PEP六上 Unit4 I have a pen pal.doc

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《PEP六上 Unit4 I have a pen pal.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《PEP六上 Unit4 I have a pen pal.doc(8页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、六上四说课PEP六上 Unit4 I have a pen pal B Lets read说课稿 一、说教学内容 今天我说课的内容是PEP六上 Unit4 I have a pen pal B Lets read。 教学目标: 知识与水平目标:能够听懂Lets read 短文的内容,并能够简单描述自己的好朋友。 过程与方法目标:以“Make friends”为主线,通过寻找“Who is Miss Lius new pen pal?”完成初读、细读和精读任务。 情感态度与价值观目标:体验小组竞争带来的乐趣,感受成功的喜悦和交友的快乐。 教学重,难点:1. 本课时的教学重点是理解Lets rea

2、d短文内容。 2本课时的教学难点是在实际情景中理解They are very different. Im excited.等语言点。 课前准备: 1教师准备CAI课件,词卡、录音机及录音带。 2每个学生一张题卡,小组长一张记录卡,为本组画五角星用。 二、说教法与学法 六年级的学生对英语的学习,我认为最重要的是继续保持他们对英语的学习兴趣,让课堂吸引学生的注意力,以使学生乐意学习英语。所以采用以下几种教学方法: 多媒体教学法:这是现代课堂所不可或缺的教学手段。在本节课中,主要利用实行复习导入和巩固操练。 任务型教学法:学生通过完成一系列任务,学习了本课知识,同时又能找到小提示,以最终猜出老师的新

3、好友是谁。 .学法指导:制造了阅读悬念,教给了阅读与写作的方法,在合作探究中满足了学生的好奇心和求知欲,启发他们使用所学内容实行英语表达与交流。 三、说教学过程 2预习(Preview) 1、师生问答。Boys and girls. Nice to meet you. Lets make friends, OK?教师出示B Lets learn部分的单词卡片,问:“Does your uncle live in .? Does he go to work .? Does he read newspapers in the morningevening? Does he watch TV at

4、night?”学生根据实际情况作出肯定或否定面答。 2、请同学们两人一组互相采访一下对方的业余爱好以及上学的交通方式等。 Work in pairs and talk your hobbies. (CAI 完成了刚才两个任务,你们得到的提示是:My friend lives in Huying.) 【设计意图】:预习环节首先让学生明白:完成今天的学习任务会有意外收获,那就是能得到一些提示语,这些提示语能揭秘谁是刘老师的新好友。同时本环节的两个任务是对刚学的知识来一个很好的复习,为新课打下铺垫。 3新课表现(Presentation) (1)师:Youre very clever. Lets g

5、o on.CAI表现图片、情景等处理以下词句: twins, same, different,says, soon, excited,cartoon等。师带读,扫清阅读障碍。 (2)师借用Alice and Ann的图片引导:Do you remember Liu Yuns new pen pal? Yes, Alice is Liu Yuns new friend. Alice and her sister Ann are twins. They look the same, but they are very different. I have a new friend, too. Gue

6、ss: Who is my new friend? If you can finish these tasks, you will get the tips. Task1: Task1: Listen and think.(任务1:听短文思考问题。) (1) How many people are there in Alices family? There are four. (2)What does her father do? He is a teach. (3)What does her mother do? She is a nurse. Tip1: My new friend liv

7、es in Huying. 师:ho is she? Its a secret! Lets go on. 【设计意图】:按照阅读课循序渐进,由浅入深的原则,我在这里的设计是听读感知全文,完成比较简单的判断题。 Task2: Task2: Read 1st and 2nd paragraphs. Then, fill in the form.(任务:朗读第一,二自然段,完成表格。) 任务 job goes to work father mother Tip2: She goes to work by motorcycle. Task3: Read the 3rd paragraph ,line

8、the key words and fill in the form.(任务:认真朗读第三段,并在文中勾划出关键词,组内讨论填表。) Every morning Every evening On Saturday Alice Ann Tip3: She likes listening to music. Task4: Read and answer the questions.(任务:默读回答问题,并在文中划出答案依据。) 1.Does Alice go to school by bus? 2.Does her father work in a hospital? 3.Does he go t

9、o work by bus? 4.Does Ann go to school by bike? 5.Does Alice read newspapers every evening? Tip4: She usually wears a pair of glasses. Task5: Retell the test.(任务:复述课文,小组展示) Alice_ in Australia .Her father works in a _.He is a _. He _ by bus. Her mother is a_.She works in a _.She _by car.Alice and he

10、r sister Ann are twins.They look the same,but they are very different.Alice goes to school _,but Ann goes to school _.Every evening,Alice_,but Ann _on TV.On Saturday,Alice usually_,but Ann usually_. Tip5: She is a teacher. She teaches English,too. (你们一定猜出谁是我的新朋友了吧。) 【设计意图】:以上两项阅读任务就比较难一些了,我在这里教给学生阅读

11、的方法,让他们自主完成任务,体验学习的成就感。 4巩固与拓展(Consolidation and extension) (1)Talk show (脱口秀) 师先给一个示范,然后鼓励学生说、写、展示。 My New Friend Hi! Im Liu Minjie. Zeng Hui is my new friend. She lives in Huying. She likes listening to music. She is a teacher.She works in Zhangying Primary School. She teaches English.She goes to

12、work by motorcycle. She usually writes emails to me. T:Please talk about your new friend . Try to write !(谈论一下你的新朋友。试着写下来吧!) 【设计意图】:复述课文是最难的任务了,安排在这里,既检查了学生学的情况,同时也考量了教师的教学效果。本环节还揭秘了谁是刘老师的新好友?当他们猜出谜底后一定会很开心,这也我最想看到的。 (2)Enjoy a song. My new pen pal. 【设计意图】:两项活动,看时间长短预设。但第一项必须展开,给学生一个充分体现自我的机会。作业和歌曲能够延伸到课外。 四、说评价 两大组比赛看谁的收获大,以此来培养学生的合作意识和团队意识。学生自主评价采用的是自己画苹果的方式实行。 5说板书设计 板书时巧妙借用学生得到的提示语作为本课的板书,内容紧扣介绍朋友这个主题。简单明了,重点突出。


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