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1、Unit8 We re Twins(The first period) 南通市通州区金沙小学 蒋佳佳I Teaching content:Analysis of teaching1 .Analysis of the textThe first period of unit82 .Analysis of the students:The students of Grade3 have got certain listening ability, which still needs well improving. Andtheir speaking ability is not as good a

2、s expected, which will be improved in this period.3 .Analysis of teaching environment:CAI brings delightful melodies, beautiful pictures, vivid texts and interactive games.II. Teaching aims:1. Knowledge aims:a. 学生能有感情地朗读story time ,并给其配音。b. 学生通过学习 story time 能够灵活运用文中重要句型: Who is he/she?Who s this/th

3、at ? He s/She s2. Ability aimsa. 通过学习提升学生阅读能力(能够猜测文中生词等)b. 通过学习提升学生理解、朗读以及表演能力。3. Emotion aim学生通过学习能够更加爱家人,爱朋友。III. Teaching importance and difficultiesa. 学生能够理解story time 。b. 学生通过学习story time 能够灵活运用文中重要句型:Who is he/she?Who s this/that ? He s/She sIV. Teaching aidsCAI , picturesV. Teaching procedure

4、sT: Before class , you should know what to learn and how to learn. What to learn: read the story you can get one star, use the different tones you can get one star, dub the story one star. How to learn: listen carefullyyou can get one star, show yourself actively one star. Howmanystars would you lik

5、e?【设计意图:首先出示教学目标,让学生知道学什么,怎么学。使学生明确任务目标,能够积极参与到课堂活动中来, 学得更加有效率。 】Step 1 Warm-up1 Free talk T : I myour new teacher, I want to know you, can you introduce your classmates to me? You can use “This is/That is He s/She sS :【设计意图:让学生在师生平等的良好氛围中复习旧句型,以旧引新,为本课所学新句型做好铺垫。 】 T : Do you want to know me?My name

6、is Jojo, my age is a secret, I like making friends. This is my wechat number. I have a wechat friend, who is she?S:T: Yes, and she is a girl.(teach“girl ” )T: I have a message from Yang Ling. It s open day today. We have two activities. Notice: Wehave superstars!( 展示钟, 八点到了 ,what time is it? 提示学生 Op

7、en day开始啦!)Shall we go to open day? 揭开 Open day活动一( Visit school and know each other )【设计意图:通过微信引出Open day,并告诉学生有两项活动,提示学生有超级明星参加,激发学生的兴趣,然后将学生引入 open day 情境中,如此一来,水到渠成地过度到篇章教学】Step 2 Presentation1. Watch the cartoonT: Can you guess the meaning of “twins ” ? Enjoy some pictures of twins.( 出示课题We re

8、twins)【设计意图:通过观看story time 让学生初步感知课文大意,同时猜测 twins的意思,引出课题】2. I can chooseT: They come to open day, who is he and who is she?( 出示新句型) (听录音并选择)再通过family tree 来深层了解uncle , aunt 含义。3. I can chant【设计意图:通过family tree 的形式来讲授uncle , aunt 既使学生印象深刻又为第二课时fun time 做了铺垫。 Chant 使学生更深入了解了图 1 和图2】4. I can guessT: D

9、uring open day, here comes many people , can you guess whois he/she?【设计意图:同样在Open day 的情境中复习了主要句型Who is he/she?He s/She s】5. I can answerT: So many people, but Mike and Yang Ling feel surprised, why?【设计意图:让学生自读课文3、 4、 5 三幅图,观察Mike 和 YangLing 的表情变化,进一步理解课文】T: What does Mike say ?S:T: 通过近处远处让学生感知 this

10、 girl , that girlT: Is that Su Hai?S:【设计意图:提出 2 个问题让学生更加深刻理解图 3 至图 5, 并通过理解文本能够区分 Su Yang 和 Su Hai 。 】6. I can find (大家来找茬)【设计意图:通过大家来找荏检测学生是否能够区别出Su Yang和Su Hai,再根据人物远近用 WhO s this/that?进行句型操练。最后提示学生要养成仔细 观察的好习惯】7. Try to read【设计意图:让学生自由朗读课文,并提示学生其中重要句型的语气。 】8. I can read (齐读 story time )9. I can d

11、ub【设计意图:通过读与配音加深对学习内容的理解,完成对知识的掌握。 】Step 3 ConsolidationT: I have a message from Yang Ling, activity2 begins! Super star party !【设计意图:依旧通过微信的形式引入 Openday 活动二,通过超级明星进校园来激发学生学习欲望和兴趣】超级明星进校园参加 Open day1. Enjoy a short film about superstars.2. Game(操练句型)【设计意图:游戏是孩子最喜欢的活动,它把呆板的知识学习寓于充满趣味的活动之中,能够极大的提高儿童的学

12、习积极性和主动性。把枯燥的语言学习变得充满活力,能激发孩子的学习兴趣和求知欲。 】超级明星到我们班来啦!( 他们想要认识我们班同学 )I can act.( 六人一小组,一人扮演小明星)【设计意图:要训练学生使用某种语言结构并牢固掌握,就需要反复地复习巩固,而往往复习巩固容易成为单调重复乏味的 “炒旧饭 ” ,学生容易产生厌烦情绪。根据学生这一学习心理,我设计了超级明星来我班活动,让一人扮演小明星,询问他人名字。把复习内容巧妙地与表演相结合,同样能使学生产生新鲜感,学得不亦乐乎! 】Step 4 ExtensionT: Openday, we get happiness , we put ou

13、r memoryon picture walls! Let senjoy together!( 在 Openday 照片墙上展示同学们与家人、朋友的合影。引导学生说 Family and friends , I love you ! )【设计意图:通过Open day 中大家留下的照片墙,引导学生感受亲情和友情的伟大,更加珍爱身边的人】Step 5 Homework1. Listen, read and imitate story time.2. Recite and act story time.同学们可以根据自己实际情况选择作业1 或 2。【设计意图:采用“分层设计、共同提高”的课外作业形式,让不同层次的学生在较短的时间里轻松愉快地完成作业, 既减轻了学生负担, 也有助于大面积提高 教学质量。 】VI. Board writing:


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