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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语初、中、高级综合分类模拟题6剑桥商务英语初、中、高级综合分类模拟题6PART ONE Look at questions 1-5. In each question, which sentence is correct? For each question, mark one letter (A, B, or C) on your Answer Sheet. 问题:1. Payment Advertising rates are specified in the Rate Card. Rat

2、es are quoted exclusive of Value Added Tax and any other applicable sales taxes. A.Value Added Tax is included in sales taxes.B.Sales taxes are included in the rates.C.No taxes are included in the rates.答案:C解析 这是一段有关广告费用的说明文字。“rate”在这里表示“根据某个标准制定的价”,“exclusive of”表示“不包括”。从第二句“Rates are quoted exclus

3、ive of Value Added Tax and any other applicable sales taxes.”可知报价单上的报价不包括增值税和其他适用的销售税。因此,A、B两项均被排除,C项正确。问题:2. Could we postpone my visit to your office until the week commencing 5 September?A.The visit will be delayed until someday after September 11th.B.The visit will be made someday from September

4、 5th to September 11th.C.The visit will be cancelled because of a meeting on September 5th.答案:B解析 从内容上判断,这是在与对方商量见面的时间,询问对方是否可以把拜访时间推迟到9月5日开始的那一周。“postpone.until”表示“推迟到”。B项的意思是“这次拜访将会在9月5日到9月11日中的某一天进行。”A项的意思是“这次拜访将会推迟到9月11日之后的某一天。”C项的意思是“因为9月5日的会议,这次拜访将会取消。”因此,A、C两项应排除,B项正确。问题:3. Mortgage and other

5、 financing income decreased $6.6 million to $16.6 for the year ended December 31, 2013. The income in 2013 was reduced A.to $6.6 million.B.to $16.6 million.C.from $16.6 million to $6.6 million.答案:B解析 “2006年的收入减少”本题考查对“decrease.”和“decrease to.”的理解。前者表示“减少了”,后者表示“减少到”。从原文可知“到2006年12月31日止,该年的抵押借款和其他收入减

6、少了880万美元,为1880万美元。”因此,B项正确。问题:4. Since two speakers are now unable to attend, we shall require only 2 Seminar Rooms instead of the 4 booked.A.Now two seminar rooms are enough.B.More seminar rooms will be needed.C.Six seminar rooms have been reserved.答案:A解析 原文的意思是“因为有两位发言者不能参加会议,所以我们只需要两间会议室而不是原预定的四间

7、了。”在本题中,考生对“instead of”这一短语的正确理解是解题的关键。A项正确。问题:5. We are looking for a Principal Economist, who as well as advising managers and board members on environmental economic policy matters, will develop policy relating to cost benefit analysis at the upcoming review and beyond.A.The Principal Economist w

8、ill become a board member.B.The Principal Economist will deal with environmental matters.C.The Principal Economists major responsibility is to make certain policy.答案:C解析 这是招聘首席经济学家的广告,说明其职位职责除了要在环境经济政策事务上向经理们和董事会成员提供建议“advising managers and board members on environmental economic policy matters”,还要制

9、定关于成本一利润分析的政策“develop policy relating to cost-benefit analysis at the upcoming review and beyond”,而且后者为主要职责,因为用“as well as”连接的两个部分中,其后的部分为次要内容。因此,C为正确选项。PART TWO Look at the list below. It shows articles in a business website. For questions 6-10, decide which article (A-H) each person on the opposit

10、e page should read. For each question, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet. Do not use any letter more than once. A. Setting up an Online Home Based Business2 Mistakes to Avoid B. Tips to Buying Property Abroad C. How to Conduct an Interview? D. Management Communication Techniques E. Five Tip

11、s on Advertising Your Property F. Honesty Proves Best Policy for Job Hunter G. Land InvestmentAn Investors Guideline H. Five Signs Youre in the Wrong Job 1. John Smith wants to sell his house.答案:E解析 “John Smith想卖掉他的房子。”B、E、C三篇文章均与房地产有关,但B是与买房有关的,而G是与土地投资有关的,因为E中的“Property”在这里表示“房产”,所以E项正确。2. Robinso

