2020年高考英语热点内容专练三 7选5.docx

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1、 2020 年高考英语热点 03 七选五【命题趋势】在一篇约 300 词的说明文中留出五个空白,要求考生从七个备选项(以完整句子形式出现)中选出最佳选项,使补全后的短文意思通顺、前后连贯。本题型主要考查考生对文章的整体内容和篇章结构以及上下文逻辑意义的理解和掌握。【满分技巧】一、解题时要考虑的要点A. 考虑句间关系句间关系指的是:逻辑关系、语法关系和词语关系。七选五题的特征是:在备选句子中与空白前后的句子一定有明显的相同或相关词、短语,来明示前后句之间的关系。因此在做此类题目时, 弄清楚备选句子与空白处的前、后句所蕴含的某些关系即可解题。这一点在解题时首先考虑,应用得最多。B. 考虑句段关系句

2、段关系指的是句子与所在段之间的关系或与上下两段之间的关系。C. 考虑句篇关系句篇关系指的是与整个语篇结构有关的选句填空。主要从文章主旨的确定和开头段、结尾段的作用这二个角度考虑。二、解题步骤A. 浏览试题,确定主旨和段意拿到试题后,先大致浏览并准确理解选项及短文,确定短文主旨及各段大意。B. 找准关系先圈划较明显,较易判断的关系。不仅要圈划空格前后句,也要圈划备选项句之间所蕴含的关系。诸如因果关系、顺序关系等。C. 复查复查主要包括以下方面: 是否与文章、段落主旨相符;第 1 页 共 10 页 是否符合逻辑关系; 细节。如前文提到的冠词、时态、代词的指代等。【技巧应用】下面以2018 年高考英

3、语卷二为例来阐述满分技巧的实际应用:A. 原题 (这是一篇介绍晨练好处的说明文)If you are already making the time to exercise, it is good indeed! With such busy lives, it can be hard to tryand find the time to work out.physically fit.36Working out in the morning provides additional benefits beyond beingl Your productivity is improved. Ex

4、ercising makes you more awake and ready to handle whatever is ahead ofyou for the day.37l Your metabolism(新陈代谢) gets a head start.38If you work out in the mornings, then you will begetting the calorie(卡路里)burning benefits for the whole day, not in your sleep.39 Studies found that people who woke up

5、early for exercise slept better than those wholexercised in the evening. Exercise energizes you, so it is more difficult to relax and have a peaceful sleep when youare very excited.l40If you work out bright and early in the morning, you will be more likely to stick to healthy foodchoices throughout

6、the day. Who would want to ruin their good workout by eating junk food? You will want tocontinue to focus on positive choices.There are a lot of benefits to working out, especially in the mornings. Set your alarm clock an hour early andpush yourself to work out! You will feel energized all day long.

7、A. You will stick to your diet.B. Your quality of sleep improves.C. You prefer healthy food to fast food.D. There is no reason you should exercise in the morning.E. You can keep your head clear for 4-10 hours after exercise.F. After you exercise, you continue to burn calories throughout the day.G. I

8、f youre planning to do exercise regularly, or doing it now, then listen up!B. 应用36. G【解析】运用顺序关系和行文习惯确定 G 项一定处于文章和选项排列顺序的最前面。依据是:listen第 2 页 共 10 页 up=May I have attention(注意了),它是提醒人们注意下文的用语。据此确定36 空答案为 G。37. E【解析】运用词语关系确定37 空答案为 E。依据是:37 空前一句中的“makes you more awake”与 E 项中的“keep your head clear”词义接近。

9、据此确定 37 空答案为 E。38. F【解析】运用词语关系确定38 空答案为 F。依据是:38 空后一句中的“calorie burning”与 F 项中的“burncalories”词义接近。据此确定 38 空答案为 F。39. B【解析】运用词语关系确定 39 空答案为 B。依据是:39 空后一句中的“slept better”与 B 项中的“quality ofsleep improves.”词义有关联。据此确定 39 空答案为 B。40. A【解析】运用词语关系确定40 空答案为 A。依据是:40 空后一句中的“stick to healthy food”与 A 项中的“stick

10、to your diet”词义一致。据此确定 39 空答案为 A。补充:由于 D 项表达的意思与本短文主题相反,因此不能作为答案。C 项是迷惑性最强的干扰项。由于 C项表达人们对于不同饮食的喜好,这与本短文主题无关,因此也不能作为答案。启示:排除干扰项的依据是看它是否与本文主题,或某段意思相符。解题时,首先考虑的是句间关系,其它关系次之。【热点话题】阅读、健康、运动、社会热点、垃圾分类等【限时检测】(建议用时:30 分钟)A话题:零用钱难度:建议用时:7 分(浙江台州市 2019-2020 学年度高三年模拟考试题)There are many things we remember from o

