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1、UNCLE LEON,SPECIAL SEMINAR ON CET SURE,WE WILL PASS IT!,国内著名全能英语培训教师; 博鳌亚洲论坛特邀英语主持; 2011上海世博会英语口语培训师; 曾为澳大利亚总理及多位中国国家领导人提供翻译; 20岁成为新东方主讲,21岁成为大学特聘英语教师; 中国电影协会特邀翻译,曾为莱昂纳多、妮可基德曼,黄晓明、赵薇、葛优、唐国强、范冰冰等翻译; NBA费城76人队翻译,世界第一无腿激励大师约翰库提斯个人翻译; 受邀全国开展个人演讲数千场,受到广大学子的热烈追捧,被凤凰卫视、CCTV等多家媒体报道。,1234567890,Listening,听力不

2、好的本质原因? 发音! 【赵氏发音秘笈】,1-1 发音秘笈,1,thank you think 2,famous, idea, campus,Christmas 3,check it out 4,you can see us / I can do it 5,what did you do? 6,I am in charge here? 7,英式英语和美式英语的区别,和大学生生活相关的话题。 食住行吃喝玩乐 学习、天气、医院、打工、租房、娱乐、图书馆、论文、选课、餐馆,1-2 听力场景,吃饭用餐 dine,grab,try reserve/make a reservation/book hung

3、ry, starving, famish, stomach is calling appetizer, main course, side dish, dessert steak, French fries, pizza, apple pie, spaghetti, pasta, sea food,allergic; special sauce pay/foot the bill, (on )treat, my turn, on me. tips, keep the change,分类技巧总结 8个短对话 2个长对话和3篇短文 1篇听写,1-3 各题型技巧,小对话解题秘笈,(简短的主题类提问除

4、外) A Paris B New York C Both D Not decided yet - W:Hey,Jeremy,where are you going to spend the coming summer vocation, Paris or New York? M:Its still up in the air. Q: where is Jeremy going for the coming vocation?,A He is careless about his appearance. B He is ashamed of his present condition. C He

5、 changes jobs frequently. D He shaves every other day.,2,视听相反原则;3,同意替换原则;,M: Shawns been trying for months to find a job. But I wonder how he could get a job when he looks like that. W: Oh, that poor guy! He really should shave himself every other day at least and put on something clean. Q: What do

6、we learn about Shawn?,W: I hope youre not too put out with me for the delay. I have to stop by friends home to pick up a book on my way here M: Well, thats not a big deal. But you might at least phone if you know youre going to keep someone waiting. - Q: What do we learn about the woman from the con

7、versation? 答案:B. She was late for the appointment.,3,同义替换原则,男人提出的观点女人必须找理由反对; 女人提出的观点男人一般无条件认同。,男人都有什么特点? 矮矬穷 脏乱差 不专业没眼光 吝啬小气坏习惯 铺张浪费不顾家,女人有什么特点? 白富美 聪明能干大方 勤劳贤惠顾家 权威学术有文化 成绩一般很好 当然除了数理化,A The woman has known the speaker for a long time. B The man had difficulty understanding the lecture. C The man

8、is making a fuss about nothing. D The woman thinks highly of the speaker.,M: What a boring speaker! I could hardly stay awake. W: Well, I dont know. In fact, I think its been a long time since Ive heard anyone is good. Q: What do we learn from the conversation?,活动 听课 交通 问路 考试 交作业 表白 ,A) He moved to

9、Baltimore when he was young. B) He can provide little useful information. C)HewillshowthewomanaroundBaltimore. D)Hewillasksomeoneelsetohelpthe woman.,W: I need to talk to someone who knows Baltimore well. Im told you lived there. M: Oh, but I was really young at the time. Q: What does the man mean?,

10、1,第二句话原则 2,视听相反原则 3,同义替换原则 4,重女轻男原则 5,通常否定原则,小试牛刀,1. A) The man has left a good impression on her family. B) The mans jeans and T-shirts are stylish. C) The man should buy himself a new suit. D) The man can dress casually for the occasion. - M: Finally Ive got the chance to put on my new suit tonigh