12、n Kay is responsible for recruiting new staff.答案:C解析 “Robinson Kay负责招聘新职员。”招聘新职员时,面试当然是必不可少的一个步骤,所以文章C“如何进行面试?”是Robinson Kay应该读的。因此C项正确。3. Thomas Haley is looking for a new job.答案:F解析 “Thomas Haley正在找工作。”此题的干扰项是H,但这篇文章是“你入错行的五个迹象”,主要针对在职者。而文章F“诚实是求职者的最佳策略”,显然才是Thomas Haley最应该读的文章。4. Mary Claire woul

13、d like to start business on the Internet.答案:A解析 “Mary Claire想在网上做生意。”A文章的题目“建立在线家庭公司两个应避免的错误”,是在网上做生意的人应该了解的内容,所以A项正确。5. Leo Benson is going to buy a house in another country.答案:B解析 “Leo Benson要在别的国家买房子。”选项G虽然提到投资,但题目为“土地投资投资者指南”,而B“在国外置业的注意事项”才是Leo Benson应该读的文章。因此B项正确。PART THREE Look at the chart b

14、elow. It shows ABC Regions unemployment rate, inflation rate and the rate of GDP growth during eight quarters on two successive years. Which quarter does each sentence (11-15) below the chart describe? For each sentence, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet. Do not use any letter more than onc

15、e. 1. In this quarter, the rate of GDP growth, like the unemployment rate, showed a fall, while the inflation rate demonstrated the opposite trend.答案:H解析 “这个季度,GDP的增长率与失业率一样下降了,但通货膨胀率呈相反趋势。”在A-H中,GDP下降的只有E和H,但E中的失业率与前一季度是持平的,所以H正确。2. With a slight decline in both unemployment rate and inflation rate

16、, the GDP growth rate reached its peak in this quarter.答案:F解析 “随着失业率和通货膨胀率的微幅下降,GDP增长率在本季度达到顶峰。”在题目中只要提到某个数据达到顶峰(peak),那么在A-H中应首先锁定该值的最高值所在的选项。以本题为例,直接去找GDP达到峰值的选项就可以了,所以我们可以迅速锁定F项,而不必再去看其他选项。3. This quarter saw the lowest point in the inflation rate and the unemployment continued to fall.答案:G解析 “本季

17、度的通货膨胀率达到最低值,同时失业率继续下降。”与前一题类似,只是这里提到的是最低值,所以直接找通货膨胀率的最低值所在的选项就可以了。因此,G项正确。4. In this quarter, the inflation rate and the rate of GDP growth showed a rise, while that of the unemployment was just the opposite.答案:D解析 “本季度,通货膨胀率和GDP增长率呈上升趋势,但失业率刚好相反。”从题目中的第一个条件“the inflation rate and the rate of GDP g

18、rowth showed a rise”判断,选项B、C、D都符合,然后再用第二个条件“that of the unemployment was just the opposite”去排除干扰项。因此,D项正确。5. Despite the rise in the unemployment rate and the inflation rate, the rate of GDP growth continued to grow.答案:C解析 “尽管失业率和通货膨胀率在增长,但GDP的增长率继续增加。”从题目中的第一个条件“the rise in the unemployment and the

19、 inflation rate”判断,选项C符合,然后再用第二个条件“the rate of GDP growth continued to grow”进一步确认。因此C项正确。PART FOUR Read the advertisement below for ovens made by Tosca. Are sentences 16-22 on the opposite page Right or Wrong? If there is not enough information to answer Right or Wrong, choose Doesnt Say. For each s

20、entence 16-22, mark one letter (A, B or C) On your Answer Sheet. Capacity, Safety and Efficiency Tosca built-in ovens offer the greatest capacity on the market as well as new safety and efficiency features. Built to the toughest quality standards, these ovens stand up to the most rigorous use, thank

21、s to Toscas use of highly durable parts, quality-auditing of all parts vendors and 100% quality testing before shipping. Boasting the largest capacity* in the U.S. Tosca ovens can cook an entire meal at once. Plus, an extra-large viewing window allows you to monitor the progress of meals easily. Wha

22、tever life throws at them, Tosca built-in evens can handle it with ease. Safety is important to you. So Tosca ovens offer a recessed top heating element and a concealed bake element. It helps prevent accidental burning when removing dishes. 1. Tosca built-in ovens hold the most compared with any oth