11、ur childhood the games we played, the music we listened to.but what about earning pocket money? This was our first ever wage for completing tasks such as tidying ourbedroom or sorting the laundry. Our reward was a handful of coins that we safely stored.There was a time when cash was the main currenc

12、y for financial transactions (交易). These days, though,using credit cards, or making cashless payments, are the most convenient ways of paying. 3231Research has found that 84% of British parents currently give notes and coins to their children usually 7 poundsa week as an allowance.But banks predict

13、that by 2028 only one in ten transactions will be with cash, and that its something todayschildren will have to deal with. One issue is that children may not understand the value of cash because theynever see it.pay it at all.33They either should find a new way to hand out pocket money, or neednt bo

14、ther to第 3 页 共 10 页 Still, solutions are available. Giving children lessons at school about finance is important.34The trick is to go and get some coins so that children have the opportunity to interact with them. Besides, bankaccounts for older children can be opened to give them cash cards to use.

15、 Whatever method a parent chooses toadopt, their children will get some idea of the value of pocket money.A. Parents face a dilemma too.35B. This, in turn, makes the buying much easier.C. They have completely taken the place of cash.D. So how do parents hand out pocket money at present?E. But parent

16、s need to teach their kids that money doesnt grow on trees!F. But now, it seems that parents attitude to handing out cash is changing.G. And parents are advised to get children started with money as young as possible.【文章大意】在现金逐渐减少流通情况下,本文就怎样让孩子们尽早认识钱的价值和怎样给孩子零用钱展开说明。31. F【解析】运用句段关系确定F 项为答案。依据是:紧接空白后

17、的第一段叙述:在目前现金逐渐减少流通情况下,人们仍然以现金方式给零用钱,第二段预测:2028 年后,给零用钱的方式发生了变化并带来了问题。这两段中的“84% of British parents currently give notes and coins ”和“by 2028 only one in tentransactions will be with cash”也暗示了这种变化。F 项用在此处,起承上启下的作用。据此确定31 空答案为 F。32. D【解析】运用逻辑关系确定 D 项为答案。依据是:此空后一句中的“parents currently give notes and coin

18、sto their childrenusually 7 pounds a week as an allowance.”与 D 项中的“how do parents hand out pocketmoney at present”是问答关系。据此确定 32 空答案为 D。33. A【解析】运用语法关系确定 A 项为答案。依据是:根据此空后一句中的“hand out pocket money 给零用钱”和常理可知该句的主语应该是长辈 (用了 they),再根据语法关系可知 they 代替了 A 项中的“Parents”。Eitheror 也表达了给零用钱方面的艰难选择,这与 A 项中的“face

19、a dilemma 面临进退两难”也形成了语义相近的关系。据此确定33 空答案为 A。34. G【解析】运用词语关系确定 G 项为答案。依据是:此空后一句中的“children have the opportunity to interactwith them(coins)”与 G 项中的“get children started with money as young as possible. 让孩子尽早接触钱”的语义相关。据此确定 34 空答案为 G。35. E【解析】运用句段关系确定 E 项为答案。依据是:此空所在段第二句中的“Giving children lessons about第

20、 4 页 共 10 页 finance(它是本段的主题)”,后面紧接说明应该尽早让孩子接触钱以便了解钱的价值。与 E 项中的“teachtheir kids that money doesnt grow on trees!”虽然意思与前一句不同,但其意思也是让孩子对钱有个正确认识,这是金钱教育的一方面,这一点与本段主题契合。据此确定35 空答案为 E。【点睛】B、C 项所表达的意思与零用钱和关于金钱方面的教育无关,因此不可作为答案。B(浙江“七彩阳光”2020 届新高考研究联盟高三 12 月适应性考试英语试题)话题:积极的阅读习惯难度:建议用时:7 分How to Form a Positiv

21、e Reading HabitBooks are a source of joy, learnings insight and imagination. How we choose what to read says a lot about ourpreferences and passions. 31l Give old favorites a re-readThere is a particular kind of pleasure that comes with easing open a well-worn book, flipping through pagesyou have th

22、umbed before, maybe multiple times.32It can bring you back to the time in your lifewhen you last met those characters Youre left with a rich reflection on who you were, who you are and whereyou turn for meaning and inspiration.l Learning something newIf you are a lover of novels, think about what yo

