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1、11月期中测试幼师英语 满分:100分 时间:90分钟一、 单词辨音。找出划线部分读音不同的单词。(10分)( ) 1.A. blind B. alive C. typewriter D .genius( ) 2.A.occur B. miracle C.honor D. awaken( ) 3.A.Greek B.belong C.scream D.genius( ) 4.A.deaf B. leg C. mess D. eat( ) 5.A.judge B. include C. culturally D.but( ).6.A.intellectual B. possess C. pres

2、ent D. bed( ) 7.A. short B. shot C. port D. tall( ) 8.A.food B. foot C. ruler D. pool( ) 9.A.A.park B. staff C. heart D. much( ) 10.A. bird B. shirt C. hurt D. mother二、 默写短语(20分)1、属于 2、即使 3、 除了、此外 4、找寻 5、例如、诸如 6、在将来 7、在的协助下 8、愈来愈 9、增加、增至 10、与相比较 三、默写口语。(20分)1.我明白了。 2.还不错。 3. 闭嘴! 4.做得好! 5.这边请。 6.祝好运!

3、 7.我饱了。 8.当然了! 9.保重! 10.放手! 四、选择准确的英语。(10分)( )1.我不干了!A.I agree. B. I quit. C. Im home. D. Im lost.( )2.来吧。 A. Hold on. B. See you. C. Come on D.So long.( )3.坚持下去!A. Bottoms up! B.Whats up? C. Time is up. D. Keep it up!( )4.不行! A. No way! B. Not yet. C. Why not? D.No problem!( )5.我保证。A. I decline! B.

4、 I doubt it. C. I promise. D. I think so.( )6.算上我。A. Follow me. B. Count me on. C. Let me see. D.Allow me.( )7.振作起来!A. Bless you! B. Never mind. C. Be careful! D. Cheer up!( )8.别担心。A. Dont worry. B. Dont move! C. Dont speak. D. Dont laugh.( )9.我请客。A. My eat. B. My treat. C.I treat. D. I eat.( )10.安静

5、点!A. Be quite! B. Be quilt! C. Be quiet! D. Be quit!五、选择准确的汉语。(5分)( )1.Watch out! A. 往外看。B. 当心!C. 慢点!D.干杯!( )2.Try again. A. 休想。B.不要紧。 C.再试试。 D.就这样!( )3.After you. A.你好。 B.您先。 C.您来了。 D.您走好。( )4.Have fun! A. 有乐趣!B.有扇子。 C.有粉丝 D.玩得开心!( )5.How much? A. 多少水?B.多少牛奶? C.多少菜? D.多少钱? 六、选择准确的选项。(10分)( ) 1.Have

6、 you got ? I want to write a letter. A. any paper B.papers C. any papers D.a paper( ) 2.Several are talking under the tree.And their are swimming in the lake. A.woman; children B.woman; child C. women; children D. women;child( ) 3.Uncle Wang bought two yesterday.A. watchs B. watches C.watch D. watch

7、ies( ) 4.This is not your radio,but .A. yours brother B. your brothers C. you brothers D. yours brothers( ) 5. Septemter 10th is Day.A. Teacher B. Teachers C. Teachers D. Teacherss( ) 6.Joan is sister.A. Mary and Jack B. Marys and Jacks C. Marys and Jack D.Mary and Jacks( ) 7.Mum,Im thirsty.Will you

8、 please give me some ?A. pencils B. cake C. water D. books( ) 8.We often have sports after class,and I like to play basketball. A. a B.an C. the D./( ) 9.Mary,please show your picture. A. my B. mine C. me D. I( ) 10.I want books to read.Do you have ?A. some;any B. any;some C. any;any D. some; some 七

9、、改错(5分)1.On fact,most people do not notice the ordinary things in life.2. In last,Helen did go to college and completed her studies with high honors.3.He is interested in shop.4.He notices thousand of times a day the difference between the language he uses and the language those around him use.5.In addition to give me an album,she gave me a pen and a pencil.八完成句子,一空一词。(20分)1.看来他在撒谎。He seems (lie).2.问题正变得越来越复杂。(become)The problem complicated.3.他越跑越快。(fast)He was running .4.我的汽车需要修理。(repair)My car ( )5.用同样的办法,孩子们学会了做别的事情。 Children learn to do all the other things.


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