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1、大学英语考试复习资料专升本英语模拟88大学英语考试复习资料专升本英语模拟88专升本英语模拟88 PhoneticsDirections: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark you

2、r answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.问题:1.A.machineB.matterC.hammerD.happen答案:A解题指要 该题测试元音字母a的读音。选项B、C、D中a发音;选项A中a为弱读音节,发音。问题:2.A.expectB.exactC.exampleD.exam答案:A解析 A项划线部分发iks,而B,C,D项划线部分的发音是igz,因此选A项。问题:3.A.nearlyB.bearC.dearD.near答案:B解析 本题属字母组合辨别的考查题,可利用排除法。A、C、D三项当中

3、的发音均为,只有B项中发音为。故选B。问题:4.A.touchesB.praisesC.givesD.oranges答案:C问题:5.A.processionB.professorC.missionD.pressure答案:B画线部分读s,其他选项的画线部分读 Vocabulary and StructureDirections: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer t

4、hat best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.问题:1. _, electrons are still smaller.A.As atoms small areB.As atoms smaller asC.Small as atoms areD.Smaller atoms as are答案:Cas引导让步状语从句时,表语常放在as前面。问题:2. Is this the entrance _ the garden?A.towardsB.ofC.forD.to答案:

5、D问题:3. All the rooms are _ with electric light.A.suppliedB.givenC.offeredD.burnt答案:A问题:4. Would you like to come to dinner tonight? Id like to, _Im too busy. A.andB.soC.asD.but答案:D解题指要 从答语判断应该为不能参加晚宴,Id like to, but I这一句式常表示有礼貌地拒绝邀请,并在but后给出原因。问题:5. To travel from England to Scotland you _ a passpor

6、t.A.mustnt haveB.havent gotC.dont needD.neednt答案:C句中need是行为动词,其后接名词做宾语。问题:6. I have no intention of _relations with them.A.breaking upB.breaking offC.breaking outD.breaking down答案:Bbreak up意为“打碎;分裂”;break off意为“断绝;结束”;break out意为“爆发”;break down意为“崩溃;瓦解”。根据题意,应选B。问题:7. There was an _of discontent on

7、her face.A.appearanceB.sightC.shockD.expression答案:Dexpression意为“表情”;appearance意为“外表”。问题:8. Mary has just called and asked _to have lunch with her tomorrow.A.you and IB.you and meC.I and youD.me and you答案:B作ask的宾语需用宾格me。问题:9. _ we need air and water, we need criticism and self criticism.A.Even though

8、B.So long asC.Just asD.Now that答案:C解析 本题考查固定词组的用法。even though即使,so long as只要,just as正如一样,now that由于。问题:10. The game will take place _ June 2nd.A.onB.atC.inD.during答案:A解析 本题属介词用法考查题。on表示具体的某一天,at表示具体某时刻,in表示具体的年份,during表示一段时间。故选A。问题:11. It is a question _ the book will be published this month or next

9、 month.A.ifB.whetherC.thatD.which答案:B这是主语从句后置的句子。由于主语从句中有表示选择意义的or,所以不能选that。if不能引导主语从句。问题:12. How much would you _for repairing my radio?A.chargeB.costC.payD.spend答案:Acharge表示“索价:要支付”。问题:13. Are you _ with your present salary7A.satisfyingB.gladC.happyD.content答案:DBe satisfied with, be glad about和be

10、 content with都可表示满意。Be happy about为感到高兴。选项D是正确的。问题:14. She didnt like _ at the poor man.A.he shoutedB.his shoutingC.him to shoutD.that he should shout答案:B问题:15. -Can you and Alice come to dinner tonight?- No, Alice has _ much work to do that she is staying late at the office.A.suchB.soC.ofD.very答案:B

11、 ClozeDirections: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. A recent development is the local area network (LAN). 1 its name implies, it 2

12、 a local areapossibly as small as a single room, typically an area like an university campus or the premises of a particular business. Local area networks were developed to 3 a need specific to microcomputersthe sharing of expensive resources. Microcomputers are cheap, 4 highcapacity disc stores, fa

13、st and/or good quality printers, etc. are expensive. The object of the LAN is to allow 5 microcomputers shared access to these expensive resources. Since the microcomputers are 6 , it is a necessary feature of a LAN that the method of connection to the network, and the network hardware 7 , must also

14、 be cheap. A local area network links a number of computers and a number of sewers 8 provide communal facilities, e. g. file storage. (A server usually includes a small microprocessor for control purposes.) The computers and servers are known 9 stations. There are two methods of 10 in common use, ti

