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1、Test for Chapter 1 & 2Name _ Class _ Points _一 单项选择 (1*10)( ) 1. The new dining hall of food.A. offer a wide range of choicesB. offers a wide range of choicesC. offer a wide range of choiceD. offers a wide range of choice( ) 2. For more information, you can call me 12345678 or e-mail me _ .A. on, on

2、B. at, atC. on, atD. at, on( ) 3. -You can go to England America. Which would you prefer? -I prefer to go to England.A. both, andB. either, orC. neither, norD.either, nor( ) 4. I in summer.A. prefer swimB. prefer to swimmingC. prefer to swimD. prefer swimming( ) 5. There are about 100 classrooms in

3、our school, IT rooms, music rooms, and art rooms.A. includeB. includesC. includedD. including( ) 6. The number of students in class is 40. There are 40 students in class at most.A. minimumB. maximumC. mostD. least() 7. John _ Jack been to the U.S.A, so they cant tellyou anything about it.A. Either,

4、or, hasB. Neither, nor, hasC. Either, or, haveD. Neither, nor, have( ) 8. Which tourist attraction is not in England? .A. Tower BridgeB. St Pauls CathedralC. Hyde parkD. The Golden Gate Bridge( ) 9. Can you tell me ?A. how get to the museumB. how can I get to the museumC. where is the museumD. how t

5、o get to the museum( )10. Go straight the road, then turn left Rock Road.A. along, intoB. along, onC. to, intoD. to, on二 完型填空 (1*10)At least thirty times Bobby had tried to climb the snowy mountain, but he had never 1 the top. His friend old Peeper, who knew a lot about his failure, 2 Bobby to try a

6、gain. He gave Bobby a pair of sunglasses and said, “If it starts clouding over, put on the glasses, or if your feet start hurting, put them on too. The glasses are very 3 . Theyll help you.” Bobby received the gift without much thought.The day came when he was to have another try. About two hours af

7、ter he started, he felt his feet hurting. Then he 4 what Peeper had said, and put on the glasses. The pain was pretty bad, but with the sunglasses he could clearly see the snow-covered mountain top, so he went on. 5 , clouds were gathering. But this time Bobby could still see the top through the clo

8、uds. He kept climbing, leaving the clouds behind, forgetting his pain, and finally arriving at the top. It was certainly worth it. His feeling of 6 was extremely good, almost as great as that wonderful view. The mountain below was surrounded(包围) by a sea of clouds. He couldnt believe that the clouds

9、 were as thick as that, so he looked more closely at the sunglasses, and discovered the 7 . Peeper had engraved (镌刻) the snow-covered mountain top on the sunglasses, and Bobby could see it when he was looking upwards!Bobby 8 that the only difficulty to reaching the top had been losing 9 when he coul

10、dnt see the mountain top. He was thankful that Peeper had used that little trick to help him see that his 10 was never impossible, and that it was still there, where it had always been. ( )1. A. leftB. reachedC. jumpedD. ran( )2. A. encouragedB. orderedC. allowedD. warned( )3. A. realB. safeC. speci

11、alD. expensive( )4. A. rememberedB. expressedC. shoutedD. regretted( )5. A. HappilyB. HopefullyC. UnfortunatelyD. Luckily( )6. A. successB. decisionC. freedomD. friendship( )7. A. wayB. wordsC. bookD. secret( )8. A. suggestedB. realizedC. expectedD. hoped( )9. A. loveB. helpC. faceD. heart( )10. A.

12、placeB. lessonC. aimD. story三 阅读理解 (2*10)AThe word “shanzhai” originally means mountain village, but it means “copy in Chinese now. I started to research this topic and found a whole new shanzhai world. There are shanzhai products and online games, even shanzhai culture. It is so popular that some p

13、eople say to each other have you shanzhaied today”? Like it or not, shanzhai has become part of our life in China. I even met an American IT professional recently who has just had his shanzhai mobile phone. He was so proud of it and would not stop talking about all the functions while showing off th

14、e look of his phone. I could hardly see the back cover as he had stuck fake logos(假冒标记)“iPhone”, “Nokia” &LG on it. But why has shanzhai become so popular in China? Why do over 50 percent of the people surveyed by CCTV support it? Firstly, many may not realize it but for Chinese people, the word “sh

