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1、It的用法It在考试中作为考点的不多,但是在句子中出现的频率很高,且用法比较灵活。现总结如下:1.指天气、温度、时间、距离等等。(1)Its a fine day. Lets go fishing, shall we? 天气很好,我们去钓鱼好吗?(2)Its time for lunch. 到吃午饭的时间了。(3) Its about 2 kilometers from here to the zoo. 从这儿到动物园约2公里。(4) -Whats the temperature? -Its 260 C. 2.用作人称代词,代替前文提到的事物或情况。能够是短语或句子。(1)The dog is

2、 not a cold-blooded animal. It doesnt need to hibernate.狗不是冷血动物,它不需要冬眠。(2)Jack is ill. Have you heard about it? 杰克病了,你听说了吗? 3.代替指示代词this, that。(1)-Whats this? -Its a flag.(2)-Whose exercise-book is that? -Its hers.对this和that的回答,尤其在简略答语中,一般用it,而不用this和that。this, that, it, one都是代词,但是用法不尽相同。一般说来:it就指前面

3、提到的事物或情况,与前面是同一个。that 指代的名词与前面的名词同属一类,但不属同一个。one则指前面提到的同类事物中的另一个或任意一个。(1)There is only one piano left in the shop. I wonder if you still want to buy _.A. itB. oneC. anotherD. any (A)(2)He needs _computer, but he cant afford _.A. the, oneB. a, oneC. one, oneD. that, it (B)(3)For most students, their

4、teachers advice is more important than _ of their parents.A. thoseB. thatC. whatD. which (B) 4.作形式主语或宾语,代替不定式、动名词或从句表示的真正主语或宾语。(1)He had to sit up now, for it was impossible for him to sleep.他现在不得不坐起来,因为他睡不着。(2)Its no use telling him that. 告诉他也没用的。(3)Its not yet known where she has gone. 他去哪儿了,还不清楚。

5、(4)We thought it no use doing that. 我们认为那样做没用。Its kind of you to do that. Its necessary for you to do that.上两句中用of sb或for sb 的主要原因是:如果形容词是表示情感、态度、评价时用of,否则用for。在英语中it作形式主语,替代真正的主语的现象很普遍。常见的句型有:(1)Its a pity/fact that 遗憾、事实是(2)Its no wonder that 怪不得(3)Its natural/possible/strange that 很自然、很可能、奇怪的是(4)

6、Its not known/decided that 还不知道、还没决定(5)Its said/reported that 据说、据报道(6)It seems/happened that 似乎、碰巧(7)It doesnt matter wh-clause 没相关系(8)It makes no difference wh-clause 没有区别例如:(1)It is said that something had been done to end the pollution.Something is said to have been done to end the pollution.(2)

7、It is reported that the two sides had reached a cease-fire(停火协议).The two sides are said to have reached a cease-fire.(3)Before the discoveries, it was believed that Sichuan only had a history of about 2,300 years.Before the discoveries, Sichuan was believed to have only a history of about 2,300 year

8、s.(4)It has been proved that the copper knives came form Spain and western France.The copper knives have been proved to have come from Spain and western France. 5.作强调句的引导词。(1)It was I that/who told Jim the news in our office yesterday.(2)Was it you that told Jim the news in your office yesterday?(3)

9、Who was it that told Jim the news in your office yesterday?(4)When was it _ you met him in the library?A. whereB. thatC. in whichD. which (B) 6.能够指人。(1)当不知道对方是谁或者不需要判断性别时。Its a baby.Its me.(2)能够贬义指人。He is a perfect it. 他是个讨厌的人。He was it. 他很自负。 7.It引起的几个易混淆的时间句型(1)It be +time +sincesince引导时间状语从句时,从句若

10、使用终止性动词,时间从现在算起,句子表达的意义与动词表达的意义一致;若使用延续性动词,时间从过去算起,句子表达的意义与动词表达的意义相反。Its five years since they got married. 他们结婚已经5年了。(从现在算起)Its five years since they were married. 他们离婚已经5年了。(从过去算起)练习请翻译下面的句子:It is ten years since his father was a worker.I havent seen him since we were boys together.It is three yea

11、rs since his father passed away.参考答案他父亲不当工人已经10年了。我们长大以后再没有见过面。他父亲过世已经3年了(2)It be +time + before 常译成“过多长时间才”It will be hours before he makes a decision.要过好几个小时他才会作出决定。It was not long before she learned those poems by heart.她没过多久就背会了那些诗歌。(3)It be + time + when 常用于定语从句。It will be late afternoon when t

12、hey get there.It was the next morning when we finished our work. (是定语从句) It was on the next morning that we finished our work. (是强调句)(4)It be time (that) 后常用虚拟语气。It is time (that) we made peoples life a little easier.It is high time (that) he wrote a letter to his girlfriend.(5)It/This/That be the f

13、irst/secondtime +that-clause 从句常用完成时。This is the first time (that) these Europeans have visited the Great Wall.It was the fifth time (that) I had paid a friendly visit to America. 训练题1.It was Athens 2004 Olympic Games _ Liu Xiang got world-wide attention.A. whereB. whenC. thatD. which2.It was at Ath

14、ens 2004 Olympic Games _ Liu Xiang got world wide attention.A. whereB. whenC. thatD. which3.It has been five years _I began to live here, so I know the town quite well.A. beforeB. sinceC. thatD. when4.It is for five years _I have lived here. So I know the town quite well.A. beforeB. thatC. sinceD. w

15、hen5.-Has the plane arrived yet? -No. Its reported that it will be another half an hour _ it arrives.A. afterB. beforeC. sinceD. when6.According to the weather forecast, _ is going to rain tonight.A. thisB. thatC. itD. one7.Is _ necessary to complete the design before National Day?A. thisB. thatC. i

16、tD. he8.I dont think _ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.A. thisB. thatC. itsD. it9.-Whos knocking at the door? -_is me!A. ThisB. ThatC. ItD. He10.I was disappointed with the film. I had expected _to be much better.A. thatB. thisC. oneD. it11.I hate _ when people talk wi

17、th their mouths full.A. itB. thatC. theseD. them12.We are surprised to find _ a long distance from the east of China to the west.A. oneB. thatC. thisD. it13.They live on a busy main road. _must be very noisy.A. ThereB. ItC. ThatD. They14.-Look at that girl on the stage. She is already fifty. -You are joking. She doesnt look _.A. soB. itC. thatD. the one15._to say which one should choose.A. Thats hardB. It is hardC. There is no useD. It is no goodKey: 15 ACBBB 610 CCDCD 1115ADBBB


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