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1、大学英语考试复习资料专升本英语模拟308大学英语考试复习资料专升本英语模拟308专升本英语模拟308 PhoneticsDirections: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark

2、your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.问题:1.A.RussianB.racialC.specialD.industrial答案:D解析 画线部分读i,其他选项的画线部分读。问题:2.A.passageB.packageC.strangeD.orange答案:C解析 画线部分读ei,其他选项的画线部分读i。问题:3.A.fatherB.marathonC.authorD.strengthen答案:A解析 画线部分读,其他选项的画线部分读。问题:4.A.loudB.moustacheC.lou

3、ngeD.ground答案:B解析 画线部分读,其他选项的画线部分读au。问题:5.A.WednesdayB.handkerchiefC.handsomeD.landholder答案:D解析 画线部分读d,其他选项的画线部分不发音。 Vocabulary and StructureDirections: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best compl

4、etes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.问题:1. I expect all my letters _ promptly.A.to typeB.typedC.to be typedD.being typed答案:C解析 动词expect后应该接带to的不定式,而且动词type的逻辑主语letter是动作的接受者,因此要用被动结构,故选C。我期待着所有的信立刻被打印出来。问题:2. Whats the language _ in Germany?A.speakingB.spokenC.b

5、e spokenD.to speak答案:B解析 过去分词做后置定语表达被动意义,相当于定语从句which is spoken。德国说什么语言?问题:3. I feel _ unwise to give a child whatever he or she wants.A.thatB.howC.itD.what答案:C解析 it在这里是动词不定式的形式宾语:feel it+形容词+to do sth. 。我认为孩子们要什么就给什么是不明智的。问题:4. Neither you nor he _ right.A.areB.wouldC.amD.is答案:D解析 either.or.,neithe

6、r.nor.,not only.but also.做主语时,谓语动词与离它最近的名词或代词在人称和数方面保持一致。你和他都不对。问题:5. The doctors tried their best to save the patients life, _ failed.A.orB.soC.butD.because答案:C解析 此题考查连词的使用。根据句意,上下文是转折关系,所以选C。医生们尽力挽救,但还是失败了。问题:6. Without electricity, human life _ quite different today.A.isB.will beC.would have been

7、D.would be答案:D解析 前半句是条件从句“if there were no electricity”的简化形式,表示与现在事实相反的情况,这里用虚拟语气would be。如果没有电,今天人类的生活会截然不同。问题:7. How I wish every family _ a large house with a beautiful garden!A.hasB.hadC.will haveD.had had答案:B解析 wish后面的宾语从句的谓语动词总是用过去时态。此题是表示与现在事实相反的愿望,从句谓语动词用一般过去时。我多么希望每个家庭都有一座带漂亮花园的大房子啊!问题:8. N

8、ot until I began to work _ how much time I had wasted.A.didnt I realizeB.did I realizeC.I didnt realizeD.I realized答案:B解析 在具有否定意义的词起始的句子中,主句中的主语和谓语要倒装。倒装时,助动词移至主语前面,实意动词仍在主语之后。直到我开始工作才意识到我浪费了多少时间。问题:9. I liked to play football when I was young. _.A.So he wasB.So was heC.So did heD.So he did答案:C解析 当表

9、示与前面所说情况一致时,如果是so开始,则主谓倒装,但要注意其动词应跟主句的动词一致。我年轻的时候喜欢踢足球,他也是。问题:10. He is a very tall young man. He is the second _ man in his company.A.tallB.tallerC.tallestD.most tall答案:C解析 此处是三人以上的比较,并且在高个子的人里面(也是超过两个事物的比较)他又是第二高的。他是一位个头很高的年轻人,他是公司里第二高的。问题:11. Usually Susan spends _ time doing her given job than o

10、ther girls do in her office.A.lessB.littleC.fewD.fewer答案:A解析 time是不可数名词,应用little修饰。比别人花的时间少,little的比较级是less。通常,苏珊在办公室里完成任务所花的时间比其他女孩子少。问题:12. He works _.A.aloneB.lonelyC.loneD.lonesome答案:A解析 alone独立,独自;lonely孤独的,荒凉的;lone孤独的,寂寞的;lonesome孤单的。根据题意,应是独自一个人工作。他独立工作。问题:13. I enjoy the concert last night;

