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1、PEP小学英语四年级上Unit 5 Part A Lets talk 教案 一、教学目标及要求1,知识目标:能听、说句子What would you like for dinner? Id likeWhats for dinner? Wait and see. Everythings ready.2,水平目标:能听懂、并在情境中使用句子What would you like for dinner? Id likeWhats for dinner? Wait and see. Everythings ready.3,情感态度、价值观目标:在情境交流中激发学生去协助需要协助的人,并通过自己的行动带

2、动家人一起协助他人,做一个爱心使者。二、教学重难点1,教学重点:在情境中听、说认读What would you like for dinner? Id like2,教学难点:在情境中使用句子What would you like for dinner? Id like someEverythings ready.三、教学准备PPT课件,词卡,句卡,金元宝贴纸四、课前交流T: Hello, Boys and girls! Good afternoon. Nice to meet you!Ss: Nice to meet you, too.T: I know you are good at Eng

3、lish. What else are you good at?S1、I am good at sports.T: Great!(引导学生有节奏地拍手两次,再伸出拇指挤声表扬这名回答的同学:Great! 教师接着问其他同学)What are you good at?S2: I am good at T: I am good at singing. Let me sing a song to begin our class, ok? High on a hill was lonely goatherd(教师唱响The Lonely Goatherd)评析:本节课是对话课教学,如在借班上课的情况下

4、,教师对学生的英语基础一无所知,这个环节在教师与学生交流的同时,加上教师评价方式的渗透,能够为本节课活动的实施做好铺垫。初步了解了学生的英语口语状况之后,教师唱一首英文歌把学生的注意力迅速集中到教师身上,教师在此环节能够用不同的方式展示个人魅力,使学生完成信任教师,对英语有较大的好奇心,喜欢听他人说英语,也才会认真配合教师。五、教学流程设计Step1, Greeting.T: How are you today?S1: I am fine. Thank you !T: Where are you from?S2: I am from China.T: Me too. And I am from

5、 the countryside. (用PPT表现图片) Look! Its beautiful. Listen ! The birds are singing. So nice! But, some people here are still very poor. What can we do?Ss: We can help them.T: Lets help them. But how? This evening, we are going to have a Food Festival in our school. Lets cook some food to sell. and rai

6、se money for the poor .And I divide you into two groups.(教师手指向黑板上的画好的两个捐款箱) Lets have a look who can raise more money. The money for you! Give you the money.(用金元宝的图片作为奖励) Who can raise more money? Wait and see. Wait and see.Ss: Wait and see.(引出新句子Wait and see,分组读以为本组加油)评析:教师与学生实行日常对话,从问Where are you

7、 from?教师回答I am from the countryside.自然地把学生引入到本节课的情境中,本节课以协助贫困孩子而举办美食节为情境主线,通过准备美食节所要做的一些准备来复习三年级已学过的相关食物的单词,在分组竞争中,让学生听懂会说句型Wait and see. Everythings ready. Whats for dinner?用分组竞争的形式,能够培养学生的合作意识。然后再通过美食节模拟现场,重点表现和巩固What would you like for dinner? Id like some在情境中实行对话的操练,也在情境中激发学生在生活中积极协助社会上需要协助的人,并通

8、过自己的行动带动家人一起协助他人,奉献爱心。Step2,Presentation1.T:First, we should prepare many kinds of food. What are they? Speak out! Look at the screen. (播放视频)Wait and see. T:What should we prepare? S:(指名学生回答)评析:观看视频,视频中表现不同种类的实物让学生在观看视频的同时,回忆相关食物的单词,使学生输入大量的单词信息。视频中的音乐节奏感强,有震撼力,学生的思维能跟着视频所表现的单词。T: Ok! Everythings re

9、ady. Im hungry now. Are you hungry? Its time for dinner. 学习单词dinner. 指名学生读,指五名学生读,然后问意思Whats the meaning or “dinner”? It means 晚餐,正餐。Whats for dinner? 分组读G1:Dinner, dinner。 G2:Whats for dinner? Exchange! Whats for dinner? Soup, rice, noodles, beef, vegetable and fish.跟读句子 Everythings ready.三遍。后 Two

10、by two读句子。2. T: Now, everythings ready! What would you like? 表现PPT图片。What what what , would would would, you you you, like like like , What would you like? 教师示范,学生跟读,后分四组按老师的指挥有节奏的读两遍。提问:What would you like? 指一名学生回答,如果学生不能作答,引导学生作答:Id like some表现soup 和vegetable 的词卡。然后表现各种食物的词卡,教师引导学生说Id like some Id