15、anzhai “also reminds us of the heroes of Liangshan”. Secondly, there would be no shanzhai without the Internet. Shanzhai has caught the interest of millions of Chinese online. There are also shanzhai celebrities. Many shanzhai singers can be seen performing in some remote places where people cannot

16、see performances by the actual real stars. These events are very successful, even though people know that they are not getting the real thing. ( )1. Shanzhai means _ today. A. copy B. mountain villageC. terrible accident D. the heroes of Liangshan( )2. Shanzhai is a popular word in _. A. Japan B. Am

17、erica C. China D. England( )3. Shanzhai appears because of _. A. the telephone B. the televisionC. the radio D. the Internet( )4. Whats the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “remote”?A. 虚拟的 B. 遥远的 C. 真实的 D. 近处的( )5. Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?A. Many people are interes

18、ted in shanzhai. B. Shanzhi has become popular on the Internet these days. C. Some shanzhai singers perform well and people love their performance. D. People who watch shanzhai celebrities didnt know they are false. BWhen you get tired of homework, several minutes walk in a nearby green park helps y

19、ou relax at once. Or you may stand facing the lake or the seas. They will calm (not to be excited or nervous) you just like the green plants.Wonder why? Color is a key part of the answers. Since it is so, green and blue help make people feel more quiet and safe.All colors have special power. Scienti

20、sts have found that many colors have specific effects (效果) on peoples mind and feelings.Try an easy and interesting experiment and youll see how color “mislead” you sometimes. Wrap (包装) two boxes of the same size with colored paper, one red and the other white. Then weigh the two boxes with your han

21、ds. Which one is heavier? Most people will think that the red box is heavier, even though they weigh the same.Colors can affect (影响) learning. Scientists have found that students spend more time reading if they read information written in blue text. Blue helps most people calm down and think more.Sm

22、art(clever) uses of colors in daily life are to be seen everywhere. Hospitals and libraries seldom paint their walls, tables and desks red. They use light colors, like light blue or green. Red makes people excited while light colors help them relax. Havent worked out how color affects your daily lif

23、e? Start with your small room. Try to make some changes in it and youll get to know how important color is!( )6. The underlined word “mislead” means _.A. affectsB. effects C. causes someone to have a wrong idea D. give wrong directions ( )7. Wed better paint the walls of the hospital in _.A. light b

24、lue or light green B. deep red or deep brown C. deep orange or deep red D. light green or light yellow ( )8. If you want to _, youd better sit in the room painted blue.A. weigh something with your hands B. study attentively C. face the lake or the sea D. enjoy some rock music ( )9. Which of the foll

25、owing is NOT true?A. When you are going to have a rest, youd better sit in the room painted green B. Scientists have known some differences among some colors C. When youre tired of homework, you should look at the green plants far away D. The passage has told us clearly why some colors are warm and

26、other colors are cool. ( )10. The reading mainly shows us _.A. the difference between red and blue B. how to get on well with others C. how to make smart uses of different colors in our daily life D. how to paint and decorate our rooms四 根据要求完成句子(1*10)1. I prefer to live in the d_ at school because I

27、 can be with my good friends.2. The subway in the city provides us with great _(方便)when we want to go downtown.3. The Teachers office is at the other side of the _(走廊). Just follow me, Ill show you the way!4. The d_ of Sino-US summer camp in our school is 2 weeks.5.Because of the terrible weather, i

28、t was very difficult for the rescuers to find the _(地点) of the crashed plane.6. We really appreciate the _(住宿) in the school, because each of us can have a separate room.7. -What is the m_ number of students in your class?-20 in each small class.8. We can _(换乘)to Metro Line 1 at Xinjiekou Metro Stat

29、ion to go to Confucius Temple.9. Its necessary to buy i_ for the car every year in case that you have an car accident.10. Lets meet at the c_ to have lunch together, OK?五 词性转换 (1*10)1. As a student from Asia, I am interested in the _ (culture) differences I met in my studying and living in the West.

