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1、Unit 7 How much are these pants?.Teaching contents : Section A 1a ,1b ,1c .Teaching goals:1. Vocabulary : how much, pants, sock, shirt, T-shirt, shorts, sweater, shoe, skirt, sale, dollar.2. Patterns: How much is this T-shirt? Its seven dollars.How much are these socks? Theyre two dollars.3. Ability

2、 Objectives: Ask about prices. Talk about clothing. Thank someone.IIIImportant and difficult points: ask about prices. Teaching aids : flashcards, slides, a tape recorder, some clothes. Teaching procedures: Step 1. Organization1. Before the class T and Ss sing the song “If you are happy” together.2.

3、 Greetings: T: Good afternoon , students. Today I am very happy to stand here. Nice to meet you!Step 2. Revision1. Sing the number song together and revise the numbers. Then ask the students to say the numbers quickly from one to ten one by one.2. Revise the colors. Ask and answer by using some pict

4、ures. T: What color is it? S: It is red/ Show the mnemonic rhyme: blue 蓝,black 黑,white 白的像雪堆,Yellow 黄,green 绿,red 红的似血迹,color 颜色记仔细.Step 3. Leading inGuessing game: Show some pictures one by one and guess: What is it?T: Haha , it is not a monkey. They are pants. There is a monkey on it. Do you like

5、the pants? Now let us go to my clothes shop quickly .There are some beautiful clothes in it.So today we will learn Unit7 How much are these pants?Step 4 .Look and learn1. New words .T: Now everyone, do you know all the clothes in English? Ok . Let Miss Hu teach you.Then present new words one by one,

6、 read after the teacher.2. Ask the students to read the words together.3. Can you remember them?Ask a student to come to the front of the classroom. other students look at the pictures and read the new words one by one. He/She should choose the right clothes.Step 5. SB Page 41,1a 1. Ask the students

7、 to match the words with the things in the picture. 2. Check the answers.3. T: If we find the clothes are very nice and the color is very beautiful. We want to buy them. What shall we do then? But how can we ask about the price? A: How much is this T-shirt?B: Its seven dollars.A: How much are these

8、socks?B: Theyre two dollars.4. Look at the pictures, Ask and answer each other.5. Ask a group of student to make new conversations one by one. Pay attention to the important points.Step 6. Listening exercises1. SB Page 41,1b. Listen and circle the things in the picture you hear.2. Ask a student to t

9、ell his answers.Step 7. PairworkLet us go to my clothes shop and act out the conversations. Imagine tomorrow is your good friends birthday. You want to buy a birthday present for her/him. Maybe you can ask and answer like this. A : Good afternoon. Can I help you?B : Yes, how much is this T-shirt/are

10、 these socks?A: Its/Theyre five dollars.B: OK. Ill take it/them.A: Thank you .B: Youre welcome. Then ask pairs to come to the front of the room and act out the conversation.Step8 .Let me have a try1. First, do the exercise by themselves.2. Check the answers by asking the students one by one.Step9. S

11、ummary1. How much is this shirt/T- shirt/sweater/hat/skirt/bag? Its How much are these pants/shorts/shoes/socks? They re2. Ask the students to raise questions if they have, get the other students to answer them.Step10. Homework : Please go to the supermarket nearest to your home and make a survey ab

12、out the price of some clothes. Step11. sing a song together Thanks for listening.【课后反思】:1用欢快的歌曲把学生带入课堂;在轻松愉悦的氛围中复习数字;通过口诀帮助加深对颜色的记忆;采用 Guessing game导入新课。2课堂中采用了“任务型”的教学模式,利用多媒体课件,带着学生一起走进服装店,使学生有着身临其境的感觉,激发了学生的求知欲。3创设真实的情境,借助实物让学生亲身体会,充分调动了学生的学习积极性。 4家庭作业让学生回家后自己进行调查,体现了“活学活用、学以致用”,更好的突出我们语言教学的语言性和实用性。 总之,本节课通过充分创设有趣的教学活动,并给予学生充分自主学习的时间使学生能积极参与到听,说,读,写等教学的各环节中去,学生学习的积极性相当高,教学效果相当好。英 语 教 案: 七年级上册第七单元Unit 7 How much are these pants?单 位:花石镇中心学校撰写人:胡 仁 芳


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