11、 like some学生看词卡抢答。评析:通过个别读,两两挤读,小组读和分组对话读等不同方式对本节课的重点句型实行重点操练。用这些操练方式能够使学生注意力集中,同时也能够让学生在读的过程中体验学习英语的成功。3. 两组各选派一名学生排句子,Now, Ill ask two students to make the right order of the sentences. Who can try? And you ask , you answer, 指着两组学生,What would you like? Id like some lets have a look who can make co

12、rrectly and fast.把排好了序的句子读分组问答两遍。4. 把本节课学习的重要句型编成歌谣,让学生跟着音乐吟唱歌谣教师示范吟唱一遍,然后学生集体吟唱一遍再分组吟唱一遍。T:Everythings ready. Ok, Boys and girls, stand up! Lets relax. Lets chant with the music.Wait and see, wait and see.Everythings ready, everythings ready.What would you like?What would you like?Id like some rice

13、 , I d like some soup.Id like some rice and soup.评析:把本节课学习的重点句型编成朗朗上口的歌谣,加上节奏感强的配乐以及教师编排好的相对应动作,学生将会积极参与,也更易于学生记忆本节课句型。在吟唱中培养学生的英语学习策略。5. Ok, now , lets go home to invite our parents. Wow! lets listen. What are they talking? Listen again. Then, lets act! Just like this!(教师播放录音,让学生先听一遍,在听的过程中吸收到英语语言信

14、息。听第二遍让学生跟读,跟读中体会英语的语音、语调。教师扮演不同角色示范一遍对话:Dad, I am hungry. Whats for dinner.Wait and see.What would you like?Id like some rice and soup.What would you like for dinner?Id like some fish and vegetables, please.Everythings ready.Thanks.Thank you, Dad.(教师表演完对话后,请两组各派出三名代表表演对话)评析:通过听录音和教师的生动表演,让学生在听、读过程中

15、吸收到语言信息。而学生表演对话,既是对学生掌握情况的检验,也能够在表演过程中,让学生感受到成功的喜悦。Step3 Extension1,.Now, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our food festival. There are many kinds of yummy food. Enjoy what you like. I am the waitress.(教师进入了waitress的角色,选择一名同学与教师实行对话)T: Good afternoon.S1: Good afternoon.T: What would you like for din

16、ner?S1: Id like some T: Here you are!S1: Thank you!T: Money, please.S1: Here you are.Ok, give you three minutes to make a dialogue with you partners. Four students a group. Pay attention to the uncountable nouns.A glass of milk, a bowl or water, a cup of tea, a bad of rice, two cups of tea, three bo

17、wls of water.然后请两组学生上讲台前表演。评析:这个过程是巩固和拓展的过程,学生分为四人一小组实行合作完成模拟美食节现场对话的过程,学生在表演对话时,可能加入已知的对话,例如:How much?通过这个环节的学习,使学生的英语综合水平在实践中得到锻炼。2,.Now you raise so much money, lets go to the countryside to donate the money for the poor. Lets go!(播放贫困地区孩子的生活视频,并配有My Favorite Things)评析:情感态度目标是一节课重要的目标之一,为达到情感的升华,

18、同时,也为了情境的完整性,设计本环节。Step4. Home work.1. Make a survey among your classmates, then finish the table.(在同学中做调查,并完成下表)2. Listen to the tape of page59 3 times and then act at home.(在家听59页的录音三遍,并表演对话)六、板书设计PEP4 Unit5 What would you like?Part A Lets talkG1G2板书设计意图:1. 设计火车的用途是结合情境:坐着火车去贫困地区把美食节中筹集的资金捐给贫困孩子;另

19、一方面,是为了完成连词成句这个环节,学生比赛用单词卡又快又准确地把本节课的重点句排序在火车的车箱上。2. 两个捐款箱是本节课创设的竞争机制,对学生积极参与的每一个活动实行奖励,使学生在合作竞争中收获每一次加分带来的喜悦。评析:板书的设计突出了本节课的教学重难点,把两个重点句What would you like for dinner? Id like some rice and soup用词卡的形式表现出来,让学生非常直观地感知新句型;同时,坐着火车去贫困地区协助贫困地区的孩子,情感得到升华,使整个情境更加完整。总评析:这节课的设计以为协助贫困孩子而举办美食节为情境主线,通过美食节所要做的准备来表现已学过的相关食物的单词,同时学会听懂会说的句型Wait and see. Everythings ready. Whats for dinner?再通过在美食节模拟现场所要使用的本节课的重点句型来表现和巩固,What would you like for dinner? Id like some在情境中实行对话的操练,也通过情境激发学生在生活中积极参与协助社会上需要协助的人,并通过自己的行动带动家人一起协助他人,奉献爱心。在本节课教学方法的设计上,主要是从易到难,突出了对话在实际生活中的使用,加入了一些音乐和歌谣的元素来使英语学习轻松有韵味。


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