

16、r lunch.M: Well, why not go to a Chinese restaurant?Q: What are they talking about?解析 对话中女士说:让我们去麦当劳吃午饭吧。男士回答:为什么不去中国餐馆呢? 由此可知,他们正在谈论去哪里吃午饭的问题,故选B。8.A.She wont eat any food.B.She doesnt like to eat fish.C.She will eat some more fish.答案:A解析M: Help yourself to some fish.W: Thank you. Its very nice, bu

17、t I have had enough. Im full.Q: What does the woman mean?解析 从对话中女士的回答:Its very nice, but I have had enough. Im full. 可知,女士说她很饱了,也就是说她不再吃任何东西了,故选A。9.A.Because he went to Qingdao.B.Because she went to Qingdao.C.Because shes been ill.答案:B解析M: Havent seen you for days. Where have you been?W: I went to Q

18、ingdao for a holiday.Q: Why didnt the man see the woman?解析 对话中男士说:我好多天没见到你了,你去哪儿了? 女士回答:我去青岛度假了。由此可知,男士没有见到女士是因为女士去青岛了,故选B。10.A.By train.B.By ship.C.By plane.答案:A解析W: Will you go to Nanjing by air?M: No, Ill go by land.Q: How will the man probably go to Nanjing?解析 对话中女士问:你将乘飞机去南京吗? 男士回答:不,我将走陆路。选项中只

19、有ABy train. 为陆路,由此可知,男士很可能乘火车去南京,故选A。第二部分 阅读第一节 短文理解1 根据短文内容,判断文后给出的陈述是否正确。认为正确的,选A(True);认为错误的,选B(False)。 New York, London, Paris and other big cities are wonderful pleaes to live in. There are many nice things to see and to do. You can go to different places of great interest. You can also go shop

20、ping to buy things from all over the world. But there are serious problems in big cities, too. The cost of living is high, and there are too many people in some places. Every year many people move to the cities because there are more chances(机会) to find jobs, to study at good schools and to receive

21、good medical care(医疗保健). But sometimes .these people cant find jobs or good places to live in. Also, too many people in a place wakes it hard to keep the cities safe and clean. Some people enjoy staying in big cities, but others do not. Before people move to a big city, they should think about the p

22、roblems of staying there. 1. Big cities are wonderful places to live in. A True. B False. 答案:A解析 从开头New York, London.other big cities are wonderful places to live in. 可知,题干叙述正确,故选A。2. You can buy marry cheap things in cities. A True. B False. 答案:B解析 从第一段最后一句The cost of living is high.可知,在大城市生活消费是很高的

23、,也就是说东西都很贵,故选B。3. Many people go to cities to find jobs. A True. B False. 答案:A解析 从第二段Every year many people move to the cities because there are more chances to find jobs.可知,许多人去大城市找工作,因为那里机会多,故选A。4. There are too many people in cities, so it is hard to keep the cities safe and clean. A True. B Fals

24、e. 答案:A解析 从第二段Also, too many people in a place makes it hard to keep the cities safe and clean. 可知,人口密集的大城市的安全和卫生很难维护,故选A。5. All the people enjoy staying in big cities. A True. B False. 答案:B解析 从第三段Some people enjoy staying in big cities, but others do not. 可知,并不是所有的人都喜欢待在大城市,故选B。 Someone says, Time

25、is money. But I think time is even more important than money, Why? Because when money is spent, we can get it back. However, when time is gone, itll never return. That is why we mustnt waste time. Its true that time is usually limited. Even a second is very important. We should make full use of our

26、time to do everything useful. 6. I think money is even more important than time. A True. B False. 答案:B解析 从But I think time is even more important than money. 可知,我认为时间比金钱重要,而不是金钱比时问重要,故选B。7. We know when money is spent, we cant get it hack. A True. B False. 答案:B解析 文中提到:Because when money is spent, we

27、 can get it back. 由此可知,钱花光了,还可以再挣回来,故选B。8. We should make full use of our time to do everything useful. A True. B False. 答案:A解析 从We should make full use of our time to do everything useful. 可知,我们应该充分利用我们的时间去做有用的事,故选A。 A woman was at the cinema, and she was enjoying the film very much. But there was

28、a man in the next seat, and he began looking on the floor under him. The woman was angry and whispered, What are you doing there? What are you looking for? A piece of hard chocolate, the man said to her, Ive dropped it on the floor. A piece of chocolate? The woman said angrily, Its dirty now! Take t

29、his and be quiet, please. Im listening to the film! she gave the man a big piece of chocolate. But, the man said, my teeth are in the piece of chocolate on the floor! 9. The man dropped his glasses on the floor. A True. B False. 答案:B解析 从A piece of hard chocolate. the man said to her, Ive dropped it

30、on tile floor. 可知,男士把巧克力掉在了地上,而不是眼镜,故选B。10. The man cant find his teeth with chocolate on it. A True. B False. 答案:B.my teeth are in the piece of chocolate on the floor! 可知,男士找不到带有牙齿的巧克力,而不是找不到粘有巧克力的牙齿,故选B。第二节 短文理解2 阅读短文,从各题所给的三个选项中选出最佳答案。 Peter works in a shop. He helps the shopkeeper(店主). He puts f

