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1、专业英语考试复习资料专业八级分类模拟227专业英语考试复习资料专业八级分类模拟227专业八级分类模拟227LISTENING COMPREHENSION In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the mini-lecture, please complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for ea

2、ch gap. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task. Now listen to the mini-lecture. When it is over, you will be given THREE minutes to check your work

3、. Understanding Types of Poems . Epic poems A. Definition: a narrative concentrating on 1 and events that are significant to a particular culture B. Examples: 2000 B.C.: Gilgamesh recorded on 2 Greek: Homers Iliad and Odyssey 3 : Virgils Aeneid and Ovids Metamorphoses Medieval period: Beowulf 4 : Da

4、ntes The Divine Comedy, John Miltons Paradise Lost C. Characteristics: an imposing, significant 5 ; a vast setting; courageous, even superhuman actions; supernatural forces; an objective point of view . 6 A. Definition: short poems expressing deep feelings, set to 7 and performed to audience B. Exam

5、ples: the Greeks: Sappho and Pindar the Romans: Catullus and Horace the middle ages: Omar Khayyam from Persia later centuries: John Donne and Ben Jonson the 19th and 20th centuries: Wordsworth, Keats, Byron and Shelley C. Characteristics: depending on 8 . Dramatic poems A. Definition: derived from t

6、heatrical drama, written in the form of a dialogue or a 9 B. Examples: 10 , Indian drama, Chinese opera, and Japanese Noh theatre . The 11 : sonnets, ballads, odes, epigrams and so on A. Sonnets 1)English sonnets: written by Shakespeare length: 14 lines rhyme: abab, cdcd, efef, gg rhythm: five two-s

7、yllable feet 2)Petrarchan or Italian sonnet: named after Francesco Petrarch rhyme: 8 line: abbaabba 6 line: xyzxyz 3)theme: love and affection with 12 B. Ballads: presenting a dramatic or exciting episode from 13 form: four lines per stanza and a refrain rhyme: abab C. Odes: poems with serious subje

8、ct matters, elevated styles and elaborate structures 1)uniform stanzas and a regular rhythm pattern 2)three sections of stanza: describing the 14 or situation presenting the problem presenting an insight D. Epigrams: short poems ending with a wise point functions 15 in different traditions (如需获取本MP3

9、听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案:heroic deeds听力原文 Understanding Types of Poems Good morning, everyone, welcome to my lecture. Todays topic is about the types of poems. We all know a poem is a created work that uses language to express ideas that are meaningful and memorable. Several broad types of poems that have b

10、een used throughout history include the epic poems, lyrical poems, dramatic poems, and the various familiar fixed forms such as ballads and sonnets. So, today, wed like to talk about different types of poems, a special kind of literature. The first type we will talk about is the epic poems, the olde

11、st poetic form. Sometimes we call it the heroic poem. An epic poem is a long narrative that concentrates on heroic deeds and events that are significant to a particular culture. Mythology is often expressed in the form of an epic poem. Many epics existed in oral form only and have not survived. Exam

12、ples of epic poems that have survived in written form include Gilgamesh, which was recorded about 2000 BC on clay tablets. Much of Greek mythology was recorded as epic poems by numerous authors, including Homers Iliad and his Odyssey. Virgils Aeneid and Ovids Metamorphoses are famous epics which cov

13、er Roman mythology. Written during the medieval period, Beowulf relates numerous Anglo-Saxon legends. More recent examples of popular epic poems include Dantes The Divine Comedy, John Miltons Paradise Lost and so on. Characteristics of an epic poem include an imposing, significant hero; a vast setti

14、ng; courageous, even superhuman actions; supernatural forces, such as demons or gods; and an objective point of view surveying the whole story. The second type is the lyrical poems. Lyric poetry originally referred to as the Greek practice of delivering verse to the accompaniment of the music. A lyr

15、ic poem generally is a short poem, often expressing personal deep feelings, having a musical quality that might be set to music and performed to audience. Some familiar lyric poets include the Greeks, Sappho and Pindar, and the Romans, Catullus and Horace. During the middle ages the Persian Omar Kha

16、yyam wrote memorable lyric verses. During later centuries John Donne and Ben Jonson were famous for their lyric poems. The 19th and 20th centuries were filled with lyric poets. Some of the most famous include Wordsworth, Keats, Byron and Shelley. Lyric poems typically depend on rhythm and rhyme. Rhy

17、thm is often called meter and is composed of several feet or beats. Two syllable feet and three syllable feet are the most common, and a lyric verse normally has a small number of lines, each divided into a recognizable pattern of feet. A verse may contain a definite rhyme pattern or may be left wit

