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1、风景园林专业英语I think there is little doubt that landscape design is on the threshold becoming the most comprehensive of the arts. It can never be the pure, for abstract quality that creates music, poetry, painting and sculpture is too compromised by the realities of life. But it has one quality possessed

2、 no other art that is not ephemeral, which relates it uniquely to the way of thought of the modern world: the sense of constant change.它永远不可能是最纯粹的艺术,因为音乐,十个,绘画及雕塑这些的抽象的艺术形式太受现实的影响了。但它具备了其他并非稍纵即逝的艺术形式所不具备的特质:不断地变化性。正是这一特质和现代社会的思维方式密切相关。The aesthetic conclusions were geared to the emotions of the day

3、and to us now seem horribly sentimental , bur the scientific method is unanswerable.那些美学方面的结论符合当时人们的情感取向,对今天的我们而言也许过于多愁善感,但其中的科学方法却是无可辩驳的。Then, as Homo erectus, ambitious and adaptable, man leaves the protection of forest for the dangerous life of carnivore and hunter in the open savannah-the only a

4、nimal to have within him the dual personality of peace-lover.无怪乎深藏于我们心底的情感向往着那种原始但却自由自在的生活经历。这分向往形成了我们对美的基本感觉,并且作用于我们的潜意识,从而产生了今天的大部的私家花园。接下来,雄心勃勃,适应力强的人就离开了森林来到大擦偶按,过起猎人的生活,易食肉为主-这就是使得人类具有和平性与侵略性双重特征。后现代主义By time rather than from, concerned with context instead of style, it uses memory, research, c

5、onfession, fiction-with irony, and disbelief.” Levins description of modernism and post modernism are clearly about cultural attitudes rather than specific style.The failures of modern landscape architecture are not enormous nor so visible as steel boxes on every street corner. The groundbreaking wo

6、rk of Tomas Church established modern landscape architecture on much the same rules as modern art, but in doing so he at least broke away from the age-old formal/informal style of country lace are. In back gardens of San Francisco Bay Area, Church developed the asymmetric geometric style is that become the model for future works at urban scale. The bond that these works of the last 40 years share is that they are modeled after internal, psychological space: in other words, the design “hangs together.”


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