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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语中级模拟103剑桥商务英语中级模拟103READINGPART ONEA Open Wire Design a dew approach to the age-old problems of Storage and organisation in your computer room. just one wire shelving unit can Store all you computer hardware monitors, CPUs, keyboards in one readily

2、 accessible location. It will also reduce dust circulation and improve air-circulation. Reinforced Shelves provide extra strength and allow items to slide on and off easily. Tough, hard surface resists chipping, scratches and other damage. Assembles in minutes. You dont even need tools just snap tog

3、ether sleeves and slide shelf over sleeve to securely lock in place. Shelves are easily adjustable. The floor levelers also adjust for surface irregularities to keep the unit stable. B Perfect for transporting computers, audio visual equipment and other office machinery. Non-slip top (W71 mmD483 mmH

4、25 mm) with heavy duty 25 mm tubular frame. supports equipment weighing up to 159kgs. Lower wire shelf (W533 mmD330 mm) holds additional equipment or supplies. Cart moves easily on four swivel, ball bearing. 102 nun rubber wheels. WT711 mmD483 mmH737 mm. 14kgs. C Organize and distribute your mail mo

5、re efficiently with this sturdy cart constructed of durable 25mm tubular steel. Top basket (W914 mmD406 mmH279 mm) takes hanging folders. Bottom basket (W889 mmD400 mmH279 mm) is ideal for moving boxes and large packages. Rubber wheels in front and two 203mm rigid wheels in back provide easy mobilit

6、y. Folds for easy storage. W1117 mmD559 mm11279 mm. 20kgs. D Safely organize your equipment wires and cables. Self-adhesive cable tubes, with slide-on covers, attach to the underside of your desk or around your office walls to safely route cables and wires. To group multiple wires, the kit includes

7、an assortment of clamps and ties. 1. It is possible to put files in one of the baskets.答案: C2. The top of this has a surface which prevents things sliding.答案: B3. This can be fixed to your office furniture or to the walls.答案: D4. You can put this together very quickly, using only your hands.答案: A5.

8、You can use this product to prevent people from falling over loose wires or accidentally pulling them out.答案: D6. You can make it much smaller when you put it away.答案: C7. This item is useful because there will be less dust and more air moving freely round any equipment placed here.答案: APART TWO APP

9、LYING FOR A NEW BOSS When I went off to college, I got one piece of advice from my father: It doesnt matter what courses you take, just find the great professors. Sure enough, I soon discovered that all subjects were interesting, as long as I had good teachers. Great teaching is not limited to schoo

10、l, though. An excellent boss can do the same thing, turning every day into a learning experience. He can give you confidence, making you more willing to ask a question, take on responsibility, or even suggest a change in some out-of-date company policy. 1 . My advice, then, is not to interview for t

11、he right job. Instead, interview for the right boss-not a best friend, but someone who is willing and able to help you grow professionally. What are some signs of the wrong boss? Well, anyone who: is surrounded by the same team year after year. If youre such a good teacher, why arent these people mo

12、ving on to better positions? lacks a sense of humor. Life is short. Work is hard. Lets lighten up when the mailroom loses a package, OK? 2 . loves typing, and has a hatred toward talking. 3 Who are the best bosses Ive had? Angela, my first boss out of college, was smart and direct-she was not afraid

13、 to call a spade a spade. She ruffled feathers around the company, but would readily let me in on what she thought and why. Shed been there 30 years but was still a busybody-I loved that. 4 Trust your instincts. Be yourself and see if he is someone you want to learn from for a couple of years. If th

14、at person is dull, distant, or passive in an interview, guess what theyre going to be like Monday through Friday. Interviewees are on their best behavior in that type of climate, but so are interviewers. You dont like what you see? The power is yours-go and check out other bosses before you jump abo

15、ard for the long run. Churchill divided people into two groups-those for whom work is work and pleasure is pleasure, and those for whom work is pleasure. 5 If youre in the same group, then he could very well be just the teacher for you. A But how do you know when youve found the right boss?B Theres

16、no reason to get your nose out of joint.C Why are you continually emailing me when I sit across the hall?D Great teaching is not limited to school, though.E In short, a great boss knows how to teach.F Whichever you are, my recommendation is to make sure you know where both you and your boss belong.G

17、 A great boss both gives and earns respect.1.答案: E2.答案: B3.答案:C4.答案:A5.答案:FPART THREE The MiSmanagement of Customer Loyalty The best customers, were told, are loyal ones. They cost less to serve, theyre usually willing to pay more than other customers. and they often act as word-of-mouth marketers f

18、or your company. Win loyalty, therefore, and profits will follow as night follows day. Certainly thats what CRM software vendorsand the armies of consultants who help install their systemsare claiming. And it seems that many business executives agree. Corporate expenditures on loyalty initiatives ar

