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1、 精品文档Chapter6 单元测试卷朗文英语 1BClass: _ Name: _ Score:听力部分一Listen and circle. 听录音圈出正确答案前的字母。(210= 20 )1. A.B.B.B.B.B.B.C.C.C.C.C.C.2. A.3. A.4. A.5. A.6. A.7. A.B.C.8. A. qpB. pdC. dp9. A. WMVB. MVPC. XVQ精品文档 精品文档10. A. 20B. 12C. 15二Listen and judge. 听句子判断对错。(2 5=10 )1. Here is Mary. Her shorts are pink.

2、2. What are they doing ? They are dancing.3. What are those? They are hamsters.4. How many snakes are there? There are twenty snakes.5. What colour is her shirt? It is black.三Listen and order. 听录音,排序。 (2 5=10 )( )( )( )( )( )四Listen and write. 听录音,将正确答案前的字母填写在括号内(2 5=10)1. (2. (3. (4. (5. () A. shor

3、ts) A. skirt) A. capB. jeansB. shirtB. dressB. turtlesB. blackC. shirtsC. T-shirtC. hat) A. hamsters) A. pinkC. trousersC. brown笔试部分一Write the words. 看图写单词。(2 5=10 )hat , trousers , shorts, skirt, shirt精品文档 精品文档二Read, circle and write. 看图圈出正确答案并填写在横线上。(2 7=14)1 A : What color _ (is/ are) her skirt?B

4、: It(is/are) red and yellow.2. A: What colour _ (is/are) his trousers?B: _(It is/They are) blue .3. _ (His/ Her) cap is blue and yellow.4. He _(is wear/ is wearing) a _(T-shirt/shirt) and trousers.三 Read and choose. 看图选择正确的答案,将序号填写在括号内.(2 5=10 )() 1. Mum is _ in the kitchen.A. eating B. cooking C. s

5、leeping) 2. Mary is wearing _ and _.A. a T-shirt; shorts B. a shirt; shorts C. a shirt; a skirt) 3. A: What is she _ ? B: She is wearing a _.A. wearing; skirt B. doing; dress C. wearing; dress(精品文档 精品文档() 4. A: How many _ are there? B: _ one panda.A. panda; There is B. pandas; There are C. pandas; T

6、here is() 5. A: Where is the cat? B: It is _.A. on the table B.on the shelf C. under the shelf四Choose and write. 找出不同类的单词并将序号填写在括号内。(1 5=5)1. (2. (3. (4. (5. () A. tableB. trousersB. turtleB. brownB. onC. chairC. pink) A. hamster) A. twelve) A. dress) A. fightingC. blackC. nearB. hopC. dancing五Write the letters. 写出所给字母的左邻右舍。(1 6=6)GInuRrXx六、Write the sentences.抄写句子,注意标点哦!(2 3=6)1. Here is Peter. His T-shirt is green and brown.精品文档 精品文档2. She is wearing a dress and a hat.3. What colour are her trousers? They are purple.精品文档


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