23、er ovens available.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:A解析 “与其他任何烤箱相比,Tosca内置式烤箱能装的东西最多。”从第一段第一句话中“Tosca built-in ovens offer the greatest capacity on the market”可知Tosca内置式烤箱的容积是市场上所有烤箱中最大的,所以A项正确。2. Tosca built-in ovens have a life-span of at least 10 years.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:C解析 “Tosca内置式烤箱的使用寿

24、命最少10年。”文中没有任何与使用寿命相关的信息,所以C项正确。3. All the parts of Tosca built-in ovens are made by Tosca.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:B解析 “Tosca内置式烤箱的所有零件都是Tosca生产的。”从第二段第二行中“thanks to Toscas use of highly durable part, quality-auditing of all parts vendors and 100% quality testing before shipping”(由于Tosca使用了非常耐用

25、的配件,对供应商提供的所有配件都要进行质量检验,所有的产品在运输前也都要接受质量检验)可知并不是所有零件都是Tosca自己生产的。文中的quality-auditing指的是质量检验。因此B项正确。4. Every Tosca built-in oven will be tested in the factory.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:A解析 “每台Tosca内置式烤箱都会在工厂里接受检测。”从第二段中的“100% quality testing before shipping”可知所有产品在运走之前都要进行质量检验。因此A项正确。5. You can re

26、move the dishes through the large viewing window.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:B解析 “可以从大观察窗把(烤箱里的)菜端出来。”从第三段第二句“Plus, an extra-large viewing window allows you to monitor the progress of meals easily.”可知烤箱上的大观察窗是用来观察烤箱中的烹调情况的,而不是用来取放物品的。因此B项正确。6. The temperature inside Tosca built-in ovens is lower th

27、an other ovens.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:C解析 “Tosca内置式烤箱内的温度比其他烤箱低。”文中未提及相关信息。因此C项正确。7. People will not be burned by Tosca built-in ovens when using them.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:A解析 “人们在使用Tosca内置式烤箱时不会被烫到。”文章的最后一段对Tosca内置式烤箱的安全性作了介绍,它加热设备是内嵌式的“a recessed top heating element”,烘烤设备是隐藏的“a conce

28、aled bake element”,这样可以防止从烤箱中取食物被烫到“It helps prevent accidental burning when removing dishes.”因此A项正确。PART FIVE Read the following review of a book called Never Quit! The Ups and Downs of Running a Family Business. For each question 23-28 on the opposite page, choose the correct answer. Mark one lett

29、er (A, B, or C) on your Answer Sheet. Never Quit! The Ups and Downs of Running a Family Business Pick up the book Never Quit! The Ups and Downs of Running a Family Business thinks that I could read it between flights, hoping that in the pages of the book, Id find some little piece of sales wisdom to

30、 restate at the upcoming sales managers meeting thats where I was flying. And so I began reading in the terminal. Even after the plane settled into its altitude, I couldnt put Never Quit down. I continued to read, even forgetting to make a few notes in a margin. The notes were already made. The auth

31、or has bullet list after bullet list of helpful pointers. But what absorbed me most was the story of running a family business. Gray offered personal glimpses of challenges as well as successes. And then held them both up as examples of opportunity for positive growth. This is a business book, yes.

32、However, it is a family business book. There are the real stories of real people. But the real art of this book is the encouragement it provides to small business owners to define core principles and when those are challenged, to use those core beliefs to find another method to achieve the desired r

33、ight results. And so, when a business owner meets with something they believe is beyond their control, they will redefine success or the ways they might get there. They will never quit. The focus on customer service also came at a good time for me; this is a huge talking point at our company, which

34、is struggling to maintain excellent customer service at a time when sales are (thankfully) outpacing customer service rep availability, and so customer interactions are being timed and evaluated. Its a challenge, but I found something in almost every chapter of Grays book that boils customer service

35、 techniques down to something as simple as a customer-friendly greeting. It makes it seem do-able. This book is going to be popular with family business owners everywhere. It is well-written, but more important. It is a good read. Ive decided to buy a copy for everyone in our sales and service depar

