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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语高级分类模拟21剑桥商务英语高级分类模拟21LISTENINGPART ONE You will hear the introduction to a job interview, which is a 13-week interview with all kinds of tasks. As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes, using up to three words or a number. Mr. Trump h

2、as Two Assistants 1. One is Gorge Rose. He is the _ and senior consultant. 2. The other one is Caroline. She is the _ of one company. 3. These two people are Trumps _. About the Job Applicants 4. Among _ job applicants, they are the 16 people that being chosen. 5. They are going to be divided into _

3、 teams. 6. They must choose a _ to lead the team in that test. 7. The team who loses will all meet Mr. Trump in the _. 8. Somebody from the lost team is _. 9. All of them should be _, but the fact is only one being chosen. 10. The chosen person will be the _ of one of the companies. 11. The salary f

4、or the winner will be _ for the year. 12. Now they are going back to the suites and _. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案: EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT听力原文 1-12M: Good morning everyone and welcome to New York. My name is Edward Trump. I always said New York City is the real jungle. Its tougher to live in New Yor

5、k than in any other cities. Youll find out what I mean. Ok, lets get started. I want to introduce somebody whos been with me for 25 years, George Rose. He is my executive vice president and senior consultant. On this side is Caroline Gapcher. She is the chief officer of one of my companies. And Caro

6、line is a killer. Many men have been buried in her waist. These two people are my eyes and ears. Theyll accompany you when you are doing your tests. Theyll help me make a decision as who will be the last one working as a president in one of my companies. And I will see how you will do. This isnt a g

7、ame. It is a 13-week job interview. And among 215,000 job applicants, you are the 16 people that I chose to go through a 13-week hell to determine whos going to work for me at the end. Nowsome of you think getting high education gives you advantage, others think experiences are best ways to get you

8、ahead. Initially women have more of a tough time in work places, so they said Lets find out. We are going to set up two teams of eight each. And I have decided its going to be men against women. Each week theres a business task to accomplish. I may ask you to work on the street, or make ads for plan

9、es in Madison Avenue, or repair the rent houses, maybe even hold up a rock concert. You will select a project manager to lead your team in that test. Ill hold the manager at least partially responsible for your team victory or failure. If your team loses, you will all meet me right here in the board

10、room. You dont want to be in the boardroom, because losing team is going to sit in front of me and somebody is going home. All of you should be complimented, but the fact is theres only one who is going to be chosen as the president of one of my companies. And your salary will be very high for the y

11、ear. Now go to the suites, enjoy yourselves and see you tomorrow. 2.答案: CHIEF OFFICER3.答案: EYES AND EARS4.答案: 215,000 本题考查数字听写,虽是原文,但要掌握数字听写技巧,比如在草稿纸上先写出thousand,million,billion的位数,只等即听即写,提高准确度。5.答案: TWO6.答案: PROJECT MANAGER7.答案: BOARDROOM8.答案: GOING HOME9.答案: COMPLIMENTED10.答案: PRESIDENT11.答案: VERY

12、 RICH12.答案: ENJOY THEMSELVES 本题需要把直接引语yourselves改为间接引语themselvesPART TWO You will hear five different people helping Tim release working stresses. For each extract, there are two tasks. For Task One, choose the stress of each one from the list A-H. For Task Two, choose the suggestions they give to T

13、im from the list A-H. Task OneStress For questions 13-17, match the extracts with the stresses, listed A-H. For each extract, choose the stress stated. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract. A feeling stressed and nervous B having stressful moments at work C feeling stressed and b

14、eing driven to death D feeling stressful and exhausted E feeling no stress at all F feeling stressed because life is to be worried G feeling stressed and having no way to cope with it H feeling disappointed (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. _答案: B解析 13-22 Speaker 1 Almost every one of us has stressful moments

15、 while at work, studying or even at home. In my opinion, people who feel stressed should practice putting their minds at rest once in a while in order to wear down the stresses. For me, I bike very early in the morning for an hour and a half. This activity makes me feel more relaxed and ready to cop

