Module 6 Unit 1 She was sitting by the river.doc

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《Module 6 Unit 1 She was sitting by the river.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 6 Unit 1 She was sitting by the river.doc(8页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Module 6 Unit 1 She was sitting by the river.教学设计与反思教材分析:教学目标:1、知识与技能目标:掌握过去实行时的用法;能听懂包含过去实行时的童话故事;能够询问、介绍过去某个时间正在发生的事情和行为;能够用过去实行时描述过去某个时间正在发生的行为。2、情感态度:通过对童话故事以及中英文名著的介绍,了解西方国家的文化;能够与故事中的人物共同感受,在欣赏故事的同时培养想象水平。3、学习策略:通过听、读语言材料学会在整句中识别理解词汇;通过练习学会归纳总结本模块的语法现象,并实行系统操练;能够与小组合作表演童话故事。本单元主要讲的是爱丽丝漫游奇境的故事,

2、这是学生比较喜欢的童话故事,有助于激发学生的学习兴趣。通过故事的形式来学习过去实行时的用法,既能够学习语法,又能够培养学生的叙述水平。本单元的重难点是过去实行时的用法。在实际授课中,要创设各种情景让学生展开充分的操练,并辅之大量的练习实行巩固。教学方法;以听带读,多层次的由易到难的听,然后在以练习辅助读对话多遍!教学过程:课前延伸:1、预习词汇:布置学生预习词汇,能够根据音标读出并了解汉语意思即可。2、课前诵读:大声朗读本单元的单词、短语(见课本42页)等。课内探究预习检测一、 词汇乐园 (根据汉语写单词)突然 洞,孔 兔 奇怪的 聚会 携带,拿着,抱着 下落,跌落 二、语法闯关。(单词化妆)

3、1.My father_still_(sleep) at 8 this morning.2.Tom_(write) at 7 last night.3.What_your parents_(do) at 6 this morning ? They_(run) .4._you_(play) the piano at this time yesterday ? Yes, I_ . 目标导航1、能够准确使用下列单词:suddenly 、rabbit、party 、fall (fell,fallen)、hole 、strange 、carry 2、进一步巩固学习过去实行时的疑问句和否定句的用法。3、能

4、听懂听力素材并依托听力素材复述课文。听力闯关 Listen and number the characters in the story in order you hear them.a. The Mad Hatter and the March Hare ( )b. The White Rabbit ( )c. The Cheshire Cat ( )d. The Red King and the Red Queen ( )e. Alice ( ) 对话处理1、 读前听A、listen to the tape and answer the questions. Was Alice sitti

5、ng by the river? Was she reading her book?B、Read and choose T and F.1. Alice was sitting by the river. ( ) 2. She was reading her book.( ) 3. The White Rabbit was looking at Alice. ( ) 4. The Cheshire Cat was smiling at everyone. ( ) 5. The Mad Hatter and the March Hare were having a birthday party.

6、( )2、听后读Write notes about what the people in Activity 2 were doing?the Mad hatter and the March Harehaving a tea partythe White Rabbitthe Cheshire Catsitting in a tree and smiling at everyonethe Red Kingthe Red QueenAlicesitting by the river with a book 3、读后学1 How is it going? 是口语中较为常用的问候语,意为“近来怎么样?

7、”还可用“Hows everything going?”来表达相同的含义。 回答时可根据不同的情况选择相对应的答语:Pretty good! /Great! /Not bad!/just so-so/ Terrible!【练一练】- How is it going?- _ .A.Yes, please B. Yes, of course C.Great D. No, thanks2. Its about a girl called Alice .called Alice 意思是“叫爱丽丝的”也能够写成named Alice. 是过去分词作定语。【练一练】我以前去过一个叫济南的地方。_ ?3.

8、go on 意为“继续”, 继续做某事,一般用go on doing (继续做原来做得事情)/ todo sth.( 不一定是原来做得事情)【练一练】你不能停下,继续跑!_.4. in the tree / on the tree表达树上自然生长的东西一般用on the tree. 表示不是树本身自然生长的东西一般用in the tree.【练一练】Look, there is a bird singing _ the tree.A. on B. in C. of5. 过去实行时态是表示在过去某一时刻或某段时间内正在实行的动作的时态。结构:was/were + doing否定式: 疑问式: 时

9、间状语:at the time, this time yesterday, at ten yesterday etc.What were you doing at nine last night? 昨晚9点你在干什么?The boy was walking down the street when the UFO landed?飞碟着陆时那个男孩正在街上走。【练一练】(1)昨天这个时候,我们正在打篮球。 We _ at this time yesterday.(2)昨天早上8点钟,他奶奶没在看电视。His grandma _ at 8 a.m. yesterday.(3)你到家时妈妈在做饭吗?

10、 _ when you got home?4、学后读(朗读) 听录音,跟读。5、读后说 (复述故事)我的收获: 课后提升一、巩固性作业(约10分钟)1、复习当天所学的内容,做完行知天下P65 unit1.2、整理课堂笔记,掌握新的词汇、语法知识等。二、预习性作业(约20分钟)A、把下列词组和短语译成英语。1、在河边 2、无事可做 3、考虑 4、从她身边跑过 5、没什么奇怪的 6、从它的口袋里拿出一块手表 7、站起来 8、跟着它跑过田野 B、根据汉语提示补全句子。1、 (突然)the little girl began to cry .2、The air is fresh (在外面)。Lets

11、go and take a walk.3、Lucy likes going to different (聚会)。4、How to (表演) the story in class.5、Tom is ( 抱着) a box on his back at the moment.活学即用天地A 基础过关I、根据句意及汉语提示完成下列句子。1. Babies often _(摔倒)when they are learning to walk.2. She _ (朝大家笑)everyone when I saw her.3. There are some apples _ (在树上)。4.She (正在跳

12、舞) at six last night.5. they (正在逛街) at that time last week?II、把下列句子译成英语。1. 一切还好吧? _ is it _ ?2. 突然,一只白兔跑过她身旁。Suddenly a white rabbit _ _ her.3. 它是关于一个叫爱丽丝的女孩的事。Its _ a girl _ Alice.4. 一天她带着一本书正坐在河边。One day she _ _ _ the river with a book.5. 英国的每个男孩和女孩看过它了。Every boy and girl in Britain _ _ it.(二)水平提升

13、题(选做)Complete the conversations with correct form of the words.Lily:Is this a photo of your holiday?Jenny:Yes.We (1)_(have) a picnic.Lily:Why (2)_ you _(smile)?Jenny:My sister and I (3)_(watch) the rabbits.Can you see them in the photo?They looked so funny.They(4)_(run) in and out of their holes in

14、the grass.Lily:What (5)_ your mother _(look at)?Jenny:She (6)_(look at)the flowers.She (7)_(think)of planting some flowers at home.Lily:What (8)_ your father and your mother _(do)?Jenny:They(9)_(run).Thats why they were out of breath!教学反思:成功之处:因为学生对爱丽丝漫游奇境这个故事很熟悉,所以通过图片很容易激起学生的学习兴趣,课堂气氛活跃!听力材料根据读前听-听后读-读后学-学后读(朗读) 听录音,跟读-读后说 (复述故事)这五步有目的、有层次的听,锻炼了学生的听力!


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