23、ur favourites have in common.33That cansend you down a glorious rabbit hole of no-fiction books that will brighten your understanding of times, placesand people who already live in your imagination.l34Book clubs are positive on so many levels, not least of which is that they open your mind to books

24、you mightnot otherwise have considered. If you dont belong to one and even if you do try to think about your readingchoices in a public way. Ask your friends what they are reading and go with any recommendations that interestyou.l Give yourself permission to move onSometimes you just cant get throug

25、h a book and thats okay. Just like living positively meansacknowledging when its time to let go of something that isnt serving you well, reading positively means givingyourself permission to close a book that isnt keeping you interested or inspired.pleasure of reading is indeed unending.35The positi

26、ve第 5 页 共 10 页 A. Get social.B. Set up a book club.C. There are unlimited choices to turn to instead, after all.D. Here are some tips for making reading a positive habit in your life.E. Reading books that you enjoy helps maintain your habit and become a life-long reader.F. Re-reading favorite books

27、can do more than bring you back into beloved worlds and stories.G. A particular time in history, region of the world or type of character may become a new theme.【文章大意】本文阐述了养成积极阅读习惯的建议。31. D【解析】运用句段关系确定 D 项为答案。依据是:空白后所有小标题及叙述内容都是相关建议。因此D 项用在此处,起承上启下的作用。另外 D 项中的“tips 建议”也与下文所有小标题(都表达建议)有语义接近的关系。据此确定 3

28、1 空答案为 D。32. F【解析】运用词语关系确定F 项为答案。依据是:第一小标题中的“re-read”与 F 项中的“Re-reading”形成了语义相同的关系。设空后所叙述的内容也是 “重读已读过内容 ”才能发生的事情,这一点再次与“Re-reading”构成语义相同的关系。据此确定 32 空答案为 F。33. G【解析】运用词语关系确定 G 项为答案。依据是:第二小标题中的“Learning something new”与 G 项中的“a new theme”形成了语义相关的关系。另外,本小标题的建议是“书读多了,你会发现书都有共同之处;当已读的内容再次成为新的主题时,这些共同之处会使

29、你更好的理解学习它。据此确定33 空答案为 G。34. A【解析】运用句段关系和词语关系确定A 项为答案。依据是:设空处后的段落主题是:参与交际场合下的阅读。还因为此段中的“club, in public way, friends”都与“交际”意义相关。这就与选项 A 中的“Getsocial”形成语义相关的关系。据此确定 34 空答案为 A。35. C 运用逻辑关系确定 C 项为答案。依据是:根据逻辑,能衔接设空处前一句“giving yourself permission toclose a book that isnt keeping you interested or inspired

30、.允许放弃你不感兴趣的书”和后一句“Thepositive pleasure of reading is unending.”的句子只有 C 项“There are unlimited choices to turn to instead,after all.毕竟可以替代的选择是很多的”,因为这个句子既表明可放弃不喜欢的书又表明阅读的乐趣不会因此终结。据此确定 35 空答案为 C。【易错警示】B 项是迷惑性很强的干扰项。它用在34 空是不对的,因为“Set a book clob 建立读书俱乐部”与此段中的“if you dont belong to one and even if you d

31、o 如果你不属于或者属于某个读书俱乐部”不符。E 项用在 35 空是错的,因为 E 项所表达得意思与副标题中“move on (结束某活动后) 改做别事”第 6 页 共 10 页 的意思不符。C(黑龙江哈三中 2019-2020 学年度上学期第三次调研考试)话题:锻炼项目 难度:建议用时:8 分One of the biggest reasons people drop an exercise program is lack of interest.36The goodnews is that there are tons of different sports and activities

32、to try to see which one to inspire you.When picking the right type of exercise, it can help to consider your workout personality.37Ifso,solo sports like running, biking, or snowboarding could be for you. Or do you like the shared motivation andcompanionship that come from being part of a team? Schoo

33、l sports, club teams, and pick-up games are great waysto stay active with others.38also think about how much time you can set aside for your sport. Its a good idea to talk to someone whounderstands the exercise, like a coach or fitness expert at a gym. 39 Doctors know that most peopleYoud better con

34、sider whether your chosen activity is affordable and available to you. Youllbenefit from regular exercise, even those with disabilities. If you have a health problem or other concern, talk toyour doctor before beginning ail exercise plan.Considering the benefits to the heart, muscles, joints and min

35、d, its easy to see why exercise is wise.40Even small things can count when youre starting out like taking a shor t bike ride, walking the dog, orraking leaves.A. If what youre doing isnt fun, its hard to keep it up.B. You also need to plan around practical considerations.C. But do you know that it c