19、e booming:The top 16 retailers in Europe, for example, collectively spent more than $1 billion last year。Indeed, for the last ten years, the gospel of customer loyalty has been repeated so often and so loudly that it seems almost crazy to challenge it. But that is precisely what some of the loyalty

20、movements early believers are starting to do. Take the case of one high-tech corporate service provider. This company set up an elaborate costing scheme to track the performance of its newly instituted loyalty programs. The scheme measured not only direct product costs for each customer but also all

21、 associated advertising, service, sales force, and organizational expenses. After running the scheme for five years, the company was able to determine the profitability of each of its accounts over time. Executives were curious to see just what payoff they were getting from their $2 million annual i

22、nvestment in customer loyalty. The answer took them by surprise. About half of those customers who made regular purchases for at least two yearsand were therefore designated as loyalbarely generated a profit. Conversely, about half of the most profitable customers were blow-ins, buying a great deal

23、of high-margin products in a short time before completely disappearing. The research findings echo that companys experience. Some experts have been studying the dynamics of customer loyalty and have found that the relationship between loyalty and profitability is much weakerand subtlerthan the propo

24、nents of loyalty programs claim. Specifically, they discovered little or no evidence to suggest that customers who purchase steadily from a company over time are necessarily cheaper to serve, less price sensitive, or particularly effective at bringing in new business. Indeed, in light of their findi

25、ngs, many companies will need to reevaluate the way they manage customer loyalty programs. Instead of focusing on loyalty alone, companies will have to find ways to measure the relationship between loyalty and profitability so that they car better identify which customers to focus on and which to ig

26、nore. The experts have found. a new methodology that will enable managers to determine far more precisely than most existing approaches do just when to let go of a given customer and so dramatically improve the returns on their investments in loyalty. 1. What does the writer say about customer loyal

27、ty in the first paragraph?A.Business executives need to know how to generate customer loyalty.B.Many executives believe more investment in customer loyalty means more profit.C.It is necessary for companies to generate customer loyalty at all costs.D.Customer loyalty will for sure help corporations m

28、ake more money.答案:B从第一段可知很多公司相信只要赢得顾客的忠诚,利润就会唾手可得,并且在培养顾客忠诚度方面的投入非常大,由此可以推断出管理者们相信在培养顾客忠诚度方面的投入越大,利润就会越丰厚。选项A没有提到,选项C和D所提到的观点是一些管理者的看法,而非作者的观点。因此,B为正确选项。2. According to the second paragraph, many people are involved in the job to generate customer loyalty besidesA.producers.B.suppliers.C.salespeople

29、.D.vendors.答案:C从第二段的第四句“The scheme measuredsales force, and organizational expenses. ”可推断出销售队伍与培养顾客忠诚度有关。A、B、D三项的内容在文章中都未提及,因此,C为正确选项。3. The high-tech corporate sewice provider produced a costing scheme in order toA.find out the most loyal customer.B.reduce the investment in generating customer loya

30、lty.C.launch a campaign to find out the potential customers.D.obsewe the relationship between customer loyalty and profit.答案:D从第二段的第三至最后一句可知该公司制作成本图的目的不仅仅是观察对每个顾客来说的产品的成本,也观察所有相联系的广告、服务、销售队伍和组织开支。但管理者们最关心的是在培养顾客忠诚度方面的投入带来了多少利润,“Executives were Curious to see just what payoff they were getting from t

31、heir $2 million annual investment in customer loyalty. ”D项为该公司制作成本图的目的之一,而选项A、B、C在文中都未被提及。因此,D为正确选项。4. According to the research findings, the customers who will bring in more profit are those whoA.are regarded as loyal customers.B.happen to buy the products frOm a company.C.trust the quality of the

32、 products frOm a company.D.care little about prices of the products.答案:B从第三段最后一句话“Conversely, about half of the most profitable customers were blow-ins, buying a great deal of high-margin products in a short time before completely disappearing. ”可知能给公司带来更多利润的是那些偶尔来此购物的顾客。本句中的“blow-ins”是相对于regular cu

33、stomers而言的,指那些偶尔来此购物的顾客。选项A与“About half of those customers who made regular purchases for at least two yearsand were therefore designated asloyalbarely generated a profit. ”所述内容相反。选项D与第四段中的“Specifically, they discovered little or no evidence to suggest that customers who purchase steadily from a com

34、pany over time are necessarily cheaper to serve, less price sensitive,or particularly effective at bringing in new business. ”所述内容相反。选项C没有被提及。因此,B为正确选项。5. According to the fourth paragraph. the discovery of some experts disapproves the belief that loyal customersA.recommend the products to other peo

