Book 4---Unit 1.doc

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《Book 4---Unit 1.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Book 4---Unit 1.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Book 4-Unit 1. 单词拼写:1. UN is an international _ (组织).2. He d_ all his life to teaching in a faraway village.3. Please e_ the reason to the teacher why you were late for class.4. He has to work day and night because he has a large family to s_.5. The little boy is _ (谦虚).6. Animal rights activities c

2、all on people all over the world to r_ the life of animals.7. Her speech has i_ all women to fight for equal rights.8. They didnt agree with each other and a_ about this problem for a long time.9. Tom _ (表现) so badly in college that he was sent down and never got his degree.10. Typhoon Saomei (桑美) _

3、 (袭击) the city of Wenzhou and caused great damage last year. 动词填空:1. He spent about a third of his salary _ (drink).2. Jane Goodall _ (must have) great difficulty in working with chimps in the wild.3. Nowadays children devote too much time to _ (play) computer games.4. He chose _ (fly) than drive.5.

4、 Ann _ (paint) the wall all the afternoon so she is exhausted 6. This dictionary _ (intend) for the students in senior high.7. The old man spent most of his money and the rest _ (leave) to his son.8. It is worthwhile _ (argue) for our own rights.9. The class _ (be) an active one and _ (have) a party

5、 now.10. Women _ (look down upon) in the past but now they _ (respect). 单项选择:( ) 1. Only _ a human being.A. when is it hungry a lion will attack B. when it is hungry a lion will attackC. when it is hungry will a lion attack D. when is it hungry will a lion attack( ) 2. Its not right to _ the poorer

6、people of the world.A. look up B. look down C. look down on D. look up to ( ) 3. It was with great joy_ he received the news _ his lost daughter had been found.A. because; that B. which; that C. since; which D. that; that( ) 4. She ought to stop work; she has a headache because she _ too long. A. ha

7、s been reading B. had read C. is reading D. read( ) 5. More than one answer _ to the question.A. have been given B were given C. has been given D. has given( ) 6. How about the two of us _ a walk down the garden?A. to take B. take C. taking D. to be taking( ) 7. The famous singer and dancer _ our pa

8、rty this evening.A. are going to attend B. was to attend C. were to attend D. is going to attend( ) 8. How often do you write to your father? .A. Once a month B. In a week C. For a month D. Last week( ) 9. He was in _ bad condition at the sports meeting and was only placed _ eighth in the 100-meter

9、race.A. a; theB. /; / C. the; the D. /; the ( ) 10. - It _ me that you might like some coffee, so Ive brought some. - Thank you.A. supported B. considered C. struck D. connected( ) 11. Those flowers were_ your mother on her sixtieth birthday. But as shes away, I would be glad if you accept them. A.

10、intended forB. devoted to C. connected withD. introduced to( ) 12. - Why did you go back to the shop? - I left my friend _ there.A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. waits( ) 13. Would you _ a cup of tea? A. care about B. care of C. take care of D. care for( ) 14. He devoted his life _ the environment.

11、A. to improve B. to be improvingC. to improving D. in improving( ) 15. He is considering _ abroad. A. going B. to go C. in going D. on going. 翻译:1. 只要你把书保存好,你就能够长时间借这本书。You can keep the book for long _ _ _you protect it well.2. 他对她非常关心。He was very _ _her.3. 他专心于写作。He _himself _ _.4. 他瞧不起那些没上大学的人。He

12、_ _ _people who havent been to college.5. 他信中提及的事已经解决了。The matter _ _in his letter has been solved.6. 他是偶然发现这座古墓的。He discovered the ancient tomb _ _.7. 他在图书馆偶然发现一本很有用的语法书。In the library I _ _a very useful English grammar book.8. 请给我讲解一下这条规则。Please _the rule _me.9. 他喜欢散步。He _ _ walking.10. 那件事正在考虑中。T

13、he matter is _ _.11. 他把所有的积蓄用来买了一幢新房子。He _ all his savings _ a new house.12. 那孩子观察蚂蚁搬运食物。The child _ ants _food.13. 他与玛丽争论去度假的最好地点。He _ _Mary about the best place for a holiday.14. 我的车是旧的,但状况良好。My car is old but _ _ _.15. 你今天打算干什么?What do you _ _ _today?16. 只有靠这种方法,我们才能按时完成任务。Only in this way _ _ _it on time.17. 律师为这可怜的男人辩护。The lawyer _ _ the poor man.18. 这椅子是为你准备的,但却被她拿走了。The chair was _ _you but she took it away.


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