16、e with all the stresses of the day. Its good for Tim to figure out how to be unaffected by his stressful work, for example, by doing a soothing activity before and after work. Speaker 2 I think Tim must escape more from work, because work is a very important source of stress. In Spanish we have a pr

17、overb that says something like this I sell advice, but I havent it for me. So, this case is the same for me, because I think that I need to escape from work but Im not able to do it and normally l feel stressed, nervous and with a big feeling of importance because I cant arrive to do all the things

18、which I have to do. Anyway I try to control my stress levels by doing sports, and usually I go biking twice a week. Speaker 3 I graduated from college but I work as a waitress. That made me feel disappointed for a long time. But now, I have changed. I think that knowing how to accept what we already

19、 have is the most important thing. If I were Tim, I wouldnt let myself be in a lot of trouble like that. In the relationship with his flat mate, he should try to live honestly, be caring to his friends. in his work, try to change attitude about it, maybe it would make him feel better. If he cant, fi

20、nd another job which is more interesting. And finally, he should find a close friend to confide all the things that make him upset. Speaker 4 Im a Primary teacher and I think its one of the most stressful jobs in the world. Every day is the same old dont do this, dont do that. It makes me feel exhau

21、sted! Therefore when I get home I really need to rest and forget all my problems. After work I might have a nap or I might watch TV. If I had more free time Id go for a long walk or read a novel. However I think I should meet with my friends more often, because bursting out laughing is the best way

22、to get relaxed and happier at once! Speaker 5 Id tell Tim: Do what youre able to do, calmly; dont think about too many things at the same time; dont mix everything such as customers, Sally and Jacks happiness and accounts. I cant help myself being stressed because life is full of reasons to be worri

23、ed, children, health, job, money. How can we manage them? Im afraid we cant. We have to be fatalistic and accept them. But we must act cleverly to avoid the bad events on which we might have an influence. Its not easy and sometimes we need to relax. What should I do? I meet friends once a week and s

24、ay the most stupid things, tell the most unbearable jokes and non-sense for a couple of hours and above all we forget all serious points of view. 强调at work2. _答案: A强调nervous3. _答案: H强调disappointed4. _答案: D强调exhausted5. _答案: F强调原因是life is to be worried Task TwoProblem For questions 18-22, match the e

25、xtracts with the suggestions, listed A-H. For each extract, choose the suggestions described. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract. A doing soothing activity B escaping more from work C changing oneself and finding a close friend D relaxing oneself and meeting friends E not think

26、ing too much at the same time F changing a job whenever feeling stressed G doing sports every day H not thinking about work after work 6. _答案: A7. _答案: B8. _答案: C9. _答案: D10. _答案: E1822题主要是听出缓解压力的方法,因人而异。答案基本都是每位讲话人的原句。PART THREE You will hear a conversation among several business owners about how t

27、o start their own business. For questions 23-30, mark one letter A, B or C for the correct answer. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Why are there so many small businesses in the U. S. ?A.They provide about 80% of all new jobs.B.They start with a dream and little else.C.They have the Council of Smaller Enterp

28、rises.答案:A解析 23-30 President Bush says the key to a strong economy is the creation of more small businesses. But statistics show that most startups are doomed to fail. However, the experts agree that with planning and hard work a new company can beat the odds. we look into some tough questions about

29、 what it takes for businesses to successfully get off the ground. M1: There are over 25 million small businesses in the United States. They provide about 80% of all new jobs. Another reason they are valued is because they can eventually become major corporations employing thousands and investing in

30、the community. Most small businesses start off the same way, a person with a dream and little else. So whats the next step? There are private consultants, government agencies and educational institutions just waiting to hear from entrepreneurs. The Council of Smaller Enterprises, or COSE, is one of