11、they played _ beautiful music.A.suchB.such aC.soD.so a答案:A解析 这里要强调的是名词音乐,所以应用such修饰;so修饰形容词;music是不可数名词,不能用不定冠词。所以应选择A项。我很喜欢昨晚的音乐会。他们演奏了非常美妙的音乐。问题:14. There is nothing _ tomorrow afternoon, is there? No. We can have a game of table tennis. A.onB.inC.outD.up答案:A解析 表示“在某一天”用介词on,“在某一天的上午、下午或晚上”也用介词on。

12、明天下午没什么事吧?没有,我们可以打场台球。问题:15. Two years _ he began to write another story-book.A.afterB.laterC.inD.late答案:B解析 later之后,在这里是副词,修饰它前面的词或词组;after之后,修饰它后面的词、词组或句子。两年之后他开始写另一本故事书。 ClozeDirections: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is m

13、ost suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Mobile phones help us communicate everywhere, which is very important. They are good at emergencies, when youve 1 a car accident, for instance. A mobile phone 2 save your life! Mobile phones are also 3 beca

14、use they have many good featureswe can take photos and send them all over the world. But every coin has two sides. The 4 thing about mobile phones is that you have no privacy. My boss and friends find me whenever they want! I havent enjoyed a whole quiet day since the day I 5 my mobile phone. 6 disa

15、dvantage is that mobile phones make us lose good habits, such as punctuality. Before, when we 7 keep in touch so easily, if we had a date with someone, we tried our best to arrive 8 time. But now, because of the mobile phone, we are not afraid of 9 late any more, so, surprisingly enough, we make peo

16、ple wait! The third 10 I see is that I change my mobile phone once a year, and this means Im spending 11 too much money on it. I think it is important to think 12 we use mobile phones. We should use things such as mobile phones, laptops, cameras, the Internet, and so on, 13 our needs. We can 14 our

17、mobile phone when we dont want to be disturbed by 15 . If we know how to use it, we can eliminate its disadvantages. 1.A.haveB.madeC.hadD.crashed答案:C解析 现在完成时,have had。强调结果,表示出了车祸就需要用手机与人联系。2.A.mustB.canC.needD.have to答案:B解析 可以说,手机在关键时刻能救人生命。这是说手机的好处。must意为“必须”;can意为“能够”,need意为“需要,必须”;have to意为“不得不”。

18、3.A.annoyedB.interestedC.interestingD.annoying答案:C解析 手机还有一个好处是有很多有意思的功能,比如照相。annoyed意为“烦闷的”;interested意为“感兴趣的”。这两个词的主语通常是人,有被动的意思。interesting意为“有意思的”;annoying意为“令人烦闷的”。这两个词的主语通常是事件。4.A.worseB.goodC.worstD.important答案:C解析 前面讲了手机的好处,这里开始讲手机的弊端。从最糟糕的讲起。worse是指两者间哪一个更糟。此文提到的手机的坏处不止两个。再者,若是比较级,则下文中应出现tha

19、n。5.A.paidB.acquiredC.obtainedD.got答案:D解析 这是since的句型。前面是现在完成时,后面是一般过去时。自从买了手机,他的日子就没安静过。6.A.OtherB.One otherC.The otherD.Another答案:D解析 another表示除了已有的,另外的一个。other表示同一集体内的其他的。手机还有一个弊端是让人丢弃好的习惯。7.A.couldntB.mustC.cantD.have答案:A解析 此句讲的是过去的事情,所以,用过去时,这里应用过去时的“能够”,couldnt。以前,人们联络不方便,却都能准时赴约。8.A.atB.inC.on