36、tment, and to keep it in my briefcase to refer to again and again. 1. The reviewer decided to read the book becauseA.one of his friends told him the book was excellent.B.he was sure he would get some useful advice.C.he thought he might collect some information for the meeting.答案:C解析 “书评人决定读此书是因为”从第一

37、段中“thinking that I could read it between flights, hoping that in the pages of the book, Id find some little piece of sales wisdom to restate at the upcoming sales managers meeting”可知作者开始只是想在候机时读一读此书,当然能从中获得一点儿有用的信息就更好了,以便在准备参加的销售经理会议上作为谈资。所以选项B可排除;选项A文中未提及;因此选项C正确。2. The reviewer didnt make notes in

38、 the margin of the book becauseA.it was not convenient on the plane.B.the author of the book had made them.C.he borrowed the book from others.答案:B解析 “书评人没有在书页的空白处做笔记是因为”从第二段第二、三句“The notes were already made. The author has bullet list after bullet list of helpful pointers.”(已经有笔记了。作者已经把要点一条条地列出来了。)可

39、知B项正确,而A、C两项文中未提及。3. Which parts of the book did the reviewer enjoy reading most?A.The authors experience in family business operation.B.The lists of helpful information offered by the author.C.The advice on skills in selling made by some business owners.答案:A解析 “书评人最喜欢读该书的哪个部分?”从第二段“But what absorbe

40、d me most was the story of running a family business.”可知最吸引书评人的是书中关于经营家族企业的故事,选项A的意思与此最接近。虽然作者提及了B项内容,但其后的转折词“But”表明“story of running a family business”才是书评人最喜欢的部分。C项内容文中未提及。因此A项正确。4. The book tells small business owners thatA.there will be many things that they couldnt manage.B.they could get encou

41、ragement from the book.C.they should achieve their respective goals in various ways.答案:C解析 “本书告诉小企业主们”第三段第三至四行“But the real art of this book is the encouragement it provides to small business owners to define core principles and when those are challenged, to use those core beliefs to find another me

42、thod to achieve results.”的意思是“本书妙在鼓励小企业主们先制定自己的核心原则,而当这些原则遭到挑战的时候,应该利用这些核心原则去寻找其他的办法来实现希望达到的目标。”选项C符合此意。选项A未提及。选项B错误,因为本题题干是问本书告诉小企业主们什么,文中只是说书中鼓励小企业主们怎样去做,并没有告诉小企业主们他们可以从中获得鼓励。因此C项正确。5. The reviewer finds the information about customer service very useful becauseA.his company doesnt have enough sta

43、ff to provide good customer service.B.the sales in his company is decreasing gradually.C.the customers complaints are on the rise.答案:A解析 “书评人认为关于客户服务的信息非常有用,因为”从倒数第二段第一句的非限定性定语从句“which is struggling to maintain excellent customer service at a time when sales are (thankfully) outpacing customer servi

44、ce rep availability”可知书评人所在公司正面临的问题,即如何在销售的增长幅度超过了客户服务代表人数的增长的情况下仍能保持非常好的客户服务。选项B与原文意思相反,选项C未提及。因此选项A正确。6. The reviewer believesA.this book will appeal to everyone.B.his employees will be interested in this book.C.family business owners will like this book.答案:C解析 “书评人认为”从最后一段第一句“This book is going t

45、o be popular with family business owners everywhere.”可知选项C正确。选项A未提及;选项B错误,因为文中只提到书评人要为他公司中的销售和服务部门的人员每人买一本“Ive decided to buy a copy for everyone in our sales and service department”,但他们是否喜欢,文中未提及。因此C项正确。PART SIX Read the article below about the importance of hiring right people. Choose the correct

46、Word to fill each gap from A. B or C on the opposite page. For each question 29-40, mark one letter (A, B, or C) on your Answer Sheet. Hiring: Do You Know How Important to Pick Them? Your small business is growing, the market has a need 1 your product, and youre recruiting employees to expand your b

47、usiness. What could possibly 2 wrong? The answer is, a lot, 3 you dont hire the right people. One of the differences between businesses that boom and 4 that limp along is good employees. Obviously, your talent as an entrepreneur has a lot to do 5 the success of your business, but you 6 only go so far by yourself. You must find good employees, figure out 7 motivates them, and then place them into the right position. Hiring employees is 8 and require


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