Unit 1 Topic 2SectionD.doc

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《Unit 1 Topic 2SectionD.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 1 Topic 2SectionD.doc(2页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 Topic 2 Section D三级目标:A等学生知识目标达成度至少90%,B等学生知识目标达成度至少75%,C等学生知识目标达成度至少60%.重难点:一、学前预习:1.根据短文回答下列问题(1.)How old is the boy ?(2.) What was the boy like one year ago ?(3.)What is he like now ? (4.)According to the passage ,what should we do to keep fit ?2.完成1b.二、课中讲解。1.a 15 year old boy ; a 1.5 mil

2、e run ; the boys 800- meter race .“数词+名词”修饰名词,有两种表达形式,如:7天的假期:a seven -day holiday; a seven days holiday练习:一个8岁大的女孩 _ _ gir两个月的假期 a _ holiday; a _ _holiday 十分钟的路程 _ walk ; _ _ walk2.I saw some young men running in the park.See sb. doing sth. 看见某人正做某事。See sb. do sth. 看见某人做了某事3.get tired ;look fit; fe

3、el well.都是“系动词+形容词”结构。 系动词有(1.)表示状态的be ;keep; look; sound; feel;等(2.)表示变化的get; turn ;become 等4.instead of Jim is ill. Michael will play soccer instead of him.5. I have great fun running. (1.)have fun = have a good time =;enjoy oneself( 2.)have fun doing 三、课后练习1. We should keep _in the library.A. qui

4、te B. quietly C. quiet D . quietly2. We will have a _ holiday.A. seven-day B. seven-days C. seven days D. seven day3.At last, we went swimming instead of _ (go ) cycling.4.I have fun _ (learn) English.5. _ (run) helps to keep heart and lungs healthy. 6.I saw the boys _ (play) soccer on the playground just now.


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