18、hout rhyme and called blank verse. The third type is the dramatic poems. Dramatic poetry is meant to be spoken or sung to an audience. It derives from theatrical drama and is generally written in the form of a dialogue or a monologue. Examples of dramatic poetry can be found in Greek tragedies, Indi

19、an drama, Chinese opera and Japanese Noh theatre. The last type would be summarized as the various familiar fixed forms of poetry. There are many popular fixed forms of it, such as sonnets, ballads, odes, epigrams and so on. Each form follows a definite model. The most famous sonnets are those of Sh

20、akespeares, also called English sonnets. English sonnets are 14 lines in length and consist of 3 verses, which consist of four lines, and a couplet, which consists of two lines. The rhyme pattern is generally characterized by abab, cdcd, efef, gg. Shakespeares lines employ a five two-syllable feet r

21、hythm. Another popular sonnet form is the Petrarchan or Italian sonnet, named after Francesco Petrarch. This form also has 14 lines broken into an 8 line with a rhyme pattern of abbaabba and a 6 line with a rhyme pattern of xyzxyz. Sonnets are often written about love and affection and employ skillf

22、ul imagery. Their length allows the poet to create complications in the body of the sonnet and then to resolve the conflicts in the closing lines. A ballad is a form of verse meant to be sung or recited and usually presents a dramatic or exciting episode from real life. The traditional ballad form i

23、ncludes four lines per stanza and, often, a refrain. The four lines in each ballad verse consist of tour two-syllable feet in the first and third lines and three two-syllable feet in the second and fourth lines. The rhyme pattern is often abab. An ode is generally a lengthy lyric poem with a serious

24、 subject matter, and elevated style, and an elaborate structure. One form is modeled after the Roman poet, Horatio, and uses uniform stanzas and a regular rhythm pattern. The stanzas are often divided into three sections. The first section describes the scene or situation. The second section present

25、s the problem, and the third section presents an insight, a vision, a decision, or a revelation. Epigrams are usually short poems ending with a twist or a clever, witty point. In the Greek tradition they were inscribed on statues or sanctuaries. In the Roman tradition the epigram became a witty gift

26、 given to entertain a patron or a loved one, and not something to be inscribed. In the English tradition the epigram became a witty rhymed couplet with Coleridge, Pope, and even Benjamin Franklin becoming its master. Of course, there are a few other identifiable poetic forms in addition to the ones

27、mentioned above. And certainly, there will be additional forms invented by insightful poets in the future. Above all, understanding and appreciating the many different forms of poetry will help you more generally appreciate the creative work of the poets. So read some poems after class and I am sure

28、 you will have some new findings through doing so. See you next time. 考点 本题设题点在定义解释处。 演讲者首先谈论的是四大种类诗歌中的第一种类epic poems,根据听力原文可知,史诗是以英雄事迹和对特定文化有重大意义的事件为主题的长篇叙事诗,故答案为heroic deeds。 2.答案:clay tablets考点 本题设题点在定语从句处。 演讲者接下来列举了史诗的例子,第一个提到的是Gilgamesh,根据听力原文可知,史诗Gilgamesh是在大约公元前2000年被记录在泥板上的,故答案为clay tablets。

29、 3.答案:Roman考点 本题考查重要细节。 演讲者列举史诗例子时,提到了不同时期的文学作品,由听力原文中的Virgils Aeneid and Ovids Metamorphoses are famous epics which cover Roman mythology. 可知,答案为Roman。 4.答案:recent times考点 本题考查重要细节的概括。 根据听力原文More recent examples of popular epic poems include Dantes The Divine Comedy, John Miltons Paradise Lost.可知,本

30、题答案为recent times。 5.答案:hero考点 本题设题点在列举处。 根据听力原文可知,史诗的特征包括伟大的英雄、宏大的背景、勇敢的行动、超自然的力量,以及能概述整个故事的客观观点,故填入hero。 6.答案:Lyrical poems考点 本题考点设在分论点处。 由听力原文The second type is the lyrical poems. 可知,演讲者接下来讨论了诗的第二种类Lyrical poems,即抒情诗,故本题答案为Lyrical poems,注意该空位于句首,首字母须大写。 7.答案:music考点 本题考查重要细节。 演讲者指出抒情诗通常是表达人们内心强烈感受

31、的短诗,根据听力原文可知,抒情诗是具有音乐特质的,可能会设有背景音乐并表演给观众,故答案为music。 8.答案:rhythm and rhyme考点 本题考查重要细节。 根据听力原文可知,抒情诗注重节奏和韵律,故答案为rhythm and rhyme。 9.答案:monologue考点 本题考查重要细节。 演讲者介绍的第三种诗歌为dramatic poems,再由听力原文.in the form of a dialogue or a monologue. 可知,戏剧诗以对话或独白的形式表现,故本题答案为monologue。 10.答案:Greek tragedies考点 本题设题点在举例处。

