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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全大学英语六级模拟1119大学英语六级模拟1119Part Writing问题:1. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay about Reading can Cure Spiritual Emptiness by referring to the saying Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. You can cite exam

2、ples to illustrate your point and then appeal to everyone to read some worthy books. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1.答案:范文 Reading can Cure Spiritual Emptiness With the rapid development of economy and society, lots of people are tro

3、ubled by anxiety and spiritual emptiness when bombarded with vast arrays of commodities and overwhelming information. They always resort to various kinds of entertainment, even drugs for mental relief. However, they have forgotten books are the best medicine to soothe the soul and that reading can c

4、ure spiritual emptiness. As the saying goes, Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. Reading can continuously supply nutrition for our mind, which not only deepens our thoughts but gives us a sense of fulfillment. Reading a good book is just like talking with a wise man or a bosom frien

5、d. It helps us get rid of loneliness, teaches us how to understand the world and reduces our confusion in life. The more we read, the more profound our vision will be. In a word, reading can meet our desires, especially the spiritual ones, relieving us from emptiness. Bacon once said, Reading makes

6、a full man. As college students, instead of wasting the four years college life on playing games or looking through fast-food information online, we should read more classic books to enrich our spiritual life and to make our college life more meaningful. Part Listening ComprehensionSection ADirectio

7、ns: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark

8、 the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.To introduce some keys to being a successful interviewer.B.To explain the importance of sending a thank-you letter after an interview.C.To illustrate the deciding factors of a behavioral inter

9、view.D.To offer suggestions on having an interview.答案:D听力原文 M: Next: Be prepared for a common approach known as behavioral-based interviewing. W: And that is where past performance will indicate future performance. So good interviewers will ask you very detailed questions where theyll put you on the

10、 spot and theyll want to know specifically what role you played in a particular project. And so the key to giving a good answer is to do what I call a STAR, S-T-A-R. The S and the T stand for explaining a situation or a task that you were given, the A is the action you took and the R is the results.

11、 M: So what youre saying is that you need to be prepared before you walk in the door. W: Go through some mock interviews, if you can have friends ask you questions. Practice in the mirror, answering questions. You can bring out three or four things you really want to stress about yourself no matter

12、what the question is asked. M: How do you follow up after the interview? W: Please send a thank-you letter. And you can do it by e-mail. And in that thank-you letter you do a couple of things. You make sure that you express sincere appreciation for the time that they spent interviewing you. You have

13、 an opportunity to re-emphasize some of your strongest qualities. You have another chance to make that case as to how your skills meet their needs. If there was something that you wish you had said a little more about, again an opportunity to do it here. Now that sounds like a lot to cover, but you

14、do it very briefly, in a short couple of paragraphs and get it out right away. What is the main purpose of this conversation? 解析 对话开始就提出,要准备一种通用的方法,即基于行为的面试方法。下文都是在讨论具体的做法,故选D。 2.A.Interviewers will ask you detailed questions after interview.B.Interviewers do not care what you did in the past.C.Inte

15、rviewees should give a good answer based on STAR.D.Interviewees should not confess their past mistakes to interviewers.答案:C听力原文 What do we know about interviewing according to the speaker? 解析 对话中提到在面试中,好的面试官会直接问你一些非常详细的问题,他们想确切地知道在某个项目中被面试者起了什么样的作用。而后作者给出他认为的正确做法,就是STAR,指的是去解释在某个情形或是被指派的任务当中,面试者所采取的

16、行动以及最终的结果。只有C项与原文相符,故选C。 3.A.Make friends ask and answer questions.B.Take notes and emphasize all of the best qualities.C.Learn from interviewers or famous TV stars.D.Ask friends to be interviewers in a mock interview.答案:D听力原文 What does the woman suggest people do to prepare for the interview? 解析 对于

17、如何为面试做准备,女士建议可以做些模拟面试,请朋友扮演面试官。选项D与原文相符,故选D。 4.A.Explaining the past performance.B.Showing good skills of surfing the Internet.C.Stressing important qualities again.D.Sending cover letter as well as resumes.答案:C听力原文 What can be stated in the thank-you letter after the interview? 解析 面试过后,可以发一封感谢信,表达对