30、2. I want to be an _(explore) in the future because I am interested in unknown places.3. A little shop had been built for the _ (convenient) of the local people here.4. Purple Mountain is one of the most famous _ (attract) in Nanjing.5. That _ (tour) comes from America is taking a picture of that li

31、ttle girl.6. Mr. Brown always makes his class lively and keeps his students _ (interest) in class.7. It is important to improve the English language _ (learn) style in China now.8. The iPhone 6s has some new functions(功能) and longer battery _ (during) .9. He has been deeply shocked by the _ (suddenl

32、y) death of his grandfather.10. Neither the Houses of Parliament nor the British Museum _ (be) open on Saturday.六 翻译句子(1*20)1. 上我们的课程提高你的英语。Take our course _ _ your English. 2. 我更偏爱通过我感兴趣的话题去学习英语。Id _ _ learn English _ _ which are interesting _ me. 3. 你既可以住青年旅社也可住寄宿家庭。You can stay _ in a _ or _ a _

33、_.4. 一直沿着走廊走,自助餐厅就在你的左边。 _ _ _ the corridor, the _ is _ your left.5. 汤姆刚才告诉我如何找到各种不同的观光胜地。Tom told me how to find _ _ _ just now.七 任务型阅读 (1*10)Intense physical exercise is not the only way to better health. Studies show that walking several times a week can lower risk of many diseases. They include

34、heart disease, stroke, diabetes, bone loss, arthritis (关节炎), and depression. Walking also can help you lose weight. Fast walking is good for the heart. It lowers the blood pressure. It raises the amount of good cholesterol(胆固醇)in the blood. Researchers say walking can sharply reduce the risk of suff

35、ering a heart attack. Studies have also shown that walking for 30 minutes a day can delay and possibly prevent the development of diabetes. People who are overweight have an especially high risk to develop this disease. Walking strengthens the muscles and builds up the bones that they are attached t

36、o. Studies show that walking could decrease the risk of developing osteoporosis (骨质疏松症). Walking can also help ease the pain of arthritis in areas where bones are joined. This is because walking strengthens the muscles around the bones.Experts say walking is one of the safest ways to exercise. There

37、 is a low risk of injuries. So it is good for people who are starting an exercise program for the first time and for older people. A walking program is easy to start. You should wear loose clothes and good shoes. There are shoes that are designed especially for lots of walking. How fast should you w

38、alk? For the best effect, doctors say you should walk fast enough to cause you to breathe hard. Yet you should still be able to talk. Let your arms move freely while you walk. There are no rules to starting a walking program. You might walk short distances. Or you might walk up hills to strengthen y

39、our leg muscles. Health experts say you can gain the most from a walking program if you walk at about five kilometers an hour for 30 minutes a day. You should do this about five times a week.l4Walking to (1)_fit1 B5 f, d3 b* R2 S2 b! i$ Z(2)_ of walking 4 E4 R- C. B- S2 O Superiorities to other exer

40、cises3 J2 V3 - O, V3 N( E1 K Tips to walkers6 I. W4 g S9 ?. d, L2 b* c Reducing the risk of a heart attackLowering the blood pressureRaising good cholesterolreBeing (5)_ than many other ways of exercise, especially for beginners or (6)_; U- P8 K) _. h! T& J Wear loose clothes and good shoes, B/ g* J

41、8 I3 f1 f1 X; CWalk fast enough to cause you to breathe with (8)_ but still able to talk/ W3 D( c9 d% G3 Z Controlling the development of diabetesHelping you (3)_ weight& T! Z- b% F8 b9 V; R Walk with your arms move (9)_0 2 ?9 K( a* ? Decreasing the risk of osteoporosis and arthritisStrengthening th

42、e muscles(4)_ up the bones, J, E! e9 b$ S& F: G5 8 c# J Being easy to start (7)_ rules e4 A0 4 C4 Z0 K Walk at a (10)_ of about 5 kilometers an hour for 30 minutes a day and 5 times a week.$ b: d! ?7 U, a Lowering the risk of other diseases, such as stroke, depression and etc.- W/ B; _; R9 _& N) H八

43、首字母填空(1*10)Many colors have their own meanings in English. We cannot understand the color by literally(字面理解).“White elephant” m_ “expensive but useless things”. White elephant is thought as God. If anyone gets a gift like a w_ elephant, he or she will be in bad luck and have bad feelings. In China,

44、there has been a product named “white elephant”. It hasnt been sold well in the international market f_ a long time. What is the reason? The name “white elephant” is the a_.There is a saying of “beautiful lie” in China. Your friend wants to i_ you to dinner. However, you dont want your friend to waste money. You l_ to your friend that you have had your dinner. These lies dont have bad meanings; s_ these lies have good will. Americans call these lies “w


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