20、D.by答案:C解析 on time准时到达。9.A.beB.to beC.beingD.stayed答案:C解析 介词后面必须跟名词性短语。所以,of后只能跟doing。being late也是一个常用短语。有了手机反倒不怕迟到了。10.A.shortcomingB.convenienceC.partD.mobile phone答案:A解析 shortcoming意为“缺点,不足”;convenience意为“方便”。此处讲手机的第三个不足之处。11.A.veryB.farC.lotsD.many答案:B解析 very修饰名词是表示强调,不表示数量。Far表示数量大大超过。花费了更多的钱。1

21、2.A.reasonB.thatC.whenD.why答案:D解析 此处应用表示原因的连词,后面引导从句,做think的宾语。想想为什么要用手机是很重要的。13.A.for satisfyB.to satisfyC.for to satisfyD.so satisfying答案:B解析 动词不定式做目的状语。to satisfy ones need意为“满足需要”。14.A.turn offB.turn onC.set offD.set on答案:A解析 从下文“不希望被打扰”推出应当是“关掉手机”。turn off意为“关掉”;turn on意为“打开”;set off。意为“出发”;set

22、 on意为“着手做”。15.A.anyoneB.neither oneC.everyoneD.someone答案:D解析 someone某人。这两句话的意思是:我们是该用手机、笔记本电脑、照相机等来满足我们的需求,但我们还可以在不想被打扰时关机。如果知道怎样使用手机,就可以避免它的弊端。 Reading ComprehensionDirections: There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by four questions. For each question there are four

23、 suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage One If you want to stay young, sit down and have a good think. This is the research result of professor Faulkner, who says that most of our brains are not getting enough e

24、xercise and as a result, we are ageing unnecessarily soon. Professor Faulkner wanted to find out why healthy farmers in northern Japan appeared to be losing their ability to think and to reason at a relatively early age, and how the process of ageing could be slowed down. He set about measuring brai

25、n volumes of a thousand people of different ages and occupations. Computer technology enabled him to obtain precise measurements of the volume of the front and side sections of the brain, which relate to intelligence and emotion, and determine the human character. Contraction of front and side parts

26、as cells die offwas observed in some subjects in their thirties, but it was still not evident in some sixty-and seventy-year-olds. Faulkner concluded from his tests that there is a simple way to slow the contractionusing the head. The findings show that contraction of the brain begins sooner in peop

27、le in the country than in the towns. Those least at risk, says Faulkner, are lawyers, followed by university professors and doctors. Whitecollar workers doing routine work are, however, as likely to have shrinking brains as the farm worker, bus driver and shop assistant. Faulkners findings show that

28、 thinking can prevent the brain from shrinking. Blood must circulate properly in the head to supply the fresh oxygen the brain cells need. The best way to maintain good blood circulation is through using the brain, he says. Think hard and engage in conversation. Dont rely on pocket calculators. 1. P

29、rofessor Faulkner wanted to find out _.A.how peoples brains shrinkB.the way of making people live longerC.the size of certain peoples brainsD.why certain people aged sooner than others答案:D解析 本文介绍了一位教授对大脑萎缩的研究。从第一、二段可知,Faulkner教授做了一项研究,其结果是人的大脑没有得到充分的运动,因此人类早衰。他想找出减缓人类衰老速度的办法。2. Faulkners research fi

30、ndings are based on _.A.a survey of farmers in northern JapanB.tests performed on a thousand old peopleC.the study of brain volumes of different peopleD.the latest development of computer technology答案:C解析 从第三段可知,他研究了上千个不同年龄、不同职业的人的大脑。3. The professors tests show that _.A.our brains shrink as we grow

31、 oldB.the front section of the brain does not shrinkC.seventy-year-olds have better brains than sixty-year-oldsD.brain contraction may vary among people of the same age答案:D解析 从第五、六、七段可知,通过对30岁的人测试(60、70岁不是很明显),教授发现减轻大脑萎缩的最简单的方法是:使用它。按照教授的研究结果:离大脑萎缩危险最远的人群是律师,其次是教授和医生,等等。同样的,年龄相同但职业不同的人大脑的萎缩状况不同。4. A