18、面试官抽时间给予面试的感激,也可以再次强调自己的优点,选项C与原文相符,故选C。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 5.A.The account number is 51406881.B.The account number is 21406881.C.There is no information about the account.D.There is no information about the banks name.答案:B听力原文 W: Well, Mr. Smith, Ive looked into your invoice and found out why it

19、hasnt been paid. M: Why? W: We asked our bank to transfer the money but they couldnt. They said that your bank details were wrong. So they couldnt transfer the money then. M: What do you mean by my bank details were wrong? They are printed on our invoice. I think that you received the same invoice a

20、s all our other customers. But we did receive the money from the other customers. W: Im sorry. What did you say? M: I said our bank details were printed on the invoice. W: Well, I have the invoice here. Can we just check? The account number is 21406881. Is that right? M: Yes, thats right. And what a

21、bout the name of the bank? W: At the Bank of Scotland at 46 Portland Street in. M: Hold on, did you say Bank of Scotland? W: Yes. Whats the matter? M: It is the Royal Bank of Scotland, not the Bank of Scotland. W: You mean there are two different banks? M: Exactly. W: OK, Mr. Smith. Ill ask our bank

22、 to transfer the amount to the Royal Bank of Scotland as soon as it opens. Im sorry about the mistake. M: Well, Im glad we sort it out. What can we know about the invoice from the speakers? 6.A.She didnt receive the same invoice as others.B.She found the mans bank details were wrong.C.She confused t

23、he names of two banks.D.She couldnt identify the account on the invoice.答案:C听力原文 Why couldnt the woman transfer the money to the man? 7.A.Transfer the money to the man as soon as possible.B.Try to sort out the truth and call the bank.C.Check the account number with Bank of Scotland.D.Make up for her

24、 mistakes and be careful next time.答案:A听力原文 What does the woman promise to do? 8.A.They are manager and assistant.B.They are business partners.C.They are customer and manager.D.They are coworkers of the same company.答案:B听力原文 What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? Section BDirect

25、ions: In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corr

26、esponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.The Japanese mathematic teachers.B.Both the speaker and his German friend.C.Both Americans and immigrants.D.The son of the speakers German friend.答案:C听力原文 Americans who remember the good old days are n

27、ot alone in complaining about the educational system in this country. Immigrants complain, too. Lately a German friend was filled with anger when he learned that the first mathematics test given to his son as a college freshman included multiplication and division. Japanese businessmen in Los Angele

28、s send their children to private schools staffed by teachers imported from Japan who teach mathematics at more advanced level. But I wonder: If American education is so poor, why is it that this is still the country of innovation? When I was 12 in Indonesia, I had to memorize the name of all the wor

29、lds major cities. At the same age, my son, who was brought up a Californian, thought that Buenos Aires was Spanish for good food. However, unlike children of his age in Asia and Europe, my son had studied creative geography. When he was only 6, he drew a map of the route that he traveled to get to s

30、chool, including the streets, the traffic signs and the houses that he passed. Dissatisfied American parents forget that in this country their children are able to experiment freely with ideas; without this they will not be able to think or to believe in themselves. Critics of American education can

31、not grasp one thing: freedom. America, I think, is the only country that extends even to children the license to freely speak, write and be creative. Our public education is not perfect, but it is better than any other. Who is dissatisfied with the quality of American education? 解析 录音提到,那些怀念过去美好时光的美

32、国人并不是唯一抱怨美国教育体系的人,移民们也在抱怨,故C 为正确答案。A、D在文中均有所提及,但并未提及其对美国教育体系的观点。B中包含speaker,而他对美国教育体系持支持态度,因此不能选B。 2.A.Do present-day children learn less than their forefathers in the good old days?B.Why do Japanese businessmen send their children to Japanese-staffed schools?C.Why cant American children memorize en