31、ood on the shelves(货架) every day. Then people come into the shop and buy the food. Today there arent any bags of rice on the shelf. Peter! says the shopkeeper. We need bags of rice. Bring some rice to the shelf. Hurry up! Peter runs to get some bags of rice. They are in another room and they are on

32、the top(顶部) of the shelf. The shelf is high. Peter is tall, but he cant reach the bags. He takes two boxes and puts one box on top of the other. Then he stands on them. Now he can reach the bags on the shelf. The shopkeeper is coming. Hes calling Peter. Peter! Hurry up! What are you doing? Where are

33、 the bags of rice? He opens the door, He cant see Peter on the boxes. Dont open the door! Peter says. Then Peter falls down. Now Peter is on the floor. There is some rice on his head. 1. Peter helps the shopkeeper _.A.sell food sometimesB.carry bags of orangesC.put food on the shelves every day答案:C解

34、析 从第一段He puts food on the shelves every day. 可知,皮特每天帮助店主把食物放在货架上,故选C。2. People come to the shop for _.A.the fruitB.the foodC.the drink答案:B解析 从第一段Then people come into the shop and buy the food. 可知,人们来商店买食物,故选B。3. Peter runs to another room to get some bags of rice because _.A.his father asks him to

35、carry someB.the shopkeeper wants to cookC.the shelves for rice are empty答案:C解析 从第一段Today there arent any bags of rice on the shelf. 可知,因为货架上没有米了,所以皮特才去取米,故选C。4. The bags are _.A.easy to reach for PeterB.too high for him to reachC.on top of the boxes答案:B解析 从第三段They are in another room.The shelf is hi

36、gh.可知,米放在架子的顶部,架子太高了,皮特够不着,故选B。5. Peter falls down because _.A.he is on the boxes behind the door and the shopkeeper opens the doorB.the bags fall downC.the shopkeeper is calling him答案:A解析 从第三段He takes two boxes and puts one box on top of the other. 及最后一段Dont open the door! Peter says. 可知,皮特把两个箱子叠起来

37、放在门后,然后站在上面去拿米,店主推门后箱子倒了,所以皮特就摔倒了,故选A。 An old cat works very hard. He catches many mice every day. People love him very much. The king is very happy. He wants the eat to become an officer. He asks the cat to his room and has a talk. Mr. Cat, you are good at your work, says the king. I want you to be

38、come an officer. Im sorry, my dear king, says the cat. I dont want to be an officer. Why? asks the king. Because I am old. I want to have a rest, answers the eat. Please ask some young eats to be officers. The king says nothing. 6. People love the eat because _.A.he is a very diligent(勤奋的)catB.he is

39、 very friendly to othersC.he is very clever答案:A解析 从第一段He catches many mice every day. People love him very much. 可知,因为它每天抓很多老鼠,是个勤奋的猫,所以人们都很喜欢它,故选A。7. The king asks the cat to his room because the king _.A.wants to fire(解雇)himB.wants to let him retire(退休)C.wants to give him an office position答案:C解析

40、从第一段He wants the cat to become an officer. He asks the cat to his room and has a talk. 可知,国王想给猫一个官职,所以把猫叫到了自己的房间,故选C。8. Mr. Cat does not accept it because _.A.he wants to have a restB.he is afraid of the kingC.he knows that it is dangerous to work with the king答案:A解析 从第三段Because Im old. I want to ha

41、ve a rest.可知,A符合题意,故选A。9. How does the king feel when he hears the cats answer?A.Surprised.B.Interested.C.Angry.答案:A解析 从第三段The king says nothing. 可知,国王没有想到猫会拒绝,当猫拒绝时,他吃了一惊,说不出话来了。A符合题意,故选A。10. The best title of the passage is _.A.A Stupid CatB.A Wise CatC.I Wont Be An Officer答案:B解析 文章主要讲的是一只猫的事,它拒绝成

42、为官员,想要好好休息一下,是很明智的选择,所以题目为“明智的猫”符合题意,故选B。第三节 词语配伍 从上边一栏中找出一个与下边一栏的含义相符的选项。 A. Are you interested in traveling? B. Its fine today. C. Maybe we should not smoke again. D. Im just looking for it. E. Not bad. F. Do you like to climb a hill? G. Its just what I want. 1. Perhaps we should give up smoking.答

43、案:C解析 Perhaps we should give up smoking. 与Maybe we should not smoke again. 都意为“或许我们应该戒烟”,故选C。2. Do you like traveling?答案:A解析 Do you like traveling? (你喜欢旅游吗?)也就是问Are you interested in traveling? (你对旅游感兴趣吗?),两者含义相符,故选A。3. Its nice today.答案:B解析 Its nice today. 与Its fine today. 含义相符,都表示天气很好,故选B。4. Im interested in it.答案:G解析 Im interested in it. 意为“我对它很感兴趣”;Its just what I want. 意为“这正是我想要的”。两者含义相符,故选G。5. Do you like climbing a hill?答案:F解析 Do you like climbing a hill? 与Do you like to climb a hill? 都意为“你喜欢爬山吗?”含义相符,故选F。 23 / 23


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