15、ngs and broadcast networks. In the ring method( often called a Cambridge Ring)all the stations are linked in a ring, 11 includes one special station, the monitor station. In broadcast networks, all the stations are 12 to a single linear cable (usually co-ax cable), and any transmission will be recei

16、ved by all stations. 13 technology is used, local area networks are a development of the greatest importance. 14 as programming is simplified by an approach that thinks in terms of small procedures or programs, each doing a well-defined job, the computer system of tomorrow is likely to be 15 lots of

17、 small systems, each doing a specific job, linked by a local area network. 1.A.AsB.LikeC.SinceD.Because答案:A2.A.servedB.servesC.likeD.likes答案:B3.A.adaptB.satisfiedC.contentD.meet答案:D4.A.andB.butC.yetD.so答案:B5.A.a great deal ofB.a lotC.a number ofD.a bit of答案:C6.A.cheapB.expensiveC.dearD.good答案:A7.A.i

18、tselfB.themselvesC.itD.its答案:A8.A.whatB.whichC.theyD.when答案:B9.A.forB.asC.ofD.to答案:B10.A.linkedB.linkingC.to linkD.links答案:B11.A.thatB.whoC.whenD.which答案:D12.A.associatedB.connectedC.touchD.related答案:B13.A.WhateverB.WhicheverC.WhereverD.Whoever答案:B14.A.In this wayB.In a wayC.In the same wayD.By the

19、way答案:C15.A.made up ofB.consist ofC.make up ofD.compose of答案:A Reading ComprehensionDirections: There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by four questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and blacken the co

20、rresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Every summer in Australia there is the danger of bush fires. Long periods of hot dry weather cause the grass and trees to become highly inflammable. In addition to the dryness and high temperature, another important factor is the great amount of oil in the lea

21、ves of such trees as eucalyptus, gum and ti trees. Fires start very easily, often spontaneously(自动地,自发地), but usually because of a carelessly thrown cigarette or match. If there is a high wind, the ample supply of air fans the flames into an inferno. The radiant heat vaporizes the oil in the leaves;

22、 and the fire travels very quickly, sometimes overtakes fleeing cars and burns passengers to death. Great fires often occur around Christmas, in areas near big cities, causing great loss of life and property. 1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a factor that contributes to great fire dange

23、r?A.Sultry weather.B.Cigarettes thrown out of car windows.C.Pine forests.D.Windstorm.答案:C解析 本题属细节题。文章第一段第二句中的“hot dry weather”与A项相对应,第二段第二句中的“there is a high wind”与D项相对应,第二段第一句中的“throw cigarette”与 B项相对应。2. According to the passage, fires erupt when _.A.arsonists set matches to leavesB.crude oil cont

24、acts inflammable objectsC.tourists throw cigarette ends onto refuse dumpsD.trees start burning of themselves答案:D解析 本题属细节题。A,B、C三项都是人为因素,只有D项才与文中第二段第一句中的“fires start very easily,often spontaneously”相对应。3. Bush fires travel _.A.in small wayB.in disorderC.seriouslyD.swiftly答案:D解析 本题属逻辑题。swiftly(快速地)与文章

25、第二段第二句中的“the fires travels very quickly”相对应。in small way以何种方式,in disorder无规律,seriously严重地,均不符。4. Inferno in the context means _.A.hellB.place of great heat and fireC.furnace for smelting ironD.fireball答案:B解析 本题属词汇测试题。全文大意主要是:澳大利亚的“bush fire”是怎样产生的,故 hell地狱,furnace火炉,fireball火球,均不切题。只有inferno(火源之地)符合

26、。 It was sunrise on an August morning when the captain and his crew cast their nets some 50 miles south of Louisiana in the Gulf of Mexico. As the net was pulled over, the contents poured out followed by excited cries of Coins ! Coins ! The fishermen quickly realized they had realized a fishermans d

27、ream, sunken treasure ! And not just any treasure, but early American silver dollars that had gone down 210 years earlier. In 1784, at the end of the American Revolutionary War, a heavily armed ship was bound for the port of New Orleans. On board was a fortune in Spanish Silver Dollars. Hundreds of

28、thousands of them were loaded for the trip to New Orleans, yet not a single one arrived. With no survivors from the ill-fated voyage, historians can only guess at what happened. Some say powerful storms took her down while others speculate it was treasure-hungry pirates (海盗). Whatever happened, the