33、ough geographic information?D.Is American education really worse than education in other countries?答案:D听力原文 What does the speaker wonder? 解析 短文中说话者提出了这样的质疑:“如果美国的教育真的那么差,那为什么美国仍然是一个以创新自居的国家?”然后说话者进一步以自己和儿子之间的比较说明了美国教育的优越性。由此不难推断D为正确答案。A、B、C均涉及美国教育体系中的某些问题,但太片面。 3.A.Children in California are not lik

34、ely to learn creative geography.B.Children in private schools run by Japanese are smarter.C.They experiment freely with ideas and become creative when they grow up.D.They are less innovative than other children in the world.答案:C听力原文 What do we know about American children from this passage? 解析 短文最后说

35、话者提到,美国是唯一一个让孩子自由说话,写作以及创新的国家。抓住短文大意后,不难判断只有C才与说话者的观点相符。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 4.A.They make students overly dependent on search engines.B.They weaken students ability to study on their own.C.They make students easily distracted.D.They improve students research habits and skills. 答案:D听力原文 Teachers sa

36、y the digital age has had a good influenceand a not-so-good influenceon this generation of American teenagers. More than 2, 000 middle and high school teachers took an online survey. Researchers also spoke with teachers in focus groups. Three-quarters of the teachers said the Internet and digital se

37、arch tools have had a positive effect on their students research habits and skills. But 87 percent agreed that these technologies are creating an easily distracted generation with short attention spans. And 64 percent said the technologies do more to distract students than to help them academically.

38、 Many students think doing research now means just doing a quick search on Google. Judy Buchanan is deputy director of the National Writing Project and a co-author of the report. She says, Teachers really like these tools because they are ways to make some of learning exciting and engaging. Young pe

39、ople love these tools, which can help them become creators of content, and not just sort of consumers. But one problem the survey found is that many students are lacking in digital literacy. In other words, they trust too much of the information they find on the Internet. Judy Buchanan says these st

40、udents have not developed the skills they need to judge the quality of online information. Another problem is blamed on something that might not seem like a problem at all:being able to quickly find information online. Teachers say the result is a reduction of the desire and ability of their student

41、s to work hard to find answers. They say students are overly dependent on search engines and do not make enough use of printed books or research librarians. Many teachers are also concerned that the Internet makes it easy for students to copy work done by others instead of using their own abilities.

42、 How do three-quarters of the teachers think about the Internet and digital search tools? 解析 短文开头部分提到,接受在线调查的教师中有四分之三的教师认为互联网和数字搜索工具对学生的“研究习惯和技巧”起到了积极的作用,因此选项D“提高学生的研究习惯与技巧”与短文内容相符。 5.A.They help them become more creative.B.They draw their attention to online learning.C.They make their learning more

43、 convenient.D.They help them know more information. 答案:A听力原文 According to Judy Buchanan, why do young people like the Internet tools? 解析 短文中提到,Judy Buchanan说互联网工具会帮助年轻人成为网络信息的创造者,而不仅仅是使用者。因此选项A“帮助他们变得更有创造性”与短文内容相符。 6.A.Doing research online.B.Using the Internet tools.C.Judging online information.D.O

44、btaining online information. 答案:C听力原文 According to the survey, what ability do many students lack when facing the Internet? 解析 短文中提到,调查发现很多学生缺乏数字素养,接着又解释道:他们过于相信网络上搜到的信息。因此选项C“判断网络信息的能力”符合短文内容。 7.A.Saving too much money for students.B.Saving too much time for students.C.Making students unwilling to

45、work hard to find answers.D.Making students addicted to online information. 答案:C听力原文 According to the passage, what is the problem of finding information online quickly? 解析 短文最后部分提到,教师认为互联网工具能让学生们快速查找到网络信息,而这会让他们努力学习寻找答案的欲望和能力下降。因此选项C“使学生不愿通过努力学习去寻找答案”符合短文内容。 Section CDirections: In this section, yo

46、u will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three or four questions. The recordings will be played only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single li

47、ne through the centre. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.They did not use square numbers.B.They used complex measuring instruments.C.They recorded math exercises on tablets.D.They calculated the link of triangle sides.答案:D听力原文 Let me warn you against a mistake that historians of science often make. They sometimes assume that people in the past use the same concepts we do. Here is a wonderful examp


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