11、t. I hope to make a good impression on your family. W: Come on, its only a family reunion. So jeans and T-shirts are just fine. Q: What does the woman mean?,2. A) Its price. B) Its comfort. C) Its location. D) Its facilities. - W: From here, the mountains look as if you could just reach out and touc

12、h them. M: Thats why I chose this lodge. It has one of the best views in Switzerland. Q: What is the mans chief consideration in choosing the lodge?,3. A) It is a routine offer. B) It is quite healthy. C) It is new on the menu. D) It is a good bargain. - M: Miss, can I interest you in the pork speci

13、al were serving tonight? Its only $7.99, half the usual price, and its very tasty. W: Oh, really? Ill try it. Q: What does the man say about the dish?,长对话及短文听力,0,预览选项,边听边选原则。 把握文章主题、缩小备选范围 顺序边听边做、未问已知答案,举例1: A:The man has never seen the woman before. B:The two speakers work on the same floor. C:The

14、two speakers work for the same company. D:The woman is interested in market reserch.,举例2 A:An old lady carrying a handbag on the left. B:A mother with a baby in her arms. C:A woman whose bag is hanging in front. D:A lone female with a handbag at her right side.,顺序边听边做、未问已知答案 Questions 19 to 21 are b

15、ased on the conversation you have just heard.,19 A) Beautiful scenery in the countryside.C) Pain and pleasure in sports. B) Dangers of cross-country skiing . D) A sport he participates in. 20 A) He cant find good examples to illustrate his point. B)He cant find a peaceful place to do the assignment.

16、 C)He doesnt know how to describe the beautiful country scenery. D)He cant decide whether to include the effort part of skiing. 21. A) New ideas come up as you write. B)Much time is spent on collecting data. C)A lot of effort is made in vain. D)The writers point of view often changes.,1,(主)视听一致原则 2,

17、(次)同意替换原则 3,开头结尾原则 4,因果转折原则,因果: Because/why/so/if/as/since/for/reason/cause/ lead to/thanks to/owing to/due to/therefore/ as a result 转折: But/however/yet/though/despite/in spite of/while/not onlybut also/nonetheless/ actually in fact/as a matter of fact/ to tell you the truth/on one handon the other

18、 hand/ not even,Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19 A) Beautiful scenery in the countryside.C) Pain and pleasure in sports. B) Dangers of cross-country skiing . D) A sport he participates in. 20 A) He cant find good examples to illustrate his point. B)He cant fin

19、d a peaceful place to do the assignment. C)He doesnt know how to describe the beautiful country scenery. D)He cant decide whether to include the effort part of skiing. 21. A) New ideas come up as you write. B)Much time is spent on collecting data. C)A lot of effort is made in vain. D)The writers poi

20、nt of view often changes.,Conversation One M: Hello, Professor Johnson. W: Hello, Tony, so what shall we work on today? M: Well, the problem is that this writing assignment isnt coming out right. What I thought I was writing on was to talk about what a particular sport means to me when I participate

21、 in. W: What sport did you choose? M: I decided to write about cross-country skiing. W: What are you going to say about skiing? M: Thats the problem. I thought I would write about how peaceful it is to be out in the country. W: So why is that a problem?,M: Id like to start describing how quite it is

22、 to be out in the woods. I keep mentioning how much effort it takes to keep going. Cross-country skiing isnt as easy as some people think. It takes a lot of energy, but thats not part of my paper, so I guess I should leave it out. But now I dont know how to explain that feeling of peacefulness witho

23、ut explaining how hard you have to work for it. It all fits together. Its not like just sitting down somewhere and watching the clouds roll by. Thats different.,W: Then you have to include that in your point. The peacefulness of cross-country skiing is the kind you earn by effort. Why leave that out

24、? Part of your point you knew beforehand, but part you discovered as you wrote. Thats common, right? M: Yeah, I guess so. - Q19. What is the topic of the mans writing assignment? Q20. What problem does the man have while working on his paper? Q21. What does the woman say is common in writing papers?