29、secret-along with a treasure valued near $100,000,000 in todays dollars-was sent to a watery grave some 300 feet below the oceans surface. Spanish Silver Dollars were the favorite coins of colonial Americans. Widely used and accepted as payment in the thirteen colonies, the United States government

30、gave them the status of official legal tender. Unfortunately, even though they were struck in large quantities, not many of them survive today. After the Civil War, the government withdrew them from circulation and they were melted down. Due to the historic discovery of this treasure, GovMint. corn

31、is releasing these coins to the public for an amazingly low price. For a limited time, these authentic silver dollars are priced at $ 49 plus shipping and handling-a dramatic reduction from the market price of this coin anywhere else worldwide. 1. What surprised the fishermen on an August morning?A.

32、Their net contained a big strange-looking fish.B.They found the treasure sunken 210 years ago.C.They found some pieces of a sunken ship in the net.D.Their net suddenly got caught by something deep in the water.答案:B2. What happened to the ship heading for New Orleans in 1784?A.Loaded with too much ca

33、rgo, it hit on the rocks.B.Robbed by pirates, it lost $100,000,000s worth of goods.C.It disappeared but nobody knew exactly what had happened.D.It was caught in a terrible storm and went down into the ocean.答案:C3. What do we know about Spanish Silver Dollars?A.Today one coin equals to 49 dollars in

34、the world market.B.They were widely used in America after the Civil War.C.Issued in small amounts, not many of them survive.D.They were officially accepted in the 13 colonies.答案:D4. In which section of a magazine would you probably find this article?A.Sports.B.Housing.C.History.D.Fashion.答案:C Like t

35、he body, the memory improves with use. Unlike the body, the memory can improve with age. For many years, doctors have been studying the way the brain works. We all know that the brain has two sides, the left and the fight. The right side controls the senses (seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting and sme

36、lling), and is the creative and imaginative side. The left side of the brain controls our logical thinking. It processes the information which comes in, and puts it into order. We call the left side the educated side of the brain and generally, in western societies, people have developed this side o

37、f the brain more than the right side. Scientists believe that our brain will work much more efficiently if both the right side and the left side are developed equally. In many schools today, teachers try to educate the children in such a way that both sides of the brain are used. This can be done wi

38、th logical subjects including mathematics and science as well as with creative subjects such as art and literature. The result achieved by students who are educated in this way is usually better than the result of students who are educated in a more traditional way. Traditional teaching tends to exe

39、rcise the left side of the brain without paying very much attention to the development of the right side. Great thinkers such as Bertand Russell the philosopher, and Albert Einstein, the scientist, only in their work, but also in creative and imaginative activities. It was because of their many diff

40、erent interests in life that they were able to achieve the full development of both sides of their brain. As long as Einstein and Russell lived, their brains functioned efficiently. It was their bodies, finally, which could not go on any longer. 1. The left side of the brain controls _ .A.the senses

41、B.the fight sideC.logical thinkingD.the action答案:C参见句子:the left side of the brain controls our logical thinking.2. The right side of the brian _ .A.processes and puts into order the information which comes in _ .B.is usually better developed than the left side in western societyC.is usually not as w

42、ell developed as the left side in westernD.is usually developed as well as the left side in western society答案:C参见句子:We call the left side the educated side of the brain and generally, in western societies, people have developed this side of the brain more than the right side.3. The brain works much

43、more efficiently when _ .A.both sides of the brain are used equallyB.the left side is fully developedC.scientists work on itD.the fight side is fully developed答案:A参见第三段第一句。4. Einstein and Russell died when _ .A.their brains could not function efficiently any moreB.the full development of both sides

44、of their brain was achievedC.their bodies stopped workingD.they were very old答案:C参见最后一段。 A young woman rode with her new husband in a wagon(四轮马车). They came to a log cabin(小棚屋). The mall shouted and a little boy came running out of the cabin. Sarah, the young woman, got down from the wagon, opened w

45、ide her arms and held the boy close. Hello, Abe Lincoln, she said. I think well be good friends. The new mother with the smiling face went to work at once. She washed Abe and his sister and tidied(整理) their hair. And that night she threw away the boys mattress(床垫) of leaves and gave him a soft mattr

46、ess and enough blankets to keep him warm at night. Sarah wove cloth and made new shirts for Abe. She made him new deerskin trousers and even deerskin shoes. Maybe, if she hadnt come to the cabin, he wouldnt have lived to be a man. When Abes father told him not to go to school any more and help on the farm, Sarah took Abes part against his father. Abe would rather read than eat, and when his


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