32、ccording to the passage, which group of people seem to age slower than the others?A.Farmers.B.Lawyers.C.Clerks.D.Shop assistants.答案:B解析 根据第七段可知,大脑衰老最慢的人群是律师。Passage Two Online distance learning is an instructional system which connects learners with educational resources. Students work on their own

33、at home, at work, or at school and communicate with faculty and other students by means of e-mail, electronic meetings, videoconferencing, chat rooms, instant messaging and other forms of computer-based communication. There are both advantages and disadvantages to online distance learning. There are

34、 many benefits to using online distance learning environments. Online education is available all the time, anywhere and to all people. However, there are weaknesses for some learners. The online learner only has the written text and no other face-to-face hints. This may confuse the learner and cause

35、 misunderstanding. While distance learning allows for an openness, it is also difficult because it is done by e-mail messages and writing, and therefore may take more time than face-to-face learning. Sometimes the messages can be overwhelming for many online students. Universities, colleges and scho

36、ols use online distance learning environments. These are important for students who may be unable to attend classes for various reasons like illnesses or busy everyday schedules. Some learners just want to further their studies at home. They enjoy the convenience of home learning as they take regula

37、r programs or enrichment classes. Online courses keep learners very occupied at all hours of the day. There are a great many messages and other online resources to read and respond to. Most learners have regular jobs or attend regular school classes on ground as well. However, the benefits are clear

38、. Online distance learning is becoming very popular. Some online classes have become a profitable business as they replace regular traditional means of learning. 1. Which of the following is TRUE of the passage about online distance learning?A.It has more disadvantages than advantages.B.It is a lear

39、ning form based on internet.C.It is not available for some students.D.It has only enrichment classes.答案:B解析 从第一段可知,远程教育是以计算机为最基本的应用工具,通过电子邮件、聊天室等形式进行授课和听课。也就是通过网络。2. Sometimes online distance learning can be a problem because _.A.learners cant afford itB.learners get too many hintsC.it involves exce

40、ssive writingD.it is not available at the weekend答案:C解析 从第二段可知,远程教育有很多优势,但也有劣势。劣势就是需要以写作来完成的东西太多。另外,此段还提到,远程教育不能进行面对面的教授。因此,喜欢亲临现场听课的学生不会喜欢远程教育。3. One of the good aspects of online distance learning is _.A.speedB.convenienceC.easy operationD.variety of instruction答案:B解析 从第三段可知,远程教育的好处是方便。时间、地点可自由选择。

41、4. With regular means of learning, the learners have to study _.A.at schoolB.on their ownC.at all hours of the dayD.by means of reading and writing答案:A解析 常规教育指的是在学校受教育。其他三个选项都是文中提及的远程教育的形式。Passage Three Some college students drink too much alcohol at school. Many of them live on the campus. Heavy dr

42、inking has caused many problems. It can cause students to make bad choices and do dangerous things. One college has decided to ban alcohol. It has gotten a reputation as a party school. Five students at the college have died from drinking too much alcohol. Recently, one student drank too much vodka.

43、 He slipped into a coma. The college hopes the new rule will prevent any more tragedies. The new rule prohibits students from drinking alcohol in the dorms. The first time a student breaks the rule they will receive a warning. If they break the rule again, they will be evicted from the dorm. However

44、, they will still have to pay for the dorm. Some students do not live on the campus. They live in houses near the campus. Those students are also banned from drinking alcohol, even if they are of legal age. Freshmen at the college are now required to take a special course. The course is called Alcoh

45、olEdu, and lasts for two and a half hours. The students learn about the dangers of alcohol. They also take a survey to find out how much they know about alcohol. All first-year students must pass the course. The college hopes that more information will help students make better choices. 1. _ at the

46、college are required to take the alcohol information course.A.SophomoresB.FreshmenC.SeniorsD.Juniors答案:B解析 本文讲的是大学校园里如何禁止学生酗酒。倒数第二段中提到,学校规定入校新生必须上规定的特殊课程酒精教育课。这门课的目的是让学生了解酒精的危害。2. How do officials know that alcohol is a problem at the school?A.Students are getting bad grades.B.There are too many bars on the campus.C.Only a few students drink.D.Several students have died and one i


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