35、ple.B.are sensitive to the price of the product.C.need less sewice provided by a company.D.contribute more to the image of a company.答案:C从第四段最后一句话“Specifically, they discovered little or no evidence to suggest that customers who purchase steadily from a company over time are necessarily cheaper to s

36、erve, less price sensitive, or particularly effective at bringing in new business”,可知专家们发现几乎没有证据显示为那些老顾客提供服务的成本更低,这些顾客更不在乎价格,或者能够给公司带来新顾客。因此,C为正确选项。6. It can be inferred from the passage that the writer suggests companies shouldA.attract the more profitable customers.B.pay equal attention to all the

37、 customers.C.increase the investments in customer loyalty.D.focus only on loyal customers.答案:A“从文章中可以推断出作者建议公司应该”根据第五段第二、三句“Instead of focusing on loyalty alone, companies will have to find ways to measure the relationship between loyalty and profitability so that they can better identify which cust

38、omers to focus on and which to ignore. The experts have found a new methodology that will enable managers to determine far more precisely than most existing approaches do just when to let to of a given customer and so dramatically improve the returns on their investments in loyalty”,尤其是画线部分可以推断出公司要分

39、辨出哪些顾客应该给予关注(focus on),哪些顾客可以忽略(ignore)的目的就是为了更加有效地吸 引能给公司带来更多利润的顾客,而这些顾客未必是老顾客。因此,可排除B、D、C项,A为正确选项。PART FOUR The iPod Has Turned Apple into a Superbrand No single brand could be compared to Apples iPod, which is expected to be the hottest gift over the holiday season. In the three months to Decembe

40、r 31st, Apple sold 14m digital music players, compared with 4.5m in the same period in 2004. The iPod 1 a product category, as Sonys Walkman once did when music was delivered on cassette instead of over the internet. And 2 Apples iTunes Music Store accounting for 80% of legal music downloads, the Ca

41、lifornian company now has a brand that marketers hold in awe. But can Apple also use its new brand power to sell 3 computers? At Apples annual Macworld event on January 10th, Steve Jobs, the companys chief executive, unveiled what many fans had been 4 : the first Macintosh computers based on chips m

42、ade by Intel, which also power the vast 5 of personal computers that run Microsofts Windows operating system. Apple hopes the high performance of its new Intel-based Macs will help it 6 market share from makers of Windows-based PCs. But the halo effect from the iPod remains Apples most 7 means of bo

43、osting sales of its computers. Surveys suggest that some 10-20% of PC users who buy an iPod subsequently go on to buy a Mac. In 2005 the iPod helped the company to 8 its share of the personal-computer market from 3% to 4%. Apples challenge is that getting people to buy an iPod, a new type of device,

44、 is 9 than getting them to switch loyalties in an existing product category. The most powerful factor working in Apples favour is peer 10 : what friends and relatives have to say about products is now the most 11 form of consumer advice, and to be seen with 12 different can be almost taboo. That is

45、why millions of people said they wanted an iPod for Christmas, and not a digital-music player from another manufacturereven though rival players are often cheaper than iPods. and generally have more 13 . During the years it 14 in Microsofts shadow, Apple 15 from having a distinctive, counter-cultura

46、l brand. But given its dominance in digital music, where it is anything but the underdog, how long can Apple keep its cool? 1.A.createsB.producesC.definesD.invests答案:C解析 此处考查对文章的理解。第一段指出:12月31日之前的三个月内,与2004年同期的450万相比较,Apple卖出了1400万数字音乐播放器。此句意为:iPod界定了一类产品,在音乐以盒式录音带而不是通过互联网传送的年代,索尼公司的随声听系列产品也是如此。因此,此

47、处需要一个谓语动词与后面的名词词组a product category搭配,表示界定一类产品,故C项为正确答案。2.A.withB.exceptC.besidesD.without答案:A解析 此题考查介词搭配。文中此句意为:苹果公司的iTunes音乐商店占80%的合法音乐下载的份额,位于加利福尼亚的苹果公司现在拥有一个令专营商惊叹的品牌。因此,此处需要一个介词与后面的名词词组Apples iTunes Music Store搭配,表示伴随状态,故A项为正确答案。(iTunes是一款数字媒体播放应用程序,iTunes Music Store是一项在线音乐下载服务。)3.A.muchB.lessC.moreD.most答案:C解析 此处考查对文章的理解。此句意为:但是苹果公司是否也能利用新品牌的力量出售更多的电脑呢?根据句意,只有C项正确。4.A.thinkingB.seekingC.expectingD.keeping答案:C解析 文中第二段开头指出,苹果公司的执行总裁,Steve Jobs在1月10日举行的招待会上透露了苹果迷所期望的事。根据句意,C项为正确答案,表示“期望”。5.A.


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