32、 演讲者谈论的第三种类型的诗是dramatic poems,即戏剧诗,根据听力原文可知,戏剧诗的典范包括古希腊悲剧、印度戏剧、中国京剧以及日本能剧,故填入Greek tragedies。 11.答案:fixed forms考点 本题设题点在分论点处。 根据听力原文可知,诗歌中的最后一个类型为大家所熟知的诗的固定形式,包括十四行诗、歌谣、颂歌、警句等,故答案为fixed forms。 12.答案:imagination考点 本题考查重要细节。 根据听力原文可知,十四行诗的主题是关于爱和情感,并熟练地运用想象力,由于空格处需要填入一个名词,故答案为imagination。 13.答案:real l

33、ife考点 本题设题点在分论点处。 根据听力原文可知,歌谣被用来传唱或朗诵,它通常来源于现实生活中戏剧性的或激动人心的一段情节,因此答案为real life。 14.答案:scene考点 本题考查重要细节。 在谈论颂歌时,演讲者指出颂歌运用统一的诗节和常规的韵律模式,根据听力原文可知,诗节常被分为三个部分:第一部分为describes the scene or situation(描述场景或情况);第二部分为presents the problem(提出问题);第三部分为presents an insight, a vision, a decision, or a revelation(表达见

34、解等),故答案为scene。 15.答案:vary/differ考点 本题考查对细节的归纳概括。 根据听力原文可知,在希腊传统里,警句被刻在雕像或圣殿里;在罗马传统里,警句作为礼物用来娱乐他人;而在英语传统中,警句成为诙谐押韵的对句。由此可见,在不同的传统里,警句的功能大不相同,故答案为vary或者differ。 How to Be Effective Readers? . Introduction of reading and how to be effective readers A. Introduction of reading A method of absorbing 16 com

35、prehension reading speed Factors influencing our reading ability: vocabulary cultural background knowledge 17 B. How to be effective readers Developing a love of reading: making leading a regular and enjoyable activity Having a dear 18 in reading: why improve the reading speed different strategies f

36、or 19 Developing good reading habits: concentrating on the important parts 20 skipping the insignificant parts . The types of reading A. Intensive reading: reading carefully for a(n) 21 of text Benefits: achieving fluency and competence in 22 developing critical thinking skills B. Extensive reading:

37、 reading a lot for pleasure with emphasis on 23 Benefits: increasing 24 , especially reading level and speed promoting our own reading development encouraging us to be 25 readers developing the habit of reading for pleasure . The skills of effective reading A. Skill focuses for different levels of r

38、eaders Programs for beginners: developing a basic reading vocabulary 26 skills reading for meaning Programs for intermediate or advanced readers: expanding vocabulary 27 comprehension skills mastering skills B. Skills for quick and efficient reading Skimming: finding the 28 of the passage only tryin

39、g to locate 29 Scanning: searching for 30 or ideas moving your eyes quickly down the page (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 16.答案:written information听力原文 How to Be Effective Readers? Good morning, in todays lecture, well discuss how to be effective readers. Id like to spend some time discussing with you the foll

40、owing topics: What is reading? How can we read effectively? And what are the types and skills of reading? First of all, Id say, reading is a method of absorbing written information. It mainly contains two aspects: the degree of comprehension and the reading speed. Our reading ability is closely rela

41、ted to our vocabulary, cultural background knowledge and reading techniques. However, we vary widely in every significant aspectintelligence, language skills, interest, etc. So we are supposed to recognize our individual differences and work hard to be effective readers. In my opinion, there are man

42、y things that we could do. Firstly, we should develop a love of reading by making reading a regular and enjoyable activity. If so, we will be keen on reading and keeping reading everyday. In this way, we will get different information from reading. Secondly, we should have a clear purpose in reading

43、. And we should know why we need to improve our reading speed and use different strategies for different reading tasks. Thirdly, developing good reading habits is quite important. We should concentrate on the important parts, skim the rest, and skip the insignificant parts. Sometimes we should read

44、silently rather than read aloud. The second point Id like to make is about the types of reading. Many books, papers and dissertations have been written about various types of reading, as well as methods of teaching reading. We will not go into details but will briefly revise basic types of reading.

45、In academic environment, there are two basic types of reading: intensive and extensive. Let us briefly look at them separately. What is intensive reading? Intensive reading is reading carefully for an exact understanding of text. In practical life, acquired intensive reading skills are used for comprehension of contracts, business letters, memorandums, application forms and legal documents. Intensive reading equips us with basic reading strategies to enable us to achieve fluency and competence in the areas of vocabulary rec


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