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1、M9U3 词汇部分1. associate 联系;联想;结交 associate A with B 把A和B联想/联系在一起 be associated with 被和联想/联系起来;和相关联 associate with sb. 与联系,和某人结交(尤其指“和某人混在一起”)I always associate the smell of baking with my childhood.He is often associated with horror movies. I dont like you associating with those guys. 2. adequate: be

2、for 适合,充足 be to 胜任3. celebration: in of 为了庆祝 in memory of 为纪念 in honor of为尊敬 in support of 支持 in favor of 赞成 in need of 需要4. tolerate 忍受,容忍,容许 (doing)sth. This sort of behavior will not be tolerated. 这种行为不能容许。She refused to tolerate being called a liar. 她拒不接受被称为撒谎者。There is a limit to what one perso

3、n can tolerate. tolerance 宽容,忍受;忍耐力tolerant 容忍的,宽容的;能耐的 a attitude to be of The teacher is tolerant of his rude behavior.5. via 经由;通过/凭借6. out of respect 出于尊重 out of sympathy 出于同情 out of curiosity 出于好奇 out of order 次序颠倒,出故障 out of control 失控 out of work 失业 out of sight看不见 out of reach 够不着 out of the

4、 question 不可能 out of question 毫无疑问7. correspond相一致,符合 to/with;通信 with Your account doesnt to/with hers. I still with my primary classmates.correspondence 通信,来往信件;相关,相似 correspondent 记者,通讯者,通信者 corresponding 8. owe sth. to sb./ owe sb. sth. owing to 9. desperate绝望的,不顾一切的,铤而走险的;极想的,渴望的 be for渴望得到 be t

5、o do渴望做 in need of 急需 take measures 采取铤而走险的措施10. talk sb. into doing sth.= persuade sb. into doing sth. = persuade sb. to do说服某人做某事talkout of doing sth. = persuade sb. out of doing sth. = persuade sb. not to do说服某人不做某事cheat sb. into doing sth. = fool sb. into doing sth.骗某人做某事11. shrink (shrank/shrun

6、k; shrunk)(使)缩水,收缩,皱缩,缩小,减少;退缩,畏缩 My sweater shrank in the wash. The market for their products is shrinking. Television in a sense has shrunk the world. from (doing) sth.畏避,回避(困难等)We made it clear to them that we would not shrink from challenges. 我们向他们清楚地表明,我们不会畏避挑战。We didnt shrink from doing what w

7、as right. 只要做得对,我们就无所畏惧。12. wind (wound; wound) 绕,缠;蜿蜒曲折;上发条 sth. down 把(车玻璃等)摇下;使逐步结束 ones way across/through蜿蜒穿过 ones watch给表上发条13. recover恢复健康,复原,痊愈 from recovery(名词) 14. unconscious不省人事的,无意识的;未发觉的be unconscious of danger 没意识到危险 He is unconscious of the effect he has on people. 他没有察觉自己对大众的影响。unco

8、nsciously无意识地;不知不觉地 unconsciousness昏迷,无知觉状态 be conscious of 意识到,察觉,知道文中好句1. Which of the pictures below do you associate with the following places in Australia?2. Along the way you will spot a fascinating variety of wildlife.3. For more information, timetables and fares go to .au/trains.htm4. It is

9、also possible to climb the rock, but most people dont do this out of respect for the Aboriginal people who consider the rock to be sacred. 5. One of the first things they did was to dig the soil and sow vegetable seeds.6. In the early days there were not nearly as many women migrants as there were m

10、ales, so many of the men remained bachelors. 7. Only a few have venom that is powerful enough to kill a human being.8. However, although they look dangerous because of their wide mouths and sharp teeth, all but two or three kinds are harmless to humans.9. This crocodile moves very quickly when it se

11、es something it considers to be food, and from time to time a crocodile has snatched someone before he or she is even aware that the crocodile is there.10. You might think that with all these dangerous animals Australia is an unsafe place to live in or visit. However, this is far from the truth.11. It sounds like lots of fun and I would see lots of wildlife, but Ive heard so much about the dangerous creatures in Australia that Im a bit scared about going out of the city.


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