31、them. Executive Director Steve Millard says the first thing would-be business owners need to do is ask themselves if they have the right stuff.M2: People dont often think of the fact that running a business is a lot different than working in a business. You have a lot more to consider and deal with,

32、 so the first step is to answer the following questions: Are you somebody who can be an entrepreneur? Are you motivated? Can you autonomous? Can you set goals for yourself and actually meet them? Can you afford to be in business for yourself? If you go into business for yourself, are you just going

33、to create a job for yourself thats worse than the situation youre in now?M1: Those are all questions Alma Alfonzo has asked herself. She owns this bakery near the West Side Market. Alfonzo opened the Lelolai Bakery a year ago, so there is still plenty of uncertainty. Its not like the old days when s

34、he had a high level corporate medical position. Alfonzo says running the bakery takes much more time and mental toughness than her old job.F1: The reality of a small business is that it takes courage, there is a lot of risk involved. Most of the time, its your own personal risk which you dont see wh

35、en you are working in the corporate world. Its somebody elses money. You know courage takes a lot of your energy. You wake up every morning with a depletion of energy as it relates to not knowing the things you are going to face in the day. As a new venture there are obvious surprises, you dont know

36、 what issues you are going to deal with.M1: Despite those feelings her strong desire is enough to overcome some of her doubts.M2: Hes the owner of Big Fun, a Cleveland Heights novelty and collectable shop that he started 11 years ago. He says if people really knew what they were getting into, there

37、would be fewer startups. I think most people that have that knowledge beforehand really dont open up businesses because when youre a sole proprietor, a self-owner of your own individual business you tend to spend much more time than you anticipate. When I first opened up with my father and I literal

38、ly worked every hour the store was open. Now Im fortunate enough to have good people working for me. And Im not here as much as I used to be. Im here often but I have the luxury of trusting my employees.M1: COSEs Steve Millard says that strong desire to see a product or service come to market is a m

39、ust.M2: People need to know this is something they feel like doing for twice as many hours as they are doing now, for probably half as much pay. They have enough passion and desire to do this work in business for themselves.M1: Another question future business owners need to ask is whether their fam

40、ily can survive the ordeal. Unless your spouse and children dont like you very much, the long hours are bound to take a toll on your marriage and relationship with your kids. Presser advises living close to where you set up shop.M2: Were fortunate to live two blocks from here. My kids grew up coming

41、 here. My wife has helped out. It has been a family business and so being part of the neighborhood has helped. If I traveled far I could see when the pressure lies, and there has been times she knows that, its going to be from the Christmas holiday season from Thanksgiving and New Years my hours inc

42、rease dramatically.M1: Bakery owner Alma Alfonzo says her husband has helped her from the planning stages forward and has his support. But her two young daughters are still adjusting to the demands of a life centered around selling cakes, cookies and sandwiches.F1: I think as long as you know bow to

43、 balance your family life with your work life. This is like having a new baby, that what I tell my daughters. You have to nurture it, take good care of it and so forth, but it doesnt mean that when you get a new baby in the house you ignore everybody else.M1: Its not just the lack of sleep and famil

44、y time a new business owner can look forward to. Finances are also strained. COSE officials say most business can expect to lose money for at least the first year for various reasons, including poor planning.M2: Whats their risk tolerance? What do they need to actually make at a minimum to maintain

45、a lifestyle they have to maintain? And what kind of financial cushion do they have to fall back upon? If you have a large family and you need to make $50,000, $60,000, $70,000 a year to support that family and youre the only source of income, it probably doesnt make sense to jump off a cliff and sta

46、rt a business right away that you are not sure is actually going to work.M1: But there are ways around an all or nothing business start. Millard says some types of ventures allow you to work from your home or on weekends until you test the waters and find out if there is a market for what you want t

47、o sell. He says the best tool for starting a new company is a well-written business plan. The document could make or break your company.2. What is the advice for would-be business owners from Steve Millard?A.Ask themselves if they have enough money.B.Ask themselves if they have the right stuffC.Ask themselves if they have enoug


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