36、an actually help you feel good.D. Then you give your heart to this kind of workout regularly.E. He or she can get you started on a program thats right for you.F. And the great thing about exercise is that its never too late to start.G. For example, do you like to work out alone and on your own sched

37、ule?【文章大意】本文阐述了如何选择适合自己的锻炼项目。36. A【解析】运用词语关系确定 A 项为答案。依据是:空白后句中的“lack of interest”与 A 项中的“isnt fun”形成语义相同的关系。另外,空白前句中的“drop an exercise program”与 A 项中的“hard to keep it up”第 7 页 共 10 页 也形成语义相近的关系。据此确定 36 空答案为 A。37. G【解析】运用词语关系确定 G 项为答案。依据是:空白前句中的“solo sports 单人运动”与 G 项中的“workout alone 独立锻炼”形成语义相近的关系。

38、据此确定 37 空答案为 G。38. B【解析】运用词语关系确定B 项为答案。依据是:空白后句中的“consider whether your chosen activity isaffordable and available to you”与B 项中的“need to plan around practical considerations需要考虑实际情况制定计划”形成语义相关的关系。据此确定 38 空答案为 B。39. E【解析】运用语法关系确定 E 项为答案。依据是:空白后句中的“a coach or fitness expert at a gym.”与 E项中的“He or she”

39、形成指代关系。另外空白前句中的“understands the exercise”与 E 项中的“a programthats right for you”也形成语义相关的关系。据此确定 39 空答案为 E。40. F【解析】运用词语关系确定 F 项为答案。依据是:空白后句中的“starting out”与 F 项中的“start”形成语义相同关系。另外 F 项是激励人们马上开始做某事的用语。空白前句介绍锻炼的各种好处,据行文习惯,紧接着就应该激励人们去行动起来。据此确定40 空答案为 F。D(黑龙江省大庆实验中学 2019-2020 学年高三上学期开学考试英语试题)话题:四种增强新信息记忆的

40、策略 难度:建议用时:8 分Useful Memory StrategiesForm associations between new and remembered information. If you can link new ideas with previouslyestablished ones, then, you can increase the chance that new memories will be formed. Try coming up with afamiliar picture, song, joke, or rhyme.37 It may be borin

41、g, but simply repeating new information over and over in different ways will helpit stick in your brain better, especially if you space out the repetition over time. For example, if youre trying to36Form a picture in your mind that includes the new fact.remember the definition of a new word, read it

42、 several times to yourself. Then speak the definition outcouple times, and try writing it down once or twice.loud aTeach someone else the information youre trying to learn. Teaching others can help you remember andunderstand things better. Find a classmate or co-worker who needs to learn the same in

43、formation, form a studygroup, and take turns teaching each other different concepts.Test yourself after learning something new. 3938!You have to actually practice finding theinformation from your memory in order to strengthen the connections within your brain.40In this第 8 页 共 10 页 way, you can make

44、sure youve got them right. If you answer something wrong, you will be more likely toremember it incorrectly in the future as well, so instantly correct yourself and repeat the right answer a few moretimes.A. Be sure to immediately check your answers.B. Make sure that the basic information is right.C

45、. And you can associate them with the new material.D. Repeat new facts as soon as you come across them.E. Simply re-reading the same information isnt good enough.F. Then keep trying effective methods and cooperation with others.G. Alternately, ask your friends if theyre willing to learn something ne

46、w from you.【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。阐述了四种增强新信息记忆的策略。36. C【解析】运用词语关系确定 C 项为答案。依据是:本段第一句中“Form associations between new andremembered information”与 C 项中的“associate them with the new material”形成语义相近的关系。另外C 项中的“them”与前面的“a familiar picture, song, joke, or rhyme”形成语法上的指代关系。据此确定36空答案为 C。37. D【解析】运用词语关系确定 D 项为答案。依据是:

47、空白后句中的“repeating new information”与 D 项中的“Repeat new facts”形成语义相同的关系。据此确定 37 空答案为 D。虽然 E 项中也含“re-reading”,但不可用在此处。因为 E 项表达一种结论而不是建议。37 空需要一个表达建议的句子。38. G【解析】运用词语关系确定 G 项为答案。依据是:空白前句中的“take turns”与 G 项中的“Alternately轮流地”形成语义相同的关系。另外空白前句中的“Find a classmate or co -worker who needs to learn thesame information”与G 项中的“ask your friends if theyre willing to learn something new”也形成了语义相关的关系。据此确定 38 空答案为 G。39. E【解析】运用逻辑关系确定 E 项为答案。依据是:空白前句中的“Test yourself after learning somethingnew.(果)”与 E 项(因)形成


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