25、,短文听力 Passage One Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.,16. A) They shared mutual friends in school. B) They had many interests in common. C) They shared many extracurricular activities. D) They had known each other since childhood. 17. A) At a local club. C) At the boardi

26、ng school. B) At Joes house. D) At the sports center. 18. A) Durable friendships can be very difficult to maintain. B) One has to be respectful of other people in order to win respect. C) Social divisions will break down if people get to know each other. D) It is hard for people from different backg

27、rounds to become friends.,Passage One I first met Joe Gans when we were both nine years old, which is probably the only reason hes one of my best friends. If I had first met Joe as a freshman in high school, we wouldnt even have had the chance to get to know each other. Joe is a day student, but I a

28、m a boarding student. We havent been in the same classes, sports, or extracurricular activities.,Nonetheless, I spend nearly every weekend at his house and we talk on the phone every night. This is not to say that we would not have been compatible if we had first met in our freshman year. Rather, we

29、 would not have been likely to spend enough time getting to know each other due to the lack of immediately visible mutual interests. In fact, to be honest, I struggle even now to think of things we have in common. But maybe thats what makes us enjoy each others company so much.,When I look at my fri

30、endship with Joe, I wonder how many people Ive known whom I never disliked, but simply didnt take the time to get to know. Thanks to Joe, I have realized how little basis there is for the social divisions that exist in every community. Since this realization, I have begun to make an even more determ

31、ined effort to find friends in unexpected people and places. - Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard. 16. Why does the speaker say Joe Gans became one of his best friends? 17. Where does the speaker spend most of his weekends? 18. What has the speaker learned from his frien

32、dship with Joe?,单词及词组听写,题目要求: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just h

33、eard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.,Almost every child, on the first day he sets foot in a school building, is smarter, more 26 , less afraid of what he doesnt know, better at finding and 27 , more confident, resourceful (机敏的), persiste

34、nt and 28 than he will ever be again in his schooling or, unless he is very unusual and very lucky, for the rest of his life. Already, by paying close attention to and 29 the world and people around him, and without any school-type formal instruction, he has done a task far more difficult, complicat

35、ed and 30 than anything he will be asked to do in school, or than any of his teachers has done for years.,He has solved the 31 of language. He has discovered it babies dont even know that language exists and he has found out how it works and learned to use it 32 . He has done it by exploring, by exp

36、erimenting, by developing his own model of the grammar of language, by 33 and seeing whether it works, by gradually changing it and 34 it until it does work. And while he has been doing this, he has been learning other things as well, including many of the “ 35 ” that the schools think only they can

37、 teach him, and many that are more complicated than the ones they do try to teach him.,Almost every child, on the first day he sets foot in a school building, is smarter, more (26) curious, less afraid of what he doesnt know, better at finding and (27) figuring things out, more confident, resourcefu

38、l (机敏的), persistent and (28) independent than he will ever be again in his schooling or, unless he is very unusual and very lucky, for the rest of his life. Already, by paying close attention to and (29) interacting with the world and people around him, and without any school-type formal instruction

39、, he has done a task far more difficult, complicated and (30) abstract than anything he will be asked to do in school, or than any of his teachers has done for years.,He has solved the (31) mystery of language. He has discovered it babies dont even know that language exists and he has found out how

40、it works and learned to use it (32) appropriately. He has done it by exploring, by experimenting, by developing his own model of the grammar of language, by (33) trying it out and seeing whether it works, by gradually changing it and (34) refining it until it does work. And while he has been doing t

41、his, he has been learning other things as well, including many of the (35) “concepts” that the schools think only they can teach him, and many that are more complicated than the ones they do try to teach him.,被动变为主动写 连词介词定语境 动词定形与介宾 名词假定为复数 跳步填写简单词 顺序补全与检查 桃花潭水深千尺 柳暗花明又一村,Practice makes perfect ?,For you,四六级只是成长路上一个小小的测验,接下来还有很多更大的选择和挑战等待我们,而你走的每一步都有可能决定你将来成为什么样子的人,过上什么样子生活,甚至让爱你的人和你爱的人过上怎样的生活。 过好大学生活,做好前途规划,My story.,Find all the materials and courses 莱弗赵亮 梦想只要出发就能到达,怀着一颗浪漫和感 恩的心享受在路上!BEST WISHES!,


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